Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

84K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 37

524 17 2
By ilangel1

Louis loved being at school and spent the next hour playing with his friends before the teacher came over and got Louis' attention. "Do you want to come and practice some letters with me?" The teacher asked and Louis nodded determined to do his letters properly. "I practiced doing these last night with papa." Louis said as he sat down at the small desk.

"That's great Louis what letter did you practice?" She asked as she looked in the boys homework folder and saw Liam had wrote that they practiced the letter b and the boy was fine with the capital letter version but struggled with the lower case. The teacher smiled as she had noticed this in Louis's work. He just struggled with small case apart from the letter p as that was just a bigger version of the small letter.

Do you want to show me your B's then the teacher said. Louis nodded quickly and grabbed a piece of paper and the pencil in front of him and began to write the letter b multiple times and the teacher smiled seeing Louis was really confident with the capital letter of the version but he did struggle with the lower case as it was a bit hit and miss if he got the letter correct or not. Well done all these are correct." The teacher smiled at the capital letter. Louis smiled "How about these" Louis asked.

"Some of them are, do you know which ones are correct and which ones are wrong?" The teacher asked and Louis looked at them closely trying to figure it out. Louis picked a couple that were right. The teacher told him that was correct. "Why can't I get it right every time" Louis said frustrated. "You will get there Louis you are doing really well why don't you play for a bit" The teacher said. Louis nodded and played for another twenty minutes before the teacher got them all to sit down to give the children the spellings of this week.

Louis looked at them and instantly knew he was going to have problems as he didn't even know what half of them said. By the time the teacher had gone through the spellings she let all the class go and sit down at their tables where she got loads of art and crafts out so they could do art for a while. Louis really enjoyed himself deciding to make niall something.

Niall had a good day at school and was enjoying it. His teacher used the website again for maths and they had turns. By the end of the day Niall was more than ready to go home but Louis on the other hand wanted to stay longer. "Daddy I don't want to go home yet." Louis said as he walked over to Harry with his painting in his hands. "Well I'm sorry baby, but your be all alone if you stay here anyway and that won't be any fun will it." Harry said and Louis just shrugged but followed his daddy over to Niall's classroom. They picked Niall up from school and the boy was quite tired that day. The family went to the car and Harry drove home. Louis was quite chatty in the car whereas niall was very quite.

"You ok Ni" Harry said. "Yeah just tired." Niall said rubbing his eyes and Harry couldn't not laugh as his 2 boys seemed to have completely swapped personalities as Louis was as energetic as ever. "Well when we get home you can curl up on the sofa and watch cartoons for a while and if your that tired maybe have a nap." Harry suggested and Niall nodded as he tried to block Louis' loud talking out. "Lou I'm pleased your chatty today but talk a bit quiter as niall is tired." Harry said.

Harry looked over at niall as they drove home and thought back to a couple of weeks ago and thought maybe with yesterday and sat with him playing football he had tires himself out. By the time they got home Harry could see that Niall would be most definitely taking a nap and he was right when he saw Niall dump his school bag down by the stairs and kick his shoes off before he walked into the lounge and Harry could just see him climbing onto the sofa and grabbing a blanket. Now he just had to keep an energetic Louis quiet.

Harry decided to get Louis colouring. Once Louis was occupied Harry went to check on niall. When he walked in the living room he saw Niall had curled in on himself with the blanket nearly falling off but he was sound asleep. Harry smiled at his eldest and placed the blanket properly over the boy and then left him to sleep knowing he would have to wake the boy within the next hour or he would never sleep that night.

Harry decided to do some jobs around the house. Louis did some colouring but soon got bored and went to play with his trains. "Woah were are you going?" Harry asked as he saw Louis heading for the living room. "To play with my trains." Louis said. "You can't go in there baby, Niall's asleep," Harry said. "But I want to play with my trains." Louis moaned. "Why don't you go and play with your cars there in the playroom." Harry said but Louis wasn't happy. "No play with my trains." Louis moaned . "Louis don't raise your voice your wake Niall." Harry warned. "I'll be very quite or daddy can you get my trains for me in the back room please." Louis asked.

