Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 75

443 15 7
By ilangel1

"Alright, you doing anything with him?" Liam asked. "Might go to the park." Harry said and Liam nodded. "Wouldn't be a bad idea he's normally pretty energetic when he comes out of school." Liam said and Harry nodded before going back downstairs to collect Louis. Harry was pleased Louis was regaining his energy. Harry got in the car and drove off.

When Harry reached the school and had finally parked he realised that he was 5 minutes late and quickly ran over to louis' classroom where the boy was waiting with his teacher. Harry smiled when he saw her point him out and Louis looked up then running over to Harry who picked him up. "I'm so sorry baby, it was nightmare trying to park." Harry said kissing Louis' hair before putting him down and taking his hand.

"It's fine daddy, I did good with my letters today" Louis beamed. "Yeah, that's great baby." Harry said as they both walked to the car. "How would you feel about going to the park for a bit?" Harry asked and Louis quickly nodded and Harry just chuckled as they reached the car and he buckled the small boy in. "Feed the ducks daddy" Louis asked in the car. "We will go and get some bread before the park" Harry said. Louis smiled pretty much bouncing in his seat. Harry parked his car near to the park and got Lou is out his seat and held his hand as they walked to the shop to get some bread.

Once they had the bread they walked to the park Harry letting go of Louis' hand as soon as they reached the park. "Right do you want to play or feed the ducks first?" Harry asked and Louis pointed to the duck pond before running off towards it Harry close behind. Harry told Louis to slow down as he approached the pond Louis did much to Harry's relief and when Harry had caught up he took louis' hand again as they approached the water. Harry gave Louis half a slice to break up to throw to the ducks. "Thanks daddy." Louis said happily beginning to break up the bread into small pieces and giggling when the ducks came over and began to eat it. Harry smiled at Louis as he happily fed the ducks. "Daddy Can I have some more bread" louis questioned 10 minutes later but Harry shook his head. "It's all gone love." Harry said and Louis looked up at him sadly. "Hey don't get all sad, how about we go and play in the playground?" Harry suggested and Louis quickly nodded.

Harry and Louis went to the swings and Harry pushed Louis on them "Right What do you want to do next?" Harry asked and Louis pointed to the climbing frame so Harry nodded sitting down on a bench as Louis ran off to the climbing frame. Louis didn't go to high this time after being scared last time Harry smiled watching the boy playing so glad he was back to his normal self. It was around ten minutes later Harry started to notice it was getting dark so told Louis it was time to go.

Louis happily took Harry's hand as they headed for the car but about half way Harry could tell Louis was tired as he was walking really slowly and Harry sighed lifting the boy onto his hip knowing he wouldn't be able to do this for much longer. Harry carried the boy to the car and strapped him in before driving home. Harry was tired now.


Niall had woken himself up coughing. Niall's coughing woke Liam who had been dozing off himself and helped Niall to sit up rubbing his back to ease the coughing. The cough hurt Nialls throat Niall's throat was in agony and the poor boy didn't know what to do Liam rubbed nialls back "Right Daddy's brought some spray that will numb your throat and should stop it hurting." Liam said reaching over and grabbing it as Niall whined. "I know sweetie, but it's going to help." Liam said sitting up and bringing Niall into a sitting position at the same time. "Open your mouth" Liam suggested. Niall hesitantly did What Liam said but when Liam used the spray it made Niall jump and tears instantly formed in his eyes. "I'm sorry love, I probably should have warned you." Liam said. Liam cuddled Niall for a bit.

Niall whined when he felt his throat starting to feel funny and Liam was able to tell straight away what the boy was whining about. "It's Alright Love it's just the spray working." Liam said and Niall just sniffled nodding cuddling close to Liam. Soon the spray worked and Niall reached out for his drink. Liam smiled as he passed it to the boy "Is that easier now?" Liam asked and Niall nodded handing his now empty cup to Liam. "Do you want anything else?" Liam asked but the boy shook his head and Liam decided not to push it as at least the boy had drank something. Liam let Niall snuggle back into him.When they reached home Harry carefully picked Louis back up as he had fallen asleep on the way home and carried him indoors gently placing him down on the sofa and throwing a blanket over him after taking off his coat and shoes. Harry then went to make himself a cup of tea before going upstairs with one for Liam to.

