Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 68

372 13 2
By ilangel1

Thanks for sticking with me for this book. Thanks to everyone voting and commenting and also to the people just reading this book.

The next morning Liam woke up to both boys cuddled into him and he smiled carefully sitting up and moving Louis over so he could get out and watched as Louis just curled into Niall and he headed for the bathroom deciding to shower when he had the chance. Liam came out the shower and got dried and dressed to find Niall had gotten up and ready for school.

"Good boy Ni." Liam said smiling and motioning for the boy to follow him downstairs for breakfast. "When's louis going back to school?" Niall asked as he followed Liam downstairs. "Probably Monday Love if it wasn't for the fact it was Friday I would of said tomorrow but it's the weekend then." Liam said and Niall nodded sitting down at the table while Liam made him some breakfast. Niall soon had his breakfast and enjoyed his went up and did his teeth when Karen picked the boy up.

"How's Lou this morning?" Karen asked as Niall was putting his shoes on. "He's Alright we went to the park yesterday after picking Niall up so I think he's a bit tired today but he'll be fine." Liam said and Karen nodded. "I'd say so if he's happy playing in the park again then he's most definitely on the mend." Karen said as Niall jumped up and Liam helped him with his coat and handed him his school bag. Karen took Niall to school and Liam did jobs round the house while Louis spoke.

Louis appeared about an hour later and wondered over to Liam while he was emptying the dishwasher wrapping his small arms around Liam's leg. Liam feeling this turned around smiling when he saw Louis. "Hey baby You Okay." Liam asked picking the boy up and nodded. "Cuddle?" Louis asked and Liam nodded. "Alright let me just finish doing this and then we're cuddle." Liam said placing Louis down on a chair and the little boy nodded watching. Liam would have suggested him helping but knew it would be a bad idea as last time Louis helped with the dishwasher 3 plates were broken and a glass. Liam soon finished it and decided to see if Louis wanted something to eat.

Liam made the boy some toast and got a yoghurt out. "Right then baby let's try some food." Liam said placing it in front of the boy and to Liam's surprise he actually seemed Interested in the yogurt. "Do you want the toast first love, it might go cold if you have the yogurt." "Don't want toast just yogurt." Liam said and Liam nodded deciding not to push his luck and opened the yogurt for the boy handing him a spoon. Louis has about half the yoghurt before placing his spoon down.

"Don't want anymore papa." Louis stated and Liam sighed. "Can you have a bit more?" Liam asked but Louis shook his head. "Full." Louis stated and Liam sighed but nodded as half of a yogurt was actually an improvement. Liam then took the boy upstairs to brush his teeth before they watched film. Louis happily watched the film cuddled with liam enjoying the time he was getting with his papa on his own.

Later on in the morning Liam decide to do some letter practice with Louis. "Hey lou, come and sit at the table please." Liam called out and Louis curiously appeared wondering what Liam wanted him for. "What Papa?" Liam questioned sitting on his chair but sighed when he saw the worksheet on the table. "We need to practice some letters, you haven't been in school for over a week." Liam said and Louis huffed but nodded. Liam got Louis to do all the alphabet in lower case to see what they needed to practice.

Louis was quite proud of himself when he had completed the task handing it to Liam pretty confident that he had done it all right however Liam could see there were multiple letters wrong that the boy needed practice with. Liam put the paper down. "Well done Lou, but can you look on here and see the letters that look wrong compared to this" Liam said to see if Louis spotted the mistakes. "There all the same." Louis stated but Liam told him to look again.

"That one?" Louis asked pointing to the C and Liam nodded. "Which other ones?" Liam asked Louis then pointed to the d. "No baby that's ones right." Liam said and Louis nodded before pointing at the f. "Yes that is wrong you have done the letter right but the wrong way round" Liam said "Papa why do I do them wrong." Louis said sadly looking up at Liam who sighed. "You're learning baby, and part of learning is making mistakes." Liam said but Louis just sighed. "You will get there" Liam told the boy.