Harry couldn't deny the boy that as asked very nicely. Harry quietly went and got the box with Louis train tracks in and took it into the extension. "Thank you." Louis said as he followed Harry into the extension. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me Yeah, as I need to start making dinner." Harry said and Louis nodded before setting to work on connecting his train track pieces together and Harry smiled at the boy before ruffling his hair and leaving him be.

Harry went to check niall before starting on dinner. He knew the boy was exhausted from the weekend so he wasn't bothered. Harry did something easy for dinner as he couldn't really be bothered. He also wasn't sure with niall being this exhausted he would eat much. He obviously made some for Liam to reheat whrn he got home. When dinner was nearly ready Harry went to wake Niall. "Ni Baby, wake up." Harry said softly and the boy whined slightly before opening his eyes. "Come on Love I've made some dinner and then you can have a bath or shower and have an early night." Harry said and Niall nodded before Harry helped the boy up and guided him into the kitchen.

Niall was exhausted and barely touched his dinner. Once Harry was done he checked on Louis in the back room and the boy had fallen asleep mid way playing with his trains. Harry laughed and picked the boy up telling Niall he will be downstairs in 5 minutes. Niall nodded sleepily and Harry quickly took Louis upstairs getting him changed and into a pull-up before tucking him into bed and then heading downstairs.

"Do you want a bath Ni?" Harry asked gently running a hand through Niall's hair knowing the boy needed to wash but he didn't think Niall would cope with a shower. Niall nodded and raised his arms not wanting to walk and Harry chuckled picking the boy up and heading into the bathroom. Harry picked Niall up and carried him upstairs. Harry placed niall down before running and bath. Even though Niall normally showers himself Harry helped wash the boy as he was falling asleep. Harry did it quickly before getting the boy out and wrapping him in a towel. He then went to grab pj's for Niall before helping the tired boy get dressed. Harry then carried the boy to bed and turned his night light on.

Harry then went downstairs and cleared dinner and did a few chores before sitting down in front of the tv. Liam came home at just gone 9 and smiled seeing Harry who sat up seeing his husband. "Hey love." Liam said as he walked past and into the kitchen where Harry followed. "Hey How was work." Harry asked. "Good, I spoke to Louis' doctor today and he wants to see him again Friday afternoon at 3." Liam said and Harry nodded. "Yeah that's fine." Harry said writing it down on the calendar.

"How were the boys tonight?" Liam asked placing his dinner in the microwave. "Umm they seemed to have complelety swapped personalities." Harry said. "What?" Liam asked confused. "Louis had loads and loads of energy this evening but Niall just couldn't stay awake. He had a nap on the sofa then was to tired to eat much dinner and then I had to bath him where he was nearly falling asleep." "Poor thing, weekend has obviously tired him out not that I'm surprised. We also let him stay up late Saturday night." Liam said as he got his dinner out the microwave and then headed into the living room Harry following closely behind.

Liam ate his dinner before the pair cuddled. They hugged for awhile before going upstairs. Liam went into kiss both boys and carefully changed Louis pull up. "They both still asleep?" Harry asked. Harry was asleep with minutes of watching something. Liam smiled and watched tv for awhile before switching it of and going to sleep himself. "Yeah Louis didn't even wake when I changed his pull-up." Liam said as he climbed into the bed.

"Doesn't surprise me he fell asleep while playing tonight. I left him in the back room playing with his trains while I ate dinner and by the time I was done he was sound asleep on the floor." "Bless." Liam said before grabbing the TV remote and finding something to watch. Harry was asleep with minutes of watching something. Liam smiled and watched tv for awhile before switching it off and going to sleep himself.

