Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

ilangel1 द्वारा

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 56

429 14 2
ilangel1 द्वारा

Louis started to stir around slightly and Liam rubbed his back gently hoping to get the boy back asleep. However Louis eyes opened slightly and he cuddled into his papa. "Have a nice nap, your feed is running but do you want to cuddle or play with nini and Adam" Liam said. Louis shook his head content with his papa for the time being. Liam didn't mind however as he would never turn down a cuddle from one of his boys and Louis had just woken up at the end of the day. Liam continues chatting to the adults as Louis cuddled him. "Papa?" Louis asked suddenly and quite urgently.

"Yeah sweets?" Liam asked. "Need toilet." Louis said as he was currently stuck as Liam had his arms around him. "Right come on then." Liam said going with the boy as he knew Louis had difficulty sometimes when he was connected to his feed as it got in the way. Liam helped Louis pull his trousers and boxers down and made sure the feed wasn't in the way as the boy sat on the toilet. "Done papa." Louis said a minute later and Liam nodded helping the boy out and once he was dressed again picked him up. "Do you want to go and play or come back down with me?" Liam asked as Louis laid his head on Liam's shoulder. Louis didn't say anything and Liam knew the answer as he went to sit back down.

"I would have thought you'd want to play lou." Robin said as Liam sat back down on the sofa with Louis cuddling him. "No stay with papa." Louis mumbled placing his thumb in his mouth. "No baby." Liam said removing it earning a tired whine from the boy Anne got up and went upstairs to grab the boys blanket and lion teddy.

Harry was just watching the kids play feeling tired. On her way back she decided to check on the kids and Harry finding Harry looking exhausted. "Why don't you go have a lie down love, it's still 3 hours till midnight." Anne suggested. "I'll stay here" Harry said. Anne nodded and went to give Louis his blankie and his lion. Louis had sneaked his thumb in his mouth.

"Right here louis, if you take your thumb out your mouth you can have blankie and your lion." Anne said and Liam looked down then. "Louis I told you to remove your thumb from your mouth, Your to old now sweetie Liam said as Anne handed the boy his comfort items once he had removed his thumb. However once the boy had his blankie and lion teddy he cheekily put his thumb back in his mouth. "Louis." Liam warned and the 5 year old shook his head knowing what Liam was telling him not to do. One warning or you're going to bed and miss the midnight celebrations" Liam said sternly.'

Louis whimpered at that as he didn't like it when his parents got angry with him and climbed off Liam's lap curling himself into a ball on the other end of the sofa causing Liam to sigh and look at his mum for help but she just shook her head as she knew Liam had to deal with this but Liam wasn't really sure how to deal with it as they never had this issue with niall.

"Lou you can stay in here but no sucking your thumb" Liam said as the boy curled up. "No Papa." Louis said and Liam saw he now had tears forming in his eyes. "Lou Baby Im only doing it for your own good." Liam explained hating that he had to do it but he knew it wasn't healthy for kids to suck their thumb by Louis' age. "But why" Louis whimpered tiredly." Because sucking your thumb will affect all your lovely teeth and then you may need braces when you are older" Liam explained to the tired boy. Louis just shrugged. "I'll have braces then." Louis mumbled and Liam chuckled. "You won't like that sweetie, trust me." Liam said and Louis just shrugged again. And put his thumb back in his mouth.

Harry fell asleep in the back room. Niall went into the lounge. "Papa need a blanket" niall said. 'Why do you need one" Karen asked as Liam was busy sorting Louis out. "Dad has fallen asleep." Niall said. Karen nodded and grabbed a blanket before following Niall into the backroom. Karen smiled as niall told his nana to give him the blanket so he could put it on his dad. Harry had fallen asleep on the bean bag they had in the back room. "Why don't you all go and play upstairs in your room Ni, so you don't wake your dad." Karen said and Niall nodded running off upstairs with Adam and Jake behind not looking like they would fall asleep anytime soon.

Liam decided to carry the boy upstairs with his blankie and put him to bed. "Papa, wake me when midnight?" Louis asked rubbing his eyes and Liam smiled. "Do you want me to?" Liam asked. "Yeah." Louis mumbled already half asleep. "Well I'll wake you then." Liam said kissing his forehead before quietly walking out the door and over to Niall's room where loud noises were coming from. "Hey boys can you keep it down in here, louis' asleep in his room." Liam said and the 3 boys nodded quieting down a bit but Liam decided that was better than nothing as he was surprised they quietened down that much as they were extremely excited. Liam went downstairs and carried on chatting with everyone.

