Kate's view Chapter 18. Fun And Sweet Memories

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I woke up still in his arms I'm actually surprised he's still even asleep usually around this time he's up and I'm wondering where the hell he is but nope he's in the bed with me. But I need to get up and get everyone's breakfast ready I slowly creeped out of the bed and throw on my shorts and had to the bathroom to freshen up and brush my teeth, I look over and see Duke who's wagging his tail knowing what time it is "Come on boy lets let him sleep in for once" I say in a soft voice.As we leave the room and see Skyler in the hallway
"Goodmoring" I say with a smile she smiles back at me "Goodmoring you to" Skyler says cheerfully, we both walk down the stairs with Duke right along side us we both decided we would make breakfast for our guys that are still sleeping. We both grab pans from the cupboard and from the fridge we grab eggs and sausage,we both get down to work because we both know they won't sleep long. I look over at Skyler "Skyler are you falling for Matt?" I say in a whisper , she looks at me with a shy smile "Yes but I don't know if he feels the same" she says in a soft voice. I smile "You won't know until tell him"I say with a smile, she looks at me but before she could say anything we both here Matt and Daryl talking loudly coming down the stairs as if they were arguing about something. "Angel goodmoring what are you making" Daryl says as he wraps his arms around me, I giggle and kiss him"Morning and eggs and sausage for breakfast" I say in a cheerful voice, I look over and see Matt and Skyler hugging one another. I look at Daryl "Skyler is falling for Matt" I whisper to him, he grins an looks over at them"Matt is falling for her" He says in a whisper as he lays a kiss on my head I just smile"Both of them are falling for one another" I say to myself.

Once breakfast is done we all sit down and eat but I keep feeling Daryl's hand move along my thigh which causes me to wiggle around in the chair "Angel are you okay?" he says with a smirk , I look at him an shake my head "No I just have my boyfriend's hand that keeps moving  up and down my thigh" I say with a grin. He laughs before he continues to eat I shake my head "This one" I say to myself as I let out a giggle, after we get done eating the Daryl and Matt said they would clean up the dishes and the pans since we did all the cooking. Me and Skyler on the other hand go out to the pool area and sit on the sunbeds Duke comes out with us and lays right in the middle of both sunbeds, I look over at Skyler "Kate do you think Matt feels that way about me?" she asks in a curious tone. I smile "You have to tell him how you feel then you'll know his reaction" I say as I look away some. Skyler eyes go wide "You know something don't you?" she says in a shocked tone, I shake my head no even though I already know the truth I pull out my phone an see a text my from Lisa who's in Florida with Colin and his band. It's nothing but pictures of what Florida looks like and how much fun she's having I send her a text back telling to enjoy it and that I told Daryl I loved him, my phone beeps quickly and the response I got from her was omg and does he feel the same I text her back quickly and tell her yes he does. I can picture of Lisa giggling and smiling  Skyler on the other hand looks at me with a raised eyebrow "What?" I asked in a serious yet calm tone, she shakes her head "Kate what if he doesn't ?" she says sadly. I lean my head to the side but before I can even answer Daryl and Matt appears in front of us.

"Me an Matt we're talking how about we go to Time Square for double date maybe do a little shopping" Daryl says as he leans in to kiss me, I smile and shake my head yes as I jump up and wrap my arms around him. "That sounds great" Skyler says in a soft tone as she looks at Matt, Matt kisses Skyler on her head "Aww" I say in a really girly voice that makes everyone laugh. "Angel please don't do that again because we both know that's not you" he says in a serious tone, I shake my head in a mocking way as I turn around and sway my hips walking back into the house "Oh angel how I do love that view" he says in a husky voice. I nearly fall over when he said that "Oh I'm hurt him for that" I say under my breath, I turn around an raise an eyebrow at him "Good you better love what you see" I say in a serious tone he looks at me for a moment shocked that I dare talk to him like that but he burst into laughter as he follows me in the house.

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