The whole family slept through the night and the next morning the couple were woken up by Louis climbing on top of their bed. "Morning Lou." Liam said ruffling his hair and the boy smiled before situating himself between both his parents. "What are you doing in here monkey?" Harry questioned rolling over see the young boy. "Was lonely." Louis stated and both parents chuckled. Liam was glad the pump was small and was in a little bag so Louis could carry it on his back. "Now let's turn this feed of and get ready for school. " Liam said. While Harry got up to get niall up.

Louis quickly nodded happy to be going to school and let Liam disconnect his feed before Liam grabbed Louis some big boy pants and then took him into the bathroom to get him changed out the pull up and to get Louis to brush his teeth before they headed back to Louis' room so the boy could get his uniform on.

"Ni love wake up." Harry said softly and he earned a whine from Niall as the boy opened his eyes. "Let me sleep" niall moaned. "You have got school and then football practice' Harry said Niall just groaned and tried to roll away from Harry but Harry just picked him up and stood him up out of his bed. "Hey." Niall whined. "Go on bathroom then get dressed and then come down for breakfast." Harry said and Niall sighed but did head off into the bathroom.

Liam then came in after letting Louis watch TV till everyone was ready. "Hows Ni this morning" Liam asked. "Tired wouldn't get up" Harry said. Liam nodded but he slept for over 12 hours by the sound of it. Liam decided to go and talk to the boy himself as he doesn't believe the boy could have slept for 12 hours + and still be tired. He found Niall back in his room getting dressed and Liam could tell just by looking at him that he was exhausted and there was no way he had gotten 12 hours of sleep, just by looking at him Liam would think it would have been more 4 if that.

"Morning love." Niall jumped at the voice and then looked up at Liam. Liam entered the room and sat on the boys bed patting his lap where the boy instantly climbed onto his lap. "What's going on love, why are you so tired. Daddy said you went to bed early last night." Liam said and Niall shrugged. "Didn't actually sleep a lot." Niall mumbled and Liam looked at his son. "Why not?" Liam asked. "Scared." Niall said and Liam was then lost and confused. "Why are you scared." Liam asked. "Scary dreams." Niall said and Liam started to put the pieces together as if he was tired last night as well Liam could put money on the fact that he hadn't properly slept the night before either and Niall went on the ghost train on Sunday. "Are you having nightmares baby?" Liam asked and Niall whimpered before snuggling into Liam's chest so Liam took that as a yes.

"Oh Ni sweetie I know you are getting older but you can still come and get me and papa if you have a nightmare." Liam soothed. Niall nodded. "Tonight you can stay in our bed but for now are you ok to go to school" Liam said. Niall smiled but shrugged. "Let me go and talk to daddy" Liam said. Liam walked out and went to find Harry to explain to him. "Did you find out what was wrong with him?" Harry asked and Liam nodded. "Yeah he's having nightmares." Liam said sadly and harry sighed. "Why didn't he come and get us?" Harry said. "I don't know I guess something to do with him thinking he's to old." Liam said.

"He also is really tired I don't know whether to send him to school or not." Liam said. "Well why don't we send him in and then when your mum picks Louis up at lunch maybe see if Niall wants to go home as well." Harry suggested. "That's a good idea, I'll go and tell Niall see what he thinks as he would be missing out on football if he does that but I'll talk to him as to be honest I don't think he'll last the day." Liam said as he headed back up the stairs. Liam went and told Niall the plan. Niall shrugged and then had an idea. "can I sleep this morning and go to school when Nana picks up Lou" Niall said as he yawned. "I'll speak to dad, but even if you do that I don't think you should do football practice" Liam said. Niall nodded which was unexpected to Liam.

Liam told Niall he would be back before heading downstairs to talk to Harry again who said it was fine with him but like Liam was surprised the boy had taken not going to football practice so well. Liam then went back upstairs to tell Niall he could put his pyjamas back on and get back in bed but Niall paused then. "Wait if I sleep all I'll do is have another nightmare." Niall said sadly and Liam sighed not really sure how to respond to that. "Well nana will cuddle you when she gets here and get rid of all the nasty things" Liam tried. Niall nodded and got changed again back into his pyjamas before climbing back into bed.

