Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

84K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 74

433 13 3
By ilangel1

The family slept peacefully till around 2am when Liam woke to the sound of sobs and screams. Seeing that harry was still asleep Liam quickly got up hoping to keep Harry asleep and went to find out what was making the noise however he soon discovered it was coming from Niall's room. Quietly going into his room he saw Niall sobbing and screaming in his sleep and Liam sighed going over and trying to wake the boy.

Niall eventually woke up but then it became evident he had wet himself in his nightmare. Liam hugged the boy and his Dr instincts checked for a fever, "Shh Baby." Liam said softly as the boy clung tightly to Liam while he held his hand against the boys forehead. The boy was warm but Liam couldn't figure out if it was due to how worked up he'd got or if he did have a fever and that was what caused the nightmare.

Liam cuddled the boy for about ten minutes and then took him to the bathroom to clean him up. "No." Niall whimpered when Liam went to put him down. "I'm not going anywhere sweetie, I just need to turn the bath on." Liam said and Niall just sniffled but let Liam do that before gripping back onto him once he'd done that job. "Do you want to tell me about your nightmare?" Liam asked as he got the boy out of his sweaty pyjamas.

Niall shook his head as Liam finished running the bath. Liam didn't press the subject he helped undress Niall. "In you get then love." Liam said and Niall nodded but made sure that Liam didn't let go of his hand. Liam struggled when it came to washing Niall as the boy didn't seem interested in doing it himself and he wasn't letting go of Liam's hand but he managed and once he had finally achieved the task he got Niall out and wrapped him in a towel.

Niall just snuggled into his papa. "No sweetie is it about dad or do you not feel well" Liam asked as he dried the boy. Niall didn't answer the question instead snuggling further into Liam making it hard for Liam to dry the boy properly. Liam wasn't sure which the reason was either but he was leaning more on the sickness side of things as he would have thought if the nightmare was harry based then Niall would be desperate to get to harry. Also he hadn't forgotten about Niall playing in the rain the other night when he refused to come indoors.

"No Ni I need an answer, as if your feeling poorly I need to know so I can help you feel better." Liam said. Niall still didn't hurt. Liam had a thought. "Does your throat hurt bud" Liam said. Niall did nod and Liam sighed at that wrapping his arms tighter around the boy. "Anything else?" Liam asked kissing the boys hair and Niall just looked up at him with wide sad eyes that were still pretty watery. "You don't have to speak just point" Liam said as he got up with Niall to get the ear thermometer.

Niall sniffled before pointing to his head and Liam nodded rubbing the boys back as he rummaged through the cupboard searching for the thermometer and once he finally found it sat on the toilet seat with Niall turning it on and gently placing it in Niall's ear. It soon beeped and Liam looked at the numbers. "38 exactly." Liam said turning it off and putting it back before heading to Niall's room to get the boy into some clean pyjamas.

"I'll get you some medicine in a minute Okay." Liam said dropping the boy on his bed before realising he also needed to put Niall's bedding in the wash. "Ni I'm going to take you to the spare room ok" Liam said as he got the boy dressed. Niall just shook his head gripping tightly onto Liam. "Ni I'll join you as soon as I've sorted out your bedding and grabbed some medicine for you." Liam said as he placed Niall on the bed in the spare room.

Niall sighed as he was put down but did eventually let go of his papa. Liam went to clear up as quick as he could he decided to just strip Niall's bed and not make it again. He put the wash on and grabbed the medicine.

When he came back he saw Niall curled into a ball on the bed and he could hear sniffling so he made his way over to Niall and placed his hand on his shoulder gently. Niall instantly uncurled himself and rolled over when he saw Liam and once Liam was sat on the bed Niall curled into his side. Liam measured the right amount of medicine and fave it to the boy before he heard footsteps.

Harry had woken and Liam wasn't there so he got up to see where he was. "What's going on?" Harry asked as he poked his head round the door. "Niall's finding out the hard way why you shouldn't play in the rain." Liam said sadly as Niall snuggled further into his side. "I'm going to take a good guess then and say he's sick?" Harry asked and Liam just nodded. "That would be correct." Liam said. "Anything I can do?" Harry asked but Liam shook his head.

