Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 69

404 15 4
By ilangel1

The next morning Louis came walking into Liam's room blanket in one hand and his cuddly sheep in the other and carefully climbed on the bed worming his way under the covers trying to not wake Liam however Liam had already woken up to the movement and smiled watching Louis desperately trying to be quiet and careful.

Louis noticed his papa awake "Sorry tried being quite" the boy said. "It's Alright Baby." Liam said smiling as louis curled into him placing his thumb in his mouth. "Come on thumb out please, You know you're not allowed. I've let it slide this past week as you've been poorly but you need to stop baby." "But why" Louis moaned. "Because it will ruin your teeth and that lovely smile" Liam said. Louis just huffed at that.

"Come on Baby, you've got a lovely smile and you don't want to ruin it plus you can't suck your thumb forever I mean we got Niall to stop when he was younger than you so think yourself lucky you've been allowed for this long." Liam said playing with the gently with Louis' hair. Louis just shook his head and didn't take his thumb out his mouth. Liam sighed at this. "Louis come on you don't want to start the day by making me cross do you." Liam said and Louis shook his head although he kept his thumb in his mouth. Liam knew he needed to stop but at the same time knew the boy did it for comfort and with harry still being in the hospital Liam was thinking about letting the boy be until Harry came home.

Liam just cuddled Lou and out cartoons on the tv. Louis snuggled further into Liam happily watching the TV and enjoying the time he had when he didn't have to share Liam with his brother. It lasted about an hour before niall came into hook the pair. "Hey Ni." Liam said as he saw Niall appear and Niall took that as his chance to go and cuddle with Liam as the boy would never turn down the chance to cuddle.

Liam smiled as he cuddled his two boys. He just sighed to himself as Harry was still missing. "Right boys stay cuddled with each other I need a shower and then I'll be back." Liam said grabbing his phone and both boys nodded. Liam grabbed his phone on the way out the room though as his main plan was to phone Anne to find out how harry was and see if the boys could come in. Niall cuddled his younger brother as they continued to watch cartoons.

Liam rang Anne and she picked up the phone. "How's Harry been recently?" Liam asked. "He has a good day yesterday but he's yet to wake up this morning so I have no clue how he'll feel but he slept through the night." Anne said. "Well that's a good sign, I was just wondering if he would be up for the boys and I coming in." "I'm sure he'd love that, I'll let you know for sure when he's woken up but I don't see why it would be a problem." Anne said.

"Thats good we all really want to see Haz, thanks for being with him wish I could stay with him." Liam said "Liam it's important to keep those two boys of yours in as much routine as possible and your doing a great job at it." Anne said just as Liam heard the boys begin to argue.

"I need to go Anne the boys are shouting at each other message me once Harry's awake and if he's alright we're be in at some point." Liam said quickly saying bye and running off to see what was going on and why the boys were shouting at each other. When Liam entered the room however he knew the issue right away and that was that Niall had somehow managed to get Louis' blanket and the poor boy was desperately trying to get it back but Niall was too tall. "Papa." Louis cried as he saw Liam and Liam sighed taking the blanket out of Niall's hand and handing it back to Louis who instantly cuddled it close tightly. "Want to explain why you had louis' blanket?" Liam asked looking at the older boy. Niall looked sheepishly and didn't say anything. Louis hugged his blankie with dear life.

Anne watched a sleeping Harry.

"How would you like if louis took your elephant?" Liam asked and Niall shrugged. "I'm sorry." Niall mumbled. "It's not me you need to be saying sorry too." Liam said gesturing to Louis who was looking at the pair curiously with his blanket tightly in his hand. "I'm sorry Louis that was mean" niall said. Louis nodded as he held his blankie tight. "Can you go and shower Ni." Liam asked and the boy nodded heading off and Louis crawled over to Liam climbing onto his lap.

"You really do love that blankie don't you." Liam said wrapping his arms around the boy who nodded. Liam decided to carry Louis downstairs and start on breakfast. Niall went and showered and got ready.

