Special Chapter For. Kate & Daryl Baby Gender

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A special chapter that reveals something very precious😍.

Oh gosh today I found out I'm having a baby boy oh gosh my feeling was right everyone thought I was having a girl ha they were wrong and I was right but now I have to tell everyone I'm having a baby boy but in a special way maybe I'll get some blue powder an put a little bit on my tailpipe to my car and tell Daryl to start up my car to show him and everyone what me and him are having, now I just have to head to the store and grab everything I need before him and my dad get back from the garage but I'm going to need help "TJ and Jay!"I say excitedly pulling out my phone I shot them a text with in a few minutes they send me a text back saying their coming yeah TJ and Jay begged me and Daryl to have them both be our child's God fathers and while I picked Skyler and Lisa for God mom's yeah I know it's opposed to be one we decided why not two our baby is going to well spoiled and loved by everybody feeling him kicking my stomach just makes me smile a moment there I had a little job that I wouldn't be a good mom until Daryl, my dad well technically everybody jumped on me an told me that I would be a good mom but now I know I will be a good mom to my baby boy I won't do what my mom did to me our son will always feel loved rubbing my belly I talk sweetly to my unborn baby boy feeling him moving around as I talk to him brings tears of joy in my eyes an my heart swell with joy.

So I wasn't allowed to go to the doctors with my Angel today for whatever reason all though I've been to every other one with her but nope not this one she sent me an my dad in law to the garage well I do need to check out my car our racing careers have run off with the bang even though my angel is pregnant she still raises but they told her when she reach 7 months she won't be able to so she makes the most of it but me and her came up with an agreement I would still race even though she's not racing even even dear dad in law said the same thing it brings a whole lot of money which I'm fine with but I do it for the thrill, still it's bugging me that I couldn't go to the doctor's appointment today she was supposed to find out what we were having maybe a boy maybe a girl I just hope that everything's alright and everything is going well, grabbing my phone I send Matt a text asking him to go check on his sister in law aka Kate for me since I'm not around at the moment and within seconds he text me back telling me that that he would hopefully everything is fine with my Angel and our unborn child at night I feel our little one kick her and move around some I remember the first time our child moved I had tears in my eyes of joy honestly I can't wait for our child to get here because I'm going to try an be the best dad there is I know I'm not prefect hell far from it but I will do my best for my child an my Angel they are my heart and my fire.


"Kate what did you need?"

"I need help placing this blue powder on the tailpipe of my car"

"Wait.. Are you having a BOY?

"Shhh yes I am it's a surprise for Daryl and everyone else!! An if you say one word an I'll punch you"

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