Imperfection~ A Liam Payne Lo...

By Dreamsofforever

44.7K 1K 54

**PART ONE**Alyson had a normal life of a normal teenager. Then, someone had burned her family's house down... More

Imperfection~ A Liam Payne Love Story
Meet Alyson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Meet Hannah and Ashley
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Meet Kenzie
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Meet Belle
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 50

248 6 2
By Dreamsofforever

Chapter 50

"Never, will I open my mouth." I promised myself, then threw away the key.

I sat in the tree, singing softly, and Liam came up after me. I sat there, feeling numb, unsure of what had just happened. "What just happened?" I asked, and Liam shook his head. "You knocked 4 boys on their butts, then sprinted after Zayn, who was riding a bike, and you were running as fast as he was biking, and he was panting, but you were breathing easy. That what just happened." He said. I nodded numbly, and I jumped out of the tree. I landed on my feet, but the minute I stood up and went to take a step, my legs failed. I groaned in pain. "Awww, man. This again." I muttered, and Liam picked me up, and he carried me to the apartments. I buried my head into the crook of his warm neck, and I listened to his heart beat. I watched his neck flex and move as he turned his head, breathed, and talked. My legs didn't feel weird like they did when I sprinted too hard. "Lemme down! Let me down!" I started shrieking, and he put me down. I ran away to the apartments, letting the lactic acid spread through and burn my muscles. I ran into my bedroom, and I quickly set up my mini-homemade punching bag. I began hitting it, over and over, letting all the pain wash away.

I'm coming home

I'm coming home

Tell the World I'm coming home

Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday

I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes

I'm coming home, I'm coming home

Tell the World that I'm coming

I started singing, forgetting my promise. I had locked my door, and I didn't want to talk. I wanted to punch someone in the face. I wanted to seriously hurt someone. The last time I had this feeling... I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. I let my anger fuel me, and it was a never-ending fuse. I finally gave up, and saw my knuckles were brusied. I sighed, and I put away my homemade punching bag, and I walked down the stairs. I had calm downed alot. But it took a while. Scrubbing, cookings, fixing things, and exercise just to calm down from having my "sister" show up.

"Hey, baby." I kissed Liam, and I sat down next to him. He grabbed my hand, and I winced. Just a little one. But... he still noticed. He frowned at my hands, looking at the bruises developing on my knuckles. He looked at me, and I shrugged. "I was training." I said, and he shook his head. "Training? What are you training for, Aly? I really don't think that you should have bruises up and down your body and not be able to walk for a short period of time after a training session." He gestured at my knuckles, and reminded me about the walk/run home. I frowned, but he continued. "I don't know why it's taking you so long to calm down, but-" I cut him off.

"Listen here, and listen close." I whispered, and the room fell dead silent. Fear was in his eyes, no, fear was in everyone's eyes. "It took me so long to calm down. I may look calm on the outside, but I've already killed the entire world 3 times in my head. It took me so long to get to this point, because I've been treated like that, since I could remember. Do you know what it's like to have never punch anyone in your life? When I punched my "sister" earlier, it was the first time I had punched someone because I wanted to. Not because it was training or it was for a contest. Just because I wanted to. Try taking 16 years of the chiz I had to deal with, and not be angry when one of the people who caused it showed up on your doorstep, beat you up in your own home, and tried to take over. Ask me again why it took me so long to calm down, or why I haven't calmed down yet, and you'll end up like Kayla." I stood up, and stalked away to the kitchen.

I checked the clock, and began making dinner. I prepped the steaks, and turned on the grill. I stabbed the meat, and tossed it on the warm grill. I walked back inside, and I began peeling potatoes. Zayn came in, and my guard went from slightly up to fully up. I watched him as he walked to the fridge. "Grab something to drink. I'm making dinner." I said shortly, peeling more potatoes. He walked over to me, and I handed him a potato and the peeler. I grabbed a knife, and I began peeling the potatoes with that. I cut my finger, and I sighed, watching the blood drip onto the floor. I walked slowly to the sink, and I ran cool water over it, washing out the starch. I grabbed the superglue, and I glued my finger. I grabbed the potatoes, and I began slicing them into chunks, then dropping them into a pot. I placed the water full of potatoes on the stove, and checked the steaks. "Aly?" Zayn asked, and I turned around to find him looking at his feet. "Yes, Zayn?" I said, looking at him.

