Happily Ever After (The Drug...

By awesomegal15

368K 18K 1K

It's been three years of complete bliss. I love my family, my job everything life has given me. But, sometim... More

A Real Highlight
Badge of Honor
Miss Me?
What Happened?
Interview with a Nanny
Midnight Oil
She's Fine
Together or Not at All
No You Don't
Paris. Is. Mine.
So You Have a Plan
Not. Even. Close.
First Tooth
Late Nights
Meeting and Sleep
Do It
What's Wrong?
What Did You Do Today?
27 Letters
Big Problem
Hemingway Champagne
Family Meeting
Do You Understand?
He Will
What Do I Say?
An Explanation
I Blinked
Two Fingers
Morse Code
No Redemption
Rovaniemi Church
You Have my Attention
Nailing it as a Dad
Open Minded
Hitman Angel
First Day
A Lazy Sunday
Is She Still In You?
Nothing Too Terribly Exciting
What Have You Done?
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
Monster Spray
We Need To Talk
Always A Pleasure
A Day From H-E-L-L
To The Grave
Always Love You
Perfectly Imperfect
A Balance
Have I Ever Disappointed You?
I Love You
That's It


5.7K 267 19
By awesomegal15

Chapter 48


"Just wait a damn second we're going to do what?" Michael said as we sat on the balcony overlooking the backyard. Heather, Allen and Alma we're playing happily with Sara running back and forth playing tag. We didn't have to sit outside when it was 50 degrees outside but I think this was an excuse for Michael to wear his black mink fur coat and leather black gloves. Of course Belle had a matching coat as she sat inside curiously watching Adam do his physical therapy with Elliot.

"Keep your voice down", I scolded him.

"Two thing, need to be said most importantly did you serve me ass water? And secondly this is some James Bond villain, I'll destroy the moon type shit. You don't need Paris to control Europe. Just set up a base of operations somewhere else. Let this go and learn from this unfortunate mistake", he said throwing his tea into a nearby plant.

"Lipton and no", I said rolling my eyes. " if you lost your Empire, would you be saying the same thing?"

"Fuck yes, I get nervous anytime the other cartels raise their voice to me. I wouldn't even dream of trying to take down a powerful and rich government", he said said leaning back in his seat.

"Great you'll just be doing the bare minimum anyway. It's easy to cause chaos, you just need a good Puppet Master to pull the right strings", I said sipping on my tea.

A few days had passed, and I was in full swing ready to carry out my plan. I knew I was going to need some help and I turned to the only one that had the influence, money and power I needed to do it quietly. "You listen here Julie Andrews you'er going to Puppeteer us to death!"

"Don't be your normal drama queen of a self. You control some of the most deadliest cartels in the Western Hemisphere", I reminded him.

"And you think I do it by biological warfare?"

"No you do it by not playing nice", I said harder than I intended to. I took a deep breath and calm myself down. " Michael, I need you to help me do this. If the roles were reversed you know Adam and I would do everything in our power to help you. Adam isn't seeing the whole picture. We need to show the world that no one, nothing is more powerful than us. We control the conversation, we are the the beginning middle and end of everything. We're Caffery's. The world doesn't fuck with us", I could tell Michael was still apprehensive. He turned his head to look at the kids and Sara playing.

"I don't know. There are some lines we can't cross. If anything word to be traced back to us it wouldn't just be our heads. We have families to think about, children I want to see grow old and not visit me in jail", he said.

" I know. Let me take the risk, all I ask is for you to fund it", I said standing up to pour him a glass of water.

"And Adam approves of this?"

"You know he doesn't. But he's not thinking right. You of all people know how how a bullet can change you", I said not wanting to remind him of a bad time. We were desperate when we thought Adam would never wake up from his coma.

I leaned against the table with my arms crossed looking down at him. Michael exhaled hard and pulled out his cell phone and started to text,"After I took over The Sinaloa Cartel I had a lot of... problems", my phone went off in my pocket but I ignored it. "You can imagine how hard it was to get people on board with some random white boy trying to take over. I didn't marry in to the cartel, and I wasn't born into it there was more then just some hostility".

"Why didn't you come to us?" I said softly. Michael knew Adam would do anything to help him. So why keep this a secret.

