Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

84K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 28

712 15 6
By ilangel1

This has been written by myself and doodle1403 in private message.
Thank you for everyone that has stuck by this story.  Would be great to hear people's comments on this story.

Harry made something for himself and Liam which Liam could heat when he got home. Harry then coaxed Louis awake and tried him with something the boy refused anything. Harry got him to eat one mouthful of pasta before giving Louis a milkshake. Harry then bathed Louis who was falling asleep in the bath. They soon finished the bath and Harry dressed Louis before he got into bed and read the boy a story. Harry heard the door go as he read the story. Once Louis was asleep Harry came down and listened to the chat Liam was having with Niall. "How's Lou?" Liam asked as Niall climbed onto his lap. "Asleep and hopefully he'll sleep the night as he's going to have a tough day tomorrow." Harry said knowing Louis had recently been waking up in the night.

"Will you pick me up from school tomorrow?" Niall asked then and Liam shrugged. "I don't know love I don't know how long we're be at the hospital with Louis but if we're not Uncle Tom said he'll pick you up and you can play with Adam again." Niall just nodded. "I just want Louis to get better." Niall said. "I know sweetie and he will." Liam said. "And we know his brother will help him" Harry said. "How can I" Niall asked. Liam and Harry smiled at how sweet Niall is. "Louis will be happy if you just simply cuddle with him. He misses his big brother just as much as you miss him. Just because he can't play doesn't mean you can't be around each other. You can watch films or maybe read him one of your books." Liam suggested and Niall nodded happy to do that. Niall cuddled his dad's before going for a shower. Liam and Harry spoke as Liam had something to eat.

"He will be okay won't he?" Harry asked and Liam looked up. "Who Louis?" Liam asked. "Yeah." Harry replied. "Of Course Love he's going to be fine." Liam said as he carried on eating. "I just want my bouncy bubbly loud Louis back." Harry said. "And he will be, trust me Haz." Liam said and Harry nodded knowing Liam was right. Niall soon came down and Liam then took him up to bed and read him story before checking on Louis who was still sound asleep. Liam smiled at the boy and left Louis before going downstairs. Liam and Louis cuddled up together. "Haz do you want me to go through anything about tomorrow" Liam asked.

Harry nodded and started explaining in simple language what reflux was and showed him what he found for the kids about reflux, the test tomorrow and the naso-gastric tube. "Do you understand a bit more now?" Liam asked and Harry nodded. "He's going to hate this isn't he?" Harry asked and Liam sighed but nodded. "Probably but we will deal with it as a family and once Louis knows it's to help him he'll probably be okay." Liam reassured Harry who nodded before Liam decided it was probably for the best to go to bed.Liam had a sudden thought as he also knew how well kids adapt to this and take it in there stride. Liam decided to make a temporarily tube for his lion and sheep. Harry went up to bed while Liam worked on it. "Harry look at these." Liam said happily coming into his and Harry's room 2 hours later. "Li, I'm trying to sleep." Harry moaned. "Just 2 minutes love then you can go back to sleep." Liam told him and Harry sighed but sat up rubbing his eyes. "What do you think?" Liam asked and Harry smiled. "I think he'll love it." Harry said seeing Liam had put one of his creations on one of Louis' other stuffed toys that he's not as attached too. "Do you think?" Liam asked. "Yeah, now come on come to bed or your going to be exhausted tomorrow." Harry said and Liam nodded before heading off to get ready for bed.

It was around three in the morning when Louis woke up. His body was hungry he refused to sleep. Liam gave the boy one of his milkshakes before Louis went back to sleep in his bed. Liam tucked the boy in and went back to bed himself.

The next morning everyone was in a bit of a rush as Liam had forgot to set an alarm and Louis being as tired as he was wasn't waking up very early voluntarily so the whole family were around 30 minutes later. "Harry pack some things for Louis and make sure you don't forget any of his comfort things." Liam called out as he was trying to sort Niall's breakfast and get Louis settled at the same time as he hadn't woken up in the best of moods. Niall was eating away. Liam gave Louis a milkshake. Harry was packing the boys bag and making sure he had everything.

