Kate's view Chapter 15. Unleash The Beast

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The work week went by fast but I really couldn't keep my mind off of what Daryl told me, "UGH damn it what plan does he have to get him an his guys out of the gang?" I say to myself as I drive away from work, I see Matt,Colin an Lisa in the front of the building I just beep my horn an continue to drive I can't really talk to them about any of this maybe Matt but I know what he will say to me an I don't need that.I drive around when it hits me "Damn I forgot about my book with all the numbers to different racing gangs in different states that I've raced against, two of the racers are from here" I say out loud. I turn the radio down as I hear my phone go off I look to see it's a text from Daryl,
"Angel I miss you, you have surprise when you get home -D". I smile but I have to spot a few places before I go back to the house, I see the auto part store which I need to go to because I need oil for my car plus need some cleaning supplies for it. I pull into the parking lot of the store and park my car,I double check to make sure all the doors are locked as before I head into the store. Once I'm in I grab the oil I need and the cleaning supplies I pay an walk out to my car an unlock the door an fire it up " I still can't believe I have my car back and Daryl an Matt was there with me when I got it back" I say to myself. I pull out of the auto store parking lot an head for the grocery store to pick up a few groceries for the house once I get there I pull into a parking spot an park my car, I get out an head inside to grab the things I wanted to get for the house. My phone beeps again it's from Daryl "Angel where are you"-D,
I tell him at the grocery store an I'm getting some things for the house I'll be there soon. As I get to the line an pay for the things I grabbed for the house my phone beeps again I shake my head an smile as I read the text "Okay angel hurry up I miss you an Skyler an Matt are here"-D.

I don't reply I hurry out of the store to my car I put the bags in the back seat, but I start to feel uneasy like someone's behind me I shut the door an move quickly to get to the driver side but suddenly I feel pair of hands grab me."Well well don't you look yummy I think I'll have some fun with you sweet thing" the creep says. My Blood starts to run cold I feel him move his hand to my ass an slap it "LET ME GO ASS HOLE" I yell , he laughs an start to move his hand towards my chest I breath out heavily an turn around an punch the son of bitch in the jaw hard.The creep looks at me I see a scar on his face he pushs me into my car an punches my side several times "Bitch I'll have my way with you like it or not" the creep says, I gasp for air and I start to feel something deep inside me waking you I punch him again an he falls backwards I get over top of him and I start pounding his face my Knuckles hit the ground a few times causing them to bleed. After I snap out of it I see him crawling away I get in my car an fire it up an hall ass to the house my breathing is short my hand is bleeding my body feels like it's going to give in, "Please let me get there please" I say crying. I get to house an pull in the drive way fast, I open the door an try to catch my breath I nearly run to the pool gate but my side starts to hurt I remember the creep hit my side several times I walk slowly but I feel my body start to give in. I open the pool gate holding my side with blood coming from my  fingertips I hear omg Kate my vision is blurry I can't really make out who it is but I recognize the voice then I hear Daryl and Matt say my name as I black out and collapse on the floor.

I slowly open my eyes some I see Daryl sitting on the edge of the couch not far from me.Matt,Skyler,Jay and TJ standing up with worried looks on there faces.Duke looks up an see's me he barks which alarms everyone as he comes towards me Daryl comes closer and looks at me "Angel you okay? What happened? Tell me please" he says in a serious yet soft voice. I lean up slowly my side feels like it's burning I look at him then at everyone, I breath out slowly. "I'm okay, I was just assaulted by some creep I can remember he grabbed me and slapped my ass and I punched him in his jaw I do remember a scar on his face but then" I stop as my voice begins to crack Daryl leans over an kisses my head softly "Then what happened?" he says in a serious tone. "Then he pushed me up on my car and started to hit my side next thing I knew it felt like something deep inside of me was just awakening I shoved him to the ground and I started punching is face repeatedly" I say while tears run down my face. Daryl pulls me close to him an rocks me slowly, "Your safe now Kate nothing is going to happen to you here not with us around" Matt says while clenching his fest.I see Skyler, Jay an TJ nod there head's in a  agreement to what Matt said, I just lean my head on Daryl who hasn't let go of me "Angel for now on one of the guys will follow you so this will never happen again" he says in my ear I just nod my head a yes.

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