Michael put down his phone and looked up to me," Pride. I had been given something I knew Adam would never be able to handle. I wanted to succeed, stand on my own two feet and prove I could do this without my big brother. You told me ' that was more than qualified to handle the operation and I believed it. It was time for me to spread my wings. And I'll be damned if I let someone shoot me out of the sky. Some people had to go, a message had to be sent. And I needed it done quietly so word wouldn't get back to Adam. I reached out to some people---"

"DADDY! COME PLAY!" Heather screamed at the top of her lungs.

I straightened up and turn to face the happy scene in front of us. We waved and Michael Yell back to her he couldn't play right now. But that didn't stop Heather from running around.

"Let's get you a stronger drink. And continue this in the study", I didn't wait for his response I just started walking towards the door. I could feel Michael following behind me as we made our way into the study. It wasn't my favorite room with its Old English masculine style. The light fixture was mated with a ceiling medallion, a gas fireplace covered the majority of the wall, situated below some of the pictures Josh had given us over the years. The other three walls were completely covered from base to ceiling with books. And two long ornate desk set opposite of each other faced against the walls. Most of the books were my medical journals but some where are first editions that Adam had been collecting over the years. As Michael walked in front of me I turned around to shut the two sliding doors. The room was soundproof and no would bother us in here. As I stepped on the large Persian red rug I made my way to sit next to Michael on the long leather bound couch. In front of us was a leather square ottoman with a golden tray of Brandy half full. I reach down for the crystal decanter and poured Michael a drink. I handed it to him and said,"Continue".

Michael accepted the glass holding it in his hands," I found some people, they have them same mindset as Alejandro. But, they had a more brutal approach".

"What happened?"

"Things I try to forget about", he said being aloof.

"Does Sara know?"

"No, never", Michael answered quickly taking a swig of his Brandy.


He shook his head no. "All you need to know is if you reach out to them they will get the job done. But you're dealing with a team of Renegades.... you're not going to feel in control the situation. And this guy, he likes to play mind games for his services".

"Why if it's just about money..."

"It's not just about money to them. They're going to hold up a mirror to your self? I don't know how to explain it, they're going to fuck with your mind. And yeah there's a big fucking fee attached for what they do. But they also will require something else. Each person is different, so I don't know what they'll try and take from you. But, if you're serious you'll pay their price whatever it is", he said finishing off his glass.

Barely above a whisper I said,"What did you give them Michael?"

He laughed darkly,"I'll take that to my grave, little thing".

"Would you do it again?"

"No", he said in a small timid voice,"No".

We stared at each other in complete silence.Words left me. I stared into those bright blue eyes  wondering what did Michael do? What did he have to give up? I couldn’t will my lips to move. As if stuck underwater, everything was slow and warbled. "How do I reach them?"

"There's an old church outside of Ashford, England. I sent you the address. Before you go in write down on a piece of paper what it is you want exactly. Go into the confessional booth and wait for someone to arrive. They'll knock three times on the other side of the door and then you'll shove the piece of paper though the confession blocker. They told me to wait an hour before leaving. A few days later someone reached out to me with their terms and conditions", Michael said reaching for the decanter to fill his glass.

"What happens if the price is too high?"

"I don't know. Nothing good I would imagine", he said taking a big gulp how's the deep brown liquid. I pulled out my phone and looked at the address,"A word of caution, for what you want. I already know the price is going to be astronomical. Whatever the actual price is I'll be more than happy to front you the cash. But, think it over carefully first".

"I already have", I said standing up. " Thank you".


"You want to do what?" I said trying to balance myself in between two barre. My arms are strong enough now for me to raise them up. Elliot wanted to take it to the next level and see if I could hold up my upper body so that I could try and walk. I don't think I've ever had such an intense workout. Learning to rewalk was hard and I was starting to hate our gym.

"Focus", Elliott said behind me ready to catch me if I fell.

"Go to this party", Lara said sitting criss cross against the mirror wall.

"Where is it?" I said breaking a sweat trying to drag my left foot in front of my right.

"Somewhere in Troy. It's supposed to be a big deal", she said.

"I don't know where Troy is but who is throwing the party?"

"A girl I have lunch with".

"Does she have a name?"

"Uumm Jamie Keeven?" She said unsure.

"You don't know her name but you want to go to her house?" I said successfully dragging my left foot forward now for the right foot.