"Right shoes and coat on Ni." Liam said as he quickly put Niall's bowl in the dishwasher before picking Louis up and carrying him into the hall putting some shoes on him and helping him with his coat. "Got everything?" Liam asked seeing Harry come downstairs. "Yeah." Harry nodded handing Louis his blanket knowing the boy would want it now so didn't bother packing it. Louis smiled when he was handed his blanket and Liam then quickly got his own shoes on before opening the door letting Niall run out to the car while he picked Louis up again while Harry grabbed the bag for Louis and Niall's school bag.

They got in the car. They were running late as Niall was late for school but they new the situation with Louis as Liam updated then earlier in the week.Liam quickly ran into the main reception with Niall as the boy had to be signed in that way as school had already started. Once Liam had him signed in he hugged Niall and told him to have a good day before Niall headed for his classroom and Liam ran back out to the car so they could head for the hospital. Niall went to class and sat in his seat.

They got to the hospital a bit late for Louis appointment. Liam appologised the Dr was understanding. Of course Louis had fallen asleep in the car. "Can you wake him up, he needs to be awake for this." The Dr asked and Liam nodded slowly rubbing Louis' back who moaned slightly but opened his eyes. "Hey baby, you remember this nice doctor from the other day." Liam said and Louis turned to look at the dr and then nodded. "Well he's going to do some more tests on you today so we can get to the bottom of why your not eating Okay." Louis just nodded too tired to put up much of a fight as he laid his head down on Liam's chest. Harry got the three teddies he brought out the bag.

The Dr did Louis weight and noticed the boy has lost a lot weight. The Dr then explained to Liam and Harry what was going to happen well he explained it to Liam as Harry was pretty lost again so Liam just put him in charge of comforting Louis as the boy was pretty scared about what was going on.

"Do you want your cuddly toys." Harry asked showing Louis the toys trying to distract him from his surroundings. Louis nodded and made grabby hands for his sheep which was his favourite toy and snuggled with the sheep while Harry bounced his legs so Louis didn't fall asleep. Liam got one of Louis other teddies out to show him what they are going to do that day. The Dr nodded at Liam knowing he was a nurse.Once Liam had finished showing Louis What was going to happen the doctor started getting things ready and Louis after been shown was a lot calmer and Liam was glad for that, Louis didn't put up a fight at all when the Dr's put the tube in his nose and secured it. He then attached the box at the bottom and explained to Liam and Harry what buttons to press if eats or drink.

He also gave them a diary to fill in to say what Harry was doing each hour it could just be one work like sleeping, watching TV. "Right so now we just come back tomorrow and then your get the results and have some ideas of what's going on." Harry asked. "Yes that's the plan so bring him in for around 11 tomorrow and I'll have the results and were go from there." The dr explained. "Right Louis, is that comfy, it doesn't hurt or anything?" The dr asked the boy who shook his head. Will you have the results straight away of will you need to download the box first" Liam asked.

Louis smiled at his teddies they had a tube in just like him. He liked it and didn't actually mind it. "There get downloaded and analysed by me and then another doctor but you should know by the end of the day and if not the next morning." Liam nodded and then smiled at Louis happy that the boy wasn't to fussed. Liam and Harry thanked the Dr before leaving. They passed the hospital shop and Liam brought Louis a treat Once Liam had brought Louis the present the 3 headed back to the car, Louis almost asleep on Liam's hip.

"Your my brave little boy aren't you." Liam whispered as they reached the car and Liam buckled Louis in. "Brave." Louis mumbled before he shut his eyes and curled in on himself well the best he could well being buckled into his car seat. Harry then gave him his blanket before shutting the back door and getting into the passenger side before Liam started to drive home. By the time they arrived home Louis had fallen asleep. Harry carefully carried him in and carried him upstairs. He sighed as Louis was getting lighter to carry.

Harry got Louis tucked into bed carefully making sure that the tube wasn't tangled or anything and then kissed Louis' forehead and headed downstairs. "Louis is defiantly getting lighter." Harry said. "Yeah the Doctor said today he was way below what they would expect weight wise for a 4 year old but I can't really say I'm surprised." Liam said sadly and Harry just sighed before sitting down on the sofa next to Liam. Harry and Liam cuddled for a bit and watched tv together. They enjoyed the peace and quite and each other's company.

Niall was having fun at school with his friend's.

