Magi Games

By jesusfreak202

13.4K 697 4.2K

A writing competition where writers can invent their own magic guilds to compete against each other while the... More

Everything You Need To Know
The Magi Games
Meet the Gamemakers
Meet the Mentors
Reservations - CLOSED
Guild 1: Guild Strigidae
Guild 2: Knight's Watch
Guild 3: Guild Valkyrie
Guild 4: Iscariot Sin
Guild 5: Crimson Shadow
Guild 6: Black Shadow
Guild 7: Liberum-Spiritibus
Guild 8: Miria
Guild 9: Silent Phoenix
Guild 10: Ivory Crow
Guild 11: Mahina Guild
Guild 12: Northern Protectors
Guild 13: The Knights of Grimm
Guild 14:Protectors of Proterra
Guild 15: Shadows
Guild 16: Spirits of the Hidden
Guild 17: Dragon Claw
Guild 18: Guild of the Geraniums Hiraeth
Guild 19: Black Dragon
Guild 20: Mystical Dynasty
Sponsorship Task: The Events
Sponsorship Task: My Entry
Sponsorship Task: Entries
Sponsorship Task: Scores and Feeback
Sponsorship Task: Awards and Rankings
Sponsorship Battle Task: Street Brawl
Sponsorship Battle Task: Several7s versus me!
Sponsorship Battle Task: Entries
Sponsorship Battle Task: Scores and Feedback
Sponsorship Battle Task: Rankings
Sponsorship and Mentorship Announcements
Task 1: The Labyrinth
Task 1: My Entry
Task 1: Entries
Task 1: Scores and Feedback
Task 1: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 1: Under The (Sphere) Sea
Battle Task 1: My Entry
Battle Task 1: Entries
Battle Task 1: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 1: Results
Battle Task 1: Rankings
Task 2: Treasure Guardian
Task 2: My Entry
Task 2: Entries
Task 2: Scores and Feedback
Task 2: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 2: The Cavern
Battle Task 2: My Entry
Battle Task 2: Entries
Battle Task 2: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 2: Results
Battle Task 2: Rankings
Task 3: Fun House
Task 3: My Entry
Task 3: Entries
Task 3: Scores and Feedback
Task 3: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 3: Mirror, Mirror
A Vote...
Battle Task 3: Entries
Battle Task 3: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 3: Results
Battle Task 3: Rankings
Task 4: Switching Places
Task 4: My Entry
Task 4: Entries
Task 4: Scores and Feedback
Task 4: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 4: Obstacle Battle
Battle Task 4: My Entry (With Several7s)
Battle Task 4: Entries
Battle Task 4: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 4: Results
Battle Task 4: Rankings
Task 5: Craftmanship
Task 5: My Entry
Task 5: Entries
Task 5: Scores and Feedback
Task 5: Awards and Rankings
Late Entries
A Special Note (and vote)
Task 6: The Quarterfinals: Campaign
Task 6: My Entry
Task 6: Entries
Task 6: Scores and Feedback
Task 6: Awards and Rankings
Task 7: Semi-Finals: Final Battle
Task 7: My Entry
Task 7: Entries
Task 7: Scores and Feedback
Task 7: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 7: Conquered
Battle Task 7: My Entry
Battle Task 7: Entries
Battle Task 7: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 7: Awards and Rankings
Task 8: The Finals of AG: Magi Games
Task 8: The Finals: My Entry
The Finals: JesterheadJohnSnow
The Finals: ariel_paiment1
The Finals: D-Willy45
The Finals: Sara_R_Stark
The Finals: Katie387750
The Finals: wordsmith-
The Finals: Several7s
The Finals: MusicgirlXD
The Finals: Voting
The Finals: My (Final) Feedback
Special Awards
The Winner of AG Magi
Final Announcements
The Winner: ariel_paiement1

Battle Task 3: My Entry

49 4 5
By jesusfreak202

Hywel's fingers lightly traced the feathers of his White Giant Hawk named Marsa. "How is he?" Hywel glanced at Syra and Jeythr as they exited Kyren's infirmary room. The Gamemakers had given him a private one since he was in such bad condition.

Syra shook her head, placing strands of her black hair behind her ear. "Not good, Hywel. They managed to restart his heart with a small electric shock, but he's still trapped in the nightmare and his heartbeat is already speeding back up."

"It seems wrong to replace him and continue in the games as normal," Hywel started, "with Kyren's life on the line."

Syra and Jeythr both nodded. "Master Rovad insisted that it's what Kyren would want," Jeythr murmured.

"How is little Rya?" Syra's forehead creased with worry.

Hywel gestured to the waiting rooms. "Naya has taken her to go play. She doesn't want to worry the poor girl; Kyren is all she has."

