Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

Por ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 76

439 15 9
Por ilangel1

Thank you everyone for voting and comments

Louis woke up first and carefully got up to play. Louis was happily playing by himself in the playroom when Robin found him and he smiled watching the young boy. "Having fun Lou?" Robin asked and Louis smiled up at him. "Yeah loads." Louis said before holding a train out to Robin. "You want me to play?" Robin asked and Louis quickly nodded gesturing for Robin to sit down next to him Robin played with Louis before asking him if he wanted some breakfast.

"Hmm okay." Louis agreed standing up and taking robins hand as they headed for the kitchen "Yoghurt please" Louis said. "How about some toast or pancakes with the yoghurt" robin suggested. "No toast." Louis said not wanting that at all. "Pancakes it is then." Robin said getting the stuff out for Pancakes Louis watching closely.

"Want to help" robin asked the boy. Louis nodded and Robin watched him as he pushed a chair over to the counter before standing on it so he could reach and be able to help. Robin told the boy how much to pout of the flour. Louis was doing well until he slipped slightly causing some of the flour to go everywhere but all that did was make Louis giggle Robin smiled at the young boy and went to help him.

"Made a mess grandad." Louis said but Robin could tell he found it funny and wasn't really sorry about it. "I can see that." Robin said trying to be serious but Louis just laughed causing Robin to smile at him. "We can clean it up after the pancakes are made." Robin said knowing there would be more. "Okay." Louis said happily before Robin helped him with the next stage making sure to keep a close eye on Louis this time.

Meanwhile Niall stirred and shook his pals awake. Liam woke up and hugged niall and gsve him a dose of medicine. "You feeling any better today love?" Liam asked once Niall had made himself comfy. "No." Niall croaked. "Not even a tiny bit?" Liam asked. Niall shook his head but the boy had just woken up so Liam decided he would ask again in a little while Liam cuddled the boy. "See dad" niall croaked. "I think he's still sleeping Love, Plus I'm not sure if it's a great idea you being round him." Liam said. "But." Niall croaked. "Ni you told me yourself you don't feel any better we don't want to make dad poorly again do we." Liam said and Niall shook his head but sniffled.

"I know love, I know it's hard but just think at the end of all this your going to have another younger sibling." "Don't want another if it means I can't ever be with dad." Niall cried and Liam knew what he was getting at the poor boy hadn't really been around Harry at all recently with Harry being in hospital and then once he came home Niall becoming poorly.

"It will get better love I promise." Liam said rubbing the boys back trying to calm him down. "Want dad now" he croakrd. "I know but we need you better first" Liam said. "I am better though." Niall then said and Liam chuckled. "Nice try, but your voice and that fact that I can still feel that your temperature is above normal is telling me otherwise." Liam said and Niall just sighed snuggling close to Liam.

Soon robin put the pancake mixture in the pan and Louis got down from his chair. The pancakes were soon made. Louis brought his papa up some pancakes that his grandad helped him make. "Hey boo." Liam said. "Papa we made pancakes." Louis announced handing them to Robin as he climbed onto the bed before taking them back and giving the plate to Liam. "Thanks baby." Liam said and Louis smiled widely. Louis ate his pancakes and Liam ate his offering one to Niall. Niall shook his head not wanting it instead curling into Liam tighter.

"See that's another way I know your still not feeling well." Liam said knowing Niall wouldn't normally turn down Pancakes. Niall just groaned and shut his eye's. "Nini Okay?" Louis asked looking down at his older brother. "He'll be fine in a couple of days." Liam reassured his youngest who nodded and continued eating his breakfast.

Robin decided to check on harry. Robin found Harry still fast asleep and smiled. A while later Harry woke up and felt much better he decided to get up and have a shower. Once he was showered he went to find some of his family coming across them all in Niall's room where Niall seemed to be asleep but Louis and Liam both looked up.

"Daddy." Louis said happily clambering off the bed and running over to Harry. Harry picked the boy up and hugged him. "Made pancakes with grandad" Louis beamed "Oh I can tell was it you who made the mess in the kitchen?" Harry questioned but Louis shook his head. "Grandads fault." Louis said. "Really cause it looks like a louis mess." Harry said tickling Louis who began to giggle and squirm in his daddy's arms.

