Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 30

781 19 6
By ilangel1

This is written by myself and doodle1403 in private message.  Thanks for the votes and comments.

Harry and Liam shortly went to bed afterwards as Liam was up early the next day. Liam carefully took Louis to the toilet as the boy was having milk running through him for 12 hours only on a low rate tonight. Louis barely stirred. Liam then went to bed and cuddled Harry. When Liam's alarm went off at 6 the next morning the first thing he did was go and check on Louis who was curled up asleep. He smiled and went and grabbed a shower before getting dressed. "Papa' Louis called waking up and needing a wee. Liam took him to the bathroom before taking the boy to cuddle with his daddy.

Harry "I'll see you later baby." Liam said quietly kissing the boys hair before Liam left the room to get some breakfast before he had to leave. Louis snuggled into his daddy who was asleep.

Liam left for work at around 6:45 in the morning. He got to work and chatted to his colleagues.

Niall woke up around 7 and walked over to his parents room climbing onto the bed and smiling when he saw Louis already there who was awake and instantly cuddled into Niall. Niall cuddled his brother. Harry soon woke up and smiled as he cuddled his boys and disconnected Louis feed when the machine beeped.

"Dad Can I have some breakfast?" Niall asked and Harry nodded. "Course Love." Harry said as Niall got out the bed and Harry then picked Louis up who had raised his arms wanting to be carried. "Right let's go." Harry said heading downstairs and into the kitchen Niall following closely behind. Harry put Louis down as he made some cereal to Niall and something for himself. They had breakfast and got dressed and had a movie morning.

"Dad I'm bored." Niall stated after the second film finished looking up at Harry. "I know love." Harry said with a chuckle as Niall had been walking around the house in circles near the end of the movie. "Can we go out, please." Niall begged and Harry sighed. "I don't know love, it's going to take time for Louis to get his energy back." Harry said looking down at the 4 year old who was curled into Harry Asleep. "But he's been asleep for over an hour and when he gets tired we can back home. But please Dad, I want to play in the park." Niall said again and Harry sighed. "Louis won't be asleep for much longer so when he wakes up I'll see how he is, but I'm not promising anything Niall." Harry said and Niall nodded knowing that answer was better than an outright no.

Harry told Niall to go and get a game ad he carefully placed Louis on the sofa. Niall smiled and got connect 4. Harry and Niall played multiple rounds of connect 4 before Louis started to wake and Niall looked up excitedly seeing his brother waking up. "Don't get to excited I don't know how he's going to be feeling." Harry warned before getting up and going over to Louis. "Hey baby, how you feeling?" Harry asked and Niall looked up hopefully waiting for his brothers reply. Louis held his hand up to be cuddled. Harry picked up the boy and hugged him. Harry could tell the boy wouldn't last to go the park.

"Want to go in the garden for a bit Lou" Harry suggested. "Cuddle though." Louis whined and Harry nodded. "I know we're go in the garden and I'll cuddle with you and then if you want you can play." Louis nodded before Harry told Niall to get his coat on and shoes as they were going to go in the garden. Harry put Louis cost and shoes on and he moaned but let Harry do it. Before Harry out his own coat and shoes on. They then went into the garden. Niall ran off to the climbing frame they had in the garden as Harry sat down with Louis on his lap.

"Cold Daddy." Louis moaned. "I know sweetie, why don't you go and play with Ni for a bit, your warm up then." Harry suggested. "Maybe in a minute." Louis said and Harry nodded wrapping his arms around Louis and kissing his hair. Niall had fun out there with the climbing frame.

About half hour later "swing daddy" Louis said. Harry placed Louis in the swing. Niall ran over and pushed his brother carefully. They were in the garden till around 3 which was when Liam appeared. "Papa." Niall shouted before running over to Liam. Liam smiled and picked the boy up before walking over to Louis and Harry. "Hey love, your home early, wasn't expecting you for another hour or two." "Yeah it's pretty quiet so they said I could come home earlier as they obviously know about Lou and everything." Liam explained as Louis came over and wrapped his arms around Liam's leg.

Louis laid his head on his papa's lap. What time did he last have a feed through the tube" Liam asked. "Around 10 I think he fell asleep shortly after that and then we've been out here since." Harry explained and Liam nodded before saying he would take Louis in and give him another feed through the tube. Harry nodded and stated outside with Niall for awhile longer. "Dad can you play football with me?" Niall asked and Harry nodded watching as Niall ran off to grab a ball. Harry was impressed by Nialls football skills. They had a lot of fun. It soon got dark so they headed inside.