"Yeah, not everyone gets invited but I did", she said like that was reason enough for me to send her out to a high school party in the middle of butt fuck nowhere. From what Jennifer had told me about the nightlife of this area it always involved some redneck shenanigans. And drinking.

Which I was fine with her doing if she was home. But I don't think they're in the real world. Too many things could play into factor.

"I don't know. Are Ella and Chelsea going? " I asked.

"I think so they both got invited", she said standing up and stretching.

"What did Jennifer say?" I said successfully moving my right leg.

"I asked you first", I didn't know if that was a good thing or bad thing. I wanted to say yes. But I remembered what I was like at that age. And there was nothing more aggressive then the average teenage boy control by his dick only.

"Ask Jennifer", she would know the right answer.

"Ask me what?" Jennifer said coming down the stairs holding Fitz followed by Connie with Maria.

"And rest", Elliott said tapping me on the shoulder. I fell back into his arms as he lowered me gently to the padded blue floor pushing away the barre. I wouldn't truly be getting to rest, no, we would stretch then I would be done.

"How's it going down here?" Jennifer asked bouncing over to me.

"Could be better if you could focus on walking instead of all these distractions", Elliott said sitting down grabbing my arms and pulling me forward then back.

"We're leaving we just wanted to check in", Jennifer switch to her baby voice talking to Fitz. It was heartwarming seeing that she had finally bonded with the twins. Or at least she had bonded with Fitz. If we were patient and she continued to take the medicine and we had had prescribed her I'm sure she would feel the same way about Maria too," Let's give daddy a kiss. Then I'll get you a bottle".

Jennifer lowered Fitz down to me so he was at my cheek level. He kind of just stared at the side of my head and then sneezed on me.


"Okay come back up to mama", Jennifer said pulling Fitz back up. Gently swinging with him he rests his head on her chest content and happy where he was at.

"Can I go to a party?!" Lara said bouncing over to Jennifer

"Where at?"

" Its inTroy, and Jamie Keeven---"

"Absolutely not", Jennifer said continuing to sway.

" What why?! Everyone is going to---"

"Be drinking and getting high and there's not going to be any parents there. Not to mention if anything would have happened it would take the police at least a half hour to get to you on their property", Jennifer said.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"The Keeven's originally owned all the St Charles County until they sold their farms so it could be developed into what it is today. That made them stupidly rich and then they had the nerve to start marrying people off to Wilson family; who owned Warren County. The Keeven's and the Wilson's haven't had to work in almost a hundred years. And they still don't which has made them into lazy, useless degenerate who pass along those values to their children. I don't think a single one of them has actually got a college degree", she said coldly.

"Wow, love, tell me how you really feel. If they're farmers I would imagine that's pretty hard work?"

"Bot when you can get illegals to work the land for less than $5 a day", she shot back.

"Is it stupid or smart?" I pondered.

"It's illegal and wrong. Lara, you shouldn't be hanging around with those types of people".

"Besides your obvious prejudice have they done anyting substantial", I mean for god sakes I am a drug dealer at my core.

"It's not Prejudice if it's true. I would bet money that after these four years of high school she goes away to some college but after three semesters flunks out and has to come back home to the Community College. Where she won't be able to last so she just drops out of school all together and ends up coming back home. Her parents will by our house set her up with a nice allowance. But then she'll open her legs and will have a couple babies and then cycle will repeat itself over and over again. Or at least until the money runs dry. Then the government could buy the farmland back or put it up for public auction".

"Did you just plan this family's downfall?" Elliott said confused.

I took my attention away from Jennifer and looked to Lara,"You can go".

Lara jumped with excitement. She came over to my side and gave me a big hug,"Thanks you, Dad!"


That was new.

A huge grin appeared on my face. And before Jennifer could say anything Lara was bolting upstairs. As I brought my attention back to Jennifer I knew I was in trouble. "Connie, will you go feed Fitz?"

"Of course, come here, little one", Connie said taking Fitz and walking back upstairs.

" Elliott I think he's done exercising for the day", Jennifer said.

Elliott mumbled under his breath,"And in the dog house tonight", he stood up and helped me into my electric wheelchair,"See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah", I guess so.

And with that said Elliot disappeared to. Jennifer came as soon front of me without my arms crossed,"Why even ask me for my opinion if you're just going to say yes?"