"Careful Haz Ni is asleep' Liam said. "How is he today?" Harry asked as Louis calmed down and rested his head on Harry's shoulder. "Not great." Liam said and Harry just nodded. "Right monkey lets go and clean this mess up." Harry said and Louis whined. "Wanna play." Louis moaned. "Sorry boo you make a mess you At least need to help clean it up." Harry said as he left the room with Louis.

However when they were cleaning Louis was only making it worse. "Lou." Harry said with a sigh as he saw Louis brush the flour that was on the side onto the floor. "What?" Louis said. "Your making more mess." Harry said. "How, gone from here now." Louis said generally confused as from where he was looking he could no longer see a mess. "Louis look at the floor." Harry said Louis doing as said. "Oh." Louis said. Robin came down. 'Lou go play I'll help daddy" Robin said bringing the empty plates down.

"Daddy said I had to help though." Louis said but jumping off the chair anyway. "You've helped enough." Harry said and Louis huffed but went and found his train set. "Thanks" Harry said as he carried on cleaning the units. "He makes enough mess for 5 kids." Robin said. "I know but I wouldn't change him." Harry said. Once Harry had cleaned he decided to do some spelling with the boy.

"Louis." Harry called out and said boy soon appeared hoping his daddy was going to play with him. "Yes." Louis said. "Go and get your school bag and we're practice your spellings." Harry said and Louis groaned at that.

"But daddy." Louis moaned. "No buts the quicker you go and get it the quicker it will be done." Harry said and Louis huffed but went to find his school bag. Louis got his spelling page out and gave it to his daddy. "Alright sit down then love." Harry said and Louis did as told. "Can I have a drink please?" Louis asked and Harry nodded. "Anything in particular?" Harry said. "Juice please." Louis said and Harry nodded getting that for him.

"Anything else?" Harry asked but Louis shook his head. "Nope." Louis said as Harry handed him a pencil. Harry pronounced the first word slowly. Louis then attempted to write it down before showing it to harry. Harry looked at it almost what letter to you think is missing very good writing" Harry praised at the end. Harry could tell Louis had been working hard on his spellings and writing in general as the boy had massively improved. "Don't know daddy and really" Lou is said smiling the last bit pleased.

"Yeah Baby, I bet you've been practising loads haven't you?" Harry asked and Louis quickly nodded. "See practice makes perfect." Harry said ruffling Louis' hair. "What letter missing though?" Louis then asked. Harry told Louis what letter was missing and Louis nodded and wrote the word again with that letter without being asked. "There we go there all correct now." Harry said and Louis smiled happily.

"Play now?" Louis asked pushing his pencil away and Harry smiled. "Alright lou, we can play for a bit." Harry said and Louis was out of his chair before Harry could even finish his sentence. Harry smiled and went to join the boy. "Daddy can we play outside on the trampoline?" Louis asked growing bored of playing with his trains. "If I say yes you need to be quiet while you're out there." Harry said. "Why?" Louis said.

"Because Niall's window is round the back like yours and if your loud then he'll be able to hear." Harry said and Louis nodded, "I'll be quiet daddy." Louis promised but Harry seriously doubted it. "Ok we can go out there for fifteen minutes" Harry said. It was still quite cold only bring end of January. "Okay." Louis said jumping up and running off to get his shoes on. "Louis coat." Harry said. "But daddy." Louis moaned. "No this isn't up for discussion do you want to end up like your brother?" Harry questioned and Louis sighed going to get his coat and putting it on.

Louis then out his shoes on asking how to do his laces. Harry showed the boy with one and Louis attempted to do the other one "Nearly sweetie." Harry said tying it himself. "Will I ever be able to do it?" Louis asked. "Yeah with a bit more practice. I think your be able to do them before Niall was able too." Harry said which made Louis smile. Harry remembered having a nightmare with Niall when it came to learning how to tie laces and it resulted in many tears as even though the boy tried he just couldn't by the time he could he was almost 6.

They then went out into the garden and Louis went over to the trampoline and waited for his daddy to lift him up. "Up you go then." Harry said and as soon as Louis was on the boy wasted no time in beginning to jump. Louis was giggling as he jumped about and decided to do a seat drop.

Niall heard the noise outside and smiled slightly liking hearing his brother giggle. "Is Lou On the trampoline?" Niall croaked and Liam smiled. "By the sound of the giggles coming from the garden I would imagine so." Liam said getting up and walking over to the window smiling when he saw Louis bouncing. Liam smiled at that. "Yea Lou us on the trampoline is he being too noisy" Liam asked Niall.