Do you want any breakfast?" Liam asked the boy but got a head shake in return and Liam decided to just do him some toast anyway. Niall soon joined them downstairs after not finding anyone once he was dressed. Liam had made niall a bowl of cereal. "Thanks." Niall said and Liam kissed his forehead before turning to Louis. "I want you to at least try and eat some of this." Liam said handing Louis his plate with some toast but Louis shook his head adamantly.

"Lou five bites" Liam coaxed. "Milkshake" the boy replied. "After some toast' Liam said. Louis sighed but took the tiniest bites Liam's had ever seen. "Louis proper size bites." Liam said but Louis shook his head. "Do you want some cereal" niall asked his brother. Louis shook his head so Niall just carried on eating. Liam smiled at the boy though as Niall was really trying to help with Louis.

Liam got the boy to have one more mouthful before getting him a yoghurt and see if he would have that. Louis did to Liam's surprise eat the yoghurt and Liam reminded himself that he needed to buy more as the boy seemed happy enough to eat them. Liam then got Louis a milkshake.

Once They were finished Liam got Louis ready for the day and then asked niall to help Louis with his letters. "What do I do Papa?" Niall asked Not really sure how to help his brother "Shall we sit together today and work on it." Liam said as he got out a worksheet he found the day before.

"Okay." Niall said as Liam handed Louis the worksheet who sighed, "Don't worry baby we're going to all help you." Liam said and Louis just nodded, Niall looked at the worksheet and thought of ways to help his brother. "Copy me louis." Niall's said deciding that would be the easiest way to overcome the problem. Niall did it and then Louis copied him snilomg he got it right. He tried it three more times getting it right twice and wrong once.

"See Lou your improving already." Liam said smiling at both boys and Louis was beaming. They worked through it and Louis Made a few mistakes but most were right. "Done papa." Louis exclaimed happily and Liam smiled ruffling the boys hair. "My clever boy aren't you." Liam said and Louis nodded.

Liam then got the boys to make their dad something. "Are we going to see daddy?" Louis asked as he came back in with his art stuff Niall following. "I'm just waiting for grandma to ring me back when daddy's awake to tell me but I don't see why not." Liam said and both boys nodded quickly setting to work on making Harry something. Louis got to work and asked for Niall a or his papa's help when he needed it.

"Papa can you do the writing for me please?" Louis asked but Liam shook his head. "I'll spell the words for you but I want you to write it yourself. Louis sighed but I get the letters wrong." He said sadly "And I want it to be perfect." Louis said. "Lou I promise you daddy won't mind if there's some mistakes he'll probably like it more knowing you gave it a go yourself." Liam said reassuring the boy.

Louis nodded to that as he told his papa what he wanted to write. "Lets go through one word at a time and tell me how you think it's spelt. Louis nodded his head at that and he began roughly spelling out how he thought the words were spelt He got mist the words right Liam then told him where he went wrong and the boy started to write on his work.

"Papa?" Niall said. "Yeah Ni?" Liam said. "When will dad be back home?" Niall asked. "I'm not sure Love hopefully when we go in later I'll be able to ask someone." Liam said and Niall nodded. Both boys finished their work for their dad/daddy.

Soon Liam made some lunch for the boys asking Louis what he wanted to eat. "Yogurt." Louis said and Liam smiled but shook his head fondly. "As much as I'm happy your eating yogurt every time isn't exactly a balanced diet." Liam said but Louis shrugged. "Don't want anything then." Louis said. "Soup, sandwich, pasta" Liam suggested as he made his and nialls lunch. Louis didn't respond so he went with soup as it was a similar texture to yogurt. He got a can out the cupboard and warmed it up. "Here Ni." Liam said handing Niall his sandwich he'd asked for and once Louis' soup was done he placed the bowl in front of Louis.

Louis didn't move so Liam made sure it wasn't to hot as he got some on the spoon and fed Louis. "Don't like it Papa." Louis said after Liam had fed him a couple of mouthfuls. "Yes you do, I know you do." Liam said giving Louis enough spoonful.

