Business (completed) |H.S|

De Into1D

178K 6.7K 2.7K

1D watty awards winner | Completed| Harry Styles is a psychology student with a bright future, but when his m... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Thank you and announcements :)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 63 + thank you so much
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Final Chapter
Sequel (Please read)
New book: Between Devil and Satan

Chapter 8

3.6K 138 32
De Into1D

Instagram-twitter: intox1D (I always follow back)
Facebook: Business - Harry Styles Wattpad


“Miss Sethi, you should come in.” the doorman said to me, for the thousand times. However, my response never changed, it remained as a categoric no.

I was on the side of the pavement, against the cold wind of winter. Me, Evelyn Sethi, waiting in street for her P.A. I was waiting for this Styles to arrive. I still couldn’t believe what he said to me, the day before. I could recall how scared of him I became, how I let him do whatever shit he wanted to, right after our argument.

My mother used his mother, for days and nights. She did not stop working even though she was home. Helen called her at midnight to finish some work. Anne went home late every day, and she had to do everything: from my mother’s lunches to all the dossiers. Anne suffered with stress and fatigue for months, but she never complained. She always shut up.

I was not even aware of that. I had been in Cambridge and its neighbourhood, for years. I met Anne once or twice a year. That’s all.

I looked down at my watch, it showed 02:10, in the afternoon. He was late, ten minutes, while I was always arrived ten minutes before the time we agreed. I growled, fuming impatiently in anger.

People passed by, disappeared… I stayed there alone, in front of Sethi’s building. I let him go the last day because somehow, I felt pity. At least, I guess it was pity. Anne surely needed him, so I just couldn’t force him into working. But he promised to accompany me to Zayn’s exhibition, which was kind of awkward. I did not even propose but we finally made a deal. He went home earlier, in exchange, he would accompany me. Maybe, he just did not want to stay in the silent room.
I wanted to go with someone else but Styles, but my address book was not full of friends’ number. I only had Benson but she was working. I just could not ask her.

I stayed out of the building to help gossips from seeing us leave together. I had to be discreet since Styles was 'incognito' at Sethi's.

“Miss Sethi!” I heard a male voice.

I searched the person calling me, and found a man with a helmet on his head, running in ny direction. I knew it was Styles, since I saw his brown curls, escaping from the helmet. He slowly removed it from his head, and walked towards me Here he was finally! I sighed and looked back at my watch, 02:23. Twenty minutes. Bravo Styles! I looked up and watch him arriving, hard breathing and sweating. The helmet was fast removed from his head. He - again - was wearing a leather jacket, I still could see his strong chest under his unbuttoned shirt, which made him amazingly attractive. But he had the same shoes, those creepy boots.

I saw his motorbike, on the side of the street. The big machine was scary with flame- stickers on its length. I took my bag back up on my shoulder and looked at him reaching my zone.

“Good afternoon, Miss.” He panted.

I noticed his face became wrinkled, he was tired and his eyes were red. I could just read his fatigue in them.

“Good afternoon, Styles. You’re late!”

“Sorry, I had to drop by the hospital!” he softly said, looking at the street. My attempt to get back my authority was vain. The guilt was running in my veins, even though I did nothing to be blamed.

My mother’s face came up to my mind. She was mean, even devilish… How could she make Anne work so hard? I knew I was not the perfect person either but at least, I was not like her. Not that much.

“It’s OK, then.”

I glanced at my car, it had been a few time Karl waited for us, opening the door.

“Let’s get in.” I said, pointing towards the vehicle.

“No, I can’t leave my baby here!” he snapped, looking at his bike. Stupid man!

Men with their obsessive protection towards their objects… their universe orbits round their personal belongings.

“Oh, drive it away then, Styles!” I grumbled to him.

He turned to his bike and mounted his bike to drive it to the car park. I waited a few more minutes and he finally came back by foot. I sighed in annoyance.

His way of walking was really strange, it was as if he swung to a music. His hips were swinging to both sides.

Karl opened the car wide and I slid in. Just a few later, he climbed in.

“It’s cold.” He said, shivering.

He should have worn more clothes, he only had this unbuttoned jacket on his half- unbuttoned shirt. I was wearing a large and warm coat. Too many contrasts between the two of us.

The car started up and I checked my hours one last time. Thirty minutes… It was silent, and I could see him sleeping against the window.

“How is your mother?” I asked, scrutinizing him.

