Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 27

748 15 0
By ilangel1

The next morning Liam got straight on the phone to some of his colleagues who agreed for them to bring Louis in for around 9 so Liam then woke Harry telling him who nodded before going to wake Niall so he could get ready for school while Liam had a shower. Liam prepared Niall's breakfast and something for himself and Harry. Harry soon came down with a sleepy Louis on his hip who had his blanket in his hand. "Liam are we getting him dressed?" Harry asked gesturing to Louis. "Just put him in some joggers and a sweatshirt." Liam said and Harry nodded grabbing a piece of toast before walking back upstairs to get Louis dressed. Soon everyone was in the car and they dropped Niall of at school before driving to the hospital.

It was supposed to be Liam's first day back but his colleagues were very understanding. "Daddy, Papa where are we?" Louis asked looking around. "This is where Papa works but we're here today so we can help you eat Okay." Liam explained and Louis nodded just as they were called so Liam picked him up and walked over to the room where they were meant to be. The doctor then asked Liam and Harry a range of questions before deciding he had enough information.

"Right what I'm going to do is just check him over to make sure there isn't a general reason why he doesn't want to eat and then if I can't find anything we're talk about what we can do as then it will be clear that it's phycological." The doctor explained and Liam and Harry nodded as Liam placed Louis down on the table although the boy wasn't a fan of being put down and started crying. "Can I put him on my lap to examine him" Liam questions. The Dr nods as he doesn't want to upset the four year old. "Haz can you get his teddy out the bag and the Dr can show Lou what he is doing on Lion and sheep" Liam says.

Harry nodded and got the stuffed toys out the bag while Liam sat on the table himself placing Louis on his lap. Louis instantly tried to turn around and cuddle into Liam but Liam stopped him. "I'm sorry baby but we're cuddle once this is all over." Louis just sniffled and rubbed his eyes before his eyes caught Harry getting his stuffed animals out the bag.

"Hang on lou Dr Scott wants to examine your animals as well, so make sure you watch closely and then cause then the doctors going to examine you." Harry explained but Louis continued to reach for his sheep so Harry gave the sheep to Louis who cuddled it and then watched intently what the doctor was doing with his lion. The Dr put the stethoscope on the lions chest to listen to his heart and then did the same with Sheep and showed how he listens to the heart and then the chest and back. Louis looked on intently and then the Dr did it to him, Louis didn't complain. He followed the dr's breathing instructions as best as he could.

The Dr then showed Louis how he was going to look in his mouth with the sheep and lion. Louis nodded opening his mouth once he knew what was going to happen and sat still while Liam rubbed the boys back.

"Can you get off your papa's lap Louis so I can see how much you weigh." Louis nodded slowly getting more confident as time was going on. "Alright place one your stuffed toys down." The doctor said pointing to the scales and Louis nodded placing his lion down. The doctor then weighed his sheep and then got Louis to step on himself. Once he was done he told Louis he could get off and the boy walked back over to Liam who lifted him back onto his lap. The Dr came over and showed Louis how he was going to check his reflexes. Louis laughed at this and let the Dr do it.

The Dr then told Louis he would have to lie as he needed to feel his tummy. The Dr did it to the lion and sheep. Liam laid the Louis on the bed and held his hand. "Louis does it hurt anywhere" the Dr said feeling his tummy. Louis shook his head and held Liam's hand tightly and the doctor soon let him sit up and Liam instantly cuddled him knowing the doctor was probably done although to Liam's horror the doctor then stated that they wanted to take blood just to make sure as Louis was terrified of needles. Liam motioned Harry over so he could try and distract Louis from what was about to happen but as soon as Louis felt his sleeve being rolled up he turned around and instantly pulled his arm away when he saw what the doctor was about to do.

Harry got his phone out and put an episode of Peppa pig on. A nurse held Louis arm tight. Louis was engrossed in the tv programme. The doctor then gestured to the nurse that he was about to do it and Liam held onto Louis tighter as well and the boy was unaware what was about to happen although as soon as the doctor started drawing the blood Louis started to cry as he realised What was happening. "Shh Baby, it's nearly done." Liam said playing with the boys hair to try and calm him down. Look Lou what's George doing" Harry called. Liam smiled at Harry's quick thinking As Louis looked at George jumping in the puddles. "Alright I'm done, There be back in 20 minutes and we can talk then about what the next steps should be." The doctor said and Harry and Liam both nodded before Liam picked Louis back up and carried him back to the waiting room where Louis snuggled into Liam clutching onto both his soft toys.

