Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

נכתב על ידי ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 36

545 16 0
נכתב על ידי ilangel1

A while later Niall asked if they could go on more rides. They all agreed and headed over to rollercoaster. Harry carefully took a sleeping Louis from Liam so he could go on the ride. Louis stirred slightly but soon settled and Liam took Niall's hand while Jake took sams and they joined the queue while Ruth and Harry stayed off the ride with a sleeping louis. Harry and Ruth chatted quietly. Niall and Jake sat next to each other on the ride and Sam and Liam sat behind the two boys. They all thoughly enjoyed the ride and screamed for you . Niall and Jake held there hands up as they went round the second time. Liam and Sam laughed at the pair and the 4 eventually got off.

"Dad can we go on the dodgems now?" Jake asked and Sam nodded. "Come on Niall lets go." Jake said as they headed for the dodgems Sam following closely behind the pair while Liam went to get the others. "We're heading over to the dodgems, you coming?" Liam asked his husband and sister." They both nodded and Liam carefully took Louis from Harry's hold so Harry could get up and then they walked over to the dodgems to find the others.

"Do you want me to take Louis so you can both go on the dodgems" Ruth asked. Liam thanked his sister carefully as he carefully placed a sleeping Louis on his sister's lap. Louis snuggled into his auntie subconsciously and Harry and Liam joined the queue along with the 2 boys and Sam.

"Papa can I go with you?" Niall asked. "You don't want your own car?" Liam asked but Niall shook his head. "Alright Baby you can share with me then." Liam said and Niall smiled. When they were allowed to find a car Niall grabbed Liam's hand and pulled him over to a blue car climbing Into the passenger side while Liam got in the side where you drove. "I would have thought you'd like to drive one of these." Liam said. "No Papa cause I can't do it." Niall said referring to last time he went on a dodgem and got stuck in the corner. "You sure you have grown since last time and might be able to reach the pedals." Liam said. "I'll help with the wheel." Niall said. Harry got in his own car. Sam and Jake shared a car and had green one. Liam nodded and as they started driving around Liam just held his foot on the pedal and let Liam do the majority of the steering until they got stuck and Liam had to steer them around till they were in the clear. They then we're chasing Harry's car and bumped him while trying to move a few cars bumped them.

"I think we're stuck in the middle Papa." Niall said looking around. "I think you might be right ni." Liam said as he couldn't go anywhere until either Harry moved which would be quite hard as he was stuck between the side barrier and Liam and Niall's car whereas the cars behind were just as stuck. "How are we going to get out?" Niall asked. "Someone who works here will come and help in a minute. Hey look someone's coming now." Liam said and Niall nodded. The worker helped move people and soon everyone was going round again.

Soon the cars came to a stop and they all got off. "So did you like that?" Liam asked as Niall took hold of one of each parents hand. "Yeah it was fun." Niall said as his parents swung his making Niall lift into the air at times which caused the boy to laugh. When they reached Ruth they saw Louis had woken up and was looking around curiously. "Hey baby, you have a good nap?" Liam asked and Louis nodded. "He literally woke up about 2 minutes ago." Ruth said rubbing the boys back as he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

Louis reached up to be picked up by his papa as he had literally only just woken up and didn't feel like talking yet. Harry saw Louis was awake and grabbed the milkshake out the bag but Liam decided to take the boy to the toilet first asking if anyone else wanted to come. Niall nodded as did Jake so Liam took all 3 kids to the bathroom and then when they were done picked Louis back up and made sure the other 2 were following and headed back to where Harry, Ruth and Sam were waiting.

"Right Lou, do you want one of your milkshakes." Liam asked and Louis nodded as Liam sat down with the boy on his lap before Harry handed him the milkshake after getting the straw in place. "Thank you." Louis said quietly before cuddling into Liam and drinking his milkshake. Louis finished his milkshake and they all chatted for a bit.