"When are the battles going to start?" Jeythr glanced down the hallway, toward the doors that led outside.

Hywel gestured to the door and let Marsa fly off. "They've already started. Benjo is there already with Master Rovad, Zenna and the others. I believe it's Guild Valkyrie against Silent Phoenix right now. It would have been quite interesting to watch and enjoy, if I wasn't so worried for Kyren."

The three adults walked down the hallway and out the doors into the dimming light of the late evening. Already it had cooled off, and Hywel was certain he smelled rain in the air. Sure enough, Marsa flew high into the sky but stayed to circle close to them, just like she always did when a storm was coming.

"So would I," Jeythr added as they trekked down the main street of Kypha. No people bustled about the city; everyone was watching the third set of battles in the Games. "I am sorry you have been teamed up with Zenna."

Hywel frowned. "Yes. I'm not sure if we're going to win. She doesn't work well with anyone..."

Jeythr lightly patted his shoulder in reassurance. "Good luck, my friend."

They quickly exited the gates and started up the stairs to the arena. One of the Magi Mentors in the Games, a polar bear centaur named Aderri, hobbled over to them. "Hywel, Zenna is already at the arena entrance waiting for you. Hurry; Guild Valkyrie and Silent Phoenix are almost over!"

Syra and Jeythr gave him a small wave as Hywel jogged off in the opposite direction. The maze of hallways beneath the arena confused him, but with Marsa flying in front of him to lead the way, he didn't get lost. Climbing up a small staircase, Hywel gestured back the way they came. "Sorry, Marsa, but you can't come with me."

Marsa squawked and then chirped, but when Hywel shook his head, the giant hawk flew back down the hallway. Hywel walked up the stairs into shade just outside the medium gates leading into the arena. Thus far, each of the battle arenas had been designed differently and this one was all enclosed, so there was no telling what it would look like.

Zenna clutched her bow tightly as she paced back and forth in front of the entrance. With a narrowed glance in Hywel's direction, Zenna huffed. "I wondered if you were going to show up."

"Kyren's not doing good. I waited to hear more about his condition," Hywel responded.

Zenna scoffed. "That Dark Mage... Having a heart attack over a few fears; pathetic."

Hywel whirled around and stood directly in her face. "You and I may have to work together for this battle, Zenna, but should show respect. Kyren endured more suffering than anyone could imagine and his fears are far greater than you or I - even you with your father's experiments."

Zenna shoved him against the wall, but Hywel allowed her to do so. "Shut up!" Even though her tone was laced with fury, it wavered and shook just enough for Hywel's keen hearing to pick up on it. "How do you know about that?"

"Rumors fly, Zenna. I don't say it to bring you pain. Try to understand what Kyren is going through - "

"Just shut up. We'll do the battle for the guild. Thanks to Kyren, we fell to third place, so it's up to you and me to get us back up in rankings again," Zenna snapped.

You shouldn't be so concerned with our ranking when one of our guildmates is dying, Hywel wanted to say. If they were going to fight together and not against one another, then he had to start trying to get along with her right now.

It wasn't going to be easy.


Zenna growled in frustration. Every single arrow she shot toward the stupid little Mountain Elf completely went through her. Never had Zenna found herself so stuck in a fight before and that only fueled her anger. Blood boiling, Zenna charged straight toward Diana the Mountain Elf, swinging her bow like a staff to try to slam it against the elf's face.

Instantly, Diana turned to light and shot a burst of it toward Zenna's eyes. With a wild outcry, Zenna leapt backward. The light temporarily blinded her, especially since one of her eyes was enhanced. White spots danced in her vision as energy slammed into her chest full force.

"I don't get beaten," Zenna hissed through clenched teeth. As her vision finally cleared, she rolled out of the way of another burst of light from Diana. "Hywel, we need to switch!"

Hywel, who had surrounded the human named Brandon with a cyclone of wind, nodded in response. The entire cyclone shifted straight to slam into Diana.

Zenna nocked an arrow and loosed three of them, using her Mathanos to make herself faster. Brandon, however, saw each one and used his swords to block them. "Ah, you're a Warrior Sage Magi, too," Zenna noted.

"What's the matter? Diana giving you too much trouble?" Brandon asked.

Zenna nocked three more arrows and loosed them toward the cocky little human. No one ever got away with insulting her. Never. Using her bow like a staff, she lunged toward him as he swung his sword in an overhead swing.

Zenna twisted to the right and smoothly danced behind him, but Brandon was a second faster, already there with his swords at her side. All she had time to do was block him with her bow. The blades he wielded sliced deep into the wood. Cursing, Zenna cried out in fury as she backed away from him. "My bow!"