"No I like hearing him giggle as he's happy when he giggles." Niall said and Liam chuckled. "That he is but he can also get very loud." Liam said. "He's fine dad." Niall reassured Liam as to be fair the boy was so tired he'd probably be able to sleep if Louis had all his friends over. Liam nodded but didn't like how croaky Niall's voice sounded.

He got Niall to sip some water. "Don't want anymore." Niall said pushing it away. "Just a bit more." Liam said. "No hurts." Niall cried and Liam sighed. "Ok we will have some more soon" Liam said putting the cup down. Niall nodded cuddling back into Liam and closing his eyes however his throat wasn't letting him sleep.

Harry was watching Louis very carefully. Robin was also outside with them. Louis was bouncing extremely happily when he miss judged his bounce and landed badly on his ankle. Louis started crying. Harry rushed over to him. "Alright Baby Come here." Harry said and Louis crawled over to Harry but that just hurt his ankle more. Robin went to the freezer and grabbed the frozen pack of peas and wrapped it in a towel as Liam hugged Louis."Dad can't sleep." Niall croaked and Liam sighed. "Do you want a story?" Liam asked. Niall nodded and Liam got up to grab a book. "Harry potter" Liam asked.

"Please." Niall said as he got comfy against Liam but Liam sat up when he heard his youngests cries. "Is that lou?" Niall asked and Liam sighed but nodded. "Go check" niall croaked not liking hearing Louis cry. "You sure?" Liam asked and Niall nodded. "Alright I'll send grandad up to sit with you." Liam said and Niall nodded as Liam quickly got up and went downstairs. Liam headed out to the garden where Robin handed the pack of peas wrapped in a towel.

"Lou where does it hurt just point" Harry said. Louis pointed to his ankle still crying pretty loudly as Liam appeared. "Oh lou, what's happened?" Liam asked taking the peas from Robin and lifting the boy onto his lap before holding the peas against his ankle. "Hurts." Louis cried into Liam's chest and Liam sighed kissing his hair to try and calm him.

"Can you go and sit with Niall he's awake and wants a story but he's told me to be with lou." Liam asked Robin who nodded. "Course." Robin said before ruffling Louis' hair and heading upstairs to Niall's room. Harry and Liam fussed over Louis as Liam held the peas on his ankle. "Lou can I look at your ankle?" Liam asked but Louis quickly shook his head. "Hurts." Louis baby. "I know baby, but I need to check what you've managed to do to your ankle." Liam explained. Louis nodded reluctantly as Harry cuddled the boy while Liam checked it out. Louis nodded reluctantly as Harry cuddled the boy while Liam checked it out. "Ow papa stop." Louis cried and Liam sighed pulling away from Louis' ankle.

"I'm going to strap as precaution and we will have a movie day" Liam said "Nemo." Louis mumbled sadly and Liam smiled. "Yeah we can watch Nemo if you want." Liam said earning himself a watery smile from his youngest. Harry carried Louis in while Liam got the bits. Liam thought it was just bruised but Louis barely let him touch it so he just wanted to strap it to be safe. "Alright Lou I'm going to have to touch your ankle again." Liam warned Louis when he returned and Louis whimpered sadly. "Hurt." Louis moaned. "I know but once it's strapped it will feel a bit better." Liam said and Louis sniffled grabbing onto Harry's hand. Harry comforted Louis as Liam strapped it.


Robin found Niall awake and asked him what story he wanted. "Dad was going to read Harry Potter." Niall croaked and Robin nodded picking up that book and getting comfy next to Niall. "Is Lou Okay?" Niall asked once he was comfy. "He'll be alright he's landed badly on his ankle from bouncing to high on the trampoline but he's with your dad and papa and your papa's a nurse so he'll get him better." Robin reassured Niall who just nodded. Niall snuggled into his papa as he listened to Harry potter. He normally reads it to himself but he isn't well at the moment.

"Grandad are you sure louis' Okay?" Niall asked hearing louis' cries getting louder. "Yeah I imagine your papa's touching his ankle which is why he's probably crying louder." Geoff reassured his grandson. Niall nodded sadly. Niall has fallen asleep while listening to Harry potter. Robin stopped reading and cuddled Niall.

