Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 51

438 22 9
By ilangel1

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting on this story.

The next morning Louis woke up and found his way into bed with Liam who woke at the movement. "Morning baby." Liam said while rubbing his eyes and Louis smiled at him before snuggling into him. "You still tired?" Liam asked while rubbing the boys back who nodded against his side. "Wanted cuddle though." Louis mumbled after and Liam chuckled before letting the boy get comfy. Liam looked at how much more feed had to go left as he took the bag of Louis back. It still had another hour. The two cuddled and both fell back to sleep.

Harry woke up around 7 feeling hungry. He buzzed for a nurse trying to let his mum sleep. "Hey Harry what do you need?" the nurse asked. "Could I have some toast please?" Harry asked and the nurse nodded quickly checking Harry over first before heading off to get the toast. The nurse brought back some toast and Harry ate and it stayed down.

When Niall woke up he went downstairs expecting to find Liam and Louis But was surprised when he came across neither so headed back upstairs and headed over his parents room where he found both of them asleep and cuddled together. Niall didn't want to wake either of them so he went back downstairs and turned the tv on curling up on the sofa under a blanket and waited for Liam and Louis to wake. It was about an hour later when niall he got hungry so he went up to see if his papa was awake. Liam smiled when he saw Niall come in and gently shifted himself out of Louis' grip. "Hey love how long you been awake?" Liam asked and Niall shrugged. "About an hour you were asleep when I first woke up so I watched tv but now I'm hungry." Niall said coming over and hugging Liam. "Well we can't have that can we, come on let's go and get some food." Liam said and Niall smiled.Liam looked at Louis and didn't want to wake the boy as he was fast asleep. So he left the boy and took niall downstairs to have breakfast.

"Alright then Ni, toast or cereal?" Liam asked. "Cereal please." Niall said and Liam nodded. "Which cereal would you like?" Liam asked and Niall shrugged. "Don't mind." Niall said and Liam nodded searching the cupboards for the cereal. He found coco pops and decided to treat niall to them and made himself some frosties. He poured niall a cold drink and himself some coffee "You looking forward to seeing Jake today?" Liam asked and Niall nodded quickly. "Yes I love playing with Jake, I like playing with Adam but he's younger than me, whereas jakes the same age as me." Niall said and Liam nodded knowing Niall got on extremely well with Jake. Niall finished his breakfast and then went up to get dressed excitedly.

Liam cleared up and checked on louis. He found Louis still sleeping in his bed but he decided it was time to wake the boy as he had slept long enough. "Lou, it's time to wake up." Liam said softly running a hand through the boys hair earning a whine from the boy. "Come on its time to get up loulou aunty Ruth and Jake are coming over soon" Liam said. Louis opened his eyes at that and rubbed them before raising his arms so Liam could pick him up. Liam took the boy to the toilet before getting Louis dressed. "Right then lou go downstairs and I'll be down in a minute I just need to get ready, but I think Niall's already down there." Liam said and Louis nodded before heading downstairs more awake now.Louis saw his brother and asked if they could play. "Yeah okay, What do you want to play?" Niall asked not really sure what to play with Louis. "Trains" Louis beamed as the two boys went into the back room. Liam went for a shower and got ready.

When Liam came back down he could hear both his boys in the backroom playing so he quietly made his way over their and watched the two playing before Niall caught sight of him. "Hey Papa." Niall said and Louis looked up then. "Papa play too?" Louis questioned holding out a train for Liam. Liam smiled and the family played until Liams phone went of.

"Boys it's daddy" Liam beamed. "Daddy." Louis squealed happily dropping his train and sitting down in Liam's lap as Liam answered his phone. "Hey Harry the kids want to talk to you' Liam said. Harry called out hello Ni and Lou. Niall and Louis talked to harry for a while before they both began playing again and gave Liam the phone back.

Liam smiled as he left the two boys playing and went to chat to Harry in the other room. "How you feeling now love?" Liam asked and Harry sighed. "Whenever I seem to improve I just go downhill again a couple of hours later." Harry said and Liam sighed. "Hopefully It will pass after 12 weeks." Liam said. "Liam that's another 6 weeks what happens if they keep me here for that long, I can't stay here for another 6 weeks." Harry said and Liam knew he was working himself up. "Harry calm down." Liam said.