"Because I thought you would have some kind of valid point for her not to go. Who cares if they're living off their inheritance?"

"Is that the message we want to send to Lara. That it's okay to do nothing with your life. To piss through everything you've been given like a bottle of tequila?" She said not letting this go.

"Your sister seems to be doing a pretty good job of that? And she's turning out fine", oh, why did I say that?

Jennifer is arms went from crossed in front of her chest to firmly on her hips. Why did I have to bring Jemma into this? Jemma wasn't a baby anymore, she was a full grown woman well teenage. Who had grown-up basically an only child. Which meant Yvonne and Ken gave her everything her heart desired. You name it she got it: new cars, designer clothes and shoes, her hair done every Friday at one of the most expensive hair salons in Paris, a nail technician that came every Saturday to her house. And she never worked a day in her life. Everything about her was superficial, she cared more about how she looked than she did about people most days. But I couldn't really blame her, she had been raised to be that way. And it wasn't abnormal to me. Well nothing is really have normal after you grow up with Michael. I knew, Jennifer didn't like to talk about it. Jemma's behavior was less-than-ideal. But the non stop partying, drugs, drinking had to stop at some point you would think?

"This isn't about her!", Jennifer said tightly,"It's about making sure Lara is around good influences. Instead of going to the Keeven's Estate why can't she have a movie night or sleepover here with Ella and Chelsea. Or hell throw a party here and make it 10 times better then the one Jamie is throwing?"

"You don't understand the high school hierarchy do you?"

"I know how children are", Jennifer said in a deadpan voice.

"Then give me a real reason not to let her go?" I said.

"I just don't think it's safe for Lara to go. As you so eloquently have said we're in the middle of 'butt fuck nowhere'. The further out you go the more of the boonies you start to see", she said like she just dropped the mic. Okay? That didn't mean anything to me, this whole state was full of hicks but I would never tell Jennifer that.

"How about this, we let her go for an hour or two? Thomas will be close by and she gos with a group of girls?"

"Why is it so important that she goes anyway?" Jennifer asked with a roll of her eyes.

" I don't know, I'm not a teenage girl my body didn't go through those changes. But I do know the second you make something off limits the more she's going to want to do it. If you put restriction tape on this girl I guarantee you Lara will seek her out more. This is just a phase, it's not like this girl is going to marry into to our family. And Lara hasn't given us any reason not to let her go. Everyone goes to a high school party there's going to be more so we have to get used to this. It comes with the territory of raising a teenager", I stated.

"Fine, if you want her to go she can go. But I have a feeling in my gut this is not going to end the way you think it is", she said.

"It's a high school party. They'll drink and smoke and make some memories", I said rolling past her to the elevator.

Jennifer follow behind me,"If you say so".

"I do", I hit the elevator door button and the doors immediately opened. We stepped inside and started to climb up to the main level.

"I need to go to London", Jennifer said standing at my side.

"Why what's in London?" I asked.

"Henry-Faust, Nate is trying to launch a new product and wants me to look the beta design", she said.

"He can't send you a picture or schematics?"

"No this is top secret. We're trying to beat another startup company out of the gate. If we're successful it could mean a billion dollar market opening up at our feet", she said as the elevator door ding in the doors slide open to a hardwood floor hallway.

"Exciting something in the medical field?"

"Yeah, something with recreational marijuana", she said not sounding too interested in this new project. I rolled myself forward pushing my control panel forward. "It would only be for a day or two. I would probably be back before this party happens".

"You're going to leave me to roll solo?" I didn't think I could do that. There was a certain art to waking up the kids for school. And making sure everything ran smoothly in the morning. I hadn't bothered to learn that art but I guess for two days I could try.

"You have Connie", Jennifer said behind me.

"She could never replace you, love", I said turning back to face her only to have my attention jerked to the scene in front of me.

" AAAAA DADDY DOWN, DADDY DOWN!" Michael said screaming at the top of his lungs as Heather Alma and Allen all attacked Michael to the ground. He dramatically fell to the ground as the kids laughed and giggled.

"Daddy's IT! RUN!" Allen screamed and the children ran back the way they came.

I'm pretty sure I heard something break that was glass,"I got it", Jennifer said rushing pass me. This was going to be a tough two days without her.

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