Happily Ever After (The Drug...

Por awesomegal15

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It's been three years of complete bliss. I love my family, my job everything life has given me. But, sometim... Más

Badge of Honor
Miss Me?
What Happened?
Interview with a Nanny
Midnight Oil
She's Fine
Together or Not at All
No You Don't
Paris. Is. Mine.
So You Have a Plan
Not. Even. Close.
First Tooth
Late Nights
Meeting and Sleep
Do It
What's Wrong?
What Did You Do Today?
27 Letters
Big Problem
Hemingway Champagne
Family Meeting
Do You Understand?
He Will
What Do I Say?
An Explanation
I Blinked
Two Fingers
Morse Code
No Redemption
Rovaniemi Church
You Have my Attention
Nailing it as a Dad
Open Minded
Hitman Angel
First Day
A Lazy Sunday
Is She Still In You?
Nothing Too Terribly Exciting
What Have You Done?
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
Monster Spray
We Need To Talk
Always A Pleasure
A Day From H-E-L-L
To The Grave
Always Love You
Perfectly Imperfect
A Balance
Have I Ever Disappointed You?
I Love You
That's It

A Real Highlight

21K 441 32
Por awesomegal15

Chapter 1


"Love!" I shouted up the stairs pulling off my tie. Today, had been a motherfucker of a day. Four meeting, a trip to London and half a ton of missing cocaine. Whatever, I'll worry about that tomorrow. Now, is time for the best part of my day.

I hung up my jacket, and undid my cufflinks so I could roll up my sleeves. I jogged up the white marble stairs to the master bed room. This house was my magnum opus. It took me a year to design it, then another two to have it built. Five hundred pristine private acres. A gated driveway that leads to a country club setting with 6 car garage, guest suite, pool, pool house, slate roof, generator and outdoor basketball and tennis court. It was our special home with architectural details and mill-work throughout. Amazing outdoor space with patios and outdoor BBQ. 440-foot of lake frontage, 28 bedrooms, 12.5 baths, marble fireplaces, intricate limestone molding and plaster relief ceilings. Exquisite dining room with beveled mirror panels and handsome library with spectacular detail. Fabulous gardens and of course Jennifer's wrap around porch.

"Jennifer! I'm home, love", I said in the hallway just about to open up the bedroom door. I saw her laying on our bed hovering over Fitzgerald and Maria.

"Ssssshhhh. I just got them to go down", I crawled across the bed to her wrapping Jennifer in my arms. I kissed her cheek.

Whispering in her ear I said,"How was your day?"

"It was a really exciting day", she said giggling as I nuzzled against her neck.

"Really?" Once Jennifer had the babies she was a bit melancholy she couldn't go back to work as quickly as she wanted to. But, she still dropped in via Skype call and she could always call to check in on her patients. She owned the hospital after all.

"Yeah, I gave the twins a bath, change diapers, breastfed, dropped Alma off at school, changed more diapers and and did it all while they cried nonstop", so not an easy day," How was your day?"

"Nothing I couldn't manage", I said thinking about the lunch that happened in London. I was trying to expand my market further into China. Too bad the distributor wanted to play hardball. I had to break his neck.

Fitz started to get fussy," I got him, love. Go rest". I pick up Fitz who was wide awake and wanted none of the swaddling Jennifer had put him in.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah, little man and me will be just fine. Go rest", she nodded and picked up Maria.

"I'll put her in her bed", Jennifer quickly kissed me and  turned on the video baby monitor.

"I mean it. Rest, love. No looking for work", I whisper yelled.

"Ok, ok, my mom will be here for night duty in a hours. Are you hunger?" She asked.

"Nah", I stood up with Fitz and walked over to Jennifer. I bent down and kissed Maria on the head.

My precious little girl.

"Don't forget Alma still wants her story before we go. Little mama is mad as hell at you for missing storytime two nights in a row", she said.

I chucked at that I was upset too. But, I've just not had the time. " So we are still good for the party tonight? Or do you want to--"

"NO", Jennifer said quickly. She took a deep breath and said,"A night is good. So, I'm going to get ready".


"Okay", I said as Jennifer turned around and walked out of the room. I redirected my attention to Fitz,"Let's go give your sister a story?" I kissed his forehead and  walked down the hallway to Alma's pink door.

I knocked.

"Mommy?" Alma called out.

"Daddy", I said opening the door. I saw Alma running to me. My baby is six now. And to think three years ago she could barely speak but now she was in the first grade: reading, writing and just so damn smart. She hugged my leg,"Storytime?"

"You know it", Alma held on to leg and we walked over to her rocking chair.

"Can I hold Fitz?" Alma asked.

"Not right, baby. He just woke up. But, you can pick whatever story you want for today",  Alma's room hadn't really changed since we moved. The only addition was a white hand crafted bookshelf that was full of books. First additions of course.

"Okay", she said with disappointment in her voice. She walked over to the bookshelf and putted out two book,"This one?" She said rushing back to me.

I already knew what it was going to be.