"We're good for now love, go back to bed you need sleep." Liam said. "As do you." Harry said and Liam shrugged. "I'm alright I'll probably fall asleep with Ni in a bit." Liam reassured his husband. Harry nodded and went to bed.

Liam was glad Harry didn't fight to stay as he didn't want to make him sick again. "You don't feel sick do you?" Liam asked but Niall shook his head and Liam smiled at that. "Alright Shall we get some sleep then? You might feel a lot better in the morning." Liam said hopefully but he very much doubted it. "You stay?" Niall croaked and Liam smiled. "Course sweetie." Liam said softly as Niall snuggled further into his side closing his eyes. They both fell asleep and the house was peaceful again.

It was Harry who woke up first the next morning due to Liam's alarm and since he hadn't taken his phone with him when he went in with Niall last night Harry was the one who had to turn it off and he also guessed that he'd have to wake everyone up. Harry went to wake Louis up and got him dressed.

He told Louis to sit and watch TV for a bit while he gently woke Liam up without disturbing Niall. Liam stirred slightly but didn't open his eyes. "Li you need to wake up love." Harry said gently shaking Liam's shoulder which caused the man to groan but he did open his eyes.

"You ok to take Lou in I'm going to phone work and there is no way Ni is going in" Liam said quietly. "Yeah Course if you're sure, I can probably look after Ni if you want to go to work." Harry said. "Harry that's asking for trouble, and I don't think he's going to leave my side for a while." Liam said gesturing to the boy who was clinging onto him through his sleep.

"Do you want me to get your phone to ring work" Harry said. "No it's fine managed to get the day of to spend with you" Liam said. Harry smiled back and went to finish getting Louis ready. Once Harry had left Niall started to stir against Liam's side and the man smiled running his hand through the boys hair hoping to get him to settle back down However that wasn't the case as Niall woke up and clung to his papa. "I know baby." Liam said as the boy sniffled clearly still feeling really bad. Liam decided to give Niall another dose of medicine. "Let me Sit up Love." Liam said softly to the boy who hesitantly sat up while Liam grabbed the medicine thankful now that he brought it into the room last night. Niall snuggles back into his papa after taking his medicine. "You going back to sleep?" Liam asked and Niall nodded so Liam gently rubbed his back.

Harry went to give Louis breakfast and he only wanted a yoghurt. "You sure you don't want anything else?" Harry asked. "No daddy, just want Yogurt." Louis said and Harry sighed but nodded not wanting an argument with his Youngest. Louis happily ate his yoghurt Harry had a cup of juice and some toast. "Right I think it's time for school." Harry said once they were finished but Louis just looked at harry confused. "What about Ni?" Louis asked. "Niall's sick sweetie so he's not going" Harry explained and Louis just nodded before jumping down off his chair and heading off to put his shoes on.

Harry was happy that Louis was happy about going to school. When Louis was ready he jumped up and happily took Harry's hand before the pair headed for the school. Harry got Louis in his car seat and then got in the driver's seat as he drove Louis to school When they reached the school Louis happily skipped alongside Harry as they headed for his classroom. Louis ran inside when he got there. The teacher saw Harry and smiled to see him.

"Hey Harry, glad you're feeling better" the teacher said. "Thanks but typical Niall seems to have a cold or something" Harry said. "It's always one of you lot, you never all seem to be healthy." The teacher chuckled and Harry smiled. "It certainly feels like that. Louis are you going to say bye?" Harry asked the boy who was playing with Lego with his friends.

"Bye daddy." Louis said but not moving and Harry shook his head fondly. "He's like a completely different kid at the moment." The teacher said. "Yeah he's had a difficult couple of months but he's a lot better I mean he's beginning to eat better and he's just reverting back to his happy and energetic self." Harry said and the teacher chuckled.

"I must admit class has certainly been a lot calmer and quieter while Louis' been sick but I'm sure that isn't going to last much longer." She said as she heard Louis' laugh. "I'll leave you too it, I still need to tell the office that Niall won't be in before Liam and I get a phone call about Niall missing." He said and the teacher nodded before waving and Harry headed over to main reception.