Louis nodded and Liam decided that they would work on the 2 letters that Louis got confused on as there was more but Liam decided the boy was upset enough without telling him there were more that were wrong. So he wrote out a couple of c and f and got Louis to trace them a couple of times before getting him to write his own. When Louis traced them he got them write when he did them on his own he got some the right way and some wrong. "Papa there wrong." Louis said sadly once he was done looking at Liam's version compared to his own.

"Not all of them baby." Liam said. "I want them all to be right." Louis said sadly getting up and climbing onto Liam's lap who was sat on the chair next to him. Liam sighed and wrapped his arms around the boy softly kissing his hair. "Your get their eventually." Liam said quietly. "want to be there now" The boy whimpered. Liam hugged the boy. How about we practice some maths." Liam said knowing the boy liked this. Louis nodded knowing he was good at that and Liam wrote down some simple number sums for the boy to do.

Liam then gave the sheet some to Louis and went on the computer to research more worksheets for the boy and how to help the boy get his letters right. "Done them papa." Louis said happily when he had finished the sums Liam had given him and Liam smiled printing out a worksheet he found for the boy and going to grab it before handing it to him. "Can you do these for me now." Liam said and Louis nodded. Liam looked over louis' sums and smiled when he had them all right.

Louis did half the sheet before starting to rub his eyes and get tired. Liam decided to let the boy have a small nap before doing more. "Come on Love, we can finish these in a bit, I think you need a nap." Liam said picking the tired boy up and carrying him over to the sofa placing a blanket over him once he'd made sure Louis had his comfort items.

"It's not going to be a very long nap Okay." Liam said knowing they needed to get Louis out the habit off having naps. Louis just nodded rolling over and closing his eyes letting Liam carry on researching about helping Louis with his writing. Louis slept for around an hour an half before Liam woke him up. Liam let Louis cuddle for a bit "You ready to do a bit more work?" Liam asked the cuddly boy and the boy looked up at Liam. "Not letters." Louis said and Liam smiled sadly at him.

"No your going to finish your maths." Liam said heading for the kitchen with Louis following behind him clutching onto his blanket still. Louis sat back at the table and Liam passed the worksheet back over. Louis picked up his pencil with difficulty as he had his blanket in his hand.

"Maybe put the blanket down sweetie." Liam said but Louis shook his head holding tightly onto his blanket. "Well maybe hold it in your other hand then as you're not going to be able to write otherwise." Liam said and Louis sighed but did as Liam suggested. Louis then got to work on his numbers enjoying it as he went along. Liam smiled watching him as he worked out his answers and Liam knew one thing for sure was that the boy was never going to have problems with numbers.

He smiled as the boy finished and Liam marked the page letting the boy do some colouring. "Were they all right Papa?" Louis asked looking up from his colouring and Liam smiled nodding. "They sure are baby. Now we've got an hour until we have to go and get ni Okay." Liam said and Louis nodded carrying on with his colouring.

Soon it was time to go pick Niall up from school. Liam had been texting Anne to find out how Harry was. Anne had been telling Liam that Harry was alright but she didn't think he'd be leaving the hospital with the way he was still. "Right come on Lou, shoes on please." Liam said and Louis nodded running over to put his shoes on and Liam was happy that the boy seemed to be much more like his normal self.

"Can I ride my bike?" Louis asked looking up at Liam and the man smiled and nodded deciding to take Niall's as well so the boy could ride it home. "Let's go then." Liam said leading Louis over to the garage to get the boys bikes. "Papa why does my bike have 4 wheels but Niall only has 2?" Louis questioned as Liam helped him with his helmet.

"Because the extra wheels you have are temporary for when you're learning to ride a bike. Maybe in the summer and it's a bit warmer we're try taking them off." Liam said and Louis nodded as he got on his bike and they headed for the school Liam pushing Niall's bike. They soon arrived at school and Liam spotted Louis teacher and teaching assistant and Louis got of his bike and told his teacher and the teaching assistant about the maths he did that day "Really louis, that's great." His teacher said and louis smiled.

"Have you been practicing your writing aswell." The teacher said. "Tried but it was hard." Louis said and the teacher smiled at him. "You will get there." She said before letting Louis talk to the teaching assistant while she looked up at Liam. "He looks loads better." She said and Liam nodded. "Yeah he's pretty much back to his normal self he'll be back in school on Monday." Liam said and the teacher nodded. "That's good I know Louis probably won't like it but we really need to get on top of his writing so we're probably spend quite a bit of time on that." She said and Liam nodded.