"Right I'm going to check on Ni and then I'll come back and we're watch Nemo." Liam said once he'd finished strapping louis' ankle and Louis nodded cuddling further into harry. "He asleep?" Liam asked when he poked his head round the door. "Yeah Lou Okay?" Robin asked. "Yeah I think it's just bruised but I've strapped it to be On the safe side." Liam explained "Awww poor Lou but that's the best thing. I'll stay up here and keep an eye on Ni. Go be with Lou" Robin said. "Thanks." Liam said before heading back downstairs and sitting down on the other side of Louis so the boy was now in between both his parents Louis snuggled into his parents and watched nemo.

Liam however noticed that Louis was still whimpering every now and again. "Does you ankle still hurt baby?" Liam asked and Louis nodded looking up at Liam with wide blue eyes. "I'll go and get you some pain relief love." Liam said standing up to go and grab the medicine. Louis nodded and didn't complain and took the liquid Calpol that his papa gave him. "Right give that 20 minutes and it should start to feel a bit better." Liam said placing the medicine on the coffee table as Louis cuddled into his side being careful not to move his ankle. Louis enjoyed the film and soon his ankle stopped hurting and he was hyper again. Wanting to play and bearing in mind where his ankle had stopped hurting he forgot about his ankle and went to get up although soon regretted his decision.

Liam picked the boy up and cuddled him as Harry had fallen to sleep. "Shall we go and play something where you can just sit down." Liam asked and louis nodded clinging to Liam not wanting to put his foot onto the floor again. Liam carries Louis into the back room where he sits Louis on the beanbag and asks Lou if he wants his lego or trains. "Lego Papa." Louis said and Liam nodded getting the Lego for the boy. "Here you go Lou." Liam said and Louis smiled pouring it onto the floor Liam passed Louis anything he couldn't reach and the boy built something. He decided to make something for Niall. "What you making Louis?" Liam asked and Louis shrugged. "Don't know but it's for Ni." Louis said and Liam smiled. "Want some help" Liam asked. "Me do it" Louis said. Liam smiled and let Louis build.

Niall woke up whimpering. "You Okay Ni?" Robin said. "Hurts Grandad." Niall cried and Robin sighed. "It will get better." Robin reassured the boy. "More medicine" niall croaked. 'Can I just check with your paid when you last had some. Niall nodded and let his grandad get up curling into a ball once he had left.

Robin walked downstairs and found Liam sat in the backroom with Louis building with his Lego. "Hey Li." Robin said and Liam looked up. "Yeah?" Liam replied. "Niall's asking for more medicine, is he alright to have more?" Robin questioned Liam looked at the time "another hour but I can go and see if he wants the spray again can you watch Lou" Liam said.

Harry woke up a bit hungry for the first time in ages and went to find his husbsnd asking what he could eat. "Oh Haz you made me jump." Liam said as he saw Harry come out the living room as he was about to head upstairs. "Yeah I'm actually hungry for once." Harry said and Liam smiled. "That's great, I'm going to sort Niall out but then I'll come back and I'll make you something to eat." Liam said and Harry nodded heading off to where he could hear Louis. Harry smiled at his step dad was playing with Louis and p1assed him the Lego. Liam went into nialls room. "Hey Ni you can't have any more medicine but do you want to have some of the spray" Liam said.

Niall just nodded sadly. "Want it to stop hurting." Niall said and Liam nodded grabbing the spray. "I know love, but there's not much more I can do." Liam said sitting Niall up. "Ok I'm spraying now Sweetie" Liam says. Niall nods and let's his papa spray in his mouth. It now doesn't feel weird. "Can I have some water" Niall says. Liam passes the boy his glass of water. "Thank you." Niall said before snuggling into Liam.

"Can I come downstairs I promise I won't cuddle with dad." Niall asked and Liam didn't really know what to answer to that as it was clear the boy wanted to be with his family rather than stuck upstairs. Liam helped the boy downstairs and let Niall lean on him as they walked downstairs. "Papa please carry me." Niall whimpered as he nearly tripped and seeing that Liam did lift the boy up.

"Only because your poorly Okay." And Niall just nodded. Liam carried Niall down the stairs and then into the back room where everyone else is. "Nini." Louis said looking up at Niall from his place on the floor going to get up but Robin stopped him.

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