“Well…” he started, then he looked up to me. “She’s still in bed, but she can speak better now.” He replied, His voice was low, I almost could not hear a thing.

“I am sorry.” I said.

I could see Karl’s eyes on the rear-view mirror looking at me, which never happened in years. I smiled at Styles, just to be kind of… kind.

I opened my bag, and looked for a box in it. I finally touched it and I brought it out. I handed the red box to Styles, who looked at me oddly.

“Take it.” I said.

He hesitantly took it and opened the box. His eyebrows met at seeing its content. He gave me a glare and gave it back to me. The box was opened, showing me money I put in it.

“I don’t need your fucking pity.” He spat. I could hear his voice shiver.

“It isn’t pity. It is …”

I couldn’t say the correct the word since I was telling a lie. I really felt pity towards him. I knew they had a lack of money so I just could not let them live in a shitty way.

“It’s for your mother’s hospital due!” I retorted, pulling the box back.

“We don’t need this, we can do it alone.” He started, raising the voice. “You just want to get rid of your remorse and your bad behaviour. You, rich people, are all the same! You think you can buy people. But no one needs your shit.”

I backed up, hitting the window of the door. He seemed too genuine, and he meant everything he said. I couldn’t handle it. Perhaps, he told me the truth, but I never bought people’s affection… No never… I tried to tell myself I was not that kind of person. But it seemed obvious, my mother was the one I copied on to do this. I knew how she used money to do anything she wanted. This was truth. I was… Maybe. What shocked me a lot was that Styles was the only one who dared to tell me such things. He dared to. Facing the truth was hurting. It really did.

“I am not trying to buy you!” I retorted.

“You are.” He spoke harshly.

He finally decided to accept my present.

The car stopped as I sighed in relief. I wouldn’t handle staying with him in this locked place with him. Karl turned to us with terrified eyes. He was really worried and I knew why. The last time I fought against Lens in this car, I threw all my shitty nervousness on the driver.

“Here we are.” He announced as he began unbuckling his seatbelt.

I waited for him to go out and turn around the car to open my door. Harry was already out, slamming the door. I had to react, I was the boss and he was supposed to be under my authority, but I just couldn’t. Everything had been so easy before he arrived in my life.

“Thank you Karl.” I almost murmured as I left the car.

I looked up, facing a Victoria style house. It was an imposing place, which made it more interesting. I guess Zayn had a good taste. An exhibition in this kind of house was a good idea. I saw few people enter the house… Then, I glanced at Styles.

What was he doing? I skirted around the car, and I saw Styles bending down. He was in front of an old woman and a young girl with a backpack. He was talking to the youngest. I frowned. What’s that? Was it his sister? I didn’t think so… The lady had her eyes growing up as I tried to understand what happened. She harshly shook her head… Then, a few minutes of discussion, she shook Styles’ hand. I heard some ‘thank you s’.

Styles turned to me, smiling wide. I could finally see the young girl’s face, she had half of her face hidden under golden locks. He pointed towards me.

“This woman is really kind. Don’t thank me, thank her.”  He said mockingly.

The woman walked towards me and handed her hand to shake. I didn’t know her, I wouldn’t be just talking as if we knew each other.

“She has a heart of gold.” Styles said, keeping this half smile. His hand landed on the woman’s shoulder as his smile grew wider. “It’s such a coincidence we met here at the right moment.”

“Thank you… Thank you so much… We will never thank you enough…”

I was just standing there like a candle…

I was thanked for about ten minutes. I found out I had just given £1000 to those two persons. That Styles would hear about me… I tried to keep a smile since they thought I was Mother Theresa. But I wasn’t.

They left. I watched them leaving, hand-in-hand. I saw that the youngest had her arm set in a plaster cast. I followed their walk until they disappeared…

“She was involved in an accident.” I felt Styles breath near my ear, which was irritating. That proximity.

“So what?” I asked loud, turning around to face him. “You’ve just given my money to those strangers!”

I was at the end of my tether!

“Fuck that. They had been through hard things.”

“You don’t even know them!” I shouted, waving my hands.

I looked up, facing this mocking face.

“You gave me money, so I can do anything I wanted with it.” His smooth voice retorted calmly as usual.

I had to give up on talking to this man. We could not change a thing to his pig-head. It was sure. His way of thinking was always so different from others. Who wouldn’t have taken this money? Who? It was not every day that someone comes by and drops £1000 next to you.

