Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

84K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 53

434 17 2
By ilangel1

Thank you for your votes and comments.

Both of them slept until Louis found himself into there bed at around 6:30. Liam was the one that woke and he didn't really want Louis around incase Harry was sick again but the boy snuggled close to him and Liam didn't have the heart to move him although he would probably live to regret that decision if harry was sick again, to be honest he was pretty surprised Louis had even appeared as he usually stays clear of whoever has been sick for a couple of days. Liam doesn't question it as the boy snuggles into him and falls asleep.Liam smiles and decides to stay up as his alarm is going of in half hour. Liam turns the TV on putting it on low volume and gently playing with Louis' hair.

Soon Liams alarm goes of and he turns it of as he gets up and goes for a shower deciding to use the main bathroom instead. When Liam returns to his room he sees Louis now curled into Harry's side and smiled fondly at the pair before quickly getting dressed and then picking Louis carefully up not wanting to leave him alone with harry. Liam then placed him back in his bed. Luckily the boy stayed asleep.

Liam heard the door open and close and wasn't sure if it was his parents or Anne. He went downstairs and saw Anne taking her coat and shoes off. "Hey Liam." Anne said and Liam smiled.

"Hey, So everyone's still asleep at the moment. My parents will be here at some point as there taking the kids out and then you can have some time with H." Liam explained as he walked into the kitchen to grab some breakfast and a coffee before he had to get to work. Liam ate breakfast and then said bye to Anne who had made herself and drank a coffee before going upstairs. Liam had updated her on harry throwing up in the middle of the night.

The first thing Anne did was check both boys who were still both currently asleep but Louis was starting to move around a bit hinting that he was beginning to wake up and she was right when she saw Louis yawn and then rub his eyes slowly before opening his eyes. "Hey Lou." Anne said and Louis sleepily smiled before looking around the room seeing it was his room. He was pretty sure he fell asleep with his parents. "Do you want to get up?" Anne asked and Louis nodded reaching out for Anne who happily lifted him out of bed."Go to the toilet love." Anne said and Louis nodded before walking off in the direction of the bathroom while Anne headed for Liam and Harry's room.

Louis went for a wee and then went to see where his grandms was. Anne was pleased Harry was still sleeping and left him be. She checked on niall who was also fast asleep As she was walking out of Niall's room Louis came over to her raising his arms so she would pick him up which of course she did. "Now What do you want for breakfast this morning lou?" She asked the boy on her hip hoping that she could get him to eat.

"No food" Louis said. "Strawberry milkshake, juice" Anne asked the boy. Louis looked to be pondering over that so Anne decided to take the opportunity and got the boy a milkshake hoping he would drink atleast some as he hadn't outright refused. Anne went and grabbed a straw and put it in the drink to see if the boy would drink it.

About ten minutes later niall came downstairs and smiled at seeing his grandma and hugged her. "Morning Ni what do you fancy for breakfast." Anne asked. "Don't mind as long as it's something." Niall said and Anne smiled getting the coco pops out the cupboard. While Niall was eating Anne looked back over to Louis who was happily colouring after Anne managed to get him to drink half his milkshake. Niall ate his breakfast. When he was done Anne sent the boy up for a shower and she decided to get Louis dressed to not knowing what time Karen and Geoff would be over.

"Where we going?" Louis asked seeing Anne was getting some jeans out for him as he was used to just either wearing joggers or pyjamas as they hadn't really left the house recently. "Nana and Grandpa are going to take you and Ni out for the day." Anne explained and Louis nodded. "Where we going?" Louis asked and Anne shrugged not knowing if Karen and Geoff wanted to surprise the pair or not. "I'm not sure Lou, Your have to wait and see." Anne said. Niall didn't know he was going out so Anne finished dressing Louis and knocked on nialls door. "Ni nana and grandpa taking you and Lou out today" Anne called Through the door. "Okay." Niall called. "Make sure you wear something warm." Anne called back and Niall replied with a Yeah before Anne left him be to check on Harry. Louis was playing in his room.

Harry woke up. Anne saw Harry lying in bed awake. She asked her son how he felt. "Not great." Harry said with a sigh and Anne came over sitting on the bed and running a hand through his curls. "It will get better." Anne reassured him and Harry just nodded hoping it would be sooner rather than later.

