It's Not A Secret I Try To Hi...

By HKSinclair

113K 2.8K 361

A modern social media au of the beloved Anne Wheeler and Phillip Carlyle Philip Carlyle a multi-platinum reco... More

Into The Spotlight
New Adventure
Esperance The feeling
The Start Of Something
Just The Beginning
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You Happened
Heart collided
At A Cross Road
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Watch This Space
Body To Body
Ellen The Match Maker
The Adventure Begins
Everything Changes
The Fandom
Didn't Plan it
Sister Talks
What A Moment
You And I
Brother love
It's Now Or Never
It's A Game
Rumours Spiral
The shipper world
This Night Is Sparkling
Sunset And Rosey Cheeks
The Bubble Starting To Burst
This Morning On the TodayShow
The Today Show Concert Series
I Believed In You
One Big Mess
Operation Get Anne Back
Fandom Divided
Can't Do This Anymore
Could This Get Any Worse
We're Ment To Be
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Here We Go
No Explanations
Let's Continue
Calm Again
Last Moments
Last day
The Next Chapter
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You Know I'll Come Back To You
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A. Ham
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Nightmare Dressed A a Daydream
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What Are Frineds For
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Thank Yous
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All A Blure
A Parent Nightmare
It Gets Worse
Finally Some Good News
Big, Huge
Whay GroupChats Are Made For
A Whole Family
Too Tired
Back To The Real World
First time
Mood And Date Night
Got To Go To Work
Wholesome Family
Did Thay Really Happned
No Announcements
Blogger life
It Just Gets Worse And Worse
Clap back
What they didn't see
It Turned Out Okay In The End
Typical Day ๏ฟผ
The CountDown Has Started
Surprise ! ๏ฟผ
Full Spead Ahead
I Can Hear The Bells
Europe Adventure
Romantic Moments
Let's Begin
Breaking News
Heart Sinking Moment
I'm Going
Intrusion ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ

This Can't Be Real

816 15 6
By HKSinclair

Real Life

It was 3.45 in the morning and Anne was up in pain, the last couple of days she's been getting sharp stabbing like pains in her abdomen, she's been suffering for the past two days but hasn't said anything although Phillip knew something wasn't right with Anne, he noticed she was carrying herself differently, her hand alway around her stomach. Anne was in her own world of her thoughts looking through the window it wasn't till she felt two arms being wrapped around her small waist " it's not like you to be up at 3 in the morning, you okay ?" Phillip stated the fact he kissed her shoulder " I'm fine to go back to bed I'll be there in a minute" she hates lying to him, but she didn't want to worry him when it's nothing to worry about.

Phillip kissed the back of her head before walking back to the bedroom, when Anne saw the bedroom door was closed she went into the cabinet to get something for the pain before going back tomorrow bed, she needed to try and get some sleep as the couple are going to New York to collect some of Phillip things, mostly cloths and wash products, they decided that Phillip would keep the New York appointment for two reasons; one, so they've got a place to stay when he's got press in New York and two so people don't know that he's moved. She opened the bedroom door to see noon on the bed cuddled up next to Phillip, and thought their relationship that's formed was adorable and sometimes she thinks the dog loves him more than her.

Anne climbed under the covers trying to get comfortable despite being in pain, Phillip dropped his hand over her stomach a part of Anna wanted to scream but at the same time, it brought her some comfort. He traced patterns lightly that helped her relax and soon enough she was able to fall asleep.

Phillip was the first one to wake up, he looked over to a peaceful sleeping Anne he slowing backed out of the bed, followed by noon, he walked into the kitchen, he noticed something on the side next to the sink,  he started to worry when he picked up the empty packet of naproxen which he knew she takes if she hurts from trapeze, but she hasn't done any trapeze in four weeks. He knew she wasn't right.

He made himself a cup of coffee he turned his head when he heard footsteps " morning " Anne said entering the room Phillip put an arm around her waist pulling her into his side " I found these" he got the empty packet out of his pocket Anne started to panic a little she thought she threw it away " are you sure your okay ? You normally take these if your in pain from trapeze" Phillip asked her with a worried look " honestly babe I'm fine just had a headache that's all" he knew it wasn't an 'a headache ' but he also knew she would tell him in her own time " okay is it better now ?" He asked " yeah much better," Anne said honestly, she woke up not in pain, she knew it wasn't anything to worry about " okay good, we've got to leave for the airport soon, are you almost packed ?" He asked changing the subject " yeah pretty much, I got noon stuff ready to drop off at WD's" like a due noon came trotting into the kitchen, they couple lightly laughed.