"Do you need any more help?" He asked, and I smiled. "Thanks, Zayn. Really, what I need is someone to talk to. I doubt you want to sit there and listen to me ramble as I cook." I checked the steak, seeing it was still pretty rare, and I walked out to everyone. "Everyone likes their steak medium rare right?" I asked, and everyone nodded. I walked back to Zayn, and asked him the same thing. He said sure, and sat down, and I told him my story.

Liam's POV

I was surprised that she had just knocked us down to chase after Zayn. I stood up when I heard the door slam a third time, and I stood up to see Zayn with the camera, panting. "Where's Aly?" I asked, and he shrugged, catching his breath. "She... was chasing... me. I was... on... the bike.... and she was running.... right next to me... not... even... panting. Then... she swerved... and went... to the park, I think." He panted, and I gave him a hug. I ran after her. I found her in a tree, singing softly, and I climbed up to her. She didn't move, and asked me what had happened with a blank stare. I quickly explained, and she jumped out of the tree. She landed, and I saw her legs wobble a bit. I climbed down, as she groaned in pain and took a small step. She fell to the ground and muttered something, and I scooped her up. I felt her warm breath against my neck, and she started yelling at me to put her down. I set her down gently, and she took off. I sprinted after her, and she had gotten into the house. I saw the lads standing up, staring at the staircase. I rushed after her, and I heard her singing. I cracked the door open, and I saw her punching a punching bag. But it looked a little different. She was singing Coming Home, and I walked back down the stairs, waiting for her to cool off.

"So, mate. What's the verdict?" Hazza asked, completely serious. "She's still really mad. I cracked the door open a little, and she was singing and punching a punching bag. Yeah, no tape or gloves or anything. Just the bag and her fists, connecting over and over." I heard a door slam shut, and she walked down the stairs. "Hey, baby." She kissed me, and I held her hand. I saw her wince a little bit, and I inspected her knuckles. Little brusies were blossoming. I looked at her face, and she saw the bruises on her fist. She shrugged, saying she was training. "Aly," I said, shaking my head. "Training? What are you training for, Aly? I really don't think that you should have bruises up and down your body and not be able to walk for a short period of time after a training session. I don't know why it's taking you so long to calm down but-" She cut me off in a deadly whisper. "Listen here, and listen close." I looked in her eyes, and I was truely frightened. Her eyes were filled with hate, pain, and fire. Not a good fire, but the type of fire that wants to consume everything and make sure nothing survives but itself. The room was silent, and you could feel the fear in the air.

She continued in a whisper. "It took me so long to calm down. I may look calm on the outside, but I've already killed the entire world 3 times in my head. It took me so long to get to this point, because I've been treated like that, since I could remember. Do you know what it's like to have never punch anyone in your life? When I punched my "sister" earlier, it was the first time I had punched someone because I wanted to. Not because it was training or it was for a contest. Just because I wanted to. Try taking 16 years of the chiz I had to deal with, and not be angry when one of the people who caused it showed up on your doorstep, beat you up in your own home, and tried to take over. Ask me again why it took me so long to calm down, or why I haven't calmed down yet, and you'll end up like Kayla." She stood up, and stalked away to the kitchen. I could hear her banging around, and Zayn stood up to talk to her.

I ran my hands through my hair, and I sighed. "Guys, I don't know what just happened." I stated, rubbing my face. Lou nodded, and said, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm glad I peed before she came down here. I would've peed my pants. She's freakin' scary, dude." I nodded, and Hazza turned on a movie. It was Wall-E. I sorta just stared at the screen, not really aware of anything. Aly walked into the living room and asked if we liked our steak medium rare. We all nodded, and I shook my head. I walked up to her room, and I found something. Something I had watched Aly get rid of. I found a plastic baggie with a razor in it.


If you look closely at a tree

you'll notice it's knots and dead branches,

just like our bodies.

What we learn is that

beauty and imperfection

go together


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