Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

84K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 34

577 12 2
By ilangel1

This is written by myself and doodle1403 in private message.

The next morning Niall was quite nervous but excited as well. Niall however was first awake again so went running over to his parents room to wake them as he wanted them up. "Wake up Dad, Papa." Liam slowly opened an eye while Harry just groaned and rolled over. "Come on up." Niall whined Landing on top of Liam who smiled and wrapped his arms around Niall effectively stopping his bouncing. "Papa let go, I need to wake dad." Niall stated and Liam chuckled letting him go as Niall headed for Harry jumping on top of him as well. Harry groaned as he was jumped on. 'Ni please stop it what time is it" Harry asked. "7." Niall said simply and Harry groaned again. "How come you can get up happily at this time on the weekend but in the week it's near enough impossible." "I was up early yesterday as well." Niall stated. "Hmm that's not likely to happen again in a while." Harry said as he closed his eyes again much to Niall's annoyance.

"Ni come on let's go downstairs and leave daddy to sleep" Liam suggested. Niall sighed but nodded. Harry thanked Liam in his head. "Papa can we have pancakes?" Niall asked as he sat down at the kitchen table. "I don't see why not." Liam said as he got the stuff out for pancakes and Niall smiled before watching Liam closely. "Ni want to help" Liam asked. Niall smiled and listened to his papa's instructions on how to make it.

Louis woke up and cried wanting his daddy and papa but being lazy and didn't want to move. Harry hearing Louis' cries knew that he had to get up and did heading into Louis' room.

"Hey baby, what's the matter?" Harry asked. "Cuddle." Louis cried holding his arms out for Harry to take him. Harry smiled instantly picking the boy up and feeling his wet pull-up but decided comforting the boy was more important at that moment in time. Harry cuddled Louis for a while before disconnecting the milk feed and took the boy to the toilet and putting underwear on the boy. "You tired baby boy?" Harry asked feeling Louis rest his head on his shoulder once he picked the boy back up. "Hmm." Louis sleepily nodded and Harry chuckled fondly before carrying the boy downstairs and seeing Niall trying to flip a pancake with the help of Liam. Harry sat down at the table with a sleeping Louis cuddled into him. Soon the pancakes were ready and the family sat down and ate.

"Alright Ni, go and get dressed then love." Liam said as he began to tidy up after breakfast and the boy nodded before scampering off upstairs to put his football uniform on. "Right I'm going to get this one dressed and then I'll get myself ready." Harry said gesturing to the sleeping boy on his lap and Liam nodded. "If it wasn't for the fact this was Niall's first game I would suggest for one of us to stay home with him but Niall's desperate for everyone to see him play and it will break his heart." Liam said. "I know lou will be okay once he's dressed and if needs be he can just sleep while we're there." Harry reassured his husband before heading upstairs to get Louis dressed. The family all got ready. Louis literally fell asleep after bring dressed. Harry placed the boy on his bed while Harry went to get dressed. Once the family were dressed they still had time before leaving.

Karen and Geoff rang the doorbell. "Hey Mum, Dad." Liam greeted as Niall came running down the stairs and jumped into Geoff's arms. "There's my little footie star." Niall beamed and wrapped his arms around Geoff's neck giggling just as Harry came down with Louis asleep on his hip. Karen awwwed at the site of her grandson and son in law. They went into the lounge and chatted for half hour before they left.

Anne and robin were meeting then there. Liam carefully got Louis buckled into his car seat and then turned to Niall. "Are you coming with us or going with nana and grandad?" Liam asked and Niall pointed at Geoff. "Alright we will meet you there then." Liam said carefully shutting Louis' side door and getting into the drivers seat with Harry climbing into the passengers seat. "Right in you get then Ni." Geoff said and Niall nodded climbing into the back while Geoff and Karen got in the front before heading off themselves. Niall was very chatty in the car but as they nearerd the boy got nervous and went a bit quite.

Meanwhile Louis slept the whole car journey. Liam arrived first and carefully got out before lifting Louis onto his hip and waited for his mum and dad to arrive with Niall. The 3 of them arrived a couple of minutes later and when Niall got out everyone could see the boy was nervous. Harry went and gave Niall a hug and told him to enjoy it.