"How much more?" Louis asked. "Till it's gone." Liam said. "Too much papa" Louis moaned. "Just Try please." Liam said and Louis sighed but allowed Liam to continue feeding him Louis managed just over half of what Liam Gave him. Liam was pleased with that and ate his sandwich before getting a yoghurt out. "Thanks Papa." Louis said happily eating the yogurt before Liam told Niall to keep an eye on Louis as he was going to talk to Anne to see if they could go and see harry. Niall nodded and watched his brother as he had his dessert.

Liam rang Anne straight away and when she answered saying harry was doing well he said he'd be in with the boys as soon as they'd finished lunch Liam smiled as he got the kids art work.

"Right come on then boys let's go and see daddy." Liam said and both boys quickly got up and running off to put their shoes on. "Papa we got artwork to show daddy" Louis said. "Yes Lou its by the door" Liam said. Louis beamed and ran off after Niall and Liam smiled fondly at the pair quickly putting everything in the dishwasher before joining the pair They soon got in the car. Liam making sure they had the bag of the boys art work. "Right let's go and see daddy then." Liam said before beginning the route that he knew so well. There was lots of charter in the car on the way to the hospital.

"Right out we get then boys let's go and see daddy." Liam said lifting Louis onto his hip and taking Niall's hand once he made sure he had the bag with art stuff in and then the 3 made there way indoors. They soon arrived at Harry's room and Liam knocked before opening the door. Louis was on the floor. "Daddy." Louis said happily running over to Harry and jumping onto the bed. "Louis go careful." Liam said but Louis shrugged continuing to clamber all over the bed. "Careful Lou daddy still sore" Harry said.

Anne came over and helped Louis be gentle. Once Louis had successfully cuddled into Harry's side Liam smiled at the pair. "Go on over Ni." Liam said and Niall nodded gently positioning himself on the other side of Harry. Liam smiled at the three of them. Anne decided to go and grab something from the canteen.

Harry enjoyed cuddling his two kids. "You good with them a minute Haz, I want to go and talk to your doctor." Liam said and Harry nodded. "Yeah were totally fine here." Harry said as kissed both kids on their foreheads. "I won't be long." Liam said as he left the room. Liam found a nurse and asked to speak to Harrys Dr. The nurse nodded and said he will go and get one.

"Ni can you get pictures we made daddy" Louis asked. Niall smiled and nodded climbing off the bed and going over to the bag that Liam had left by the chair before getting the pictures out and clambering back onto the bed tucking himself back into Harry's side. Niall then passed his dad the work they had made him. Harry had to untangle himself from Niall for a few minutes.

"Thanks boys I love them." Harry said. "Daddy I even did the writing myself." Louis said proudly and Harry smiled wider at that. "Aw Well done baby, that makes it even more special." Harry said kissing both boys. Louis beamed at that.

The nurse soon came back saying Harry's main doctor would be with him in a minute. Liam thanked the nurse. Harry's Dr took Liam into his office. He recognised the Dr as they greeted each other "How's harry then?" Liam asked. "He's doing a lot better hopefully get him discharged in the next couple of days." The doctor said and Liam smiled at that. "Was it a chest infection he had then?" Liam said. "Yeah it was and with the antibiotics it cleared it up with no further complications." The Dr said.

"What about the baby though?" Liam asked. "The baby is stable we will do another scan before discharging Harry, he does still have severe morning sickness but other than that it appears good" the Dr said. "So is it just morning sickness then preventing him from coming home?" Liam said. "Yeah pretty much." Liam just nodded before thanking the doctor and making his way back to where he left Harry with the boys.

Liam smiled as the three cuddled. Anne was back in the room now and had got the boys a snack. "Cake." Niall said happily seeing Anne have muffins in her hand. All 3 adults in the room laughed and Anne gave the boy his cake and saw louis looking up at her. "Do you want one Lou?" Anne asked showing him the other muffin after getting him one remembering Liam saying he was starting to take an interest in certain foods again.

Louis thought for a minute. "It's very yummy" niall said breaking a bit of and giving Lou a small piece.