Liam took Louis inside and set his feed up and cuddled the boy who fell asleep straight away. Liam smiled at the boy as he slept curled into Liam's side and turned the TV on quietly so he didn't wake Louis.

When they got inside Harry and Niall quietly walked into the living room knowing Louis would probably be asleep and when they saw the boy was sleeping they both smiled before Harry sat down on a chair and Niall cuddled into his lap. Niall soon moaned about being hungry. Harry smiled as he could just heat up yesterdays Chinese.

Louis pumped beeped and Liam turned it of and disconnected the feed from the tube. "Li you better wake him or he'll never sleep tonight." Harry said as he got up to heat up Niall's Chinese. "I'm pretty sure he would sleep but I'll wake him anyway." Liam said as he set to work on waking the youngest of the family. Louis groaned "sleep" the youngest moaned. Liam sighed as Harry brought the Chinese in. "I bet your favourite programme is on." Liam said turning the TV on hoping to find something for Louis to watch as Harry handed Niall his noodles. "Don't want to watch want to sleep." Louis whined. "Louis Baby just stay awake for an hour and then it will be bedtime and you can sleep all night. "'Liam promised and Louis sighed but nodded turning his attention to the TV. However no matter how hard they tried to keep the boy awake he was asleep ten minutes later. They decided to let the boy sleep.

Harry finished his dinner first and took Louis up to bed and set the feed up. Liam cleaned up. Niall changed the channel. "Papa you working again tomorrow or are you home?" Niall asked. "I'm working again Ni baby I'm afraid." Niall sighed at that before climbing onto Liam's lap once he sat down on the sofa. "I don't like you working weekends, I haven't seen you really all week and now your Working all weekend. I know I said I didn't mind and I know it's Niall looked up when Harry walked into the room and Harry smiled at him.

"How long has he been in here?" Harry asked gesturing to Louis who had fallen asleep again. "About an hour" Niall said and Harry nodded picking the boy up so Niall could get up. "Because of lou, but I want to spend time with you." Niall finished and Liam sighed wrapping his arms around Niall. "I know Ni sweetie but I'm a nurse and hospitals are open all the time, one day after school next week we will do something just you and me" Liam said. Niall beamed at this. Liam had one thing in mind but had to speak to Harry first. "Really?" Niall said. "Yep I'll pick you up and then we'll go and have some fun." Liam said. "What are we going to do?" Niall asked. "Well that's a surprise." Liam told his son. "Please tell me." Niall pleaded. "Nope." Liam said as he started to tickle Niall who giggled and tried to get out of Liam's hold.

Liam had to talk to Harry but with Lou the way he is, with the 1st of December coming up Liam thought he would take Niall and they would choose a small Christmas tree. Harry came downstairs to giggling. "Dad help" Niall laughed. "What have you done to get yourself in that situation Ni?" Harry said chuckling and Niall shrugged as Liam continued tickling him. "This one was trying to get me to tell him where I'm taking him after school one day next week." Liam said before letting Niall go. "Go and shower love." Liam said and Niall glared at Liam before running off upstairs.

"So where are you planning on taking him then?" Harry asked once he was sure He could hear the shower running, as he didn't want to ruin the surprise. "Well if it's ok with you I was thinking that me and ni could choose the tree this year, Ni just told me had misses spending time with me" Liam said. Harry beamed. "That's a great idea as I would rather Lou be awake for decorating it." Harry said. "Well that's sorted then I don't know what day it will be as my shifts are all over the place at the moment but I'll check them tomorrow when I'm in work then the first day I'm home on the evening I'll pick Ni up from school and we're get a tree." Liam said and Harry nodded. "Sounds great." Harrys said.Niall showered and got dried and dressed. Niall soon came down and said night to his parents. Harry and Liam cuddled for going to bed.

The next morning went the same as the morning before. Liam showering and then helping Louis go to the toilet and leaving him in bed to cuddle with Harry. Louis however once he was more awake decided to go and cuddle with Niall. He carefully got up without waking Harry and walked over to Niall's room. He carefully climbed onto Niall's bed and wormed his way under Niall's duvet causing the 7 year old to stir at the movement and opening his eyes was surprised to see Louis. "Lou, why are you in here?" Niall said half asleep. "Cuddle." Louis mumbled snuggling into Niall's side. Niall smiled and let his brother cuddle him.

About an hour later Harry woke up and went to investigate where his two sons were and smiled as they were cuddled in Nialls bed. Niall looked up when Harry walked into the room and Harry smiled at him. "How long has he been in here?" Harry asked gesturing to Louis who had fallen asleep again. "About an hour" Niall said and Harry nodded picking the boy up so Niall could get up. They got dressed and went and had breakfast. Louis had a milkshake.