Anne and robin soon pulled up as the others were walking to the school feild where the other school were playing away. Niall had already ran off to warm up and Liam was walking around bouncing Louis up and down gently as the boy had woken up and it was cold and drizzling meaning Louis wasn't that happy. Anne pulled up an umbrella and gave it to robin as he was taller and could keep Louis dry.

Harry checked in the car for a blanket as it was wet and cold. When Harry had found one he gave it to Liam who wrapped it around Liam and Louis did finally settle once he was warmer and no longer getting wet. Liam thanked robin as he held the umbrella. Soon the two teams ran outside . "He's going to be so muddy by the time he finishes." Harry said as he watched Niall run around in the mud.

"Yeah but he's having fun." Liam said as he hoisted Louis higher on his hip as he watched his older brother play football while resting his head on Liam's shoulder and had his thumb in his mouth. One of Niall's team mates scored and everyone cheered. Louis whinned from the loud noise. Liam comforted the boy. "Shh lou, don't you want to watch Ni?" "Loud." Louis mumbled holding his hands over his ears. "It's only Loud when someone scores." Liam said carefully moving Louis' hands. Louis whimpered at this.

"Here let me take him we will go for a walk" Karen said taking the boy from Liam. Liam smiled greatful at his mum. Karen walked around with the boy trying to calm the boy who was sniffling any now and then until he completely stopped and when Karen looked down she saw the boy had fallen asleep again. Karen smiled but didn't go back as she didn't want to wake the boy again. Louis and Harry and family cheered when Niall scored.

They all saw Niall beaming as he ran around it was clear that the boy loved the sport and by the time it was over Niall was bouncing all over the place. "Did you see my goal?" Niall said as he ran over to his family and Liam picked the ecstatic boy up. "We sure did." Liam said and Niall smiled. "Where's nana and Lou?" Niall asked. "Louis didn't like the loud nosies as he's tired so nana took him somewhere to calm him down and try and get him back to sleep." Liam explained and Niall nodded although his smile did falter a bit as he wanted his nana and brother to see his goal. Niall you can tell her all about it but just don't wake Niall up when we find him.

Louis slept on Karen the whole game the poor thing was exhausted. The family all met up eventually and Liam smiled seeing Louis sound asleep and carefully took Louis into his arms as Niall started talking to Karen about how he scored a goal and how he had so much fun. Karen hugged the boy and told him that he did amazing. Harry came over inviting everyone back to theirs. Niall got in the car with his nana and grandad. When they reached the house Harry took Louis up to bed so the boy could continue to sleep in peace before coming back down and finding everyone gathered in the living room. Apart from Niall as Liam had sent the boy up for a shower who wasn't very happy.

The adults spoke amongst themselves till a hyper Niall bounced downstairs. "Good god Ni I would have thought you'd be tired but you have more energy than ever." Liam said with a chuckle as the boy jumped on his lap. They talked for around 30 minutes longer before Louis came down rubbing his eyes. "Hey Lou." Anne said quietly and the boy climbed onto her lap. "Grandma." Louis mumbled cuddling into her. "You're a tired boy today." Louis just nodded sleepily. Anne cuddled the boy as everyone else carried on chatting or Niall dragging the his grandad and grandpa to the garden.

Liam went to get the boys to start Louis feed. Hoping Louis would have more energy the next day. "Do you want to have another nap baby?" Liam asked lying down on the sofa and lying Louis down so his head was resting on his chest. "Blankie." Louis mumbled and Liam nodded. "Mum could you go and grab Louis' blanket." "Course." Karen said before heading to get Louis' comfort item. Karen soon brought blankie down with Nialls lion and sheep and he soon fell asleep again.

Harry went outside and joined Niall, his dad and father in law for awhile as it had stopped raining. The 4 played football for a while until Niall decided to play on the climbing set only to go down the slide and land in a puddle once he slid of the end. This caused the 3 adults to laugh before Harry went to pull Niall up. "You Okay Baby?" Harry asked. "Yeah just a bit wet." Niall mumbled but he was off running around again within seconds.