While Phillip took noon to WD's Anne finished packing, as she lifted the suitcase off of the bed shooting pain hit her stomach again but this time she thought she lifted the suitcase awkwardly, one she put the suitcase down by the door she rubbed the part of her stomach that hurts, she heads to the bathroom getting out another packet of naproxen and placed it in her handbag she knows if Phillip see another packet he'll definitely worry. But soon enough the tables start to work and the pain subsided.

Phillip walked through the front door after dropping of noon at W.Ds apartment " you ready babe ?" He asked Anne " yeah I'm ready, "  she said picking up her handbag " let's go then," Phillip said picking up their cases, he opened the front door. They quickly made they're way to the car waiting outside for them, Phillip put the cases in the boot keeping his head down with a cap on while Anne slid into the passenger side also keeping her head down, yes people didn't know where they were but they still didn't know who was watching.

As the journey to the airport continued Phillip kept on looking over to Anne who was starring out the window, he couldn't help but worry about her, she wasn't the normal bubbly self, no twinkles her eye, carrying herself differently and not to mention the empty packet of tablets he found, he knows Anne and he knows something isn't right. He just needs to find the right time to ask her. They arrived at the private part of the airport Phillip hoped out of the car and walked over to Anne's side and opened the door for her, As he watched her he could tell she was in pain " you okay ?" He asked worryingly " yeah do you want help with the bags ?" She asked hoping she change the subject " no it's fine babe you go on and get comfortable" he kissed her forehead making Anne smile.

Anne sighed as she dropped down into the seat, she looked out of the small window seeing where Phillip was, she spotted him by the car getting their bags out, once she knew he wasn't looking she got some more pain relief out of her bag the pain was back but nothing like it has been before. Phillip soon got on the plane and sat next to Anne and instantly rested her head on his shoulder " I love you " he whispered into the curly hair " I love you too".

The bumpy landed woke Anna up " we're about to land Mr Carlyle" Anna heard waking up from her sleep " thank you" Phillip said " sweet" he kissed the top of there head. Anne untangled herself from the small chair as she was stretching she was half expecting to have discomfort but to her surprise, she didn't. They walked down the small stairs to a car that was waiting for them. The one thing that Phillip didn't miss about living in New York was the traffic, they got to his apartment building after what felt like a lifetime in the car for Anne. They walked into the all so familiar apartment " and you sure you want to leave this place ?" Anne said jokingly Phillip laughs " yeah I'm sure" he placed a light kiss on her lips " I'm just going to get PT to got the boxes" Anne nodded " I'll see you in a minute I love you" she added, " I love you too".

Anne knew she didn't have much time before Phillip was back with PT, so she thought she would start getting things together that she knew would want to take back with him. She was going through his clothes throwing the one he would want to take with him on the bed, carrying the pile of clothes down the stairs placing them on the sofa ready to be packed. But all of a sudden as she was about to go back up the stairs to continue bringing the cloths down a sharp stabbing pain rushed through her stomach she hunched over in pain falling to the ground. She couldn't help her screen out in pain, she couldn't hide it in anymore.

Anne thought she had more time before Philip got back but she was wrong he was outside. The door shot opened Phillip came rushing through the door " Anne baby ?" He shouted looking frantically for Anne, he finally saw her curled up in a ball by the sofa crying in pain " what happened ?" He asked as he knelt down to her putting her in his arms trying to help her relax, she couldn't get her worlds out all she could do was point to the pain " have you had your appendix out?" He asked her she shook her head " okay come one were taken you to the hospital" he scooped her up into his arms.

" what's going on?" PT asked almost crashing into them " she needed to go to the hospital right now can you lock up?" Phillip asked PT nodded " I'll meet you down there" he added. Luckily there was a privet car park at the back of the building so they didn't have to worry about being spotted but Phillip didn't care about that it was the last think on his mind. He gently placed her on the seat and buckled her in he closed the door and quickly got to the other passenger side " it's going to be okay" he said whipping away her tears " I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier" Anne said " don't be sorry I knew you weren't right but it doesn't matter now" PT got in the car " all locked up" he started the car up and made his way out of the car park.

The pain got worse and wise during the journey all she could do was cry " can you go at fast ?" Phillip said to PT worryingly " I'm trying to man but still got the limit you know" Phillip nodded. When they got to the hospital PT ran in the emergency room " please someone help" a few nurses came running following him to the car with a stretcher Phillip already got her out of the car and was in his arms waiting.