"Hey I've just dropped my youngest to class but I need to let you know Niall won't be in today as he isn't at all well' Harry said. "I would ask for a surname but there's only one Niall in this school." She said with a smile before doing something on her computer. "Alright so he's marked as absent due to illness on his class register, is there anything else I can help you with?" She asked Harry but he shook his head before thanking her and leaving to head back home. Harry sighed as he drove back home that Niall was now Ill.

Niall had fallen back to sleep so Liam had also gone back to sleep. Niall stirred in his sleep. As Niall woke he buried himself into Liam who woke up due to Niall's wriggling. "You Okay Love?" Liam asked but Niall shook his head. "What's up sweetie do you feel worse?" Liam asked then. Niall just shrugged. "Does it hurt anywhere else just point" Liam asked.

Niall just pointed to his head and throat again and Liam then had a thought. "Ni can you talk? Or are you just not talking cause it hurts?" Liam asked unsure about why the boy wasn't talking. Niall just shrugged. "Ni can you just say one word like hi for me" Liam said. Niall shook his head and Liam sighed deciding that even if Niall hadn't lost his voice it clearly hurt to much for him to talk Liam sighed that he didn't have his phone to use the torch to look at the boys throat.

Harry soon parked up. Liam then heard the front door open and close and although he didn't want Niall and Harry anywhere near each other he needed Harry to get him his phone so he called out for him. Harry came upstairs. "Haz can you grab my phone need my torch on it" Liam said. "Why?" Harry asked. "I want to look at Niall's throat he can't talk he's lost his voice or his throat is hurting to much he won't talk to tell me." Liam said and Harry nodded going to grab Liam's phone.

"Here Li." Harry said handing it to Liam once he'd retrieved it. "Thanks." Liam said getting Niall to sit up. Niall sat up. Liam told the boy to open his mouth. Niall was hesitant to begin with but Harry then came over and took his hand. "Love i really don't think you should be in here." Liam said but Harry shrugged not caring and Liam sighed but with Niall having Harry's comfort he did open his mouth so Liam wasn't complaining he'd just tell harry to leave once he'd done this.

Liam looked at nialls throat and it looked red raw. He knew the boy had either tonsillitis or a throat infection. Liam carried on assessing the boy. Niall soon got fed up with Liam assessing him and curled into Harry's side away from Liam. "Alright Love, I just want to check your temperature and then I'll be done." Liam said and Niall nodded letting Liam place the thermometer in his ear. Liam took the boys temperature was he started to cough a bit.

"You Okay?" Liam asked concerned rubbing the boys back but Niall shook his head. "Your Okay." Liam said softly as he eased Niall out the fit before re taking the boys temperature as he failed to get it last time. Liam got it and looked at it and was pleased it wasn't two high at 38.2. Liam then cuddled Louis.

"Do you want a drink sweetie?" Liam asked and Niall shook his head. "Ni I know it may hurt but you need something to drink." Liam said and Niall sniffled. "Oh Love, don't cry it will hurt more." Liam said rubbing the boys back to try and calm him down. "I'll go and grab you a drink and a straw" Harry said getting up Niall just nodded snuggling with Liam and Liam smiled thankfully at harry. Harry went to get niall a drink and soon came back. "Thanks love." Liam said taking the drink and getting Niall to sit up so he could have something to drink. Niall reluctantly has a few sips. Niall cuddled back into his papa.

Louis was having a great time at school and did maths. Soon they moved on to spelling. Louis tried his best with his spellings but with everything going on at home the boy hadn't practiced them. Louis got a bit frustrated "You Okay louis?" Miss simmons asked noticing the boy and he shook his head. "Can't do it, don't know them." Louis said sadly. "Do you want to go and sit somewhere and we can do them together' miss Simmons said. Louis just nodded picking up his sheet of paper and following Miss simmons out the classroom and into the library where there were tables where kids could work in small groups or individually.

Miss Simmons went through the first word and broke it up and got Louis to write how he it was spelt. "Nearly Louis just missing one letter." She said before breaking the word up again and making sure she sounded everything out clearly before getting louis to write it out again. Louis did as miss Simmons said. Louis spelt it out correct and his letter writting was so much better. "Well done louis." Miss Simmons said and Louis smiled before they did the next one together. Louis took more time getting that word correct but got the in the end.