"It's your pick", she climbed back on to my lap showing me the book. She settled in to my chest sucking her thumb. When I bought A Wrinkle In Time, I was sure it would just be a showcase book. But, no. I've read this book a good hundred times. So I was definitely getting my sixteen thousand dollars worth.

"Two chapters, please?" She asked.

"Okay", I couldn't say no to her. And I have missed the last few days.

As I read to Alma I couldn't help but think how happy was. That before Jennifer I never thought about having a family. And now coming home to Maria, Fitz, Alma and Jennifer is the best part of my day.

A real highlight.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Click, click.

Damn it.

My gun caught.

I set my gun and held down the recall button. My target was a paper man. The best thing Adam put in this house with a shooting range. I made sure I practice for at least once a week.

Head shots.


"So I'm thinking, of bumping up Rachel, Curt, Kasey and Peter", Elliott said over our Skype call.

"Curt and Kasey, yes. They need to be challenged more. The other need more training", I said taking apart my gun to see what the problem was. Elliott has become my second Lieutenant as far as the hospital was concerned. Caffrey-Faust was booming. And we just got our first year interns, I stuck to teaching medicine and Elliott stuck to research. When we work together we're, a great team. And right now I needed him. Elliott is the only person that still treats me like a person not just a mom. In his eyes, I was still me.

I love my kids. It's just, I was going crazy being around them. Babies are easy. All they want to do is cry, eat and poop.


But I was going crazy with boredom around them. Specifically, the twins. Maybe, I wasn't bonding right with them? I was doing everything in my power to solidify our bond. I breastfed, I made sure we have skin on skin contact but I just wasn't feeling the connection. And that made me feel like a shitty mom. It took nothing for me to bond with Alma and even less to bond with Kairi. So why was it so hard for me to connect with Maria and Fitz?

Adam was so good with the kids. I knew the second he walked in the door seeing them was the highlight of his day. Maybe once I go back to work it would be mine too. But, God did I miss work. If it wasn't for Elliot I would have no adult conversation. The few times I did get a real conversation it had to revolve around the babies. Adam was really bad about that.

That's why I was so excited for the Galla tonight. Nate and Josh had invited us and I didn't even ask Adam before I agreed to go. We would actually get to go out for a bit. Talk to people, who wouldn't what the conversation dominated by babies.

"Are you still on call? With Pellegrini?" Elliott asked.

Aha! Oil build up.

I found the problem with my gun, I found a rag and quickly started to wipe away the residue. "I'm supposed to be but no one's given me a call". I wish someone would. When I was out of the states I helped Pellegrini take care of some of her patience within the drug lords houses. And I loved every second of it. Every day was something new, somewhere new. Gunshot wounds, stabbing, burns, anything you can imagine that could be done to a human I had seen it. And I fixed it.

But during my pregnancy, Adam didn't want me treating any drug lord patients. And I had agreed for the safety of the babies. I was only supposed to be gone for six week, on leave. Yet, here I was four weeks later dying to get back to work. I knew Adam had something to do with my lack of phone calls. It's not like the other houses would easily disobey him. I needed to be challenged somehow. More, than bath time and listening to the same nursery rhymes over and over again.

World's greatest Mom, right? I couldn't even think that without laughing.

"You have what three weeks before you get back here?" Elliott asked.

"Two weeks, three days, six hours and...." I looked over to a nearby clock.


"Hey, Elliott I got to go. But, if you need me give me a call or text me I'm always available", I put my gun away. I should have been getting ready not shooting my frustrations away.

"Wait! Level 00 need supplies. I have a list somewhere", I walked over to the tablet and saw Elliot sitting in his state-of-the-art lab shuffling through papers. Level 00 was completely off the books. It didn't exist on any of the maps or schematics of the building. Completely untraceable. Just the way I wanted it. In Adams business, you're going to need a doctor at some point in your career. And sometimes a home visit from me or Dr. Pellegrini just isn't enough. Some patients need intensive long term care: Physical Therapy, intense observation, nurses, Scans and any number of things. And I was happy to give it to our drug lord patience. For a charitable fee. From the hospital like Caffrey-Faust wasn't cheap. Especially, because we didn't turn down anyone for any reason. I didn't matter if your insurance wouldn't cover your procedure. We still took care of you. My hospital depends on those donations to keep it up and running. And Elliot depends on them, to keep his research going. Finding the cure for thyroid cancer wasn't easy or cheap. But now that he had the lab, the equipment, man power and a shit ton of money I knew he was going to find the cure. He would save his mother, Elena, and millions more. Not bad for a hospital in East St. Louis, Missouri,"Go ahead and order what you need. Just make sure I have an invoice".

"Got it", he said as I ended the call.

I quickly made my way back upstairs to the master bedroom. As I open the door I heard Maria started to get fussy over the baby monitor.

"It's okay, baby girl. Nana is here", thank God my mom was here. I watched her from the baby monitor pick Maria up and walk over to the rocking chair. They sat down looking so very cozy together. My mom started to hum her a lullaby. Which immediately started to soothe her.

Maybe I should start to hum or sing to the twins.

I pondered that as I started to strip out of my sweatpants and oversized UMSL t-shirt. I took a quick shower.

I stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around my waist. I walked back into the bedroom, into our walk in closet and found the dress Josh had ordered for me. I both loved and hated that even when I was pregnant he still considered me his Muse.  Which meant I got some of the best candid photos I had ever seen and a shit ton of free clothes. But, on the back hand side everything I did was photographed when we hung out. I shouldn't complain because once I gave birth I lost all of my baby weight. I only had a small stomach to begin with.

I pulled out the champagne sparkling gown with a deep v-neck that went well below my breast, it had a collar that buttoned high on my neck and the back was completely. The waistline was high to hide my small pooch of a stomach. This was definitely one of Gamilla's dresses. I sat at my vanity and started to do my makeup. I kept it at minimum with just my normal red lipstick, a little brown eyeshadow and eyeliner. I pinned my hair in to bun with a long sweeping French braid on the front of my head. I look down to my jewelry box and saw the pearl set Adam had gotten me after the twins were born.  The clasp had their initials on them.

I couldn't help but smile at them and think back to how proudly my mother wore her pearls after Jemma was born. My mother's pearls were simple, that was a reflection of my dad. I bet he spent hours looking for the perfect necklace until he found the one. Adam had gotten me Akoya cultured pearls with an 18k white gold double-sided clasp with matching earnings. He easily spent over fifty thousand dollars. The little blue Tiffany box told me that.

I put them on. They should be worn at least once.

I heard a soft,"Mommy", at the door.

I stood and opened the door. And found Alma all dressed up in a pink tulle dress with swirling white embroidered stitching. I remember then we went shopping for it. "Are you trying to go out too?" I said with a smile.

She gave me a big nod and some of her hair went flopping in front of her face.

"Little one, you definitely can't come to this", it's not that Alma didn't know how to behave around adults. It was just this crowd was a bit rough especially because most of the people going to the gala wear associates of Adams.

I could see her little feelings were hurt,"But, Daddy and I will have to take you to some other big girl function".

"Promise?" She asked.

I scooped her up in my arms sitting back down at the vanity. I started covering her kisses,"Mommy doesn't lie", I loved hearing her laugh,"Besides it's way past bedtime. Did Daddy not tuck you in?"

"He fell asleep reading my book", poor thing. Adam was pushing himself so hard to be there us. There just wasn't enough hours in the day. And I understood when he came home he was tired.

As soon as I got changed I would go wake up Adam. Or maybe we could just stay home?

Let him take home and sleep.

I could go alone.

Vvvvzzzzzttttt vvvvzzzztttttt

"Will you bring mommy her phone?" I asked Alma.

"Yes", while she searched my room. I quickly strapped on my Smith & Wesson M&P Bodyguard .380 Auto Pistol I kept in a hat box in the back part of the closet. Like my poison lipstick I rarely go to functions without it. I made sure the safety was on and strapped it to my upper thigh.

"Found it!" Alma yelled bouncing back to me. I picked her up and put her on my lap trying to straighten out her hair as I answered the phone.

Unknown number.


"Yeah, is this the doctor?" A panicked voice came through the phone. He sounded like he just ran a marathon.

"Yes", I said jumping into action. I said putting Alma down and grabbing my medical bag form underneath the bed. "Tell me what happened and where you're at".

"I've been fucking shot!"


"Where?" I asked.

"Chest... right leg... there's a lot of blood", yes!

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Morbihan, France", the man said. The McNess House.


I was currently in Auray. Almost 35 minutes away, if I sped I could probably make it there in twenty.

"Mommy", I looked back to Alma. Her big eyes were worried. She didn't know what was going on, just that I was leaving.

"It's okay baby, I have to go help someone that's hurt", I bent down and she ran into my arms. "You know I'll be back, as soon as I can?"  I kissed her little cheeks.

"Can I come?" She asked. I really didn't want to deny her. But gunshot wounds and the violence of the situation was no place for a child. Especially, my child. "Please? I can help too".

My heart melted. She just wanted to be with me. And how much longer was I going to get that kind of unconditional love. I would make sure she wouldn't see anything traumatizing. But, she could pass me my tools? Maybe, help me bandage him up after?

And it would be stupid to leave her here with my mother. She was going to be busy with twins. And Adam was, dead to the world. Why not? So she'll just go to school a little bit late tomorrow. It's not like the faculty would say anything, not after all the money we poured into the school.

"Okay, but when mommy is working what does that mean?" I asked.

"She's saving lives", Alma recited back to me.

"Good girl, come on let's get your coat", Alma rushed for the door running down the hallway. Best case scenario she falls asleep on the car ride. Worst case she sees how to do a basic suture.

I quickly left Adam a note, so he wouldn't panic when he realized Alma and I were gone. I told my mom I was running out the door, I didn't even give her any time to protest.

Yes! This is exactly what I need.

Alma and I made our way down into the underground basement passing up all of the cars Adam had purchased. I found my car and buckled Alma into the back of my car. Adam was a strong believer that you should get a new car every year. So I was now driving a red Aston Martin Rapide.

I slid into the driver seat,"Ready?" I said looking back at Alma in her carseat.

"Really!" She said. I put on our Disney CD and like a bat out of hell we took off.

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