As they walked through the hospital Phillip gave them all the information they asked for and what he felt like they needed to know. Once they got to a room they took some blood " the doctor will be here soon" the nurses said " is there anything you can give her for the pain ?" He asked " I'll see what I can do" the nurse says before leaving the room, Phillip sat next to Anne on the bed locking their fingers together they didn't say anything, the looks their faces said it all. Phillip kisses her hand, the door opened " hi Ms Wheeler, I'm doctor Hunt, you came in with abdominal pain" he asked Anne nodded " how long have you been having these pains?" Anne looked down at her and Phillips hand " a couple of days" she said quietly" and have you had your appendix out ?" Anne shock her head again " okay well let just take a look" he pulls a sonogram machine closer " this is going to be cold" he warned Anne, he out the glen on her skin she flinched slightly at the coldness.

He started to love the probe around her stomach both Anna and Phillip watching the screen trying to make sense of what they see on the screen, the look on the doctors face made Anna panic more and more " Ms Wheeler it's not your appendix" they looked at each other confused " um did you know your pregnant Anne?" Both Phillip and Anne's jaw dropped " no " was all she could say " well you see there" he pointed to a pea like shape on the screen " that's the baby but" Anne's heart feel into her stomach " see there thing that's causing the pain is that the baby has attached itself out of the uterus in your Fallopian tube" tears feel fell  her face Phillip seized her hand tighter as he continued to talk "it's called an ectopic pregnancy, now the good thing is that we've caught it very early so no damage should happen but you will need surgery" Anne couldn't believe it, it was like everything around her stoped she couldn't speak everything was echoing " sweetheart " she heard Phillips voice " I know it's scary and a lot to process but you going to be fine it's a very common pregnancy you did t do anything wrong it's just one of those things we don't know what cause it" the doctor said in some easy Anna found that reassuring " now I'll be back please ask if you have any questions" the doctor said " thank you" Phillip said politely.

As the door shut Anne broke down in tears Phillip instantly sat on the bed and placed her in his lap " baby listen to me okay, it's going to be okay, we're going to be okay" he said in some ways he was reassuring himself at the same time " I failed" Anne sobbed " god no sweetheart you didn't fail not one single bit " he had her face in his hands whipping the tears, she could see the tears stains down his face " you heard the doctor it's one of those things that you didn't cause" Phillip said.

They laid back down into the bed, both crying, he kissed her forehead right in between her brows; one of his favourite places to kiss her beside her lips. He only dose it not only to surprise her but in away to comfort her. Her sobs became whimpers " why don't we rewrite the stars, say you were made to be mine, nothing could keep us apart" Philip sung softly to her stroking her hair, sobbing again into Phillips' chest. Phillip was trying so hard to be strong for her he needed to be strong.

Phillip held her hand as they went to the operating room " I'll see you in a bit okay, I love you" Phillip cupped her face placing a strong loving kiss on her lips " I love you too" Anne let go of his hand as she went through the doors Phillip walked back to the waiting room " how is she" PT asked all Phillip could do was break down in tears PT pull him in for a ' man hug'. " what happened?" He asked as they sat down " well it wasn't her appendix it turns out she pregnant but it's an ectopic pregnancy" he whips away the tears PT didn't know what to say he ran his fingers through his hair " where is she now ?" He asked " in surgery" PT knew the reason why he put his hand on Phillip's shoulder a way of comforting him.

Anne woke up to the sound of beeping machines and the sun coming through the blinds. She glanced around looking for Phillip, she turned her head to the doorway to see him talking to her doctor he turned his head to me he looks exhausted, he looks like he didn't sleep at all " thank you, doctor " he said as he walked over to kiss her on the forehead " how are you feeling" he asked lacing their fingers together " I'm okay " Anne said. They talked about everything that's happened over the past 24 hours, they shared a few more tears about why could have been, it was like they were mourning.

Later on in the afternoon Anne was discharged " come on sweet let's go home" Phillip helped her get changed into jogging bottoms and her favourite t-shirt of his she flinched slightly in discomfort as he ran his hands down the shirt smoothing is out " sorry sweet" he said with apologetic eyes he kept his and on her stomach lightly they're foreheads touch " we're going to be okay aren't we ? Don't you hate or blame me? " Anne asked, to Phillip that was the stupidest question ever " of course we're going to be okay we can beat anything as long as we're together, don't you ever think for one second I hate it or blame you" he said firmly, he was right they've been through a lot already and they still made it out they can do this, they can make it be alright again.

A/n don't kill me 🙊🙉 also sorry for the delay

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