It was around 2 hours later Louis came down the stairs and climbed onto the sofa between his 2 parents. "Hey baby, good nap?" Louis nodded before rubbing his eyes. Louis cuddled his two dad's. Harry soon got up and went and made lunch. He made sandwiches. He did Louis half a slice of bread with cheese on it. Harry soon called Liam and Louis through. Liam soon came in with Louis on his hip who glared at the bread not really wanting to eat. "Come on lou, you need to eat so we can find out why it's so hard for you." Harry explained and Louis sighed but broke of a tiny corner of the bread and put it in his mouth.

"You need to eat a bit more than that?" Harry said and reluctantly Louis did the same with the other corner. Liam broke of another bit for Louis who shook his head. "One more mouthful" Liam said. Louis sighed but reluctantly agreed. "Good boy." Liam said once Louis had swallowed the mouthful. "Do you want a drink baby?" Harry asked and Louis nodded before climbing onto Liam's lap.

Harry got up and got Louis milkshake Writting down on the bit of paper what he had eaten and the time. By the time lunch was done the family went to cuddle on the sofa for an hour before Liam had to go and get Niall from school. "Where you going Papa?" Louis asked. "I'm going to get Ni from school baby." Liam said as he passed Louis over to Harry. Louis nodded and snuggled into Harry and Liam headed off to pick Niall up from school. Louis drifted of to sleep.

Harry tried to stay awake but couldn't.Liam decided however to walk to the school and take Niall's bike as the weather was nice for late November and he felt kind of bad for the boy as he was constantly inside at the moment cause of Louis. Niall beamed as he came out and saw his papa talking to Gemma. He saw his bike and hugged his papa thank you. Niall said hello to his aunty and cousins before they got on their bikes.

"Right let's go then Ni." Liam said once he took Niall school bag and put it on his own back and made sure Niall's helmet was on securely. Niall smiled and rode his bike. Liam told him not to go to far ahead. "Papa can we go to the park?" Niall asked as he rode back over to Liam. "Alright Love But not for long." Liam said and Niall smiled before riding off in the opposite direction of their house and towards the park. Niall rode round the park for a bit but it soon was getting dark so they made their way home." Ni before we ride home can you get of your bike and come sit here" Liam asked. Niall nodded but went over to Liam and sat down on the bench next to him. "What is it Papa?" Niall asked as he searched through his school bag looking for his water bottle. Niall got his water bottle out and took some sips. "Louis had some tests today and with that test he has a special tube in his nose do you remember the picture I showed you yesterday" Liam asked. Niall nodded. "Is that the one with the special box on it." Niall said. "Yes it is, but no treating Louis any different" Liam said.

"I know Papa I'm going to watch tv with him when we get home and then cuddle with him." Niall said happily remembering the conversation he had with his parents last night. "I'm sure he'll love that baby." Liam said as he gestured to Niall to get back on his bike and the pair headed home. Niall rode home carefully.

Louis woke up and nudged his daddy awake. "Toilet daddy quick" the four year old said. Harry quickly picked Louis up and took him to the nearest toilet and sat him down. Louis went for a wee and told his daddy he was done. Harry cleaned him before taking him back to the lounge and offered the boy a biscuit or a yoghurt. Louis off course declined Harry's offer but Harry got the boy a yoghurt. "Daddy I said I didn't want anything." Louis whined but Harry shook his head. "Just a couple of spoonfuls." Harry said and Louis sighed but opened his mouth when Harry held a spoonful of yoghurt up to his mouth. NLouis had two spoonfuls before shutting his mouth tight.

Harry pressed the button on the box that he was shown and wrote on the paper what they had been doing. Louis was just getting comfy cuddling with Harry when the front door opened and Niall came running in. "Hey Ni, good day?" Harry asked. "Yes, can I cuddle with Lou?" Niall asked and Louis looked up shocked as his brother hadn't really been around him recently but made grabby hands at his brother anyway. Harry smiled before getting up carefully and letting Niall take his place. "Go careful okay." Harry said before he walked into the kitchen to find Liam leaving his to boys to cuddle. Niall cuddled his brother and turned the TV on as he moved carefully. Niall selected one of Louis favourite programmes. The boys had both missed each other.