"We will work it out. Don't stress. Let's take one day at a time" Liam said. "I suppose just hate feeling like this and want to be home" Harry sighed. "I know you will soon" Liam replied. "Are you coming in today?" Harry asked. "No I'm staying with the boys as my sisters coming over but I go back to work tomorrow so I'll be able to see you during my breaks." Liam said and Harry smiled at that. "Okay that sounds great." Harry said. "Say Hi to Ruth, Joe and Jack for me, see you tomorrow" Harry said. "Yeah Course, I love you and I'll see you tomorrow." Liam said and once Harry had returned the I love you he put his phone back in his pocket and headed downstairs to see the boys. Harry watched some TVafter getting of the phone from his husband.

The two boys were playing with each other and have lots of fun. Liam played wtih the boys and they all had fun playing with trains and then with the lego till the doorbell went and Ruth and Jack came in. "Hey." Liam greeted hugging his older sister just as Niall came running over and quickly took Jake upstairs before Louis came over slowly.

"Hey Lou what's up?" Liam asked. Niall left me." Louis said raising his arms for Liam to pick him up. This was a common problem with Niall as he had a habit of leaving Louis out when Jake was around. Liam picked the boy up and carried him upstairs. Niall please include Louis when you and Jake are playing. Niall nods and tells his brother to come over. Liam smiles and watches before he goes back down to his sister.

"So any news about harry?" Ruth asked and Liam beamed at that topic. "Woah okay what are you so happy about I thought you'd be upset your husband is in the hospital." Ruth said. "No of course I am but it's the reason he's in there that's making me smile." Liam said and Ruth motioned for him to carry on. "Harry's pregnant." Liam said after making sure none of the kids had come down without them hearing. "No way." Ruth said not believing her younger brother but when Liam pulled out the sonogram image Ruth smiled. "Aw Li congrats this is great news another baby to add to the family." "I know but we're not telling the boys till Harry's 12 weeks so keep it quiet." Liam explained. "Yeah Course how far along is he at the moment?" Ruth asked. "6." Liam said and Ruth nodded. "That's so amazing but ashame Harry is suffering she said. Liam nodded "really bad morning sickness we worked it out whrn gem went upstairs Christmas with perfume on but didnt say anythimg till it was confirmed" Liam said. Ruth nodded understanding.

"I take it mum and dad know" Ruth said. "Yeah everyone does now except the kids and Sam." Liam said and Ruth nodded. "Do you want me to keep it quiet from Jake as well." Ruth asked. "Could you, I just don't want him letting it slip to Niall." Liam replied. "Yeah it's fine Li, I'd be the same." Ruth said and Liam smiled and the pair quickly changed the topic when Louis appeared. They talked about what Ruth, Jake and Sam have done in the holidays. Just as Louis came downstairs wanting a cuddle.

Liam cuddled Louis and shortly after called the boys down for dinner. Niall and Jake quickly appeared sitting down at the table and both Liam and Ruth laughed at the speed of the boys when it came to food. Liam had made sandwiches for everyone including a cheese one for Louis. For Louis sandwich he had cut the crusts of and only given him half a slice of bread with cheese on. "Here you go you two." Liam said putting the plate of sandwiches in the middle and the 2 boys wasted no time in grabbing one.

"Right Lou, I've made a special one for you." Liam said hoping Louis might be up for food that day.  Louis looked at it and didn't move to eat it so Liam decided to break it up to bitesize pieces "Right I want you to eat at least 3 pieces." Liam said but Louis still didn't make a move so Liam picked up one piece and held it up to Louis' mouth. "Open." Louis just stubbornly shook his head and held his lips tightly shut. Liam sighed and grabbed a milkshake to see if Louis would have that. "Baby what's going on, why won't you eat again?" Liam asked as he placed the milkshake down on the table and Louis took a couple of sips before refusing anymore. "Why you not drinking does it hurt your tummy" Liam asked. The five year old shrugged. Liam are his lunch before doing a tube feed letting Jake and niall go of and play.