"I'll see you in tomorrow bud." Liam said knowing Niall will be asleep when he gets home." "Did you mean it when you said I could sleep with you if I had nightmares in the night." Niall asked quietly as he cuddled under his blankets. "Yeah I did." Niall nodded and closed his eyes before Liam tucked him in and kissed his forehead before quietly leaving the room. Niall nodded and got changed again back into his pyjamas before climbing back into bed."I'll see you in tomorrow bud." Liam said knowing Niall will be asleep when he gets home.". Niall didn't know how long he had been asleep by when he sat up panting. He hated this. Just then Karen arrived and went to check the boy. She ran over and pulled him into a hug.

Liam had already left with Louis for school and work. "Oh Niall." Karen said sadly as she wrapped her arms around the clearly terrified boy. Niall started to cry and gripped on Karen's top not wanting her to leave him anytime soon. Harry soon came up to say bye as he was about to leave for work and he was surprised at the state Niall was in. What also hurt was Niall had probably been this way for the past 2 nights and Liam and him were completely clueless.

Harry quietly walked over and picked Niall up off Karen's lap and placed him on his own which caused Niall to cry harder until he realised who's lap he was on. "Sorry ni did dad scare you" Harry said. Niall nodded. Shhhh it's ok just let it out. "Don't go." Niall said inbetween cries around 5 minutes later knowing his dad was probably going to leave for work any minute. "I wish I could stay baby, but I'll be home before you know it. Plus your have a great time This afternoon in school and then I'll pick you up and we can cuddle on the sofa with Louis and watch films." Harry suggested and Harry felt Niall nod but Harry was sure Niall tightened his grip on his top. Harry cuddled niall for a bit longer. "Niall you can have some good cuddles with nana now" Harry said. The boy whinned but loosened his grip slightly before Harry passed the boy to Karen. 'See how he is later about school" Harry whispered to Karen. Harry kissed niall and left feelimg bad but knew his mother in law was there.

Louis was having fun at school playing with friends before they sat down and did some reading.

Niall spent the rest of the morning in and out of sleep while cuddling with Karen and when it reached 11:30 she knew she had to talk to Niall about school. "Ni Love, do you want to go to school this afternoon or stay home with lou and I?" Karen asked and Niall just shrugged cuddling further into Karen. Karen decided against taking him to school. She wasn't even sure about taking the boy outside. She decided to text her husband if he was free to collect Louis to bring him back.

Geoff said he could collect the boy but he wouldn't be able to stay he would literally just have to drop the boy off but Karen said that was fine so Geoff agreed. Karen was grateful of her husband it saved dragging out a very upset Niall. She let niall cuddle her for a bit longer before deciding to see if niall wanted to eat lunch. "You hungry Ni?" Karen asked 30 minutes later and Niall shrugged. "A Little I guess." Niall mumbled and Karen nodded.

"Shall we go downstairs and have a sandwich or something then maybe set up camp on the sofa as Louis will be home soon and watch movies and nap." Karen suggested and Niall nodded. "Come on then." Karen said and Niall climbed out of bed before heading to the toilet quickly and then heading downstairs holding onto Karen's hand. Niall sat at the table as Karen made them both a sandwich making niall a chesse sandwich.

Geoff picked up a tired Louis. Geoff carried the boy to the car and he fell asleep on the drive home. "Here Ni." Karen said handing Niall his plate and the boy thanked her just as there was a knock at the door. "I bet that's Grandpa with lou, I'll be back ni." Karen said and Niall nodded as Karen headed for the door finding her husband with a sleeping louis in his arms. Karen smiled at the sleeping Louis. "Thanks darling can you carry him through to the lounge and then niall is in the kitchen" Karen said.

Geoff nodded and carried Louis over to the sofa carefully laying him down before gently taking his shoes off and then laying a blanket over the boy. Geoff then went into the kitchen to see Niall before he told Karen that he needed to get going. Niall hugged his grandpa and then Geoff left.

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