Daryl's view of chapter18. Time Square Surprise

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I watched her get dressed "That damn mess bun of her's I swear she knows I like it when she wears her hair like that" I say under my breath. She leaves the room with her dog "Atlest she stayed in my arms for awhile before just disappearing" I say to myself. I get up and walk out to the balcony but then I hear my phone go off I grab it and look at what it says, I smile "Good so everything is set up the in building the meeting is taken place" I say to myself. I walk to bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair, after that I walk back in the room and get dressed with a smile on my face. I walk out the room and I'm face to face with Matt "Oh how great" I say to myself ,"Morning Daryl" Matt says with a big smile. "Morning Matt" I say with a smile, I walk towards the stairs but Matt cuts in front of me "Really Matt what are we kids again?" I say with a laugh. He looks at me "No you can't be number one all the time Daryl plus I moved faster then you" he says with a laugh, I shake my head as I pass him on the stairs "Honstly it's like we're kids again the way we are acting" I say to myself as we push into one another going down the stairs.

Me an Matt stop as we hear our girls talking about something we can't quite make out, "Hey Daryl I think I'm going to tell Skyler I love her today" Matt says in a shy voice. I look at him "Go for it brother" I say with a smile as we walk down the last step of the stairs as we make our way to the kitchen, I look over an see my angel looking absolutely beautiful plus the way she's moving from side to side as she's cooking like she's got a song stuck in her head it's hypnotizing to watch.I walk up behind her "Angel goodmoring what are you making"I say as I wrap my arms around her, she giggles before kissing me and tells me moring and that we're having eggs and sausage for breakfast.She glances over at Matt and Skyler then looks at me and tells me Skyler is falling for Matt I grin as I look over at them"Matt is falling for her"I say in a whisper as I lay a kiss on her head she just smiles. "I had a feeling" I say to myself as I help Matt set the table.

Once breakfast is done we all sit down and eat but I kept feeling up my angels thigh which caused her to wiggle around in her chair "Angel are you okay?" I say with a smirk , she shakes her head and looks at me and tells me that she just that I keep moving my hand up and down her thigh.I laugh before I continue to eat my breakfast but a thought pops in my head "Hm" I say to myself, after we get done eating the me and Matt tell the girls we would clean up the dishes and the pans since they did all the cooking.I see them go outside I look over to Matt " I had an idea how about we go on a double date in Time Square and then we take them to the Hard Rock Cafe" I say while cleaning up the pans, Matt looks at me like I had two heads "A double date how would that help me tell Skyler I love her?" he says in wary tone. I shake my head at him "We go there all together but we split up you take her shopping and I'll do the same with my angel because something tells me today is going to be interesting" I say with a smirk, Matt looks at me for a moment thinking about what I said to him then I see a smile come across his face. "Okay I'll go along with this plan but if nothing happens I get to punch you for fun" he says with a grin of his own, I look at him for a moment I shake my head"Fine" I say as we finish cleaning up and head outside to tell the girls our plan for today.

"Me and Matt we're talking how about we go to Time Square for double date maybe do a little shopping"I say as I lean in to kiss my angel, my angel smiles and shakes her head yes as she gets up and wraps her arms around me. I hear Skyler says that sounds great I look over and see Matt kiss Skyler on her head then angel says aww in a really girly voice that makes everyone laugh. "Angel please don't do that again because we both know that's not you"I say in a serious tone, she starts to shake her head as she turns around and sways her hips as she walks back into the house "Oh angel how I do love that view"I say in a husky voice.She turns around an says good and that I better love what I see, "Oh no she didn't just give me a small attitude" I say to myself before I burst into laughter as I follow her in the house.

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