During the tube feed Louis fell to sleep. Once the feed was finished Liam carried q sleeping Louis carefully as they went to the lounge. "Aw, I miss when Jake was that age and he would just cuddle and fall asleep," Ruth said seeing Liam walk in with a sleeping louis. "Hmm he won't be this cuddly for much longer he's growing up himself so quickly." Liam sasid. "Yeah but you have another one on the way." Ruth stated and Liam smiled looking down at his youngest who would soon become the middle child. Liam wasn't sure how the boy would cope in one way he us very helpful but so used to being the younger one.Then again he had doubts about Niall but Niall adjusted pretty easily and he was only 2 at the time and Louis would be 5. He also hoped Louis would take interest in the idea of being a big brother just like Niall as the boy had a habit of wanting to do everything Niall did. Louis slept for a few hours when he woke he went and cuddled his aunty.It was around half three when Liam called the boys down for drink and cake as he made them cold drinks and a tea for both his sister and himself.

"Do you want some cake loulou?" Liam asked his youngest who was cuddled In his sisters arms but the boy shook his head and Liam sighed but didn't push it. Everyone enjoyed their drinks and cake. Once finished niall asked Louis if he wanted to play with him and Jake. Louis shook his head at the beginning but Liam managed to persuade him and the boy headed upstairs following his older brother and cousin. Louis was quite cuddly with niall as they played but the boy didn't mind. Louis ended up just sitting on Niall's lap as he slowly pushed his train around and Niall wrapped an arm around his little brother as he and Jake played themselves also talking amongst themselves.

Harry had a good day and the Dr disconnected Harry's fluids to see how he went. Meanwhile Harry was doing better and was discharged from hospital. The Dr said to come back if the morning sickness gets to bad and don't stress himself out. Harry told his mum he was going to suprise Liam and the boys. "That's a great idea love, Are you ready?" Anne asked once Harry was dressed and packed up.

"Yeah I'm ready to see my boys." Harry said happily and Anne smiled before helping Harry out the hospital and into her car. Anne drove home carefully not wanting set of morning or car sicknees for Harry. Harry thankfully made it home in one piece and when they arrived Anne helped Harry out deciding she could come back to get his stuff. The first thing Harry noticed was Ruth's car in the drive and he vaguely remembered Liam mentioning Ruth and Jake were coming over. Anne then used her key to open the door.

Liam was confused as he heard the lock go so excused himself and went to see who was at the door. "What in earth are you doing home, have you escaped or something?" Liam asked seeing his husband and mother in law. "Nope But He has been discharged." Anne said and Harry smiled as Liam came over and hugged him. "Papa I don't want to play anymore." Louis said coming down the Stairs and when he finally looked up his eyes widened seeing Harry.

"Daddy." Louis squealed running over to Harry who had bent down so Louis could run into his arms. Louis hugged his daddy. "Lou careful of daddy's tummy" Liam said. Niall came rushing downstairs hearing Louis call daddy. Jake followed confused why niall left him. "Dad." Niall said happily joining the hug.

"I think we're going to get going." Ruth said as she appeared and motioned to Jake to get his shoes on. "You don't have to leave Ruth." "'No it's fine we've been here for hours and you've just got out the hospital I'm sure you want some quiet time with the boys." Ruth said and Harry smiled at her thankfully. Niall and Jake hugged each other saying bye before Jake hugged Louis. Ruth said bye to everyone hugging both boys. When saying bye to Harry she whispered in his ear congratulations. "Thank you." Harry said quietly and Ruth smiled before taking jakes hand and heading out the door to her car.

"Right are you good if I leave as well, I can stay if you want but I'm really tired myself." Anne said and Harry chuckled. "Course Mum, I'll see you soon." Harry said hugging his mum before she left as well. "Right how about a movie?" Liam suggested and everyone nodded heading into the living room both boys cuddling with harry once he was on the sofa. They put lion king on and cuddled as a family. Harry fell asleep during the film. Louis soon fell asleep as well and seeing both his brother and dad asleep Niall carefully got up and went over to cuddle with Liam. Liam smiled at the boy as they cuddled and continued to watch the film.

Liam text his mum to say Harry was home but could she come over to watch the boys and keep an eye on harry. Liam knew Harry was capable of doing it, it was what happened if he had morning sickness. Karen was surprised to hear that Harry was home but of course agreed to come over. They enjoyed the family evening. Harry woke up half through the next film. Liam looked to him to see how he felt.

"I'm Alright." Harry reassured knowing Liam wouldn't stop fussing until the baby was born now. "I just worry love." Liam said. "I know but honest I'm fine." Harry said and Liam nodded cuddling Niall closer Niall soon moaned he was hungry so Liam made dinner. Harry just wanted some toast. Liam smiled and nodded before heading into the kitchen with Niall following closely behind. "You want to help love?" Liam asked and Niall nodded so Liam let the boy help. They made a stir fry which they did together.

