Magi Games

By jesusfreak202

13.4K 697 4.2K

A writing competition where writers can invent their own magic guilds to compete against each other while the... More

Everything You Need To Know
The Magi Games
Meet the Gamemakers
Meet the Mentors
Reservations - CLOSED
Guild 1: Guild Strigidae
Guild 2: Knight's Watch
Guild 3: Guild Valkyrie
Guild 4: Iscariot Sin
Guild 5: Crimson Shadow
Guild 6: Black Shadow
Guild 7: Liberum-Spiritibus
Guild 8: Miria
Guild 9: Silent Phoenix
Guild 10: Ivory Crow
Guild 11: Mahina Guild
Guild 12: Northern Protectors
Guild 13: The Knights of Grimm
Guild 14:Protectors of Proterra
Guild 15: Shadows
Guild 16: Spirits of the Hidden
Guild 17: Dragon Claw
Guild 18: Guild of the Geraniums Hiraeth
Guild 19: Black Dragon
Guild 20: Mystical Dynasty
Sponsorship Task: The Events
Sponsorship Task: My Entry
Sponsorship Task: Entries
Sponsorship Task: Scores and Feeback
Sponsorship Battle Task: Street Brawl
Sponsorship Battle Task: Several7s versus me!
Sponsorship Battle Task: Entries
Sponsorship Battle Task: Scores and Feedback
Sponsorship Battle Task: Rankings
Sponsorship and Mentorship Announcements
Task 1: The Labyrinth
Task 1: My Entry
Task 1: Entries
Task 1: Scores and Feedback
Task 1: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 1: Under The (Sphere) Sea
Battle Task 1: My Entry
Battle Task 1: Entries
Battle Task 1: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 1: Results
Battle Task 1: Rankings
Task 2: Treasure Guardian
Task 2: My Entry
Task 2: Entries
Task 2: Scores and Feedback
Task 2: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 2: The Cavern
Battle Task 2: My Entry
Battle Task 2: Entries
Battle Task 2: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 2: Results
Battle Task 2: Rankings
Task 3: Fun House
Task 3: My Entry
Task 3: Entries
Task 3: Scores and Feedback
Task 3: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 3: Mirror, Mirror
Battle Task 3: My Entry
A Vote...
Battle Task 3: Entries
Battle Task 3: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 3: Results
Battle Task 3: Rankings
Task 4: Switching Places
Task 4: My Entry
Task 4: Entries
Task 4: Scores and Feedback
Task 4: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 4: Obstacle Battle
Battle Task 4: My Entry (With Several7s)
Battle Task 4: Entries
Battle Task 4: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 4: Results
Battle Task 4: Rankings
Task 5: Craftmanship
Task 5: My Entry
Task 5: Entries
Task 5: Scores and Feedback
Task 5: Awards and Rankings
Late Entries
A Special Note (and vote)
Task 6: The Quarterfinals: Campaign
Task 6: My Entry
Task 6: Entries
Task 6: Scores and Feedback
Task 6: Awards and Rankings
Task 7: Semi-Finals: Final Battle
Task 7: My Entry
Task 7: Entries
Task 7: Scores and Feedback
Task 7: Awards and Rankings
Battle Task 7: Conquered
Battle Task 7: My Entry
Battle Task 7: Entries
Battle Task 7: Scores and Feedback
Battle Task 7: Awards and Rankings
Task 8: The Finals of AG: Magi Games
Task 8: The Finals: My Entry
The Finals: JesterheadJohnSnow
The Finals: ariel_paiment1
The Finals: D-Willy45
The Finals: Sara_R_Stark
The Finals: Katie387750
The Finals: wordsmith-
The Finals: Several7s
The Finals: MusicgirlXD
The Finals: Voting
The Finals: My (Final) Feedback
Special Awards
The Winner of AG Magi
Final Announcements
The Winner: ariel_paiement1

Sponsorship Task: Awards and Rankings

136 7 130
By jesusfreak202

****I wanted to warn everyone of an IMPORTANT CHANGE! ****

Since there is now an ODD number of participants, that means that the writer whose entry stood out to me the most will have IMMUNITY and will not have to participate in the Battle Tasks if they don't want to. If they do, then they can feel free to ask me to write against them - for fun, not for actual points. This person will receive ten points (also their guild in the story line will as well), counting as a win at the end of the Battle Task. They will also have the Battle Task time to take a break, since they do not have to participate unless they want to against me for fun. This will happen as long as there are odd number of contestants - in case of future drop outs. In the event there are drop outs and the number of contestants is even, no one wins immunity and the games continue as normal. Thank you everyone for understanding! :) I'm sorry for this last minute change! 