Anne hugged Harry before niall knocked on the door saying he was ready. Anne took the boys downstairs and told Harry to text or call if he needed anything. Harry nodded and Anne grabbed Louis on her way down and told the pair to either go and play in the backroom or to watch cartoons until Karen and Geoff arrived. It was about an hour later around ten that Karen and Geoff arrived. They rang the doorbell even though they had a key.Anne let them in and Louis went running over when he saw who it was from his place on the sofa. "Nana, Where we going?" Louis asked jumping in Geoff's arms. "Well aren't you full of energy today, we're going to a museum love." Geoff said. "That's boring we went to one of them with school." Niall whined coming over. "This one will be different Ni, we're going to an interactive one." Geoff said and Niall just nodded. "Okay I'll give it a go." He said and Karen smiled ruffling his hair. Anne fetched the bag she had packed for Louis which included his milkshakes, tube feeds and spare clothes for very rare accidents.

"Right let's go and have some fun then boys." Karen said but not without Niall mumbling, "I doubt that." "Cheer up Ni I promise this is going to be great fun." Geoff said picking the boy up earning a surprise gasp and beginning to tickle him. "Grandpa put me down." Niall said through giggles. "Nope not till you decide your going to have fun." Geoff said as he headed to the car still tickling Niall while Karen and Louis followed once Louis had hugged and said bye to Anne a thousand of times.

Anne waved the four of them of and went upstairs to find Harry head over the bucket. "Awww haz" Anne said as she rubbed the boys back. Harry had fallen asleep cuddled into his mum after Anne got Harry to gargle some water and then emptied the bucket out.Niall was just staring out the window. "What museum did you go with school" Geoff asked the boy. "The boring one in town." Niall said as Geoff began driving. "Well this one is going to be different, this ones all about science and it's interactive, meaning you can do loads of things." Geoff explained and Niall looked curious at that. Now they were more than glad that they chose an interactive one, it was more for Louis' benefit but it looked like Niall was going to prefer that as well.

Geoff soon arrived at the museum and parked up and got the kids out the car they walked into the museum and paid. They looked at the map to see what they could do first. There was a quiz the kids filled out while they went round.

"Right let's go then boys." Geoff said taking Louis' hand who happily pulled him along while Niall tagged along mumbling about how this was going to be boring. However niall was shocked as Geoff and Anne took them to a bit where they where shown an experiment and got to participate. "See I told you this would be fun." Geoff said only to be shushed at by the 7 year old. "Shh Grandpa listening." Niall said and Geoff laughed before leaving him be. Louis was called up but would only go with Niall. Karen smiled as she filmed it on her phone. Louis and Niall both loved helping and once they were done were extremely happy running over to Karen and Geoff.

"That was so much fun, can I have a look at the map" niall said happily. Karen smiled as she got the map out for the 7 year old letting him look at it and answered the questions she could that the boy asked. "Can we go there" niall said pointing to something on the map. "What is it?" Karen asked and Niall shrugged. "Don't know but it looks cool and fun so come on let's go." Niall said happily and Karen chuckled letting Niall lead her that way, Louis and Geoff following. Niall skipped there on route Louis pointed to something so Karen called niall and said they would do this but first and then do what he wanted."But." Niall said. "No Ni we're go there next But this is on the way and this day is for Louis as well." Karen reminded the boy who sighed but nodded and followed his grandma to where Louis and Geoff were. They looked round at what Louis found and niall even enjoyed it. There was an interactive bit and they queued up to have a go.

"Right I think we should stop for lunch." Karen suggested once they were done and Niall sighed. "But what about what I want to see?" Niall said. "We're see that as soon as we've eaten I promise." Karen said and Niall nodded as he was quite hungry. They went to the canteen. Karen asked if Louis wanted a chesse sandwich. Niall looked at menu and saw what was on it. Louis shook his head but said he wanted a milkshake. "Can I have a jacket potato?" Niall asked and Karen nodded. "What do you want in it?" Karen asked. "Cheese please." Niall said. Geoff went and ordered for the three them. Karen got Louis milkshake out and put a straw in it fit Louis. "Thank you." Louis said with a smile before beginning to sip it as Geoff came back. "Grandpa Where's the food?" Niall asked as Geoff came back with just drinks. "They have to make it first Love, be patient." Geoff said with a chuckle as he handed Niall his juice. Niall sighed as he was very hungry now.

Louis had half his milkshake. Karen tried to get Louis to drink more "No Nana." Louis said shaking his head at the same time when Karen tried to get him to drink more. Their food soon came so Karen got Louis colouring book out the bag and let him colour as they are. Geoff finished first and did a buys tube feed on louis. By the time Niall and Karen had also finished Niall was back to nagging Karen about heading to the exhibit that he was desperate to see.