"Hey." Harry said softly walking into the room seeing Niall nearly asleep. "Hey where's lou?" Liam asked sitting up and accepting the tea from harry. "Asleep on the sofa fell asleep on the way home from the park and I don't want to wake him." Harry said and Liam nodded. "Don't let him sleep for long though as he won't sleep tonight otherwise as he doesn't need as much sleep anymore." Liam said gently playing with Niall's hair. Harry nodded. "How you feeling Ni" Harry asked. "not good" Niall whispered. "What wrong Ni sweetie" Harry asked.

"Just don't feel right." Niall whispered. "At least your talking I haven't heard your voice yet today." Liam said running his hand through Niall's hair "What doesn't feel right is it just your throat or is your tummy bothering you" Harry asked. "Throat, feels funny and it really hurts." Niall whimpered. "Even with the spray?" Liam asked. "Yeah, not as much but still hurts really badly." Niall whimpered and Liam sighed.

"Awww my poor baby, want some soup that might help" Harry asked. Niall just shrugged so Liam nodded answering for him as if he could get some food into Niall then it might make him feel slightly better.

Niall was snuggled into his papa when he started coughing again. "Oh Ni." Liam said rubbing Niall's back and once the coughing had eased Niall looked up at Liam with tears in his eyes. "Hurts." Niall managed to get out burying himself under the duvet. "I know baby the soup dad is making should help." Liam soothed.

Harry smiled and went downstairs to see if they had the ingredients to make chicken soup Harry soon discovered that they did have everything and he was about half way through when Louis came walking into the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Lou, want help?" Harry asked and the boy nodded before pushing a chair over and climbing onto it so he could reach. "What you making?" Louis asked. "Chicken soup." Harry responded and Louis just nodded. "What you want me to do" Louis asked. "You can stir it" Harry said. Louis happily stirred the soup glad to know he was helping. "Is this for everyone?" Louis asked. "Well it's mainly for Niall as I was planning on doing fish fingers and chips for everyone else but you can have this instead if you want."

"No no no, want fish fingers Daddy." Louis said quickly and Harry smiled at the boy. Once Harry had all the ingredients in the soup and Louis had stirred it, Harry got the lid and passed it to Louis to put on after to leave to cook on a low light. Harry then started on everyone else's dinner.

"How many fish fingers do you want baby?" Harry asked. "2 please daddy." Louis said climbing down from the chair he'd been standing on. Can you put eight on this tray for me then" Harry said as he moved the chair over and passed Louis the fish finger packet over to Louis. Louis nodded taking the box pouring the whole box out before pushing 8 to one side and then putting the rest back.

"Clever boy." Harry said taking the box back and helping Louis pour out enough chips for everyone before placing the tray into the oven to cook. Harry set the timer and then checked the soup. "Me do anything else" Louis asked. "Not at the moment lou, but when the soups done you can help me bring it up to Niall." Harry suggested and Louis nodded climbing onto Harry's lap for a cuddle while they waited. Harry cuddled Louis while they waited for the dinner to be cooked and decided to put the TV on in the back room.

"Do you want anything in particular on lou?" Harry asked but the boy shook his head content with just cuddling at the moment. Harry found a cartoon programme and cuddled the boy till the timer went of "Right up you get lou." Harry said causing Louis to sigh but slide off Harry's lap following him into the kitchen Harry served the fish fingers and chips . He then checked if the chicken soup was ready. Louis happily sat down with his food while Harry went to get Liam and Niall.

"Hey you two I've got dinner done downstairs do you want me to bring it up or you coming down?" Harry asked and Liam shrugged. "What do you think Ni?" Liam asked. "Down." Niall whispered and Liam nodded gathering the boy was bored of just the one room so picked him up and carried him downstairs. "Thought you weren't carrying me anymore." Niall croaked and Liam chuckled. "I think since your poorly I can make an exception." Liam said and Niall just nodded resting his head on Liam's shoulder. The boy was quite big and heavy but Liam didn't care this once.

Liam sat niall on a chair on his own a.d gave the boy the spoon. Niall just looked at Liam when he was placed down on his own chair. "Ni once I've eaten you can sit with me but for now you need to sit there by yourself I'm only sat next to you." Liam said and the boy sighed but nodded. Niall sighed but nodded and sat their eating his soup. The rest of the family ate.