About ten minutes later "Lou do you want to go on one more ride before we go home" Liam asked. Louis of course nodded and Liam told him he could choose any ride he wanted and Louis smiled but still asked Jake and Niall for their opinions as well. "Teacup, carousel" where two of the options given by Jake and niall as they thought of something they could all go on. "Horses." Louis decided upon meaning the carousel and the family nodded heading that way so they could go on the last ride of the day. Everyone went on the carousel. The all had a laugh as they went on the carousel. Louis went on a horse with his daddy behind him. Louis giggled the whole time and was pretty upset when the ride came to an end.

"Again?" Louis said. "No baby, it's time to go home, it's Monday tomorrow." Harry said picking Louis up who sighed but nodded resting his head on his daddy's shoulder as the family headed back to the car park. The two families all said bye before heading their separate ways. Louis was a Sleep within five minutes of being in the car.

"You had fun today Ni?" Harry asked quietly as Liam drove home. "Yeah the best in a long time." Niall said smiling and Harry had to agree there. With everything going on recently they hadn't spent much time out of the house and then also being able to have Ruth and her family come along as well was great as Niall then gets to spend time with Jake. They carried on chatting before Liam arrived home and parked up. He then carried a sleeping Louis in and laid the boy on the sofa.

"You know he did good today." Harry said smiling at his sleeping son. "What do you mean?" Liam said "He was like himself nearly all day apart from when he fell asleep over lunch. I mean this time last week he couldn't stay awake for more than an hour." Harry said and Liam nodded. "I know it's great." Liam said as he told Niall to go and grab his homework and he would do some with him. He knew he had to practice Louis' writing as well but that would have to wait till the boy woke up. Niall got on with his homework using his dad's help and the website when needed.

Louis slept for around another hour and once the boy had fully woken up Liam got him to follow him to the kitchen table where he got his sheets out. "Alright lou baby let's do some letters." Liam said excitedly but Louis didn't look to pleased. "Want to do colouring no letters" the four year old moaned. "You can colour after but need to do this first" Liam said. Louis sighed but agreed. "Can I please have a milkshake" Louis asked. "Of course" Liam said as he grabbed one. Louis happily drank the milkshake and then Liam grabbed some paper and a pencil.

"Right let's begin with the letter B." Liam said looking down the list of letters that Louis' teacher had said he needed extra practice with. Louis at first traced the letter and he did it perfectly. He traced it five times before doing his own one. Louis struggled slightly with the letter B and Liam found that it was when he tried to do it lower case he had problems. When he did the capital letter it was fine but the lower case he was struggling. Louis did the letter b almost right but it was the wrong way round. Liam took the boys hand and helped him do a lower case b a few times as his teacher had made a note of this to help the boy with his writing. "Did it." Louis said happily when he saw the b matched his papas.

"You sure did, do you want to try again?" Liam asked and Louis nodded but this time Liam let him try all on his own. This is where Louis struggled. It was the write way but not correct. "That's a p lou." Liam said while chuckling causing Louis to pout. "But, but." Louis said and Liam smiled sadly. "Don't worry baby, just try again." Liam said and Louis sighed sadly but did try again. Louis did it again but this time he did a d. Liam helped the boy draw the letter again five times and then left Louis to it again.Louis eventually just gave up and pushed his pencil away walking off and joining Niall in the living room, where Niall had gone to watch TV after finishing his homework.

"How's he doing?" Harry asked once Louis had walked away. "He's fine until he has to do it completely on his own then he keeps getting them round the wrong way." Liam said. "He'll get it eventually." Harry reassured rubbing Liam's shoulders. Louis went over and hugged his brother.

"Did you have problems when learning to write" Louis asked. "No, but I had and still have problems with numbers and maths which you do well" Niall said. Louis nodded as that was true as he knew he was good with numbers and then snuggled closely to Niall as the pair watched tv.

Liam nodded as the pair started on dinner. About twenty minutes later Niall was called for dinner and Louis let his brother move as he carried on watching tv. Niall happily sat down in his chair and thanked his papa when he handed him the plate of food. "What's Lou doing?" Harry asked as they all started to eat. "Watching cartoons." Niall explained and Harry nodded. The three of them enjoyed their dinner. Harry cleared up and got Niall to help him.