"Papa did you bring blankie?" Louis asked sleepily and Liam knew the boy was close to falling asleep again. "I think it's in the car as you had it on the way here. I'll go grab it." Harry said and Liam smiled thankfully at him before handing him the car keys. "Your so brave Baby." Liam said softly and Louis looked at him. Liam smiled and kissed his nose before Louis snuggled back into him. Louis shut his eye's exhausted from that. Harry soon cane back with blankie and replied to his mum and Karen who were both very concerned. The Dr wanted to run more tests but had to book then in. He wasn't sure if it was psychological or if the boy had something like reflux.

"So what can we do for now?" Liam asked as he rubbed a sleeping Louis' back who was snuggled on Liam's lap holding all his comfort items. The boy fell asleep straight away when Harry came back with his blanket. "Just keep doing what your doing for now so try to get him to eat and if that fails give him the drinks. And then I've booked him in for more tests on Wednesday morning and then we're go from there." The dr explained. Liam nodded what tests are they. "One is a reflux test" depending on the results of that he may need to stsy in overnight and have an endoscopy. "For the reflux test is he having the tube down his nose for 24 hours to test the acidity in his stomach." Liam asked.""Yes we insert in the morning and all being well he can go home and just bring him back Thurs." The Dr explained. Liam nodded and Harry just looked lost at what was going on. There was a reason why Liam always had to go to these kind of things as Harry had no clue what was going on most of the time. "So just bring him in Wednesday morning and we go from there?" Liam asked and the dr nodded. "Yep bring him in around 9. So Do you have any questions?" The dr asked looking at both Liam and Harry.

Harry looked blank. "Thanks I'll explain to Harry later" Liam said. They then headed of. Bless Louis was exhausted. Liam carefully placed Louis in his car seat and the boy didn't even stir as Liam carefully buckled him in. "Right let's get home." Liam said getting in and driving off home. Harry yawned as they got in the car. Liam chuckled at that and shook his head.

"You going to nap with Lou when we get home?" Liam said and Harry nodded. "Yeah I think I will. Are you going to work tomorrow?" Harry asked and Liam nodded. "Yeah But I'm only going in for a couple hours tomorrow afternoon as they know the situation with Lou. So as soon as you come home from work I'll go in and then pick Niall up from school on my way home." Liam explained and Harry nodded. "I'm guessing we're both need to take the day off again on Wednesday." Harry said and Liam nodded. "Yeah we both need to be there." Liam said and Harry nodded. "Alright work know about Louis so it should be fine I'll just tell them when I go in in the morning." Liam then nodded and before either knew it they were home.

Harry carefully picked Louis up and took him upstairs and placed the boy in bed and then put some jogging bottoms and got into the bed gently pulling a sleeping Louis into him. Louis shifted slightly at the movement but soon settled again and Harry smiled kissing the boys hair before falling asleep himself.

Louis and Harry ended up sleeping for a couple of hours while Liam cleaned the house a bit as it was becoming a bit of a mess. When Harry and Louis came downstairs Liam made some sandwiches for himself and Harry offering Louis a bit of his but the boy refused so Liam just gave him one of his drinks. Once lunch was sorted the family decided to watch a film and before long Liam was leaving to pick Niall up from school. Louis snuggled with his daddy as they watched tv.

Liam bumped into Gemma at the gate and told him he should call her after hearing from her mum that day what had been happening. "Why is Niall always last?" Liam questioned and Gemma laughed as both Adam and Katie had already appeared. "Come on slowcoach." Liam called once he caught sight of Niall and once Niall saw him he started running. "So now he decides to speed up." Liam chuckled bending down as Niall crashed into him. "Papa." Niall squealed and Liam hugged him before standing up and Niall waved at his aunt and cousins. "Right we better get home, I'll see you around Gemma." Liam said. "Yeah but this time if you have any problems just ring and I'll come over." Gemma said and Liam thanked her before taking Niall's hand and guiding him to the car.