"I know Ni, we're going in a minute." Karen promised and Niall just huffed but nodded. Geoff was just finishing Louis tube feed then they took the boys to the toilet. They then went to exhibit Niall wanted to see. Niall was bouncing along as they walked towards the exhibit however Louis was getting tired and was now in Geoff's arms with his head laying on the mans shoulders.

"Tired lou?" Geoff asked the boy who nodded and placed his thumb in his mouth. "Ah Ah, no louis you know you can't do that daddy and papa have told us your not allowed to suck your thumb." Geoff said causing Louis to whine as the boy was tired and just wanted to sleep. Karen looked in the bag to see what else Anne had put in there. They soon arrived at the exhibit.

"Hey Lou do you want your blanket?" Karen asked seeing Louis' comfort blanket at the bottom of the bag. Louis instantly looked over and made grabby hands to the comfort item Karen quickly giving it to him before Geoff sat down on a chair and let Louis get comfy hoping he would fall asleep. Louis cuddled his blanket and soon fell asleep. Geoff smiled and stayed as still as he could do he didn't wake Louis.

Niall went to the interactive bit and queued for his turn. Karen joined the boy. Niall loved the interactive bit and was really happy that his grandparents brought him here as eventhough he didn't like the one in town he loved this one. Karen took photos of Niall doing the interactive bit. He was also interested in the non interactive bits. "Right come on then Ni, lets go and find grandpa and Louis." Karen said and Niall nodded taking Karen's hand as they headed for the other 2. They found Geoff sitting down with Louis fast asleep.

"Does this mean we have to go home " Niall asked "No sweetie, we still have things to see just Louis and grandpa will stay here." Karen said and Niall nodded grabbing the map that Karen was holding out for him to choose what he wanted to see next. Niall told his nana three things he wanted to see. They said to bye to Geoff before going to the next exhibit.

"What's this one about Ni?" Karen asked. "Animals." Niall said happily and Karen nodded letting Niall lead the way as the boy seemed to know where he was heading. Niall enjoyed this bit. Then they went to learn some history about science but it was fun.The last exhibit they visited Geoff met them there as Louis had woken up and was full of energy again. "Why's it dark?" Louis asked asking Geoff to pick him up as he didn't like the dark very much. "Because it's about space lou." Geoff said as he rubbed the boys back as they ventured further into the exhibit. As they got further in to the exhibit niall looked round at all the planters and stars.

There was someone speaking to them about space. Louis whimpered because of the dark so Geoff told Karen he was taking Louis out but she could stay with Niall and Karen nodded. Even though niall was also scared of the dark it wasn't to dark for him with all of the things about space and things lit up. Geoff carried Louis out.

Once Karen and Niall were finished in that exhibit they asked niall if he wanted to do one more thing. The boy nodded as he had seen something when meeting them but Geoff told the boy no. They go to the exhibit and Louis gets down from his grandpa's arms and looks around in awe. Karen and Geoff both watched the 2 boys with smiles on there faces before deciding to get going as Liam had text them saying he was back home as well. They went by the gift shop on the way out Karen and Geoff let niall and Louis choose a gift each. When the boys had both chosen, Niall choosing a build your own rocket and Louis choosing a cuddly toy which was no surprise to the grandparents Geoff paid and they headed out to the car to drop the boys back off at home. Louis fell to sleep in the car whereas niall was very chatty in the car talking about everything he had seen.

Harry woke around lunch time and had some lightly buttered toast. Harry slept most the afternoon. Liam got out of work early and headed home around 4. "Hey Li Your home early." Anne said. "Yeah were not actually to busy for once so they let me go early, boys still with my parents?" "Yeah I would have thought they'd be home soon though." Anne said and Liam nodded. "How's Harry been today?" Liam asked. "Alright I guess, he's been asleep most the afternoon." Anne said and Liam nodded again before heading up to see Harry himself. Liam went upstairs and smiled at his sleeping husband.

He soon went back downstairs and just talked to Anne for a while before making a start on dinner so it would be ready for when the boys came in. "Do you want to get going now Anne I mean feel free to stay if you want but I know you've been here all day." Liam said as he turned his attention from the tv to Anne. "I'll wait it's fine Li we will see how Harry is whrn he wakes as I can stay in the spare room if needed.

Liam made him and Anne a hot drink. Anne and Liam heard footsteps. "Haz must be awake." Liam said and he was proved right when Harry started to come down the stairs. "Hey love." Liam said as Harry came over smiling as he saw his husband and sat down next to him. "How you feeling?" Liam asked. "I'm alright actually was hoping to see the boys but I'm guessing there still out with your parents?" "Glad I mean so much, but Yeah they are but there on the their way home." Liam said. "Aw Li you mean loads to me." Harry said snuggling into Liam's side and Liam chuckled while Anne just watched the pair. Harry snuggled into his husband and they just cuddled waiting for Geoff and Karen to come home with the kids.