"You can go outside with the others if you would like Louis and I won't be doing very much for some time." Liam said as he gently ran a hand through Louis' hair. "Nah it's okay it's pretty cold out there anyway." Karen said and Anne nodded in agreement. Liam smiled at his mum and mother in law. However I'm sure one of us can cuddle a sleeping Lou if you want to join them" Anne said. "No I'm alright." Liam said fondly looking down at Louis just enjoying his time off with a sleeping Louis. Anne and Karen nodded knowing Liam hadn't really seen much of Louis this week with him working all day and wasn't surprised that even though the boy was asleep that Liam wanted to stay with him. Liam chatted with his mum and mother in law for a while.

The heavens soon opened so they all went inside and Liam couldn't believe how wet Niall was. "What happened to you ni?" Liam said with wide eyes seeing Niall "I fell in a puddle at the bottom of the slide." Niall said and Liam chuckled. "Go and get changed Love I don't want you getting sick again we've had enough of that these past few weeks." Niall smiled before running upstairs to get a dry set of clothes on. Meanwhile Harry made everyone a hot drink. Harry made Niall a hot chocolate and everyone else a tea or a coffee.

Louis was still fast asleep. "Li where do you want me to put this?" Harry asked seeing Louis still asleep comfortably on Liam. "Just put it on the table thanks." Liam said and Harry nodded putting it down. Niall soon came down and thanked his dad for his drink before placing it on the table and cuddling with Anne. Anne enjoyed cudding with no but laughed as the boy was still a but wet. "Ni did you dry anywhere or put new clothes on" Anne said. "I put new clothes on." Niall said looking at Anne who smiled. "Did you dry yourself with a towel before you put the clothes on?" Anne asked and Niall shook his head, "Come on Love lets go and properly dry you off." Anne said putting her coffee on the table and taking Niall's hand before leading the boy upstairs.

Anne made sure that Niall was thoughly fry before getting him some nice clothes and put a nice fluffy jumper on the boy. "Can I go back down now?" Niall asked once he was redressed and Anne nodded. "Yep go ahead." Anne said and the boy ran off. Anne quickly hung the towel back up in the bathroom before heading downstairs seeing Niall now sat cross legged on the floor with his hot chocolate in his hands watching some kind of cartoon. Anne ruffled the boys hair as she walked past before sitting back down next to Karen and continuing her conversation. After their drinks Niall was playing a board game with his dad and grandparents.

Louis stirred when Niall cheered as he won a round causing all the adults to Shh him however if anything it was them that woke Louis. "Hey baby." Liam said quietly as the boy lifted his head from Liam chest and rubbed his eyes. "Papa." Louis whined and Liam sighed wrapping his arms tightly around the boy. "Your my whiney, tired boy today aren't you." Liam said and Louis just nodded.Liam cuddled the boy but decided to take him upstairs. However Harry cane over telling him to spend time with Niall. "You just need an excuse to nap" Liam whispered. "Maybe." Harry chuckled taking Louis into his arms and heading upstairs while Liam took Harry's place on the floor to continue the game. Niall smiled seeing Liam and walked over sitting in his lap and Liam smiled wrapping his arms around the boy as they played the game. The family were having fun. Liam asked Niall to move while they got some snacks.

Harry carried Louis upstairs to his and Liams room and got into the bed cuddling an asleep Louis. Harry didn't really want Louis sleeping for much longer as the boy would eventually wake up and he really didn't want that happening when it got to Louis' proper bedtime but for now he didn't have the heart to stop the boy from sleeping and he just hoped he wouldn't have to pay the consequences later. Harry soon shut his eye's to and fell asleep.

Liam came back into the living room with a variety of different crisps in bowls and placed them down Niall instantly helping himself to the number of different kinds. Liam kept an eye on what Niall had and told the boy when it was enough. "But papa." Niall moaned. "No love you won't eat dinner otherwise." Liam said. "But that's ages away." Niall whined and Liam shook his head. "It's not too far away love it's already just gone 2." Liam said and Niall sighed but noded. They carried on playing and enjoying the afternoon. The family had a laugh. The grandparents all left around 4ish and said to say bye to Harry and Louis.

