Kate's view chapter 11.The Race

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The rest of the week went by fast after the whole thing went down with Matt being kidnapped an us saving him. Daryl had his men go get Matt an Skylers bikes an bring them back to his house.Now it's time to breath an have some fun since its Friday and we all could use some fun. Daryl left this morning an took Matt to a doctor to go get seen just to make sure he was okay an nothing was wrong. "Well boy lets go outside no point on staying inside on a nice cool day" I say to my dog who just jumps up an wages his tail like crazy. I open the door to the pool area duke just runs around, I see TJ one of Daryl's men walking around "TJ can I ask you something ?" I say he shakes his head yes "Is Daryl trying to move me in here for a reason?" I say. He eyes go wide an looks around "Don't tell him I told, Daryl told me your important to him that he calls you his adrenaline angel" he say while making sure no one else heard besides me. "I had a feeling but I'm going to have a little fun first before he gets his way" I say while looking at my car .TJ starts to laugh " your going to make him race aren't you ?" he says. I smile "ohh yeah" I say while laughting.

We both hear Daryls car coming up the road we go back to doing what we were doing. I hear his doors close an Daryl an Matt well into the pool gate Duke jumps on Daryl happy to see him an runs his head an looks over an see's me he smiles."Angel you look lovely today" he says with a smirk walking towards me,"why thank you" I say while I kiss him. "So what did the doctor say" I say while looking at both of them. "I'm doing fine nothing is broke just bruised" Matt says while sitting down,Daryl looks at Matt an shakes his head "you need more rest so go lay down when skyler gets here we'll let her know"He says with a serious tone. "Matt Daryl is right you should rest more" I say.Matt puts his hands up as a surrender an walks into house an heads up the stairs.

"Angel so tell me how did you like being here all week with me?he says with a smirk. I shake my head an smile "It was fun why do you ask?" I say with a smirk. He looks at me with a grin "Angel you know why" he says while tilting his head. "Uh no I don't but okay if you say so" I say while shrugging my shoulder's. He gives me a devilish look an gets closer to me I can feel breath on my neck before he starts to kisses it. "Angel don't play that game with me, you know why so answer my question" he says as he nibbles at my neck. "Okay fine I do, but I'm going to make you work for the answer" I say while I kiss him. He groans an looks at me with a grin "okay I'll play your little game but do remember im the king" he says while running he's hand up my leg. "My game will be fun, nothing wrong with that right?" I say as I run my hand up his shirt. He looks at me an smiles "okay Angel lets beginning shall we" he says while kissing me.

I get up an shake my head an walk into the house, Daryl walks behind me I look back an give him a grin." What are you planing my sweet angel" he says with a grin. "I'm not telling you, you'll find out when the time is right" I say with a wink. He lets out a growl an shakes his head. "Oh I'm going to have so much fun pushing him as far as I can" I say to myself with a giggle. I lay on couch an he looks at me "make some room since your going to drive me crazy with your little game you got up your sleeve" he says he's moves me over. I smile "lets watch a movie monster teddy bear" I say while holding my laughter back.

He turn on the tv an looks for a movie for us to watch,of course he picks fast an the furious. Matt comes down an sits on the chair "skyler will be here in 15minutes so I'll wait down here, what are you guys watching btw" Matt says with a smile. "Fast an the furious, want to join" I say as Daryl pulls me closer to him. "Yeah I'll watch it, who wants pop corn?" Matt says as he heads for the kitchen. "I do Matt with salt an butter" Daryl says with a big smile,"Kate you want anything while I'm out here ?"Matt says sounding like a kid."Um my pretzels"I say in a soft tone. Both say "Pretzels"an laugh.I shake my head an look at the tv, Matt comes back with the stuff we asked for. "Why pretzels angel?" Daryl asks me while eating some of his popcorn, I sigh "that's what I've always done, popcorn isn't my favorite thing" I say as I bite into one of my pretzels."Well I'm glad I know now angel I'll make sure to get pretzels more often" Daryl says as he kiss me with his salty buttery lips. There's a knock at the door Matt gets up an goes to open it,he returns with skyler at his side. We all say hi an start to watch the movie,I watch the time as well "I want to make sure it's dark out when we race " I say under my breath.

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