"I was trying with him earlier and he gets so upset when he figures he's done it wrong but he thinks it's right, I'm at a loss of what I can do with him." "Kids pick it up at different paces all the time. I mean he may struggle when it comes to writing but he's one of the best in the class when it comes to numbers and I know Niall's the complete other way round." The teacher said just as said boy appeared.

"Hey love." Liam said as Niall gave him a hug. "Can you put this on for me and then I think we're get going." Liam said handing Niall his helmet and the boy nodded before Liam called Louis over who ran over and climbed back onto his bike and riding around with Niall.

"I'll see you Monday." Liam said and the teacher nodded before waving as Liam ran after his two boys. The boys both rode home and once home the three of them watched tv for a bit before Liam asked niall about homework."You got any homework?" Liam asked Niall ruffling his hair and Niall nodded.

"Maths and science." Niall said and Liam nodded. "What do you need to do?" Liam said. "Maths is number patterns and for science we need to making Are own habitat of our choice. So my teacher said to get a shoebox and then for example if you were doing a polar bear you could put loads of cotton wool and everything white in it." Niall explained and Liam nodded. "Alright we can work on that tomorrow but how about we get that Maths out the way." Liam said but Niall shook his head.

"It's Friday night I want to just watch tv." Niall moaned. "I'm sorry love but with dad being in the hospital I don't know what we're going to be doing all weekend as we might end up spending quite a bit of time with him out the hospital if he's okay for visitors so I need you to do it now, come on I'll help you and Louis can even do some as well." Liam said causing Louis to look up at his name. "But me done maths" Louis said.

"You can do some more" Liam said. Louis nodded and they both went yo sit at the table. "Here Lou know what to do Yeah?" Liam asked and Louis nodded accepting the paper that Liam was holding out to him. "Louis could probably do this easier than me." Niall sighed seeing Louis easily able to do his Maths while Niall just stared at his. Louis heard that.

"I do Niall's maths he does my writing' he said. Liam had to gold a laugh in when Lou said that. Niall was doing fractions "I'm afraid that's not how it works Lou." Liam said and Louis huffed. "Why not? Niall good at writing and I'm good at numbers." Louis asked looking up at Liam. Liam did give that Louis had good logic. "Because it doesn't work like that." Liam said. Louis just huffed but carried on with his numbers while Liam began to help Niall with his Maths as the boy was really struggling.

'Papa can I practice on the website that you found me" niall said as he struggled with his work. "Course Love I'll go and grab the laptop." Liam said and Niall smiled at him. When Liam came back he set the laptop up for Niall before turning his attention to Louis. "Papa is there any games that will help me with my writing?" Louis asked and Liam sighed. "I'm sorry sweetie but no there isn't I'm afraid you just need to learn to write yourself." Liam said kissing his hair and Louis just nodded sadly.

"How about we speak to your teachers next week and see what we can do" Liam said. Louis nodded deciding he had done enough work and went and sat on Liam's lap cuddling close. Niall read what it says and watched some examples of how they worked it out. "Do you feel more confident to try the worksheet now ni?" Liam asked gently playing with Louis' hair. "I'll try." Niall said and Liam smiled. "That's all I'm asking you do." Liam said handing him back the worksheet. Liam smiled and cuddled the boy.

Niall asked his papa for help with his maths. 'Me help" Louis said. Liam laughed " you Can try Lou but it is a bit higher than what you work on" Louis shrugged as Liam began explaining to Niall what he needed to do with Louis listening closely desperately wanting to help his big brother even if the work was set for kids 2 years older than him. "Me looks at them to" Louis said. Niall showed his brother even though he was younger and the work was harder than him it came easy to him.

"Papa how come Louis can do it?" Niall asked shocked when his 5 year old brother had no problems at all. "I think we have a bit of massive genius in this house." Liam said kissing Louis' hair but he didn't miss the frown on Niall's face.