Harry only had half off what he made himself. "You Alright Haz?" Liam asked noticing Harry stop eating. "Yeah I'm fine." But Harry silently got up leaving the room and Liam sighed. "Where's daddy going? We haven't all findiebd and you always say we can't leave the table till everyone's finished." Louis said confused on why his daddy had got up when he was normally the most strict with the rule.

Liam wasn't sure how to answer the question not sure if Harry was feeling sick again. He knew it was just morning sickness. "Well if daddy isn't staying sat then neither am I since I'm done." Louis said before getting off his chair and heading into the living room. However that was a mistake as Harry hadn't had a chance to shut the bathroom door on his hurry.

Louis hearing the sound of someone throwing up began sobbing and Liam knew straight away what was happening and with one look at Niall who seemed to be okay for the time being ran off to get Louis. "Hey it's ok Loulou let's go watch some TV" Liam said.

Harry groaned as he threw his dinner up and he could hear Lou crying. "But daddy." Louis cried out still hearing his daddy. "He'll be okay baby." Liam said kissing the boys hair as he snuggled into Liam.

Niall had finished 3/4 Of his bowl and went to find his papa "Hey Ni." Liam smiled seeing the boy sleepily walk over to him. "Cuddle." Niall whispered and Liam smiled letting the boy cuddle into his side as Louis began to doze off in my lap. "Ni can you pass me the remote of you want to watch TV" Liam said. "Don't want to watch tv my head hurts." Niall whimpered and Liam nodded letting the boy stay cuddled into his side.

Harry finished vomiting but didn't feel great. Harry poked his head through. "I'm going to head up to bed you ok there or do you want me to ring one of our mum's" Harry said "How you feeling? Honest answer?" "Been better." Harry says and Liam nods. "You better ring one of our mums then if you're not feeling great again." Liam said knowing he already had his hands full with Niall being sick. Harry nodded deciding to call his mum. Anne answered and of course she came right over. Harry went upstairs to their bedroom and grabbed the bucket.

"Dad Okay?" Liam heard Niall croak and Liam smiled at him. "He'll be fine sweetheart." Liam said and Niall just nodded. "How you feeling?" Liam asked. "Throat really hurts again." Niall said sadly. "Okay when grandma comes I'll get her to grab the throat spray. I know you didn't like it but it did help." Liam said and Niall just sadly nodded.

Harry got changed into jogging bottoms and got into bed he hoped it was just travel sickness. Robin said he would go over to give Anne a break Anne text Harry doing if that was ok "Yeah that's fine." Harry replied before lying down and closing his eyes.

Liam sighed in relief when he heard the front door open and smiled seeing Robin. "Hey Robin." Liam said and the man smiled seeing Liam cuddled with the 2 boys. "Awww look at them" robin said. "I know cute, Ni is a bit under the weather and Harry is upstarts" Liam said Robin nodded.

"Is there anything I can do?" Robin asked. "Actually yeah could you grab the throat spray from the spare room?" Liam asked and Robin nodded before heading off to get it Robin went upstairs to check on harry and found him fast asleep and smiled at his sleeping step son. Robin then went to grab the spray from the spare room "Here Li." Robin said coming over ruffling Niall's hair who smiled sadly at Robin. "Alright Ni I'm warning you now I'm going to spray this down your throat." Liam said and Niall nodded. Liam sprayed it and Niall was much better with it now.

Robin went and got Niall fresh glass of water and made Louis a mug of tea. "Right then Ni, that helping?" Liam asked once Niall was settled and the boy nodded just as robin reappeared with water for Niall and Liam's tea. Liam thanked Robin and told him to out his tea on the table by him and pass him the water so Niall could have a few sips. Niall took a couple of sips before snuggling back into Liam's side who rubbed the boys back.

"Before you get too comfy I'm going to get Louis into bed." Liam said playing with Louis' hair seeing the boy had fallen asleep curled up on his lap. Niall nodded and saw his grandad and reached for a cuddle. Robin obliged to give the boy a cuddle. "You Okay Ni?" Robin asked and the boy nodded burying his face in robins neck. Liam carefully picked Louis up smiling at Robin and Niall before carrying Louis upstairs to bed.