Remember that runners up for awards DO NOT WIN the award or the perk from the award. ONLY THE WRITERS LISTED UNDER WINNERS WIN THE AWARD AND PERK FROM THE AWARD.

Here are the awards for this task:

Like A Movie - Runners up: D-Willy45, ariel_paiment1, StarryCrows; Winners: JesterheadJohnSnow, Sara_R_Stark, Several7s, Wordsmith-,

Winners of this award, to help you be more descriptive, you guys have won an extra 1,000 words to use next task (regular task, not battle task).

Show Me The Character - Runners up: Anirbanbora; Winners: duckish, Shermanblook, Sara_R_Stark, Several7s, Wordsmith-

Winners of this award, because you helped me get into your characters heads, you can have two of your characters involved in the Sponsorship Battle Task, instead of just one.

Drama! - MusicgirlXD

Because you were the only one to win this award, you can PM me and ask for a perk of your choice - within reason. I can accept or decline whatever you ask me.

Ships A Sailing - Winners: Shermanblook, D-Willy45, ariel_paiment1

Because you guys shipped some amazing couples, you all win a hint about Task 1 - to help you plan the storyline for those ships ahead of time, of course. PM me for details.

Guilds - Runners up: Katie387750, Anirbanbora,MusicgirlXD ; Winners: duckish, D-Willy45, ForeverandMagic

Winners of this award, you all win an extra 500 words to use at the beginning of the Sponsorship Battle Task to show more interactions with your guild if you choose.

Characterization - Runners up: ariel_paiment1; Winners: JesterheadJohnSnow, Sara_R_Stark, Wordsmith-

Winners, because you characterized the Gamemakers, you may pick a Sponsorship Perk and copy it on any Task before the Semi-finals. If you get Sponsored, you may still copy a perk of your choice and use it at any point.

Magi - Runners Up: JesterheadJohnSnow; Winners: Katie387750, Several7s, ariel_paiment1

Early Hand-Ins:


Katie387750 - Just 5 Short hours after the Task was put up - world record! And still a high quality entry!





All of you who handed in early receive an extra 0.5 added onto your task scores! Congrats and thank you so much for handing in as soon as you guys did!

Here are the Sponsorship Task Scores alone:

1. Wordsmith- SCORE: 12

1. ariel_paiment1 SCORE: 12

1. Several7s SCORE: 12

1. JesterheadJohnSnow SCORE: 12

2. Shermanblook SCORE: 11.9

3. Sara_R_Stark SCORE: 11.8

4. music1or1books SCORE: 11.6

5. Katie387750 SCORE: 11

6. D-Willy45 SCORE: 10.6

7. ForeverandMagic SCORE: 10.3

8. duckish SCORE: 9.7

9. MusicgirlXD SCORE: 9.5

10. Anirbanbora SCORE: 7.4

11. StarryCrows SCORE: 4

12. FantasyTeller12 SCORE: 1.5




Legolas- (apparently the account has been closed - anyone know anything about this?)

GUILD RANKINGS (This is for story line purposes, so you know what place your guild has ranked in. It is also the amount of points you have as a writer. Remember this will start over at zero for Task 1 when the actual competition begins):

1. Miria - 10 POINTS

1. Guild Valkyrie - 10 POINTS

1. Silent Phoenix - 10 POINTS

1. Knight's Watch - 10 POINTS

2. Northern Protectors - 9 POINTS

3. Crimson Shadow - 8 POINTS

4. Ivory Crow - 7 POINTS

5. Dragon Claw - 6 POINTS

6. Iscariot Sin - 5 POINTS

7. Black Shadow - 4 POINTS

8. Liberum-Spiritibus - 3 POINTS

9. The Knights of Grimm - 2 POINTS

10. Protectors of Proterra - 1 POINT

Any guilds who fell below tenth placed are not mentioned and do not earn any points. As points add up, Guild Rankings will change, but only ten guilds will ever be listed and only the first ten places will receive points. Remember these are your rankings as a writer and the rankings your guilds actually fall into, so mention it in your entries (your characters would know what place their guild is in and have feelings on the matter as well as strategies for getting and staying ahead of the others). Also remember these will start over at zero after the Sponsorship Battle Task - these are basically fake, so we can all see how these work.