"Hey love, don't worry about it Yeah, Your get there." Liam reassured Niall but the boy shook his head and ran off upstairs and Liam was pretty sure he was crying. "Nini but you can write and have no problem with English please help me" Louis asked his brother. "I'll go and get him lou." Liam said kissing Louis' hair and heading upstairs finding Niall face down in his pillow sobbing. "Hey sweetie, it's alright." Liam said rubbing his back.

"Louis wants your help with his writing, you can help each other." Liam said and Niall sniffled. "That's not the point Papa, He's 2 years younger than me and he can do my work no problem." Niall said and Liam just picked him up and placed him on his lap. "You are both better at different things, he just picks maths up easily but Lou is writes half his letters back to front and wants his big brothers help with that. You can help each other that's what brothers do" Liam said.

Louis came upstairs.. "Why nini sad" Louis asked. Liam smiled at the boy and motioned for him to come over. "He's upset cause he finds Maths tricky like how you get upset with your writing so what I want you both to do is just help each other out yeah. You both have strengths and weaknesses and you can help each other out." Liam said hugging them both. Nini you can help me I always write letters wrong way round and you write them all right and spellings" Louis said.

Niall smiled at that as the young boy was right as Niall never had problems when it came to learning to write. "Okay." Niall mumbled and Liam smiled "Shall we have a movie night and Ni will help you tomorrow" Liam suggested. Louis nodded not really up for doing more letters now anyway so Liam headed downstairs both boys following who cuddled up to Liam once he had sat down and the movie had started.

They watched half of finding nemo before niall complained he was hungry. "How about I order pizza?" Liam suggested and Niall smiled nodding quickly. "Are you going to have some pizza lou?" Liam asked and Louis shrugged but Liam smiled and ruffled his hair as that wasn't a definite no. Liam ordered a large margarita pizza to share.

"Right that will pizza, stay here boys." Liam said getting up to receive the pizza and pay before returning and placing it on the coffee table. "If you promise to be careful we can eat it in here." Liam said and Niall nodded quickly taking a slice of pizza before turning his attention back to the film. "Do you want some lou?" Liam asked but the boy shook his head. "Don't like the crust." Louis said. "Well how about I remove the crust from your piece." Liam said doing just that then handing it to the boy. "I want you to eat that okay." Liam said and Louis sighed but nodded beginning to take small bites of the pizza.

Louis managed about half a slice of pizza. Liam tried to get him to eat more. Niall really enjoyed his pizza and ended up having like 5 slices.

"Right Ni I think you've had enough pizza, you've eaten more than me." Liam said and Niall smiled before shrugging tucking himself back into Liam's side. The family of three for now enjoyed the rest of nemo and then put another film on. By the end of the next film Louis was fast asleep and Liam smiled at him before carefully picking him up and the boy stirred slightly before settling back down.

"Ni can you go and shower for me please." Liam said looking at his eldest who was nearly asleep himself curled into a tight ball. "I'm tired papa' niall moaned. "You can have one tomorrow morning instead Liam said Niall nodded and Liam held his hand out out that wasn't supporting Louis so Niall could take it and the boy slowly uncurled himself from his ball and slowly got up taking Liam's hand as they headed upstairs. Liam put Louis to bed carefully undressing the boy. Niall got changed and went to bed. Liam decided to relax in his room in front of the tv. Niall soon fell asleep. Liam decided after watching tv for half an hour to just have an early night.

Harry has been able to keep lunch down that day and slept most the day. He still had a slight cough and fever. "Do you think Liam will be in tomorrow?" Harry asked as he was cuddling with his mum. "I would have thought so Love but you never know keep improving like you are you might be able to go home." "I doubt it it's the weekend now nothing ever happens then." Harry said. "They won't keep you here if you don't need to be here, weekend or not." Anne said and Harry nodded. Anne comforted Harry and he cuddled into his mum.of course gsery loved his mum but he wanted Liam but understood he had to be there for the kids so was greatful he had his mum their.

Harry seemed to be on the mend and Anne hoped it stayed that way. Harry was asleep and Anne hoped he had a settled night and the cough and morning sickness didn't play up. Seeing Harry sleeping Anne decided to sleep herself as she needed to take every opportunity she could. It was a peaceful night.

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