Liam went to check on Louis and as expected he had fallen asleep. Liam carefully picked the boy up and put him to bed, putting a pull up on him. Liam then connected the boys feed before leaving him to sleep and putting night light on. "Right Go and shower then Ni, you have school in the morning." Liam said and Niall nodded before heading up the stairs while Liam took his place in the kitchen and helped Harry finish tidying up. Soon the pair finished clearing up and went and sat down. Harry yawned. "That was an amazing day the kids loved that" Liam said as he grabbed his phone and flicked through the pictures.

"Yeah it was great to see Louis so energetic as well." Harry added smiling as he watched Liam flick through the photos on his phone. They both looked at the pictures before Niall came down in his pjs saying night to his dad's."Night love." Harry said before Liam got up and followed the boy upstairs quickly checking on louis who was fine and then heading into Nialls room. Niall smiled seeing his papa before holding his arms out indicating he wanted a cuddle and Liam couldn't refuse that so got Niall to move over slightly before getting on the boys bed and letting Niall curl into his side. Niall soon fell asleep in his papa's arms. Once niall was asleep Liam wriggled out from Niall sleeping body.

As Liam walked out the room he saw Harry going to check on Louis and change his nappy before going to bed himself. Liam headed into the bathroom to shower so he wouldn't have to worry about that in the morning and once he was done joined his husband in bed who was sleepily watching TV.

"Harry why you watching TV, I can see your struggling to stay awake." Liam said with a fond smile. "I was waiting for you." Harry replied as he curled into Liam once he was settled. "Well I'm here now so you can go to sleep." Liam said reaching for the controller to put something on that he could watch as harry had just put on a random channel and played with Harry's curls as the man fell asleep.

Everyone slept through the whole night. Liam was up first to his alarm he walked to find Louis still asleep so got dressed before going to wake Niall up. Once Niall was up Liam went to get Louis up to see what he was like that morning and to disconnect his feed. "Louis wake up baby." Liam said softly and Louis shifted slightly but didn't do much more. "Come on monkey open those eyes for me." Liam said seeing Louis slightly open an eye to peak at him. "I know your awake Lou." Liam said earning a giggle from the boy before he fully opened his eyes. Louis reached out for a cuddle. Liam picked the boy up and cuddled him. "Now are we going to school this morning" Liam asked him. Louis thought about it before he nodded and Liam was a bit surprised as he was expecting the boy to say no after there busy day yesterday. "Want to learn who to write." Louis said and Liam sighed. "Baby you will learn just at your own pace." Liam reassured the boy who nodded rubbing his eyes. "Now tell me the truth do you really want to go to school this morning." Liam asked again. "Its ok if your too tired you can go over to nanas" Liam said.

Harry went and made Niall some breakfast. Niall had finished eating his breakfast and was doing his teeth.

"Want to play with my friends though." Louis said and Liam sighed. That was basically Louis saying that he wanted to go but Liam wasn't so sure as he could tell the boy was pretty tired just by how much he was rubbing his eyes. "How about you just do the afternoon again like you did on Friday?" Liam suggested hoping Louis would take that answer as that's really the best option as the boy could sleep all morning and then play with his friends in the afternoon. Louis had a think and nodded.

Just at that moment Harry popped his head in to take over as Liam needed to head to work. "He's not going this morning so can you get either my mum or yours over here as it's easier if he's here as he's planning on going to school after lunch." Liam explained once Louis was comfy back in bed. "Yeah that's fine I'll ring my mum as your mum had him Friday." Harry said. "Alright Bye Love." Liam said before leaving the room and quickly heading downstairs to see Niall already ready to go so the pair left leaving a sleeping louis and Harry to ring his mum. Liam dropped Niall of at school before heading to work.