Brandon laughed and simultaneously sliced his swords toward Zenna's chest. She ducked low to the ground and for a second, he had no idea where she was. Taking the opportunity, Zenna swiped his feet out of from beneath him and leapt onto him.

She straddled him and pressed her bow against his neck to choke him. He had dropped one of his swords but the other was flat against his neck, protecting him. It was a battle of strength and normally, he would have been stronger, but with him lying beneath her, it gave her an edge.

Surprising her, Bradon took a finger and slipped it inside her bow, in between the wood and the string. His finger jammed into her throat. She choked and her strength wavered, giving him the chance he needed to throw her off him.

Bradon jabbed his sword toward her chest, but as she coughed, Zenna spun around and leapt toward her feet.

They lunged toward each other as their battle raged on.


Syra whirled around as she heard Jeythr call her name. Her black hair swished around her along with her silk dress and her smile sent heat surging through him. "Syra," he murmured as he grabbed her fingers and interlaced them with his own.

"Jeythr, are you alright?" Syra frowned, looking up at him with worried eyes.

"No," Jeythr whispered, shaking his head. "No, I'm not, Syra. I love you and I've kept it from you for so long. You are everything to me. I didn't know how you felt and you've been married before, I know your family and I just - "

Syra placed a finger to his lips. "Shh... Jeythr, there is no need to say anything further."

Jeythr's heart froze and sank deep into his stomach. "Syra...?"

The corner of her lips shifted into a smile as she leaned in and crushed his own with bruising force and yet Jeythr didn't care. Her hands slid up the shirt on his back, tracing his bare skin. Gently, as if handling glass, Jeythr's hands curled around her neck so that his thumbs brushed the side of her jaw.

Their kiss deepened as he pressed his body against hers on the wall of the building behind them. Why had he waited so long to tell her? Jeythr had no answer. All that existed was Syra and him together in their own world.

"I love you too," Syra whispered with tears glistening in her eyes.


Benjo's stomach twisted into knots and his fingers wouldn't stop shaking as he pushed open the door to The Twilight Cafe. He'd heard it was a romantic spot for couples, but he hadn't been there himself. Romantic couple, he thought to himself. Yeah right. Opal and I just met. Why would a girl like him so quickly? Benjo couldn't shake the thought off.

Vines twisted up the walls of the circular room. Overhead, rather than a ceiling as Benjo had expected, a nighttime sky washed over the place like a warm blanket. On the far wall, a mural etched along the wall mirrored a sunset hovering over the horizon and magical orbs emitted orange and yellow lights to mimic the coloring of twilight. Stars glittered on the ceiling above his head, but as they danced and moved, Benjo realized they were silver fairies.

"Benjo!" Opal called. Her hazel eyes met Benjo's, making his stomach summersault.

"Hey, Opal." Benjo grinned, shaking his head to get his purple hair out of his face. He took a seat directly across from her.

She glanced down at the table shyly. "I'm glad you came."

"Me too. You guys did well today. I can't wait for the results, though." Benjo grinned so much that his cheeks started to cramp.

Opal giggled. "Yeah, I thought you guys were really good too. I wonder who's going to win. If you guys do, no hard feelings, right? Or if we do?"

Benjo shook his head. "I'm not going to feel bad about it. So, uh... Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself? I mean, how did you end up here? I thought Black Shadow only had five members?"

Her cheeks turned bright pink as she twirled her finger in the water she already had on the table in front of her. "Oh. I... I was actually the daughter of a queen and king on a planet called Hiltha."

Benjo blanched. "Y - You're a princess?" His voice squeaked in surprise.

Opal giggled, covering her mouth with her hands. "I like it when you're surprised. Your voice cracked."

"It - It didn't," Benjo said as his voice stayed slightly higher in pitch. Clearing his throat, Benjo frowned as he made his voice deeper. "I mean, uh, it didn't!"

Opal laughed, sweet and soft. There was something about it that filled Benjo with warmth.

"How did a princess end up in Black Shadow?" Benjo asked.

Opal shrugged. "A letter appeared asking me to participate in Ethan's place when he was injured. I eagerly accepted." Her eyes softened and something about them seemed sad.

Benjo opened his mouth to ask her why, but a sun elf woman with straight orange hair approached them. "Welcome to the Twilight Cafe. Are you ready to order?" In truth, Benjo had been so caught up in talking with Opal that he hadn't bothered to look at a menu.

Opal scanned the wall behind her where a magical projection listed out the specific foods they had here. "I'll take a ham sandwich. Uh, with Mammoth cheese if you wouldn't mind!"

"And you?" the woman met Benjo's gaze.