"Come here Love, I want a cuddle." Liam said as he sat down on the sofa and Niall happily got up and walked over to Liam cuddling with him. "What we doing tomorrow?" Niall asked as he cuddled further into Liam. "I think we're meeting up with Auntie Ruth, Uncle Sam and Jake but we're have to see if Louis' anymore awake first." "But papa's all he's done all day is sleep." Niall whined wanting to see Jake tomorrow. "I know baby, but he's still getting better and going to school this week has tired him out so he's catching up on sleep." Liam explained and Niall sighed but nodded knowing his little brother comes before going out. Niall hoped that Louis would just be more awake in the morning. "Look ni how about if we can't go out tomorrow we invite auntie Ruth, uncle Sam and Jake here for the afternoon" Liam said. "Hmm Okay." Niall said accepting that answer as at least he would see Jake. "Alright What do you want for dinner?" Liam asked. Louis shrugged and they carried on watching TV for a bit.

When Harry woke up he saw Louis was still asleep and seeing that it was gone 4 he decided that Louis needed to be awake now or there would be problems at some point during the night. Harry gently woke Louis and told him it was time to wake up earning a groan from the boy. "No daddy." Louis said as he rolled over and curled into a tight little ball. "Lou come on baby you've slept most of the day. All I'm asking for is 2 hours and then you can sleep all night." Louis opened an eye at that as even though he had no idea how long that was it didn't sound too long as 2 wasn't a very big number. Harry smiled as Louis opened his eyes. "Shall we go downstairs and watch tv or play for a bit with your trains" Harry asked.

Liam and Niall were enjoying watching tv and cuddling. Louis nodded and raised his arms for Harry to pick him up which the man gladly did and then they headed downstairs Harry putting Louis down when they reached the living room and walking over to his trains in the corner of the room. "Nini play trains" Louis asked. Niall smiled and got of his papa's lap and went over and played trains. Liam and Harry smiled at the pair. "Daddy papa play to" Louis asked. "Papa will play with you Lou but I need to start dinner." Harry said and Louis sighed but nodded, so Liam went and played trains with the boys while Harry went and made a start on dinner. They had lots of fun.

Harry called them in 45 minutes later for dinner and Niall came running in but was told to wash his hands first.

Louis whinned. "Want to watch cartoons" Liam asked the boy. "Want to play." Louis stated and Liam sighed. "Well I need to eat as does Niall and daddy, so you either play on your own for a little bit or do something else and I'll play again afterwards daddy might play as well." Liam suggested and Louis sighed but continued to play with his toys so Liam guessed that's what he chose to do so Liam let him be and headed into the kitchen. Louis happily played whole everyone ate but soon grew tired and laid down on the sofa.

Once Everyone had finished eating Niall went back into the lounge while his parents washed up to continue playing with Louis but found the boy curled up on the sofa asleep. "I thought you were going to play with Lou?" Liam said when he saw Niall come back into the kitchen. "I was but he's asleep." Niall said and Liam nodded getting up to take the boy to bed and just hoped that he would sleep through the night without waking. Liam took the boy upstairs and put a pull up on him before setting the feed up.

Once Harry finished washing up he asked Niall what he wanted to do.Niall just shrugged so Harry decided to wait for Liam to come back down and then they could watch a film. Niall cuddled into his dad.

Once Louis was settled in bed, Liam called his sister to tell her the plan if Louis was really tired the next day like he was at that day. Ruth agreed saying Jake was desperate to see Niall and would be happy to do whatever as long as he was with Niall so once they had everything sorted Liam went and joined Niall and Harry on the sofa.

Niall watched a film with his two dad's and got to stay up later. "Right Ni I think it's time for bed." Harry said as he turned off the tv ready for bed himself. "But dad." Niall moaned. "No come on papa and I are going to bed as well." Harry said and Niall sighed but nodded and got up heading upstairs with Liam and Niall not far behind. Niall went to bed and his dad switched his light of and night light on tucking the boy in.

Liam went and changed Louis pull up. Louis started to stir slightly as Liam was finishing changing him so paused and was relieved when the boy settled back down so Liam carefully finished changing him before getting him back in bed and tucking him in. Liam disposed the dirty pull up and washed his hands before saying and joining Harry in bed. Harry curled into Liam's side when he felt Liam lie down and soon the whole house fell quiet. Everyone slept through till gone 8 the next morning.

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