Daryl's View of Chapter 26.Dreams

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I woke up from her moving around as if she was fighting in her dream I watch her closely then I start to feel her shake some "Okay what the hell" I say under my breath as she gets up slowly I hear her say "Fuck" as she trys to move away from me not on my damn watch I grab her arm as she looks back at me with some tears coming out of her eyes I know she had a nightmare I pull her close to me into a tight embrace as I slowly run my fingertips up and down her arm,we both feel the end of the bed move as we see Duke come towards us to lay right near me "Good boy"I says in a low whisper I remember he was near her before when she had a nightmare I don't say anything I just hold her close to me to comfort her I want answers about these nightmares she has it's not like it's the first time it's been a few times once she woke up crying and she told me it was nothing but I knew it was something but I didn't push it but now I am going to push it.

"Angel tell me what your dream was about"I say in a calm yet worried tone as I rub her back slowly.

She sighs.
"If I tell you Daryl you have to promise not to tell my dad what I'm about to you" My Angel says in a serious tone as I just nod my head some watching her very closely.

"I promise Angel but you need to tell me this isn't the first time you had a nightmare you woke up from" I say in a serious voice while rubbing my back slowly in circles.

"I know..an I'm going tell you now" My Angel says in a whisper while looking down.

"Well tell me Angel so I know and figure out how to help you" I say as I kiss the top of her head to let her know I'm here and I'm ready to listen.

She close her eyes.
"You know the Dragon tattoo you love to trace on my arm so much?" My Angel says in a soft voice.

"Yeah what about it?" I say in a confused tone while looking at her tattoo.

"My ex cut my arm there I had to get stitches because of it and yes I did fight back because I punched him right in the face for it, after it was healed I had a scar on my arm so I went to a tattoo shop and I picked the Dragon and I told you what it meant what all my tattoos mean really, anyway I got it to cover up the scar if you over the wing on the Dragon some you can see a little bit of the scare but you can't see all of it, after that happened I made my mind up I was leaving him for good" My Angel says as tears slowly run down her face she looks up at me I know I'm pissed who the fuck does her ex think he is even to lay a hand on her let alone a fucking knife on her I'm beyond pissed.

"Angel I will tell you this I promise no I swear your ex will never get near you again I know his in jail right now and honestly he's lucky he's in there right now because I would really hurt that son of a bitch for what he did to you, he had no damn right cut your arm but that is the past now I'm here with you but part of me wishes I was with you instend of your ex you was with.You are beautiful and amazing woman that should be treated like a queen an nothing else and that I plan to do that I promise you Angel because I love you you are my girl my other half" I say as I whip the tears off her cheeks slowly I hate seeing her cry let alone even be in pain, I try to remain calm now I definitely will have Jay look into her ex boyfriend for me that son of a bitch won't ever get near her again as long as we are together.

I lay there trying to wrap my head around everything is she just told me I can't believe she hasn't told her father well maybe it's a good reason he would have really hurt that him for doing that to her I saw that first hand when that bitch from the fair punch me in my face,she looks up,at me"Its okay Angel I'm right here"I say as I kiss her head softly she just nods her head before she lays it back on my chest her dog on the other hand moves closer to us as he starts to licks her hand I laugh a little as I watch her rub his head softly "Angel I swear your dog is like your child" I say with a smirk but she slaps me on my chest which causes me to laugh more.I lay there with her in my arms peacefully just trying to relax and enjoy the moment until I hear "Daryl we should get back to sleep"she says as she kisses my lips I let out frustrated groan,"Okay Angel let's get some rest"I say as I yawn while pulling her an her dog closer towards me she just smiles mysteriously "Btw Dukes your child to then" she says but before I could say anything she shuts her eyes and all I can do is look at them two as I smile "She's right thought" I say before shutting my eyes once again.

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