The three boys played for about an hour before coming downstairs and asking when midnight was. Liam looked at the clock. "Its 11o'clock now so another hour" Liam said The 3 nodded however all the parents could see there children were tired. Gemma currently had Katie curled into her side struggling to stay awake although the girl was determined not to fall asleep before her brother. They had a think of what to do and decided a game to keep them occupied.

"Ni Love go and grab a game of some kind from the backroom but go quiet in there as I don't want your dad to wake up." Liam said and Niall nodded before heading off into the backroom but Liam caught him rubbing his eyes. Niall picked up a game but accidently dropped bits. 'Sorry dad didn't mean to" the boy whispered Harry smiled slightly and sat up rubbing his eyes before looking at the time.

"It's Alright Sweetie it's nearly midnight anyway so I'd have to wake up soon." Harry said getting up as Niall picked up the pieces before Harry took Niall's hand and the pair walked off into the living room. "Hey Haz how you feeling" Liam asked as he saw his husband walk in "I'm okay." Harry replied sitting down next to his husband and cuddling into his side while Niall set up the game with the help of Adam and Jake. All the adults got involved apart from Liam and Harry who cuddled as they watched everyone having a laugh.

When it was only 10 minutes till midnight Liam went upstairs to get Louis remembering how the boy wanted Liam to wake him when it was midnight. Liam woke the boy up but sighed at seeing the boy sucking his thumb. Liam checked the boys feed was done for now so he disconnected it as he gently woke the boy.

Gemma was waking Katie who had fallen asleep. The three boys had managed to stay awake and were very excited again. "Come on loulou it's nearly midnight." Liam said softly and Louis opened an eye before reaching for Liam who happily picked him up seeing Louis still clutching his blanket. "Shall we go downstairs?" Liam asked and the boy nodded although laid his head down on Liam's shoulder while holding his blue comfort blanket extremely tightly. Liam smiled at the boy as he cuddled into him as they went downstairs to three very excitable boys. Louis whimpered at the loud noises and Liam just held him tighter as he didn't want to tell the 3 boys to be quiet as they weren't really doing anything wrong they were just excited. Liam just rubbed the boys back as he sat down next to Harry who comforted the boy to.

Niall soon came over noticing that his little brother had appeared. "Hey Lou, your awake." Niall said happily and Louis just whined. "Ni be quieter please, he's only just woke up and he's really tired so doesn't like the loud noises." Liam explained to Niall who nodded before going back over to his cousins who were more than happy to continue messing around with him. Harry switched the tv on to bring midnight in.

As it grew closer to midnight the family stood round in a circle. "No papa carry." Louis whined as Liam went to put him down and the man sighed picking him back up knowing he was extremely tired. He sighed as he held him in his right arm. He then held niall's hand and couldn't hold Harry. Harry just put his arm round Liam. Liam smiled and laid his own head on Harry's shoulder as the countdown started and Niall started bouncing with excitement.

"You want to get down and hold mine and daddy's hand" Liam asked the now excited boy. "No." Louis said as even though he was excited he was pretty content in Liam's arms and didn't really want to move. Liam smiled as they started counting down from 30 seconds "Can you help me count down from 10 Lou." Liam said as they reached 15 seconds and Louis nodded happily helping his papa count down from 10 when it was time. Louis nodded and counted from 10 downwards holding his fingers up to. Liam smiled at the youngest of the family before kissing his nose earning a giggle from the boy as he continued to count down from 10. Soon they did 3, 2 1 and could hear the fireworks on the tv.

"There pretty." Louis said as he wiggled to be put down which Liam happily did and watched as the boy sat down in front of the TV and gave it his full attention. The adults apart from Harry all had some champagne to bring the new year in. Louis loved the fireworks. They did the new yr dance. Soon the fireworks were over and Louis was sad. Harry and Liam smiled as they led everyone to the window and Liam went outside and they had their own display.

"Daddy Can I go out with papa?" Louis asked and Harry shook his head. "No baby it's to dangerous and cold. In here you can watch them in the warm and your safe." Harry explained as Robin and Geoff went outside as well to help Liam out. "But grandpa and grandad out there to" Louis said. "No Louis fireworks dangerous like fire but they are fine if you are careful and do it safely" Harry explained Louis whined and pouted glaring at harry.

