Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 49

458 17 0
By ilangel1

Robin decided to go home after checking Liam was definitely going to be fine with the 2 boys and once he had gone Niall came down changed into his pyjamas and his hair still slightly wet. "Come here Baby." Liam said when he caught sight of Niall and Niall smiled curling into Liam's side once he got himself onto the sofa. The two cuddled on the sofa before niall went upstairs to bed leaving Liam downstairs on his own. Liam watched TV for awhile before heading to bed himself. On his way to bed Liam checked both the boys who were both sound asleep before retreating to his own room quickly getting ready for bed before falling asleep quickly himself. They all had a peaceful night.

The next morning Liam was the first up and quietly made his way downstairs to make a coffee and quietly watching the TV and waiting for the boys to wake up. It was like that for awhile so Liam went upstairs and checked on the boys. Niall was still fast asleep Louis was playing in his bed occupying himself.

"Hey loulou." Liam said and Louis looked up. "Papa." Louis said raising his arms for Liam to pick him up who of course did. Louis and Liam had a nice cuddle. "Do you want to come downstairs?" Liam asked Louis who nodded but didn't make a move to move so Liam just picked him up and carried him downstairs. Liam carried the boy into the lounge and turned the TV on. Louis snuggled into Liam and watched the cartoons that Liam had put on for him. Half hour later niall joined the pair moaning he was hungry.

"What would you like Ni?" Liam asked. "Pancakes." Niall questioned and Liam smiled. "Alright Love I'll do pancakes." Liam smiled he didn't normally do pancakes unless it was a special occassion but he figured the kids deserved them and he might be able to get Louis to eat one. "Can I help make them" niall asked. "Of course, Lou you helping or stating here" Liam said. "Cartoons" Louis said. Liam nodded and headed into the kitchen Niall following closely behind.

"Alright Ni I need you to get the milk, egg and flour out for me please." Liam said and Niall nodded getting the stuff out while Liam got a bowl and frying pan out along with the whisk. Liam then told niall what to do next. Niall followed his papa's instructions.When Harry woke up he saw his mum was still asleep and he didn't want to wake her so he just laid still thinking about things. Harry smiled at the thought of having another child running around. He went on his phone to occupy his time. The nurse came to check on harry. "How you feeling this morning Harry?" The nurse asked as she was completing her checks. "A bit better I guess, but who knows how long that will be for." "Yeah but think of what your going to get at the end. I'm sure this is all worth it." The nurse said and Harry nodded as it was it just wasn't that pleasant. The nurse did her checks and then Told Harry if wanted something for breakfast. "Can I just have toast please." Harry said and the nurse nodded heading off to get that for Harry. The nurse went and got harry some toast. The nurse soon came back with Harry's toast and Harry sat up but woke Anne in the process. Anne smiled at Harry as she stretched and asked him his he felt "I'm Alright mum, you don't have to stay if you don't want to I'm a grown man you know." Harry said feeling pretty bad that Anne had spent the night at the hospital as well. "Haz your my son no matter how old you are you are my baby and are here for you no matter what" Anne said. Harry had managed to fall back asleep after eating his toast but Anne was happy that he had managed to keep it down.

Between them Niall and Liam had soon completed the task and Liam called Louis in hoping to get him to eat some. Louis however didn't move from watching tv causing Liam to come in and turn it of causing a whine from Louis. "Nope come on, Ive made pancakes and I want you to eat some after you didn't eat any pizza last night." Liam said but Louis still refused to move.

"Fine." Liam said walking over to the boy and picking him up carrying him to the kitchen. Liam sat the boy up and cut up some pancakes and put five bitesize pieces on the plate. Niall was digging into his pancakes "I want you to eat them okay. I know you like them and you managed to eat this amount on your birthday so I know you can." Liam said handing Louis the fork. Louis didn't make a move to eat. "Am I going to have to feed you Louis?" Liam asked and after still not getting a response from the 5 year old he picked up Louis' fork putting a bit of pancake on it and gesturing for Louis to open his mouth. Louis pursed them shut.

Even with Liam making the train noise he didn't open it. "Come on Lou please." Liam pretty much begged not really understanding why Louis was refusing to eat again when he had been making such good progress. Louis didn't make a movement. Liam sighed "a milkshake" Liam asked the boy. Louis just shrugged but Liam got him one anyway as if he wasn't eating then he had to drink one of them as the boy was going to loose energy otherwise. Liam grabbed a straw and put it in the milkshake and gave it to Louis "No papa." Louis whinned. "Yes lou, you love these, unless you can give me a reason for why you don't want it then your not leaving this table till there gone." Liam said.

"Tube" Louis whinned. "Lou why do you want the tube I thought you loved these milkshakes." Liam asked and Louis shrugged. Liam knew he wasn't going to get an answer from Louis. "How about half the milkshake first" Liam said. Niall had finished breakfast and asked to leave the table "Yeah Course Ni." Liam said and Niall smiled jumping down and heading into the living room. Louis sighed but did take a sip of the milkshake.

