Daryl's View Of Chapter 43. First Day In The Bag

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"WAKE UP DARYL"My Angel yells from the bathroom as her voices echoes through the room.

"Angel I'm up.What time is it?"I say as I begin to screach my head as I yawn.

"Seven in the morning my sexy gangster we have to be up and ready since we don't know who's racing first" My Angel says as she walks back into the room full dressed and ready to go 'God Damn my Angel is looking fine today'.

"Angel your lucky I love your sexy ass for me you yelling at me to get up at 7am even though your dad said to be up at 7:45am... Wait your dad is never up at that time now I see what you did there bad girl"I say as I begin to walk up to her like a predator as of she was my prey as I watch het lip curl into a grin.

"Yes I know I'm bad and yet I don't care so move that sexy ass of yours jump in the shower let's go"My Angel says before kissing me on the lip almost like a little peck 'um no' so I slap her ass hard as she bites her lip.

"I'm going but when I come back I want my real good morning kiss from you Angel I'm serious"I say as I point to her as she just flutters her eyes as if she was innocent.

"Okay I will now go!" My Angel says as I make my way towards the bathroom before hearing her turn on some music.

As I turn the water on warm I jump in and begin to warsh off my body but what I really want is my Angel in this shower with me so I could warsh her off I turn the warm water off and take a cold shower "Fuck"I whisper under my breath as I finish up quickly as I step out I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist area and head out to the room I grab my clothes but I feel a pair of eyes on me I turn my head and see my beautiful Angel staring at me "Angel" I say which make her snap out of her trance she turns around quickly as I see her blushing as I begin to chuckle "Oh hush that" my Angel says as she waves at me I shake my head and get half dressed no need to torture my angel while she's on her period as I get done I walk over to her and place my hands on her hips as I slowly pull her towards me she turns her head "Bad girl" I whisper in her ear as she begins to giggle as I place soft kisses on her neck before pulling away to finish getting dressed as she looks at track map.

"Angel are you ready?"I say as I get behind her and place my hand on her hips.

"Yes and we need to look at the map at breakfast"My Angel states as she turns to face me but I clash our lips together for a hot kiss.

"Yes my Angel now let's eat and ready to take down some fools"I say my lip curls into a grin as My Angel's lip curls into a grin to.

"Theirs only one bitch I wanna take down today and you know who I'm talking about"My Angel says as she grabs her keys as she puts the leash on our boy.

"Oh yes I do know and we will take him out, but remember we don't know who we are racing until 8:30"I state as I pick up my keys before I open the door for us.

"Yes I know but just thinking about it has me fired up you know?" My Angel asks as she kisses my cheek.

"Yes I do know because I'm fired up to Angel"I say as I kiss her on the lips as I squeeze her ass tightly.

As we walk out our hotel suite we bump into her dad "Good morning" he says as he rubs the top of my Angel's head as I begin to laugh because my Angel's face "Good morning" we both say but as soon as we do we hear doors opening up that's when we see everyone "Morning" they all say as we just wave and smile at them before we all head toward the elevators to go to the dining area to grab something to eat everyone gets in different elevators but me and my Angel shake our heads and start to run towards the staris "Not again" I say under my breath as I remember how crowded it was the last time we hear our names being called by Matt and Skyler but we also hear laughter before closing the stairwell door we both start to run down the stairs like maniacs as we laugh the whole way down,we open the stairwell door as we reach the main floor as we do everyone is waiting for us my Angel looks at me "Run for it?" she ask as her lip curls into a smirk I chuckle "Oh yeah"I say and with that we run right past them heading straight for the dining area "Slow down" we hear Matt say from behind us "NO"I yell back as my Angel starts to laugh as we enter the dining area and wait for the rest to join us I shake my head "Now that was fun" I say to myself as we watch everyone walk in but I notice my uncle Luke laughing at what me and my Angel did.

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