His eyes traced over the menu in a hurry. "Uh... I'll take a labber-berry pie."

As the elf woman strolled over toward the back, Opal gave him a funny look. "You're eating dessert for dinner?"

Benjo shot her a lopsided grin. "Why not? Besides, I'm starving. Today was a long day. I managed to hide in a closet where I couldn't sit down and my legs are killing me. Not to mention I worked up quite an appetite."

Opal took a sip of water. "Wait, so what about you? How did you come to be in Black Dragon?"

"I used to be part of a circus," Benjo said sheepishly. He hung his head and kept his eyes on the oak wood table between them.

Opal grabbed his hands with her own where they sat on the table in between them. "I don't think it's something to be embarrassed about, Benjo."

"Thanks," Benjo responded as his lips slowly pulled up into a smile again. "One night, the circus was attacked by bandits. Black Dragon rescued me, but I could never find the circus again. I don't know what happened to them. Most everyone in it were my friends and I never did find out what happened to my best friend, Lia."

Opal's fingers clenched around his gently. "I'm so sorry Benjo. Thanks for sharing that with me."

"You wanna play twenty questions?"

"How about ten?" Opal asked instead.

"Ten is fine, but you go first." The sun elf woman came and sat labber-berry pie down in front of Benjo and a sandwich in front of Opal.

"All we have is water," she said, sitting a cup of water down in front of Benjo.

"That's fine. Thanks." He used his fork to cut up the pie as Opal picked up the sandwich and took a bite.

After she swallowed, she smiled. "Okay. What kind of magic do you have? I don't think I've seen you use it yet."

"I'm an Illusionist Sage Magi. I like showing people tricks as a distraction, so I'm not much of a fighter." Benjo slipped his first bite into his mouth and immediately, a sweet, fruity flavor exploded into his mouth. He practically groaned it tasted so good, but he kept himself from it. Benjo swallowed his bite and then asked, "What about you?"

"Shapeshifter Sage Magi. I can change into a dolphin and a phoenix. By the way, no ask-backs. That's cheating you know." Opal shook her head at him, trying to be serious, but Benjo made a face at her and made her laugh.

They ate and continued sitting there talking well beyond twenty questions. Benjo felt as if he had known her forever. She was easy to talk to and it was the first time Benjo found someone who understood him, that he could be himself around and not feel embarrassed. It turned out she liked his poems and even wanted him to sing for her sometime, although the thought kind of made him queasy. What if she didn't like him?

The sun elf woman had to kick them out because the cafe closed, so Benjo and Opal continued their conversation down the street as he walked her back to their hotel. Stopping outside the doors, Opal turned to look at him. "I - I had a fun time tonight, Benjo."

"I did, too, Opal. You - You're so easy to be around. I - I can be myself around you." Benjo smiled at her widely.

"Will you... Will you share another poem with me, Benjo?"

He knew just the right one. "Okay.

Beautiful Girl,

Never in this world

Have I ever felt this way

For someone before

The light in your eyes

Brings me warmth

I could gaze at you all day long

And still not see every part of you

Share yourself with me -

Your whole heart

And I will share mine with you

Beautiful Girl."

Opal's cheeks turned bright scarlet as she stared at him with a huge grin on her face. "B - Benjo, that was... that was beautiful."

"Yes, you are," he whispered as he leaned toward her. He wasn't sure how she would feel about kissing so soon after they met, so he paused, waiting for her response.

Opal closed her eyes and finished closing the distance. Their lips brushed and it was as light as the moon, as light as Benjo's heart felt in that moment. He felt he could fly and in a way in that moment, he and Opal did fly. Together.


Chains rubbed Kyren's wrists raw as he lay stretched on a rack inside Vaxon's dungeon. For days he had been chained there, with guards pulling the levers and laughing as the machine pulled and stretched Kyren's limbs hard enough to jerk them out of joint.

Rya... Dead. The thought drove him to madness, leaving Kyren empty and void inside. The whole time Vaxon tortured him, the members of Black Dragon yelled and cursed at him for his lies and betrayal. If he truly was so empty, then why did their words hurt him so? They tore apart his heart as Vaxon's torturous instruments tore apart his body.

In reality, the nightmare tore apart his mind.


2901 is the total word count. Intro is 787. Battle is 482. Ending is 1632, but I had extra word count from an award. I did the kiss as a tiebreaker (which won't take away from whoever else wins it), so I get an extra 0.5 points onto my score. Since I'm handing in before June 22, I get an extra 2 points onto my score as well. Since Katie and I battled for fun and she has immunity and I'm not part of the competition, she and I both automatically win ten points.

If you guys still want to judge us to see who wins, feel free! :)

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