"Done." Louis said. "Lou that wasn't half." Liam said knowingly. Louis shook his head not eating any more. He had like three sips. "Can I get down now?" Louis asked and Liam sighed but nodded as he knew he was on a loosing battle anyway. Louis got down and walked into the lounge and asked niall if they could put cartoons on. Niall nodded and when Liam walked in he smiled seeing his 2 boys cuddled together on the sofa.

Liam cleared up and finished his breakfast before getting Louis bits for his feeding tube. "Can you sit up lou, I want to set your feed up." Liam said and Louis nodded doing as said. Liam did a gravity feed and wanted to see how Louis reacted. Louis was busy watching cartoons. Louis didn't fuss at all as Liam set the feed up and just stayed completely still eyes set on the TV. It soon finished and Liam left the boys watching TV while doing some house chores and text Anne to see how Harry was doing. Robin decided to go visit his son "He hasn't been sick this morning so that's something. He ate some toast and then fell back asleep." Anne replied before looking up when she heard the door open smiling when she saw her husband. "How is haz" Robin asked. "Yeah he seems to be improving, Liam texted me earlier saying that you knew the real reason." "Yeah it's great isn't it, another grandkid to spoil." Robin said sitting down next to Anne. Robin and Anne quitely chatted as Harry slept.

Niall and Louis were cuddling each other. When Liam cane back in he took a couple of snaps. "Papa stop it." Niall whined and Liam chuckled. "Alright I'm stopping." Liam said putting his phone in his pocket and sitting down with both the boys. The boys moved over letting there papa in the middle. Both boys cuddled into Liam's side and Liam pulled them both closer. "Shall we watch a movie babies?" Liam asked not really wanting to watch Louis' cartoons. Both boys nodded and they put you story on.

Harry soon woke up but felt nauseous this time. "You Alright Haz?" Anne said seeing Harry look slightly uncomfortable and harry shook his head pointing at the bowl and Anne sighed but gave it to Harry. Harry threw up into the bowl. Robin rubbed Harry's back as he did. Harry threw up all the breakfast he had kept down that morning. Anne held the bowl and buzzed for a nurse. A nurse soon appeared and took over holding the bowl as Harry finished throwing up. When Harry finished he collapsed into his mum's arms exhausted. "I'll go and get rid of this and then I'll come back with a clean one." The nurse explained and Anne nodded playing with harrys hair in an attempt to calm him down.

"Hey I'm sorry your feeling so down Haz but Li told me your exciting news. "Hmm might make this all worth it. It's times like this I realise how lucky I was with Louis' pregnancy." Harry said and Robin chuckled. "It will all be worth it in the end when you get to hold your little boy or girl." Robin said and Harry nodded snuggling further into his mum. The nurse popped back in with with a fresh bowl and did Harry's observations. A while later Robin sent Anne of to get some food. Harry was on and off feeling sick and ok that day. Liam phoned Harry but didn't visit him.

Niall soon got restless and got up heading off to the backroom. "Do you want to go lou?" Liam asked but Louis shook his head keeping his eyes on the TV. Liam just cuddled the boy. Niall decided to do something for his dad when they could see him. Niall was quite a creative child and it always surprised Liam and Harry with the things he could make and think off. Niall eventually decided to make something for Harry and decided upon using his Lego as that was something that he liked to do with his dad. Niall got to work at it. Liam had put the box of lego back in the back room the night before. Niall got to work and built something.

Liam could hear Niall digging through the Lego and that was one thing he didn't like about it as it was extremely noisy that and the fact that the boys had a habit of not tidying it up meaning little bits got stood on easily and that hurt. However he couldn't let it worry him. He looked down at Louis and realised the boy had fallen asleep. Liam carefully got up before laying louis down on the sofa and placing a blanket over him. He then headed off to the backroom to find Niall. "Looks good Ni" Liam said. "It's to show dad.' Niall replied.

"He's going to love it." Liam said ruffling his hair as he sat down on the floor next to Niall. "Do you need any help?" Liam asked.. "Can you separate the colours for me?" Niall asked pointing to the pile of Lego in the middle of the room. "Not really what I had in mind but yes I will do it for you." Liam said beginning to sort through the Lego as Niall carried on building. Niall was being very particular as he built his work. Him and his dad had competitions. "Alright Ni, i think you defiantly won." Liam said with a chuckle just as Louis came walking in dragging his comfort blanket behind him.

"Hey lou, Do you want to join?" Liam asked and Louis nodded sitting down on Liam's lap and reaching for pieces of Lego. Louis built his own project when both boys were done Liam took a picture of each one and sent it to Harry. They had fun for the rest of the day. Louis still refused food and barely had any milkshake.

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