Harry walked into the living room an hour later as dinner was done to be met with the sight of boys sound asleep, Louis cuddled extremely tightly into Niall while Niall had his arm around Louis. "Li Come here." Harry called quietly and Liam soon came over and cooed at the boys. "I'm glad Niall's not teasing him." Liam said. "Yeah I know I never thought he would but it was always a concern." Harry said and Liam nodded before quietly walking into the room to wake the boys. "Li stop before you wake them gonna take a picture" Harry says going to grab his phone he thought it was to cute to miss. Once Harry took the photo he said to Liam to go ahead and wake the boys and Liam nodded gently shaking Niall's shoulder before picking Louis up so Niall didn't accidentally hurt him as he woke. "Hey love, its dinner time." Liam said quietly as he rubbed Louis' back to wake the 4 year old.

Louis stretched and shook his head. "Had yoghurt before" the four year old moaned. "Dad what's for dinner" Niall asked as he stretched and sat up. "Curry." Harry said with a smile knowing it was one of Niall's favourites and the boy smiled before getting up and heading Into the kitchen. "Come on lou, I know how much you like curry." Liam said as he walked into the kitchen sitting Louis down in his seat. "Not anymore." Louis whined looking at his plate as Niall started to eat his. "Just a couple of forkfuls that's all I'm asking for." Liam said and Louis sighed before picking up his fork. Louis had one forkful and refused anymore. The adults offered Louis some ice cream. Niall loved his dinner. Louis shook his head to the ice cream but obviously Niall happily agreed. Harry got Niall some ice cream while Liam took Louis upstairs so he could start getting him ready for bed. Liam just gave Louis a wash down as he couldn't get the box wet. He then got Louis dresses and made sure the boy went to the toilet and brushed his teeth.

Niall watched tv while Harry cleared up. Niall watched tv for a while before heading upstairs and when he passed Louis' room he heard Liam reading him a story. Niall quietly entered the room and both Louis and Liam looked up when they heard the movement. "Hey Ni." Liam said and Niall smiled before walking over to Louis' bed climbing next to Louis and almost instantly the younger brother curled into his older brother. "I'm guessing your joining us then Ni." Liam said with a chuckle seeing his 2 sons and Niall just nodded as Louis shifted around trying to find the most comfortable position.

Louis soon got comfortable cuddled up to his brother. Liam read the story and soon both boys were asleep. Liam smiled when he saw the pair and although he really didn't want to wake Niall the boy was still in his school uniform. "Ni sweetie wake up." Liam whispered not wanting to wake Niall. "Hmm." Niall moaned. "Come on you need to get ready for bed." Liam whispered and Niall groaned but opened his eyes and raised his arms for Liam to take him.

"You tired?" Liam asked and Niall sleepily nodded before laying his head down on Liam's shoulder and Liam carried the boy to his bedroom so he could get ready for bed.Liam helped Niall get ready got bed and he was soon fast asleep. Liam went and spent time with Harry "They both asleep? Niall disappeared from down here. One minute he was watching cartoons the next he was gone." "Yeah he came up with Louis and I while I was reading Louis' bedtime story." "They've been so cute together tonight I hope it stays that way." Harry said. "I'm sure it will." Liam mumbled as he cuddled into Harry and the pair watched a film.

Harry and Liam soon went up to bed. Everyone slept the whole way through. The next morning was much easier as they got ready dropped Niall of and the knowledge went to the hospital When they reached the hospital Liam carried Louis in and sat down in the waiting room with the boy on his lap who was looking around curiously as the boy quite surprisingly was actually pretty awake that morning compared to the other times they've been here.

Louis looked round and saw all the pretty pictures and stickers on the wall pointing out a few characters. "Do you like them?" Liam asked. "Yeah I want a Nemo sticker in my room." Louis said looking at Liam. "Do you now." Liam said. "Yes Papa please." Louis begged and Liam couldn't resist Louis' wide pleading eyes. "If your a good boy today we're see." Liam said and Louis smiled and hugged his papa and Harry watched on fondly. Louis was soon called through and the Dr took the tube out and disconnected the box. Even if Louis did need a tube it would be a diff sort to the one they use for the test similar. The Dr then informed them they would download the information and hopefully get back to them by the end of the day or early tomorrow. Liam and Harry nodded. "Is it ok for us to go home in the meantime" Harry asked. "Yeah Course, just keep trying to get him to eat in the meantime and when we know the results were get you back in and discuss if we need to do anymore tests or if we know what's causing it now we're sort out treatment for him." The dr said and both Harry and Liam nodded thanking the dr before the 3 left the room. They went home. Louis of course refused any food. They had lots of cuddles that day and even played with Louis trains for half hour.

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