"Have you practiced these at all this week, don't worry if you haven't I just want to know.?" "Haven't had the time." Louis said and miss Simmons just nodded going through the next one with the boy. Louis found this one easier. "Louis very good writing your letters" miss Simmons said. "Practiced letters but not spelling" the boy said. "That's good Louis" miss Simmons said.

Louis just smiled as although he was struggling with the spellings he had been helped with his letters and it really showed Miss Simmons was pleased with Louis work. He may not have learnt his spellings but she was very impressed with the boys letters. Miss Simmons was pleased with Louis work. He may not have learnt his spellings but she was very impressed with the boys letters. "Alright then Louis we're all done." She said taking the boys sheet and quickly writing his name on it before leading him back to the classroom. The bell rang for break and Louis went and joined his friends. Louis ran over to his friends and they started playing football or their version of it.

Louis actually ate all his lunch that day and once he'd eaten went out to play for the rest of lunch with his friends. Louis was ready for writting that day which they did next and got pulled out for reading. Louis happily read to Miss simmons who was really impressed with the boy.

Niall was whimpering in his sleep and Liam didn't know whether to wake him or leave him as he knew Niall needed thre sleep but if he was having another nightmare he knew it wouldn't be pleasant for the boy. Harry wanted to help but had been sent downstairs. Liam decided to wake the boy in the end. Harry sighed but decided to watch tv.

Liam gently started to wake the boy not wanting to scare him. Niall whimpered slightly as he was woken. "Shhh it's ok" Liam soothed. Niall looked up at Liam and held his arms out so Liam lifted him onto his lap and wrapped his arms tightly round the boy NIall just snuggled into his papa who could feel immedietly the boys fever had gone up. Liam leaned over and grabbed the thermometer that he had left on the bedside table before turning it on and gently placing it in the boys ear. "It's Alright Love, I'm just checking your temperature." Liam told the boy as Niall started to wriggle around.

Niall stopped and let his papa take his temperature. It beeped and Liam looked at it. "38.5 so it's gone up Ni." Liam said sadly seeing what his temperature was. "Do you feel hot sweetie?" Liam asked and Niall nodded so Liam helped him out of his tshirt to attempt to cool him down a bit. Liam looked at the time and saw he could give the boy some medicine. "Sit up bud, let's give you some more medicine." Liam said also reaching for that more than glad that he had everything in the room already. Niall sat up and took his medicine and then a couple of sips of water.

"Do you want to watch a film or something of ho back to sleep?" Liam asked but Niall pointed to the tv so Liam guessed that's what he wanted. Liam found something for Niall to watch and the boy cuddled his papa as they watched together. Liam gently played with the boys hair while he was distracted for the time being with the TV. Niall relaxed in his papa's arms. Liam smiled and the pair both settled down Liam having a feeling Niall wasn't going to be going anywhere for a while. Niall lasted around an hour before he began whimpering in pain.

Harry soon got bored of watching TV on his own. Harry decided to see how Niall was doing. Harry quietly walked up the stairs heading to guest room and sighed feeling so helpless when he reached his sons room and saw him sobbing in Liam's arms. "Li need me to get anything' Harry said. Liam had a thought. "Haz can you pop to the store and get diflan spray it helps numb sore throats" Liam said.

Harry nodded before smiling sadly at Niall and heading downstairs, getting his shoes and coat on before grabbing his car keys and making his way to the shops Harry drove to the shop and parked up and went to the pharmacy and got what he needed. He then got Niall a magazine and a couple of other bits Once he was done he headed back to his car to get back home He parked up and went in and straight up to the spare room where niall had managed to fall asleep.

"Hey I've got the stuff there's also some magazines in there for Ni." Harry said and Liam thanked him before leaving the room and heading back downstairs as he knew Liam didn't want him around in fears he'd get sick again and to be fair Harry wasn't keen on the idea himself. Harry flicked the t.v. on and found something to watch.

Around ten minutes later Harry came up with the perfect idea and decided to contact his sister to see if she was free with Adam the next which was Saturday. Harry couldn't get through to his sister straight away so he kept trying every half hour guessing she was at work and had no clue when she would be on a break. Harry soon realised it was time to collect Louis. He went upstairs to tell Liam he was going.

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