Kate's view Chapter 2. The Date😘

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When I get to my apartment it's 5o'clock I see duke whimpering.
"Poor thing"
I grab his leash an take him to the park so he can run around and do his business.
I look to see the time almost 6 "FUCK" I say out loud.
We get back to the apartment I take the leash off duke an rush to take a shower.
I wrap myself with a towel an turn my speaker on.
The song play with fire plays.
Oh! I rock my hips walking towards my closest to pick what I'm goanna wear.
I pick my tight jeans that shows off my ass more, my gray top an my sexy boots.
My towel slowly comes off showing off my 3 tattoos.
Once I'm dressed I do my make-up. Smokey rebel eyeshadow I do.
My eyes are blueish-gray so I know that look makes them pop.
Next my lips I do a simple lip gloss.
I'm letting my hair down its prettier that way.
Oh I forgot my perfume , I spray juicy couture .
My phone goes off . it's a text from Daryl.
"I'll be at your apartment in two-minutes angel, I can't wait to see you and what your wearing ;)-D.
Oh you'll find out Daryl, I giggle.
Not moments later I hear a knock at the door.
I open the door an there he is the man I feel fire from. Wait a sec is that a tattoo I see poping out from his shirt!?
He looks at me from head to toe.
"My goodness angel you look so beautiful , I might not be able to control myself " he says while biting his lip.
My heart races.
"Should we go angel?" he says smiling like a playboy.
I lock my apartment door an turn towards him. He takes my hand an walks me down the stairs.
We come to a stop in front of a sexy red Lamborghini.
My body feels warm, like it's about to get an adrenaline rush that it's been waiting for.
"Daryl is that yours?" I ask.
"Yes angel I love all things beautiful"
He says this with an innocent look on his face.
He opens the door I sit down an he shuts the door he gets in the driver side.
I close my eyes my face relaxs I feel like I got fire in my veins like someone had pushed me into a fire.
Daryl face looks concerned
"Angel you okay?"
I smile "yeah just taken it all in that's all."
He fires up the engine that sound like a storm that came out of no where.
"Hang on angel I drive fast" He says.
Oh Daryl you have no idea please do my eyes glem like gems!.
We get to the a low dim light bar In the center of the city.
We picked a booth to sit at the waiter gives up our drink menus .
Daryl picks rum he smiles as he drinks it , that's cute I say to my self.
I pick my favorite Jack an coke not your typical girl drink but that's what I drunk every time I won a race or even if I lost one my face goes from smiling to sulking but I straighting my self up.
"Angel I want to unwind your mystery so tell me about your self" as he takes a sip of his rum he's eyes glem like a school boys would if you may say.

Here we go I have to get this over with it but I won't mention my ex it gets me in a bad way I don't want to mess up the evening .
"Originally I'm from Virginia in a nice town open space I think yeah for racing my face lights up remembering it all.My dad raised me , I work at Carter Corp ,you've already met my dog I laugh remembering the scene at the park an Daryls face. I have 3 tattoos my dad signed for my first one as a gift for my 16th birthday.I do have a car but it's just not here"
" I knew I detect an accent when you spoke to me for the first time" He smiles an his face looks almost innocent but I can tell he's not in some way.
"How interesting you work at Carter Corp" with a smirk on his face almost devilish like.
"oh three tattoos I would love to find out where they are" I blush an he continues.
"Why isn't your car here in new york"? He says looking wary.
I look down I think I need air
He grabs my hand.
"If I tell you promise you won't walk away?" I say with a worry look on my face
He nods a yes with he's head.
"I used to race cars well still kinda do it's complicated."
He looks at me shocked.
I look down ashamed I feel tears forming behind my eyes.
"Angel I knew there was something special about you" He smiles after saying that he face lights up.
I look up an smile kinda relieved in away at lest he didn't walk way yet.
We talk for almost 3hours I ask about him an he tells me something's but I have a feeling he's hiding something but I don't know what.We start to leave its a beautiful night the air fits my face an cools me down I relax some.
Daryl pulls me towards him by my waste. My body goes up in flames from his touch I gasp with a surprised look on my face.
He turns me around our lips are inchs away from one another, suddenly our lips collide the passion from it makes me melt into he pull me closer to him. He goes to my ear an whispers.
"I want to be your fire angel let me love you an show you how much fire we can make together".
"Daryl" I whisper trying to take it all in of what's going on.
He kisses me again I can't help but let my body melt into his.
"Yes" I say. Who could say no to such a powerful statement as he just made.
We get in the car an drive for a couple of hours he holds my hand an kisses it ever once in awhile I smile when he does an he smiles to like a teenager.
We pull up to my apartment, he gets me out the car suddenly I feel sad an I look to the ground like a child who lost there favorite toy.
He lifts my head up slowly,
"Angel how about you come to my place tomorrow an I'll order take out , you can bring your dog and I'll pick you up"
A smile comes across my face he's face lights up almost like fireworks almost.
"Okay Daryl that would be great, should I bring anything?"
He shakes he's head.
"No angel just your beautiful self an your dog, I'll take care of the rest".
We kiss before he leaves its like a burning fiery passion.
I open my door to my apartment I touch my lips there warm almost like fire.
I lay on the sofa an image of Daryl pops in my head an the words he said.
"I want to be your fire angel let me love you an show you how much fire we can make" .
I smile and giggle before sleep wins me over.

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