Niall made some buttered toast for his dad and took it in to him. "Thanks Ni." Harry said with a smile as he carefully sat up not wanting to wake the boy that was curled up asleep. Niall then walked back into the kitchen to continue helping his papa. Soon Liam served up his and nialls dinner and they sat at the table and ate their dinner. "What is this cause it's really nice?" Niall asked as he started to eat his dinner. "It's stir fry love you've had it before but because Louis doesn't like it we rarely have it." Liam explained and Niall nodded, Niall and Liam enjoyed their dinner.

Harry ate his toast and put the t.v. on quite as kous stayed asleep on him. By the time Liam and Niall finished and rejoined Harry Louis was beginning to stir and when he woke enough he instantly snuggled further into harry."You Okay Baby?" Harry asked and Louis nodded. "Just dreamed that you didn't really come home." Louis mumbled as he gripped onto Harry's jumper. "Aw Baby, I'm still here and I'm not planning on going anywhere soon." Harry said and Louis nodded. Liam hoped that was the case as he watched the pair cuddle. They remained that way till it was bath time for Louis.

"No papa, daddy do it." Louis whined as Liam lifted him onto his hip. "Sorry love But daddy needs to rest, but if your a good boy then you can come back down after your bath and have another cuddle but if your naughty then your going straight to bed after your bath." Liam said and Louis sighed but nodded and rested his head on Liam's shoulder. Niall cuddled his dad now Louis had gone for his bath.

Liam put bubbles in Louis bath and undressed Louis ready for his bath "Do you want your bath toys?" Liam asked and Louis nodded so Liam grabbed Louis' ducks and boats and put them in the water before he lifted Louis in and happily watched the boy playing. Liam then washed the boy and then got him dried and dressed in his pj's. "Cuddle daddy now" Louis asked. "I don't know do you think you were a good boy?" Liam said.

"Yes papa, didn't even say no when you washed my hair." Louis said proudly as that was one thing the boy absolutely hated as he always claimed shampoo went in his eye even though Harry and Liam knew it didn't 75% of the time. "Well that's a very good point. Brush your teeth and then we're go downstairs." Liam said deciding to get Louis to do that now as the boy would probably fall asleep when he was downstairs. Louis nodded and went and brushed his teeth before going to sit on the toilet and did a wee. They then went downstairs.

Niall was sitting on his own Harry was nowhere to be seen. "Where's daddy?" Louis asked when they reached the living room Louis looking about ready to cry. "I'm sure he's not far baby, why don't you go cuddle with Niall while I go look for him." Liam said and Louis sniffled but nodded and climbed onto the sofa cuddling into Niall's side. Niall hugged his younger brother and Liam watched the pair as niall changed the channel for Louis.Just then Harry walked back in. "Before you start I just needed a wee" Harry said. Liam looked sceptical but didn't have the chance to question as Louis came running over clinging onto Harry leg and Harry smiled at him before lifting him into his arms. "It's Alright lou, I'm still here." Harry reassured knowing the boy was going to be incredibly clingy the next few days, Harry just hoped his morning sickness would stay at bay. The family cuddled up watching cartoons. Louis fell back to sleep.

"Ni do you want to go and shower love, or you going to shower in the morning?" Liam asked seeing Niall nearly asleep himself. "Morning too tired now." Niall mumbled and Liam nodded. "That's Fine bud but I need you to go and put your pyjamas on and get ready for bed." Liam said and Niall nodded sitting up and rubbing his eyes as he headed upstairs. Liam then took Louis from Harry carefully and carried the boy to bed and set his feed up. He then came back down and cuddled Harry. "Haz I'm back at work tomorrow and my mum is coming round." Liam said.

"Hmm that's fine." Harry mumbled as he snuggled into Liam's side closing his eyes. "Don't fall asleep down here Love, lets head up to bed." Liam said and Harry sighed but nodded and Liam headed off to lock up before coming up and helping Harry up the stairs to bed. Harry got changed as Liam said night to niall. Harry was soon in bed and asleep before Liam came back in. Liam smiled at his husband before getting changed and getting into bed feeling Harry curl into his side and Liam was more than happy to have someone to share the bed with again.

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