Kate's view Chapter 13. Trip to the lake

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I wake up an feel Daryl gone from the bed "What the fuck? Where is he" I say under my breath I look around as I get up to see if he was the bathroom he wasn't there.I hear voice from outside below the balcony some of them are muffled but a few are not I move closer to the shadows so I wouldn't be seen I listen closely as I can"Daryl everything is in place for the deal"."What Deal? What in the hell" I say to myself the voices start to fade away from the below the  balcony. I get back in the bed an as I try to process what I heard "Ugh I'm going to drive myself crazy thinking about it" I say out loud. The door starts to open I close my eyes an act like I'm still asleep I feel someone getting on the bed I open my eyes an see Daryl "Oh angel did I wake you up?" He says with a tender look on his face, I smile "No you didn't wake me up but I want my monster teddy bear" I say with a pouty face. He laughs as he lays next to me and pulls me into his arms "Well angel I had an idea what if we went to the lake today an come back tomorrow" he says as he kisses my neck."Oh how romantic are we bring Duke with us?" I say with a smile. He looks at me an smiles "Yes we can bring him, Matt an Skyler are going to join us as well"he says with a grin. I giggle an lay my head on his chest I could stay like this for awhile, I feel his arms wrap tighter around me I kiss him passionately as he returns the same passionate kiss as I gave him.

We didn't fall back to sleep we just layed in one another's arms until we saw the sun come up after that we both got up, I went an took a quick shower just to wake up an feel better "What deal? I know he told me he was trying to get out of something but what?" I say to myself as I get out of the shower. Daryl walks in the bathroom "Oh angel are you giving yourself to me a treat?" he says with a grin, I realize I'm naked with no towel wrapped around me "Daryl I know I'm a tasty treat for you to eat" I say as I walk past him. He slaps my ass and I let out a giggle there's a knock at the door "Daryl what time are we all leaving we have to get cloths for this over night trip"Matt's voice from outside the door,"We leave at 1o'clock sharp so don't be messing around Matt" Daryl says whike a cracking  the door enough for him an Matt to talk. "Okay me an Skyler will be back" Matt says in a cheerful voice.

After that Daryl shuts the door an looks over at me I'm almost done getting dressed only thing I have to put on is my shirt but I don't get a chance Daryl wraps his arms around me and start to slowly kiss my neck "Angel why must you tease me?" he says in a whisper . I giggle "I'm not but if I am well then damn I must be good" I say with a sarcastic tone, he growls in my neck an bites it slowly and taps my ass softly "What no slap on the ass like you always do?" I say with a grin he looks at me an smiles "Oh does angel like it when I slap her on her ass" he says as he slaps my ass hard. I let out little whimper an nod my head yes before putting on my shirt he tells me to pack a bag for our night Trip,so I grab my bag an put in my beauty products in along with he's shirt that I sleep in and jeans an white tank top. "Oh I forgot about these" I say to myself as I grab my lacy black thongs an bra set as I put them in the bag. I look over an see Daryl waiting for me with Duke at the bedroom door we leave the bedroom an walk down the stairs I see bagels an donuts on the kitchen counter "Daryl did you get them?" I say in a curious tone, he shakes his head "No angel Matt must have gotten us these for breakfast so let's eat" he says as he takes a bite out of a donut. I grab a bagel an start to eat it I see Duke is eating his dog food that was left in his bowl we hear the front door open with laughter "Well damn you guys are down here already" Matt says with a smile. Daryl looks at him "Yes an thanks for breakfast, but anyways do you both have your things for this over night trip?" he says in a serious tone, "Yes we do" Skyler says with a cheeky smile, I look over an grab my keys and toss them at Daryl "Your driving my car since I've already driven your car twice" I say with a grin, Daryl give me a mischievous look and just nods his head. "We are riding with you guys" Matt says , we both say that's fine to them as everyone has had there share from breakfast we all grab our things an head out the front door after I lock the door Daryl walks over to address his men that he'll be back in the morning an to keep an eye on the house. Tj an Jay have bags with them "Are they going with us?" I says to Daryl in a whisper he nods his head as we walk to the car.

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