Niall got in the car. "How's Lou" Niall asked. "Thanks for asking ni but the same really sleepy" Liam replied. "I thought you took him to the doctors though?" Niall said and Liam nodded. "We did love and we need to go back on Wednesday so Louis can have more tests done." Liam explained. "When will Louis get better?" Niall asked and Liam sighed. "Soon baby, these tests will help and we'll be able to get to the bottom of it so we can help him." Liam explained as simply as he could. Niall nodded. "Miss playing with lou" he said. "Your be playing with him soon enough." Liam said.

Liam and Niall walked into the house when arriving home and Liam had to laugh as they had both fallen asleep again. "Niall Go and grab your reading book and spellings and I'll do that with you now." Liam said and Niall sighed. "But papa we never do it on a Monday." Louis moaned. "I know sweetie but you have football after school on a Tuesday, Thursday and sometimes Friday depending on what day you have a match and then this week we've got to take lou to the hospital again on Wednesday and I don't know how long we're going to be there for. So we're do it tonight and then we know it's all done." Liam said and Niall sighed but nodded and got his homework folder from his bag and walked into the kitchen sitting down at the table and waiting for Liam to join him.

Liam got Harry's laptop open and logged into the site that helped Niall with his homework. "Ni try to do it and if you get stuck I've set this up for you" Liam said. Niall nodded and set to work while Liam started to make dinner although it wasn't long till Niall was back on the laptop but Liam didn't mind as instead of Niall wanting to give up like he used to when he got stuck he was now able to play games and stuff through the computer before completing his homework.

Liam smiled as he watched the boy. Niall enjoyed school a bit more Now. "Papa that reminds me my teacher said can we give her the website we use as she said my homework improved, so told her I play games to understand on computer" Niall says. "I'll write it down for you Ni and put it in your homework folder." Liam said and Niall nodded before continuing with his homework.

"What's for dinner?" Niall asked a couple minutes later and Liam laughed knowing it wouldn't be long till the boys thoughts turned to his stomach. "Spaghetti and meatballs sound good?" Liam asked and Niall nodded quickly. "Alright now get that homework finished." Liam said Niall nodded turning his attention back to the laptop. Niall had lots of fun on the computer s d understood the work now. He grabbed his work sheet and got on with it.By the time Niall was done dinner was just about ready so Liam got Niall to pack everything away so they could use the table to eat at and then went to see if Harry and Louis were awake.

Liam carefully woke Harry up telling him dinner was ready. Harry stretched and then carefully woke Louis up. They went to the table for dinner. Louis refused food. "Come on Baby just one meatball." Liam said but Louis shook his head. "Li his eating is getting worse." Harry said and Liam sighed. "I know but we are getting him help now." Liam said as he got Louis one of his drinks from the fridge. Harry nodded and Louis had one of the milkshakes. Liam did now wonder if it was reflux Louis was getting when he ate. He can't believe he didn't think of it before. Soon everyone was finished dinner and Liam bathed Louis.

"Dad thanks for finding me that website my teacher wants the website and papa wrote it in my homework diary" Niall said "Your welcome bud, I'm just glad that it's helping you so much." Harry said as Niall cuddled into his side. Niall smiled up at him before Harry turned the TV on and the pair watched it together.

"Papa Can I have a story." Louis asked as Liam was getting him in bed. "I'm sure I can read you a story." Liam said and Louis smiled as Liam sat down with the book and let Louis cuddle into his side while he read to the 4 year old. Louis soon fell asleep. Liam tucked the boy in before going downstairs. They watched tv together before they sent Niall for a shower. That night was peaceful.

The next day Harry got Niall ready while Louis hugged his papa. Harry dropped Niall of at school before going to work. Harry worked in the morning and went home and took a sleeping carefully from Liam allowing him to go to work. "Alright I'll see you later." Liam said kissing both on the forehead before heading to work.