Robin comforted and hugged his grandson and gave him some water to sip. Liam put Louis in bed and then checked Harry who was fast asleep. Once Liam had checked on Harry he went back downstairs to spend some time with Robin and Niall. Niall was comfy so stayed curled into his grandad. Liam decided to flick the t.v. on.

Niall stayed comfy with Robin for around 15 minutes before the man needed the toilet. "Can you go to papa Ni I need the toilet." Robin said and Niall looked up at him with dad eyes but nodded none the less and wondered over to Liam. Liam cuddled his son. Robin walked to the bathroom. Once he was finished he decided to check on Harry.

Robin checked and saw harry was still sound asleep so went downstairs and found Niall now happily cuddled with Liam. Robin smiled at the pair as he sat down. "You want to come back over here Ni or are you comfy with papa?" Robin questioned "Stay with papa." Niall mumbled and Robin nodded. Niall cuddle and watched tv for awhile. Robin sat on the other sofa. "Right I think it's time for bed Ni." Liam said rubbing the boys back who whined and whimpered.

"I know love but you need all the sleep you can get." Liam said lifting the boy into his arms. He knew he shouldn't be carrying the boy constantly but he was poorly and Liam didn't have it in his heart to make the boy walk Liam got the boy to do his teeth.

"Can grandad cuddle you in bed tonight" Liam asked. Robin had also come upstairs. "No want you." Niall mumbled and Liam sighed. Niall had habit of going downhill during the nights even though he would pick up slightly during the day. Robin said night and went to check on harry who was just stirring. Niall snuggled into his papa.

"You Okay Haz?" Robin asked seeing him moving around. Harry shrugged. Robin grabbed the bucket and placed it under his chin. Liam heard Harry throwing up and really hoped that Louis wouldn't wake up. Liam knew he shouldn't as he'd been asleep long enough for it to be pretty deep but the 5 year olds sleeping patterns were a bit unpredictable at the moment. "Is dad ok" niall croaked. "He will be fine can I just check Lou is still asleep." Liam said.

Niall just nodded letting Liam get up so he could go and check on the youngest also wanting to check on Harry at the same time. Luckily Louis was still fast asleep. He then went in to his room to see robin out the room and the flush gone obviously emptying the bucket.

"How you feeling" Liam asked "I'm Alright now." Harry said and Liam smiled. "The sooner we're out of this morning sickness phase the better." Liam said sitting down and playing with Harry's curls. "Yeah, how are the boys?" Harry said. "Louis' sound asleep and Niall's really clingy so I can't stay long as he's currently on his own." Liam said and Harry nodded. Liam stayed with husband till robin cane back and then said night to both of them and kisses Harry's forehead.

Liam then walked out the room and headed to Niall who was still awake. "I'd have thought you would have fallen asleep." Liam said surprised the boy was still awake. "Can't sleep." Niall croaked cuddling into Liam's side. Liam cuddled the boy and sang to him softly and got him to sleep. When Liam noticed the boy was fast asleep he attempted to get comfy himself moving as little as possible as he didn't want to wake Niall. So on Liam drifted off to sleep. Robin went to sleep. The household was peaceful.

Louis woke up in the early hours of the morning from a nightmare. It hadn't scared him enough to result in him crying but he did want a cuddle so he got up and went to see if he could find his daddy, papa or grandad. The boy tried his daddy and papa's room first and saw harry sound asleep but just as the boy was about to enter he remembered that his daddy had been sick before he went to bed so he turned around and headed down the hallway in search of his grandad or papa. He decided to check his brothers room as he was a bit poorly to but not sick.

To Louis' relief he found both his brother and papa asleep in the bed and louis guessed that his grandad was in the spare room but the boy was tired and couldn't be bothered to walk down their so carefully climbed onto his brothers bed and even though he was being careful he managed to wake Liam. Liam smiled at his youngest and patted the bed but put a finger to his lips as niall was still fast asleep. Louis got himself comfy next to Liam making Liam now in the middle of his 2 boys.

"You Okay?" Liam whispered to Louis who shrugged. "Bad dream." Louis said and Liam just nodded as he didn't seem to worked up about it and seemed quite happy to go back asleep. Liam cuddled his two sleeping boys and once Lou was asleep he fell back to sleep. It was a bit squished on a single bed but they made it work. It was peaceful in the house for the rest of the night.

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