Harry text gemma to see what they had planned that day as he knew Louis wouldn't want to do much. Gemma texted back saying that they had nothing really planned and were only really planning on seeing Anne and Robin. Harry then replied saying why don't they all just come to his as he knew Niall could then play with Adam and Louis could see everyone but still be in his own home. "You sure that would be great if you don't mind" Gemma text back. Harry replied to Gemma to come for 11.

Niall then appeared and started to whine about how bored he was going to be that day. "Well lucky for you I've already thought ahead and auntie Gemma is coming over so you can play with Adam." Niall beamed at this as he didn't think he could survive another day of doing nothing. "When they coming?" Niall asked. "about 11." Harry said and Niall nodded before running off who knows where. Harry smiled and went and carried Louis into the lounge.

They had a lazy morning till Gemma arrived with Adam and Katie. "Adam." Niall squealed seeing the slightly younger boy and Adam smiled before going to run up the stairs but Gemma stopped him. "Adam shoes." She said and the boy nodded taking his shoes off and coat before running up the stairs where Niall was calling him from.

Gemma and Katie followed Harry back into the living room where Louis was watching cartoons smiling when he saw Gemma and Katie. "Can I have a cuddle Lou" Katie asked. Louis nodded and moved slightly allowing Katie to sit down and cuddle him. Harry smiled and offered gemma a hot drink. Katie smiled at the small boy and cuddled the boy close. "Katie be careful with Louis." Gemma said catching Katie pulling the boy in closer. "I don't think he minds mum." Katie said gesturing to Louis who simply placed his thumb in his mouth and continued to watch his cartoons. Gemma nodded before heading into the kitchen where Harry was making hot drinks for himself and his sister.

Adam and Niall were upstairs messing around and having fun. Harry came upstairs after making coffee for himself and tea for his sister to see if the boys wanted a drink. They both said yrs please and had juice. Harry the went to ask Katie and gave Louis a milkshake . Once everyone had drinks and was comfy either upstairs in the playroom or in the living room Harry saw Louis starting to get tired as he was rubbing his eyes and it wasn't long till the boy wiggled out of Katie's hold and went over to Harry climbing onto his lap. Harry cuddled the pair and started speaking to his niece as Louis fell asleep on his lap. Niall and Adam played a game upstairs.

"How you finding school Katie?" Harry asked and Katie shrugged. "It's okay I guess But year 6 is hard." Katie mumbled. "Yeah But your enjoying it aren't you baby. I mean we're looking around secondary schools now." Gemma responded but Katie shrugged. "What else you been doing katie" Harry asked. "We went shopping yesterday just me and mum while Adam dif something with Dad Katie said "Sounds fun." Harry said and Katie nodded. "Yeah it was, I don't get much time with just mum and I." Katie said and Gemma smiled at her. "I know sweetie but we're going to start making it a monthly thing aren't we." Katie smiled happily before heading into the kitchen to get another drink.

"Funny enough Liam was saying last night that Niall feels left out especially with all the attention Louis' getting at the moment." "Aw bless him, I imagine it is hard for him though." Gemma replied. "Yeah I guess but Liam's meant to be picking him up from school one day next week to get a Christmas tree just the pair of them so hopefully Niall will enjoy that." Harry said and Gemma nodded.

"I'm sure he'll love it. Where is Li anyway?" Gemma asked. "Working, as he's been changing shifts because of lou as he's not going to school at the moment and needs someone home with him." Harry explained and Gemma nodded. "Oh yea before I forget Liam hasn't told Niall what they are doing so please keep it quite." Harry said looking at Louis who was fast asleep.

Niall and Adam carried on playing for awhile. Niall coming down to get Katie to play a game. Katie happily played with her cousins.

Gemma asked Harry if she could do the lunch as Louis was still asleep on him at around 1. "That would be brilliant." Harry said and Gemma nodded heading into the kitchen to find something she could make for lunch. After shifting around in Harry's cupboards she just decided to make a range of different kinds of sandwiches and when she had made the sandwiches with all different fillings she called the 3 kids who were upstairs downstairs so they could get some lunch.

The three kids thanked gemma and started eating. Gemma took Harry's to him who was connecting Louis feed. Gemma then went and joined the kids in the kitchen for lunch. "So you guys having fun?" Gemma asked and the 3 kids nodded. "Yeah were playing monopoly. Well we're trying." Katie said knowing it was a challenge playing the game properly with Niall and Adam as they didn't really understand. Niall was playing it and understanding it, but Adam was struggling. It was helping them both add up though so Katie didn't mind. After lunch the 3 went back upstairs to finish there game while Gemma walked into the living room seeing Louis just starting to wake up who was still cuddled on Harry's lap.