Anne was busy but robin said he could come and look after Louis. "Thanks dad" Harry said. Harry was grateful they had a great support network but didn't realise how much they would rely on it over the coming months. While Harry waited for Robin he decided to just go and spend the time with Lou so quietly walked back into the boys room and carefully sat down on his bed. Louis pretty quickly rolled over feeling the presence and snuggled close while Harry gently played with his hair.

"Liam." Liam heard someone call his name as he was walking down the corridor. Liam turned around seeing the Dr that was dealing with Louis behind him and Liam smiled at the man. "How's louis?" He asked once he was caught up and Liam nodded as they walked into the break room. "Yeah he's getting there. He's back at school for half days and yesterday we all went out as a family with my sister and her family and Louis loved that so things seem to be improving." Liam said with a smile. "That's great news." The dr said. "Yeah it is, I was also wondering when Louis needs to come back in as harry and I are going to have to get time off work." Liam said. "Umm I could probably see him Friday afternoon around 3. That's normally the quietest time." Liam nodded at that as that would mean he could just work until then and Harry would be finished for the day anyway and in terms of Louis he would just do the morning in school. All Liam would have to sort out would be Niall but he's sure someone could pick the boy up. "That would be great." Liam said. "Alright I won't keep you any longer as I know your working. I'll see you Friday." The dr said before walking off along with Liam who made a start on his rounds. Liam had a quick glass of water before going back to work and attending to his patient.

Robin decided to use his spare key to let himself in and didn't hear any noise downstairs so headed upstairs to Louis room. Harry smiled at his step dad as he walked into the room. Robin carefully swapped places with Harry as he knew he had to get work. "Thanks so much for staying with him." Harry said. "It's fine Harry." Robin reassured. "It should only be the morning anyway as he should be alright to go to school after lunch as that was the deal Liam made with him earlier as he wanted to go this morning but Liam decided he was to tired." Harry said and Robin nodded. "We're be Fine harry, go on go to work before your late." Robin said and Nodded before kissing Louis' forehead and waving to his dad before heading to work. Harry drove to work and got to work as he got in.

Niall slept in his grandads arms all morning. It was nearly 11 when Robin felt Louis starting to move around and robin looked over at the boy to see him opening his eyes. "Grandad." Louis questioned and Robin smiled at him. "Yeah lou, It's Grandad." Robin confirmed and the boy wiggled free from robins arms and sat up and rubbing his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Robin asked when he saw Louis pouting. "Used the pull-up." Louis said quietly. "That's fine, come on let's go and get you changed out of it and then get you dressed. "School?" Louis asked Hopefully and Robin nodded. "If you want." Louis smiled before getting out of bed heading in the direction of the bathroom with robin close behind once he had grabbed Louis his clothes. Robin cleaned the boy and got him to sit on the toilet before cleaning him and getting the boy dressed.

Robin then gave Louis his feed however they now did the day deeds by gravity feeding via a large syringe so only takes five minutes or so. "Grandad when am I going to school?" Louis questioned as he climbed onto the sofa next to Robin. "Soon Lou" Robin chuckled and Louis sighed. "I want to go now though." Louis moaned. "Give it another 30 minutes love, everyone will be having lunch at the moment." Robin said and Louis sighed but nodded. "Why don't you go and your trains and I'll play with you for a bit." Robin proposed and Louis nodded getting his trains and handing one to Robin who got down onto the floor himself to play with the small boy. The two of them had lots of fun and Louis made up a cool story about trains. The time went quickly and robin told Louis to put his shoes and coat on to which the boy didn't moan.

Robin grabbed two milkshakes and then then took Louis hand and walked to the car putting Louis in his car seat. Robin then got in the car and drove to the school. When they reached the school Robin grabbed Louis' bag and then got the boy out the car "Come on Grandad lets go." Robin said tugging on Robins hand causing the man to chuckle as they walked towards the main reception. Once Robin had signed Louis in he said bye to the boy who hugged the man before he set off towards his classroom. One of the secretaries offered to take Louis to his classroom. Robin smiled pleased Louis seemed to be doing. He got back in his car and drove home. Once he was home he let Harry and Liam know Louis was at school.

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