I walked towards the house where I should have been. I hated this Styles. I hated him.

“You’re too much thinking.” He said.

So, he was behind me… Why did I let him come anyway? Huh, he was so annoying. I tried to contain my nervousness. I had to. However…

“You know, Evelyn Sethi, you have to forget your brain.” He added, adding to my anger as well.

I walked up the few stairs that led to entrance-door. He called me Evelyn, again. I still heard his annoying mumbles behind me, but I just didn’t care. Hopefully, someone would open the door. Then, on reflection, it was not a good place to make an exhibition.

Finally, someone opened. FINALLY.

“Shut up, now, Styles.” I mumbled, turning to him.

I looked back at the man in an elegant tails. I smiled and he let me enter. I stepped in the amazing hall, it was a really interesting place. I glanced at the walls where paintings were hung up. I could see most of the paintings and drawings were in black-and-white. Some of them seemed to be done with sprays. That’s why they were red and yellow.

“Miss, your coat, please.”

I took my coat off with the man’s help. Then, I got in. The large chandelier attracted my eyes. I looked down and I noticed, in the right side, the buffet. Of course. My eyes sought Zayn’s presence. But I only saw those distinguished people, women in dresses and men in suits. It was actually elegant for a simple exhibition. I saw here and there a few journalists.

“You’re bored, already.” I heard Styles’ chuckle. He was so different from others in the room. He was messy. That’s all. It would affect my reputation…

“I am not bored. You should have made some sartorial efforts. You look so…”

I couldn’t find the word, how could I describe him?

“Yeah, I know. Clothes don’t make the man, Evelyn.”

I nodded, just to make him shut up.


I knew who it was. I turned around, smiling. He stood proudly in his suit. He wasn’t the same Zayn, but I recognized him a bit when I saw his untied tie. He stepped forward, smiling.

“Good afternoon, Zayn.” I said, smiling.

“Hi, Eve! I thought you won’t ever come.”

I nodded and looked at the cause of my lateness. He had his hands shoved into his pockets, watching the drawings and paintings on the walls.

“Sorry, I had some problems on my way.” I replied, leaving my sight on Styles.

“It began one hour ago. It’s not a big problem.” He sarcastically said, shrugging.

I giggled, as he gave me his arm. I put mine on his arm and he dragged me through the crowded room. As I walked, people greeted me. They knew me. Of course, they did.

“You know, a lot of people waited for your arrival.” He informed, looking at the girls on the side.

“Really? Why would they wait for me?”

He only smiled and kept walking. He finally reached a strategic place to talk to the guests, climbing on a few stairs, everyone turned to us. Everyone had their wine glass in their hands, expect for the journalists who had cameras pointing towards us.

“Thank you everyone for coming.” He started, looking at the audience. Those eyes stuck on me made me feel embarrassed. My antisocial side remained at the same place, having many people in front of me could make me vomit.

“Well, I’ve got the dream to make this for a long. And, it’s my work for four years. I’m honored to show all of them to you.”

As he stopped talking, everyone applauded, it was a mild applause since they had their hands busy with their glasses. I could feel his hands squeeze mine.

“And this is the main piece of this first exhibition.”

He turned to the wall on our right, pointing at it. So did everyone. A huge red curtain opened, showing us what was behind it. The clicks from the cameras did not stop. The red curtain opened totally, showing us a huge painting. People applauded, this time, louder. I also joined my hands to do so: I applauded. I glanced at the crowd; I could see Styles away from us, leaning on wall. He didn’t seem interested in what was going on. He ran his hand through his long hair… (PHOTO ON THE SIDE)

“And this is Evelyn Sethi.” He informed as people were astonished of they saw. It was beautiful painting of a woman whose hair was flying in the air. The colours were contrasting with each other, some dark, and some clear, which made it beautiful. Zayn did not paint a lot before, he only drew. I did not realize he said this woman should be me… Me.

The green of the painting was amazing and made it feel so peaceful. But I was not peaceful when he met me. I was a mess, a tired person. At only fifteen, my life was already finished. I mean, it was finished in my opinion but I was saved… She seemed free, not like me. It described me bad. I thought Zayn knew me better than that. But the intention was praiseworthy. But she was naked…

Zayn was the only one who knew I had blue eyes, but I kept them hidden under my contacts. She was thoughtful.