Gemma smiled and chatted to Harry before seeing if she could cuddle her nephew. "Where ni" Louis asked. "Upstairs shall we all go upstairs" Harry said picking the boy up. Louis nodded so Harry headed upstairs and into the playroom where the 3 kids weren't really doing much. "Hey, Louis' come to join you." Harry said placing Louis down who toddled over to his brother and cousins. "Niall watch him." Harry reminded and Niall nodded before Harry went back downstairs with Gemma. Gemma and Harry talked downstairs.

Katie smiled as Louis laid on Nialls lap. Katie passed Niall the dice and told him she would move his piece. "Do you want to roll the dice lou?" Niall asked getting a nod from Louis so Niall handed him the dice. Was Louis had rolled Katie moved Niall's piece for him while Niall rubbed Louis' back who was watching Katie move Niall's piece around the board. Niall landed on Katie's property and got Louis helping him count. Katie smiled at how good Niall was with Louis. Louis soon got bored of the game as he didn't really understand so the rest of the kids decided to do something Louis could also join in with.

"What do you want to play next Louis?" Katie asked and Louis shrugged. "How about we play with your trains and cars?" Katie suggested and Louis quickly nodded getting off Niall's lap and going to get his trains and cars which were in the corner of the playroom . Louis played for two hours before getting tired and Katie carried the boy downstairs to Harry where Louis cuddled into and shut his eyes "You tired baby boy?" Harry asked and Louis sleepily nodded not opening his eyes. Harry smiled and started to play with the boys hair and it wasn't even 5 minutes before the boy was sound asleep.

Gemma and Harry spoke for a bit longer as the other three kids played. Gemma soon left and Harry carefully placed a fast asleep Louis on the sofa. Harry knew Liam wasn't getting in till 9 that night.

"Ni can you can you come and do some reading please." Harry called as Niall had ran back upstairs. "Do I have to?" Niall whined but did reappear. "Yep Baby, you haven't done any since Monday." Harry said and Niall sighed before going to grab his reading book from his school bag. Niall read to Harry as Louis slept on the boys lap. Niall also showed his dad his other homework he got. Harry and Niall worked through all the homework Niall had before Louis showed signs of waking. When he did he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Hey baby, good nap?" Harry asked and Louis nodded.

"Right I'm going to make dinner and it's jacket potato's so any thoughts on fillings Ni?" Harry asked as he watched Louis get comfy again on Niall's lap. "Cheese?" Niall asked and Harry nodded. Harry went and made dinner while Louis and Niall cuddled watching cartoons. That is until Harry came and picked Louis up and Niall ran to the kitchen. "Ni ni." Louis whined as he saw Niall run off. "He's gone to eat dinner." Harry said and Louis sighed. "Do you want to come into the kitchen or stay in here and watch cartoons?" Louis just shrugged Resting his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry sighed as he let Louis cuddle into him.

"Ni I'm taking Louis for a bath you ok when here" Harry said. "I'm fine dad" Niall said. Harry then took Louis up for a bath planning some one on one time with Niall before bed but knowing the boy had school the next day. "Do you want to play with your ducks?" Harry asked knowing the boy had only just woke up so he might have a bit of energy. "And boats." Louis said and Harry nodded. "Course How could I forget the boats." Harry said causing Louis to giggle before Harry passed him the toys and the boy began to play causing Harry to smile as this was a massive step in the right direction Harry smiled as he let the boy play for a bit before washing him when he saw Louis yawn. Harry hoped the milk feed was helping him. Harry carefully dried the boy before wrapping him in the towel and carrying him into his room so he could get him dressed into his pyjamas. Once the boy was dressed Harry could see the boy fighting to stay awake so Harry connected Louis night milk feed up and then read the boy a story and was asleep within 10 minutes.

Niall finished eating and went and watched tv. Harry walked downstairs seeing Niall watching cartoons and picked him earning a gasp from Niall as he didn't know Harry was in the room but the boy soon began giggling when he realised it was just Harry. Harry decided to tickle the boy earning more giggles from Niall. Harry soon stopped and asked Niall what he wanted to do as Louis was asleep in bed.

"Umm can we play with the Lego but like make it contest on who can build the best thing?" Niall asked and when Harry nodded Niall ran up the stairs to get his Lego before coming back down and pouring it all out onto the living room floor. Harry and Niall got to do it. Harry smiled as he saw what Niall was building. They were having fun but it soon got late and Harry sent Niall to shower and bed and they would carry on tomorrow after school.

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