"Louis do you need to go to bed, and not watch the fireworks at all." Harry said not ready to deal with a tired and moody Louis as that never ended well.

"Fireworks" Louis moaned. "Well watch them in here then" Harry said sternly. "No." Louis shouted and Harry sighed. "Right bed then." Harry said picking the boy up and carrying him upstairs although Louis wasn't happy about that and let his feelings known. Harry didn't care he knew the boy was tired and this was how he was sometimes. Harry took the boy to the toilet. "Louis say sorry for being naughty and we can watch them out your bedroom window." Harry said. "Can we please go back downstairs?" Louis said but Harry shook his head knowing if he gave into the boy it wouldn't teach him anything. "But daddy, I don't want to watch them from here." Louis whined. "Well you won't be watching them at all then." Harry said. Louis huffed.

Everyone else was watching them downstairs as the first one started going off. They then heard a second bang of the fireworks. "Louis last chance we can watch them out your bedroom window or bed." Harry said sternly. Louis sighed but went over to his window whining again when he couldn't see out of it as he was still slightly to short. "Daddy I can't see." Louis whined again and Harry just rolled his eyes seriously fed up with Louis' whining.

However the boy couldn't see anything as there was nothing to see. It was a few minutes later and Louis smiled as he saw the fireworks "Look Daddy." Louis said pointing them out and Harry nodded. "I know baby, I can see." Harry said and Louis just nodded turning to look out the window again, Louis loved the pretty colours and the different types of fireworks. However at one point there was a Big Bang and Louis didn't like that one as much. "Daddy." Louis whimpered and Harry sighed as he comforted the boy knowing loud noises did frighten him and that last bang was pretty loud. Harry hugged the boy and comforted him look it's very pretty." Harry said.

Downstairs the other kids were happily watching from the window. Louis sniffled and looked back up but stayed close to Harry and not leaving his side. Harry comforted Louis as they watched the fireworks. Harry was glad he didn't feel nauseous or anything. It was around another ten minutes and the fireworks were finished. Harry got Louis in bed and read the tired boy a story.

Liam soon appeared knowing the youngest was probably about to fall asleep and Louis made grabby hands towards his papa. Liam smiled and cuddled with Louis while Harry finished the story and before either parent knew it louis was sound asleep, They soon went down stairs.

Anne said Gemma said bye but had left as Katie was still very tired. Liam and Harry both nodded as they looked over seeing Niall and Jake cuddled together almost asleep. "Right I think we're going to make a move." Ruth said and Sam nodded also getting up going to pick his son up. "No dad, stay here." Jake mumbled and Liam then spoke. "He can stay if he wants him and Niall can have a sleepover," Liam said and that seemed to wake both boys again. "Can I Dad please." Jake begged. 'If your sure Liam" Ruth said. "Yea it's fine Ruth" Harry replied.

They nodded and decided to stay a bit longer. "Go on you two go and get changed for bed, Jake you can borrow some of Louis' pyjamas." Liam said and they both nodded. "Oh and please be quiet Louis' asleep." Harry added and both boys nodded heading off to Niall's room.

Niall decided to give Jake a pair of his pyjamas as he didn't want to go into Louis room and disturb the boy. "Aren't these going to be too big Ni?" Jake asked as even though there was less than a month between the 2 Jake was a lot smaller than Niall. "I know but I don't want lou to wake up." Niall said and Jake just nodded.

Ruth and Sam asked Harry and Liam if they were sure they didn't mind when the boys were out of earshot. "Honestly it's fine, we're not planning on doing anything tomorrow anyway so it will Niall amused." Liam reassured his sister. "If you're sure it's just I don't want Jake to be a problem of any sort I know how bad morning sickness can be and I'm sure another 7 year old is not really what you want," Ruth said but Liam and Harry both waved her off. Ruth and Sam went upstairs to say night to both boys before they left. Karen and Geoff left to.

Soon it was just Harry and Liam left downstairs and they both walked upstairs to check the boys before retreating to bed themselves. Niall and Jake chatted for a bit before going to sleep. Harry fell asleep ad his head hit the pillow Liam chuckled and soon followed his husband falling asleep. The house soon fell completely silent.

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