It was about half later they heard the key in the lock and Karen come In with an excitable niall. "Lou is asleep, Geoff is bringing him in.' Karen said Liam nodded as Niall jumped into his arms and started talking and talking about what they had done. "Sounds like you've had great fun Ni." Liam said. "Yes papa I have, Can you help me build my rocket later?" Niall asked showing Liam the box who nodded. "We can give it a go." Liam said ruffling his hair.

"Well hello Ni does dad not get a hug to" Harry laughed. Niall smiled and hugged his dad. Niall stayed put in between his parents cuddling with them both enjoying any time he get with them when Louis wasn't around. Don't get him wrong he loved Louis but he enjoyed it just being him and his parents at time.

Karen and Geoff said bye to them and Niall got up thanking his nana and grandpa. "Your very welcome sweetie, we're see you New Year's Eve Li." Karen said and Liam nodded before Niall came back over and Karen and Geoff left. They were planning having new year at home this year with harry the way they were and inviting both sides of the family over. It was in two days time so they were looking forward to that.

Niall told his parents he was hungry. "Well your in luck as I've already made it. Haz you coming in or staying here" Liam asked "I'll stay here." Harry said and Liam nodded heading into the kitchen with Niall following closely behind. Liam and Niall ate dinner and chatted as they ate. When they were finsihed Niall cuddled his dad while Liam cleaned up and made some toast for harry.

"Daddy, Papa." Liam and Harry heard once Liam sat down after handing Harry his toast. "I'll go." Liam said heading upstairs to find out what the youngest wanted but if Liam could guess though he had woken up and wanted a cuddle and was way to lazy to come down himself. Louis had, had an accidnet in his sleep and was pretty upset. Liam came up and cuddled him and told him it was just an accident and lets go and have a bath and clean up.Louis nodded sadly. "Do you want your ducks?" Liam asked and Louis sniffled but nodded so Liam handed him them. "Seriously lou Don't worry Yeah, Your only 5." Liam said. "But I want to be a big boy." Louis said. "Just because you had an accident Love doesn't mean your not mine and daddy's big boy." Liam reassured but Louis just shrugged. Louis barely played with his ducks as Liam washed him.

Niall cuddled his dad.After Liam had the boy washed he decided to just get him out and cuddle with him as Louis was clearly upset. "Shall we cuddle?" Liam asked once he had Louis dressed and the boy nodded snuggling close to Liam. "Daddy home still" Louis asked. "Shall we go and cuddle daddy and nini to" Liam asked.

Louis nodded so Liam carried him downstairs finding the pair both cuddling on the sofa. Liam sat down on the other side of Harry that Niall wasn't occupying and let Louis get comfortable in between him and Harry. "Hey Lou lou." Harry said and Louis smiled sadly snuggling close to him. "What's wrong baby?" Harry asked and Louis just shrugged so Harry turned his attention to Liam. "I'll tell you later." Liam said not wanting to say in front of Niall as he knew Louis would get even more upset if Niall found out. The family of four cuddled.

"So what did we enjoy about the museum" Harry asked Louis. "I liked the space stuff." Niall said happily but Louis shook his head. "Was dark in there didn't like it." Louis stated and Harry chuckled. "Well What was your favourite part lou?" Harry asked. "All of it except for space." Louis stated and Harry nodded playing with his hair, They watched a movie for a bit and Louis soon fell asleep.

They just let him cuddle there until the film finished and Liam carried him to bed and setting Louis feed up. They didn't push a milkshake in the evening. Liam also put a pull up on the boy. While Liam was putting Louis to bed Harry sent Niall up to shower and he nodded disappearing just as Liam reappeared.

"So what's Louis so upset about?" Harry asked once Liam sat back down. "He had an accident during his nap and it really affected him for some reason I'm not sure why though. But I reassured him he was still Are big boy but he was still pretty upset." Liam explained and Harry nodded. They cuddled up. "I put a pull up on Lou just now as he is fast asleep and has his overnight feed running." Liam said as the pair cuddled. "Yeah that's a good idea hopefully he won't think it's a punishment." Harry replied. "I don't think he will as he knows that since he's had troubles eating that we put him in a pull up out of precaution when he falls asleep before going to bed." Liam explained just as Niall reappeared,

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