Louis did take the small piece of cake before smiling as he ate receiving multiple smiles from the adults in the room. "So cakes back on the list of food your eat again as well then." Liam said ruffling the boys hair as Anne gave him his own muffin. "What else is on the list?" Harry asked. "Yogurt." Liam replied. "And?" Harry asked. "That's it in terms of what he'll eat without being forced into it." Harry nodded. Anne broke the muffin and gave Louis half of it to see he will eat it.

"So What did the doctor say?" Anne asked once Harry had fallen asleep with both boys curled into his side. "The main reason he's still here is mainly because of the morning sickness he's mainly clear of the chest infection and the baby's stable but there going to do another scan to make sure before he's discharged. " That's good he is desperate to get out" Anne says. "Can imagine, miss him so much to" Liam says "I know you do and trust me he misses you and the boys just as much." Anne said and Liam just nodded.

It was a while later and Louis woke first wanting to move so asked his papa for a cuddle. "Come here then baby." Liam said gently lifting the boy up and placing him down on his lap cuddling him close. Louis cuddled into his papa. "You Alright Baby?" Liam asked and Louis sleepily nodded. "We really need to get you out of these naps baby." Liam said rubbing the boys back. "Why papa" Louis asked as he cuddled into his papa. "Well you're going back to school for starters on Monday and you can't nap them also your 5 years old now so you're getting to old for them baby." Liam explained and Louis sighed. "Tired though." Louis moaned. Liam sighed as he tried to keep the boy awake.

"But daddy and nini sleeping" Louis moaned. "I know love but I know ni doesn't depend on naps please try and stay awake and if your really tired We're think about maybe moving your bedtime earlier." Liam said knowing he had to talk to Harry about that as they moved louis' bedtime later in the first place because he was waking up really early on a morning.

"But wanna sleep now" the boy moaned. "How about you come for a walk with grandma" Karen suggested Louis shook his head not wanting to go off with his grandma. "How about you and I go then?" Liam asked and Louis sighed but nodded rubbing his eyes. "Right come on then." Liam said placing Louis down and taking his hand. "We won't be long." Liam said and Anne nodded as the pair headed off. "Carry daddy" Louis moaned. "You need to walk for a bit" Liam said. Louis sighed. "Just for a bit? we're see how it goes." Liam said and Louis just nodded as they set off at a slow pace. Louis nodded and held his daddy's hand as they walked around.

"Where we going?" Louis asked. "How about I show you where abouts I work?" Liam said and Louis nodded at that. Liam decided he wanted to see his colleagues so went upstairs taking Louis with him. "Papa it really big here." Louis said as they walked down another corridor and Liam smiled. "It is." Liam said as he guided Louis over to where he usually worked. One of Liams colleagues noticed him and walked over. "Who have we got here" they asked. Louis instantly went shy and hid behind Liam's legs and Liam smiled gently reaching behind him stroking Louis' hair.

"Lou you going to say hello?" Liam asked softly but the boy just whimpered so Liam picked him up and Louis instantly hid his face in Liam's neck. "Sorry this is Louis my youngest and he's come to see where I work but as you can see he's pretty shy." Liam said rubbing the boys back. "Well hello Louis my name is Tom" he said. Louis was still quite shy. So Tom tried peek a boo with the boy.

Tom smiled when Louis slightly poked his head out of Liam's neck and giggled slightly. Tom did this a couple more times. Louis was soon laughing but got why whrn another colleague came over but soon remembered her. "Hey Louis you look loads better since I last saw you." She said and Louis giggled happily enjoying being the centre of attention once he was comfortable around the new people and his surroundings. Liam and Louis stayed there for a bit.

Harry stirred feeling very nauseous Harry was laying there and got more and more nauseous. Anne noticed and helped Harry untangle from Niall and propped him up holding a bowl. Niall woke at the movement and quickly scrambled off the bed when Harry started throwing up sitting in a chair and watching on feeling pretty helpless. Anne rubbed Harry's back as he threw up. Niall looked at his dad not knowing what to do and sad.

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