Special Chapter Uncle Luke. Goodbye Chester

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* Author's note I will be picking up on chapter 31 for Kate and if you all do not know Uncle Luke is Daryl and Matt's uncle, warning this chapter may include some violence*

It's been a couple of days since the boys have left New York City luckily Daryl's girlfriend spoke up in time when she did I got a feeling about that girl she's been through something but I just can't put my finger on it quite yet but the way she has Daryl looking at her and from what he told me how he feels about her she's alright my book,an Matt's girlfriend she looks like a good girl that my main focus is to get Chester back in jail so he's away from Matt and Daryl that is my main priority, I've been going through files trying to figure out how he even got bail and makes no sense someone had to be working for him on the inside and when I find that mole I'm going to put a hurting on them when I look at Matt it's like I'm looking at my brother the one that I lost to a drunk driver him and his wife that affected me more than anything I didn't just lose a brother I lost my best friend but I had to be strong for the boys and my mom even though I wanted to drown my sorrows in a bottle I couldn't.

*phone call*

"Talk to me Tyler, what have you found out ?"I say as I tap my fingers on the table.

"Sir, we found out that Chester had help from the inside but we don't know Who or why they helped him and we also learnt that Chester had being making moves to bring in guns and now even drugs"Rookie Tyler says.

"Damn it ! Found out who in the hell helped that scum bag out an why!! We need to put him back in jail soon before it's to late you know if this stuff comes into New york then it will be war's all around the damn city because of his stupidity plus other things"I says I travel off looking at a picture of Matt and Daryl on my phone.

"We will put him behind bars again sir he won't get away with this an I also do understand why you want him back in jail because of your nephew's you told us the other day Chester made contact with Daryl we're still trying to figure out who gave Daryl's the number to Chester"Rookie Tyler says as he sighs.

"Thank you, we will get him an who ever helped him out that much I guarantee and we will also make sure everything he is doing right now sticks with them for the rest of the time he's in jail with no bail!" I say as I lean back looking at the ceiling.

"Understood sir, we will get back to work no"Rookie Tyler says an with that he hangs up.

I run my hand down my face an slowly begin to shake my head I look down at all the files that say Chester and everything about his family an how they mostly run to in the time of need but he can't do that because the man died over year an half ago so who else could be helping him out of not him, I shake my head I need air I think I'll go to the sub shop an get something to eat an come back an look at all this again for the 90th time I know I'm missing something but what.

I get up off the chair an grab my keys I look back at the files an shake my head before walking out the room I grab my gun off the kitchen counter I left my shirt up an place my gun on my back yeah I know it's a pose to be on my side but I'm use to having it on my back, I fixs my shirt and make my way to the front door to leave as I get to the front door I make sure it's locked an I turn to my Chevy Camaro now you wanna talk about a monster my car is 600hp with a Noz line in it.

I jump in a fire it up as I do I can't help but smirk as I hear it purr i shut my door and start to pull out the driveway to head to the sub shop as I'm heading there I start to remember my 'Old' life an why I watched over Daryl more then Matt at times when I found out that he was in a gang an he was going to stop Chester the same son of a bitch that was going to hurt my nephew Matt an maybe even Daryl if he knew what he was playing on doing to him, lucky I spotted him before he could go through with this plan I shake my head an start to fly down the road.

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