For story line purposes, anyone who wishes to include Black Dragon:

Remember because I'm not actually competing this is all fake and just for fun - in case anyone wants to include my guild in their entries, this will help all of us determine what place I would fall into! 

Thanks to wordsmith- for my score and amazing feedback (if anyone else does, I'll update this with that information). I was scored a 10.4 (THE WORD COUNT KILLED ME GAAH). This means that I have been awarded with 5.5 (5 for being in 6th place and 0.5 for being in between 6th and 7th place haha) points because I fell into 6.5th place. This means that Black Dragon is in 5.5th place above Iscariot Sin but below Dragon Claw. 

In the future, we can all make this up if I don't get scored, but for now if you want to include Black Dragon in your entries, just use this information to help you decide where Black Dragon is placed in (if you want to make them tied with Iscariot Sin that's fine too) I'm going to make this up in my entries as I go along if I don't get scored (unless anyone has a better idea), since I'm not in the competitions and my entries don't actually get scored. 

REMEMBER THIS PART IS JUST FOR FUN AND FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS TO INCLUDE BLACK DRAGON - and for me so I know what place to put my guild in my entries for the story line, haha. 

Here are the ballot rankings (people who were balloted by others. What place you're in will determine what your ballot punishments are in Task 1. Remember that)

1. Several7s - 6

1. JesterheadJohnSnow - 6

2. ariel_paiment1 - 5

2. D-Willy45 - 5

3. jesusfreak202 - 4

4. wordsmith- 3

4. Katie387750 - 3

4. Sara_R-Stark - 3

4. music1or1books - 3

5. Shermanblook - 2

6. duckish - 1

6. MusicgirlXD - 1

7. StarryCrow - 0

7. Anirbanbora - 0

7. ForeverandMagic - 0

7. FantasyTeller12 - 0

Just FYI, not being balloted and thus, falling into last place on the ballot rankings, is neither good nor bad. It's just to remind you that you weren't balloted. Occasionally, not being balloted will have a challenge of its own.

Here is a list of injured:

No one was injured during this task, although some characters were out in the rain and thus, will suffer from colds in the Battle Task and Task 1. For now, I will let you choose which characters are injured or sick and thus, will be changed out with other members of your guild. 

Comment HERE if you wish for your character to be injured and sent to the infirmary. 

You will have extra time to hand in your new character form for whoever will temporarily replace your character until they are well again and released from the infirmary (which I will decide based on their injury/sickness). If you comment here, you will have 48 hours to hand in your new character form and then can start the battle task, with a deadline that's pushed forward - only if you decide to do this. Remember to comment in the appropiate spot if you do. 

PLEASE DO THIS BECAUSE ITS REALISTIC. I will note who does and doesn't! 

Due to the higher number of people (since I opened up so many extra spots) and the amount of people who handed in last minute, I don't have much time to give feedback. Because of this, after the Sponsorship Battle Task, ONLY THOSE GUILDS WHO ARE SPONSORED WILL RECEIVE FEEDBACK FROM ME FROM NOW ON. (This is subject to change since I can't help myself sometimes). So from now on, you will only be receiving your score. Also, I don't have time to Mentor anyone, due to the last minute hand ins, so NO ONE WILL BE MENTORED. However, for story line purposes, I will still have the MENTORS choose a guild to mentor and you can include them helping your guild in your entry. But I will not be able to give you writing advice and actually mentor you like I had originally planned.

Also, if the last minute hand ins continue, I will be forced to eliminate people from the competition and to be fair, the spots that will be cut will be the extra ones.

If I forgot anything or anyone, let me know. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask! :) 

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