Louis shifted slightly when the front door shut but soon settled back down. When Liam reached his work he quite enjoyed seeing all his colleagues again as it had been over a week since he last worked. All Liam's colleagues were asking if he was ok and the ones that heard about the day before with Louis asked if he was ok.Liam nodded and said he was fine and that Louis would be fine it was just going to take time. Liam then started his rounds enjoying being back to somewhat normal. Liam ended up texting Gemma to pick Niall up having been asked to stay longer. Even though he had been of I'll he was nowhere near as affected as the others. Louis slept most the day Gemma had no problem with picking Niall up even though it would mean she had to go back after collecting her own kids as Niall had football practice. Liam got to work and tended to his patient enjoying being on looking after people side.

Gemma picked her kids up and decided to stay out as it was only an hour she got Adam to pick where they went as it was his turn. "Park." Adam pretty much squealed and Gemma laughed before guiding her kids to the car and driving towards the park. They walked round the park and went to the play area for a bit before going to pick up Niall from football practice.

Niall was extremely confused when he saw his aunt and cousins. "Where's my Papa?" Niall asked knowing Liam said he would pick him up. "He's been asked to stay at work longer and you dads with lou, do you want to come back to ares for a bit and play with Adam, and you Papa can pick you up on his way home from work or I can take you home now?" Gemma asked. Niall had a thought he missed having someone to play with. "Come back to yours and play with Adam please" Niall said. "Of course you can Niall let me just text your daddy and papa and then we will go back." Gemma said. Gemma wrote a quick text before they walked to the car.

When they got back to Gemma's Gemma let all 3 kids into the house who instantly ran off and then looked at her phone seeing a text from Liam saying he would get Niall on his way home and one from Harry thanking his sister. Katie went up to her room. Niall and Adam played jenga for awhile. Gemms smiled at the scene and took a couple of pictures before going to make dinner. "Dinner." Gemma yelled out and all 3 kids soon appeared sitting at the table just as Gemma's husband walked in. "Good timing." Gemma said. Tom laughed and then said hi to his kids before sitting down. "Hey Ni, how come your here?" Tom asked. "Papa's working and daddy's with lou so I came here to play with Adam until my papa can get me." Niall explained as he began to eat and tom nodded ruffling the boys hair before begin to eat himself.

Liam arrived at just gone 7 and it was tom who answered the door. "Hi Liam." Tom said. "Hey tom Thanks for looking after him." Liam said. "It's no problem he's always welcome. How's Louis?" Tom asked. "Not great, he's having further testing tomorrow so we can hopefully get to the bottom of this. I think it might be a reflux but we should find out for sure soon." Liam said and tom nodded.

"How do you treat that?" Tom asked "Medication normally he'll have to take it every morning and then he should be alright to eat. He'll just be on the medication for the rest of his life although it will eventually just become second nature to him and he'll take it without thinking about it." Liam said sadly thinking about how Louis was only 4 and could already be placed on medication for the rest of his life. "Hey, at least it's curable though." Tom said. "Yeah I guess, I mean we don't even know if it's that for sure yet anyway all I know is it's going to be a very long day tomorrow." Liam said. "Well if you need us to have Niall after school again just tell us and we're happily have him. Just text me as it's my turn to do pick up tomorrow." Tom informed him.

"Thanks tom, where is he anyway." Liam asked. "Upstairs, Ni your papa's Here." Tom called and only seconds later Niall was running down the stairs and into Liam's arms. Liam hugged his son. Had fun" Liam said. "Yea played jenga and connect 4 with Adam" Niall said just as Adam came downstairs to say hello to his uncle. "Hey Adam." Liam greeted the boy who came over to hug his uncle. "Can Niall come over more often." Adam asked and Liam shrugged. "I don't see why not but we need to get going say thanks to Gemma for me." "Course, see you soon Ni." Tom said and Niall smiled and waved before following Liam out to the car.

Liam drove home and Niall was telling him about football practice in the car. Liam smiled as he listened. Once they were home, Liam sat Niall down and told him he needed to tell him something important. Niall nodded and listened carefully as Liam explained to him in language he would understand about the test Louis was having the next day as he would be home but have a tube in his nose with a box attached to it for a day. Niall nodded. "Will this help Louis get better" he asked "It will help us find out what's wrong so we can get Louis better and have more energy to play with You" Liam said.

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