I tightened my fingers around his hand, smiling at him. I meant it. I meant every single gesture towards Zayn.

“Thank you so much.” I whispered.

I forgot about people around us, I even almost forgot about Styles in the room.

“Mr. Malik, what’s the relationship between you and Evelyn Sethi?”

“Mr. Malik, are you going to leave the company ran by your family for half a century?”

“Mr. Malik…”….. “Mr. Malik…”

Every journalist was calling him. Everyone said his name. It was noisy and unbearable. I always had physical discomfort in presence of many people who shouted. They didn’t stop asking him… It reminded me of my first day of ‘real’ school, I vomited. Zayn waved his hands, motioning people to stop.

“I’ll reply to each of your questions, later. Please.” He said.

I felt something filling my throat. NO. It was not coming back again.

I left the place we were at, rushing down the few stairs. Everyone automatically backed up to give me a way to leave. I did not know where the fucking bathroom could be… Alternatively, the closet… Somewhere. I proceeded to the place where waiters circulated. I hated noises. I hated people. I shouldn’t have come.

I opened one of the doors in the corridor, hoping it could be a bathroom. NO. I bumped into a waiter, and then he showed me the way to the bathroom, without I told him anything. I made large footsteps and opened the door. I got in… The septic tank… Phew. I leant in and let it out.

“Whoah!” I heard behind me.

I got up and turned to the chic white-and-gold basin to wash my mouth. I saw Styles in the frame of the door. He looked at me strangely. But I didn’t care. I turned the tap and let water pour in my hands. I brought it to my mouth… Then I spat it.

“What happened to you?” he asked, walking over to me.

“None of your business.”

“Yeah, I know.” He replied smoothly. His hand landed on the nook of the cold basin. “You’re not pregnant, right?”

I turned the tap off as I looked at him, kind of asking him to repeat. He shrugged and smiled, those deep dimples hollowing out his cheeks.


“You have a fiancé, right? Why not?” He asked nonchalantly. It sounded more like a suggestion than a question.

“It isn’t the right time to talk about that.” I said.

He remained calm. His green eyes kept looking at me. Then, I realized he wanted to wash his hands. So I moved away from the basin. I watched him from the back of the bright room. I didn’t even notice how bright it was. Everything was white and golden…

“Why are you here, anyway?” I asked, crossing my arms.

“And you?” he asked back.

“I am the one who asked first.” I said. I sighed in a deep annoyance.

“Your Malik is boring.” He replied merely as if he didn’t somewhat insulted Zayn. He began washing his hands then stopped. “You?”

“I hate people.” I replied.

“Um, really? I didn’t know.” He said mockingly. “I think you hate the painting he made of you.”

“I like it.” I retorted.

“You frowned as if you saw a man.”

I didn’t know what I did look like when I saw a man. But, probably I didn’t look good.

“I just don’t like the fact he painted me.” I said.

“Why? It’s a great honour.”

He finished washing his hands and turned around. His hands were placed on the edge of the basin, leaning on it as well. I smiled.

“Maybe, but it doesn’t give a good image of me.”

“Yeah, it seems like Mr. Malik was not only an ‘old friend’.” He quoted me. “Is he your lover?”

I frowned. No, it wasn’t that at all.

He stepped towards me. I kept my eyes on the hollow of his shirt, not wanting to face him.

“Styles, I am engaged.”

“Yeah but maybe you prefer Mr. Malik.” He started to ‘orbit’ round me, carrying on looking at me. I felt trapped. I couldn’t just act normally with this man. “You’re forced into marrying your fiancé, you don’t love him… He thinks you just don’t have a heart at all… So, he thinks it’s OK… But there’s always someone you love somewhere…” he stopped walking and got closer to me. “Maybe it’s Zayn Malik.”

I turned to him. His eyes were full of mocking intention.

“I don’t love him.”

He shrugged as if I lied. I did not lie. I had so many occasions to fall in love with Zayn but nothing happened.

“OK.” He said.

He shoved his hand into one of his pockets and took out a handkerchief.

He handed the cloth to me, smiling. I just blankly looked at him. So, he shrugged again, bringing it to my lips. He slightly sponged down corner of my lips, surprising me.

“Let’s go now, before people ask for you.”

He gave me one of his arms as well as he shoved the other one into his pockets. I nodded.

His lips formed a beautiful smile. It could have made me melt. But I couldn’t show weakness. I could not fall so deep… It was just a man.




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