Daryl's View of Chapter 46. The Proposal

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Finally after almost five and a half hours being on the road we have reached her dad's house as we pull up in the driveway she parks her car right near her dad as does Matt with my car "You look sleepy" I say before kissing her hand softly as she nod her head "Just a little" my Angel says as a yawn escapes her mouth causing me to laugh a little as we open the doors the car as we step out of it as she pops the truck to grab our bags while everyone else seems to kinda off but I see my Angel holding her side some "Come on Angel" I say as I shut the truck while locking up her car for her "Thank you" my Angel say before giving md one big kiss on my lips as we hear 'aw, cute, get a room' from everyone causing me to let out a low growl at the last one as she shakes her head before letting our boy run lose which makes us laugh due to the fact that my dad's puppy is kinda out running him some shaking my head "Run boy run" I yell to our boy as he begins to pick up his speed some as my lip curls into a smirk I'm very proud of our boy as my Angel giggles before she lays a kiss on my cheek as I wrap my arms around her waist as I place a kiss on the top of her head.

Once the dogs got tired out we walked inside the house placing our bags down on the floor as I watch my Angel head for the living room sit down on the couch "Ugh" my Angel mumbles as I look at her "Cramps?" I ask as she nods her head as I sit next to her rubs and her lower back "Thank you" my Angel says before give me a kiss on my lip "Its my job" I say before kissing her back causing her to smile like a little kid at a candy store but we see Matt,Skyler,Tj,Jay, Lisa and Colin come into the living room while her dad and everyone else was walking outback I notice Matt kinda acting a little strange but it may be just me as I start pull her closer as she giggles as I place a kiss on the top of her head softly "Movie?" my Angel aska as everyone cheers "Yess" we look over and see her dad an everyone else coming in with big smiles on their faces "please don't tell me he told them" saying to myself as my Angel grabs the remote while turning the tv.

"What are we gonna watch?" My Angel asks as she pulls the on demand up.

"Something funny"I say before place a kiss on her head.

"Yes something funny but not girly" Jay winned as my Angel,skyler,lisa and her great grandma glaring at him causing me to chuckle some.

"Hey your going to get you ass whooped if he don't shut it"TJ says as we all laughted.

"Grown ups? Or Blended?" Skyler says while pointing to the two.

"Their both funny as hell"Her dad says as my Angel nods her head.

"I say Blended because let's get honest that movie was just to damn funny" Our uncle Luke says as Mitch nods his head.

"Everyone vote for Blended?" Matt says as everyone nods their heads.

"Blended it is my Angel"I say as I place kiss on her cheek.

"Aw so sweet"Lisa says as Colin shakes he's head.

As we watch the movie the living room was filled with laughter because of the movie but it was nice I look down at my Angel smiling she looks up at me "What Angel?" I whisper in her ear as she smile "Nothing" my Angel says before kissing on my cheek as I pull her to a big hug as she snuggles her head right on my chest as we continue to watch the movie as that movie ended we started the second movie but we smelt in the grill raising my eyebrow at my Angel who's giggling about about something I look at her"The movie" my Angel says as she trys to play it off "Okay" I say back while rubbing her back slowly for me once again but our of no where our boy jumps up on us both an lays on us "Dukee" my Angel spats as I burst into laughter while rubbing our boy's head as everyone starts to look over at us while shaking there heads as they laugh some but my angel starts to rub his head right along with him as she turns her attention back to the movie I notice her dad holding something in his hand that looks like a ring boxs my eyes grow wide "Oh snap" I say to myself as I feel my Angel moving some so I turn my head back to the tv and act like I'm paying attention to it.

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