Kate's View Chapter 27. New Team

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As we walk into the kitchen we both decided to make waffles,sausage and fresh fruit so we got down to business and start to cook I sway my hips while mixing the waffles as I do I hear Daryl let out a low groan as he looks over at me I just turn around slowly an laugh "Pay back"I say to myself as I put down the bowl and grab the pan.I look over and see Daryl cooking while sing a song I giggle which causes him to look over at me with a big smile "What angel?" he says while flipping the sausage in the frying pan I shrugg my shoulders and turn around to start making the waffles for everyone to eat "He has no idea how cute he is right now" I say as I pour the first batch of waffle mix into the waffle pan.

Almost an 40 minutes has passed and everything is done Me and Daryl hear foot steps walking down the stairs we lean back on the counters with arms crossed in front of us as we see my dad,Matt,Skyler,TJ and Jay walking into the kitchen with there mouths and eyes wide, we both burst into laughter "Well I'll be damn" my dad says as he walks over towards us and gives me a hug and pats Daryl on his back.

"Everything looks so good" Skyler says while sitting down.

"It smells good what made you guys wanna cook breakfast? What do you guys have up your sleeves?" Matt says with a sly smile.

"First of all Matt no one has anything up their sleeves let's make that very damn well clear!,and finally because we wanted to plus we know It's training day for us unlike you Matt you're not in the grand track race like me or my angel so hush it and eat your breakfast and enjoy it" Daryl says while grabbing his plate as he glares at Matt .

"Okay stop it you two can't go one day with out trying to test one another waters huh? Both of you need to chill for once your both brothers now stop acting like your kids and act your damn ages it's enough, why cant you two just get along for once and bring back the Ortega brother tornado?"Jay says while sitting down while me and everyone else looks at him shocked he never jumps in the middle of them.

"Damn Jay you do have a voice it's about time you spoke up and not just me" TJ says while laughing.

"Well as I see it they have issues that both of them need to fixes on their own together, I have a brother Kate's uncle who I had problems with when I was a teen yet now me and him are close" My dad says before taken a bite of his waffles as he looks at Daryl then at Matt.

"Night and day" I say before popping a grape in my mouth as I feel Daryl place his hand on my leg.

"I'm sorry for my out burst and Matt I'm sorry to you as well you know I love you and yes we both see things differently and that's okay but we have to stop going at one another like animal's it's not fair to you or to me, Jay is right I've said it before to you when we had our one on one but with everything that is going on I know you better then you think so stop thinking about the other things an think about my niece or nephew that will be coming, because I know I'm going to spoil it to no end so you need to be ready for that"Daryl says before taken a bite of his waffles while grabbing my hand, I'm proud of him for what he just did.

"I'm sorry to Daryl,your right my head is all over the place but I'm going to focus on me and Skyler's baby and btw your not going crazy with the whole spoiling thing or I will kick your ass" Matt says while rubbing skyler's stomach before looking over at Daryl with a smile.

"Well since that's done with Dad where are we practicing at ? " I say while looking at my dad as he smiles.

"Mr.Roys race track baby girl and oh btw some of your old team members will be there" he says with a devlish smile.

"DAD are you serious?" I say while my jaw drops some.

"Yes very much so" he says before he takes another bite of his waffles.

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