Kate's View Chapter 22. ♠Old.VS.New School♠

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I woke up extra early so I can make everybody breakfast I haven't really done it since I left home really so I decided to make French toast scrambled eggs and some bacon I know that everybody will like it especially my father considering the fact that he mentioned it on the phone, I set the table up with everybody's plates forks I even put the syrup on the table I heard footsteps coming down the stairs I glance over and I just shake my head everybody was up walking down the stairs I guess it's not all of the food draw their attention to wake up.

"Well then look and see what my daughter made for breakfast I'll be damned you do love me" my dad says with a sliy smirk.

"Oh stop that dad! You mentioned it on the phone at least three times" I say in a low wiss.

"What smells so good" Dary says as we rubs his eye and looks at me.

"It's called breakfast you know what you eat" my dad says in a sarcastic tone.

"Damn Kate went all out didn't you?" Matt says in a shocked voice.

"Everything looks great" Skyler says with a smile.

"Damn are you sure your not some a million-dollar Chef or something" TJ and Jay say.

"Oh please she got her skills from me" my dad says with a laugh.

"Yeah okay old man keep telling your self that" I say with a grin.

"Angel everything looks good, thank you for cooking" Daryl says as he kisses me on the lips.

"Get a room no one wants to see all that in the morning" Matt says while shaking his head.

"Hey I rather have my daughter happy then unhappy so they can do that if they want" my dad says before taking a bite of his french toast.

"Ha ha Matt" me and Daryl both say as we stick tongue out at him.

"Mm this is good , is this homemade?" Jay says.

"Yup the french toast is homemade" I say with a smile.

"You haven't lost your touch baby girl, I gotta say" my dad says with a smile.

After my dad eats and kisses my head bye and it leaves out the door leaving us to clean up the mess I shake my head "Its just like my dad to leave before helping clean up" I say as I grab the plates.I start to wash up the pans but I look over and see everyone doing something to help clean up which I am grateful for because it is a lot of dishes to clean, after everything is clean dried and put away we all go sit on the porch and come up with an idea of what to do today. I tell them that there's a waterfall not far away from my house which I used to go to a lot and that there is a field where I used to actual race on not far away from it, then I tell them we can go get food and go to my dad's garage so they can see how big that is and maybe get to see some old school cars there "Damn it been awhile since I see the Chevy S.S that my dad was rebuilding" I say to myself as we walk back into the house.

Once we're all back in the house we all go into the rooms and start to get dressed but Daryl has other things on his mind, he pins me up on the wall and begins to kiss me all over slowly "This man I swear" I say to myself as I start to feel his hands go up my shirt. He picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist as he leads me to the shower with me "Daryl I'm still dressed" I say in surpires as I watch him turn on the water, he flash me a grin "I know so strip angel, we've both been holding back to long" he says in a husky voice as he kisses my neck. I giggle "Its only been a few days Daryl" I says as I kiss his head, he shakes his head and let's out a small growl "Few days to long" he says as he puts me down as starts to take off my shorts. He starts to kisses up my thighs slowly I can't help but let out a little whimper as I bite my lip"Daryl Damn it" I say to myself as I slowly start to rub his head as he slowly kisses up my body, my body starts to feel warm as a tingling sensation starts to go throughout my body."Angel" he says in a soft husky voice as he moves his fingertips slowly on my chin and within seconds are lips clashed together the moment was sweet I felt his move around my body as it was a blank canvas just for him,"Daryl" I say in a soft breathless like tone as I lean my head back as starts to kiss my neck slowly I start to have goosebumps.But as luck or as fate would have it we start hearing banging sounds from the door "You guys move along we wanna see the town and see where Kate hung out at before goming back to New York" Matt says loud enough we can hear it in the bathroom that's in my room, I see Daryls eyes to dark with rage"DAMN IT MATT FUCK WELL BE HERE ALL WEEK! WE'LL BE OUT IN A MINUTE!!" Daryl yells well clenching his fist. I shake my head and jump in the shower I block out the fact that they're still yelling at each other through the door "Will they ever get along?" I say in a whisper as I finish up my shower.

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