Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 25

830 16 0
By ilangel1

The next morning Liam was the first awake and Harry woke not long after. "What we doing about Lou today?" Harry asked quietly and Liam sighed. "We will keep him home I'm not going back to work yet so he can just stay with me today." Liam said and Harry nodded. "Alright well I'm working until lunch and I'll take Niall to school on my way in." Harry said before he carefully got up and headed into the bathroom to shower. Harry got showered and dressed.

Liam gently woke Niall without disturbing Louis and got the boy dressed for school. Harry then took Niall down for breakfast once he was dried and dressed. "Is Louis not going to school?" Niall asked as he was eating his cereal. "No baby he's going to stay home with papa as he's way to tired." Niall nodded and carried on eating while Harry made sure that Niall had everything in his school bag as the boy had a habit of leaving things behind. Once Liam had sent Niall downstairs he went back to his room seeing Louis had sprawled himself out in the middle of the bed, his hair was everywhere and he had his thumb of one hand in his mouth while I He was holding his blanket with the other. Liam chuckled seeing his youngest son before climbing back into the bed not having anything else to do that day apart from look after Louis. Liam fell asleep to.

Harry made breakfast for Niall and took Liam up a coffee laughing at his youngest sprawled out and then st his husband who fell right back to sleep. Harry decided to just leave Liam's coffee on his bedside table and then quietly left the room after kissing both their foreheads. "Right Ni lets go." Harry said coming down the stairs and Niall quickly appeared putting his shoes on and then Harry helped him get his coat on. "Right Go Get in the car love." Harry said opening the door and unlocking his car before Niall went running getting himself buckled in. Harry then grabbed his house keys and bag along with Niall's which he had left by the door before joining Niall in the car and heading for Niall's school. Harry dropped Niall to school before going to work.

Louis slept most the day and Liam struggled to get him to eat. Liam rang one of his work friends who was dietician and explained to her the problem and asked for a cheeky home visit. She agreed no problem as she had met the boys plenty of times and adored them herself. She told Liam she would be over in a couple of hours but for now to just keep trying to get him to eat and if that fails to just keep him on the drinks so that's exactly what Liam did. Liam told Harry the plan as he had been home since half 11 from work. Harry nodded and hoped it would work. "Li if Lou still doesn't eat will he get a tube in his nose" Harry asked. "He might but hopefully that might make him eat and if not might need to get some psychological help" Liam explained. Harry nodded sadly. They knew Louis was a fussy eater but knew he normally loved his food. "Haz don't worry about it, he'll be fine yeah. He's just scared at the moment." Liam reassured Harry who nodded and snuggled into Liam's side.

They cuddled but checked on Louis a few times. Soon it was time to collect Niall from school. When Harry got there Niall was all bubbly. "Dad guess what I got picked for the school footie team I have something for you yo sign so I can stsy after school for football practice and play at games at other schools" Niall excitedly said as they walked to the car. "Of Course I'll sign it Ni, what days is practice?" Harry asked as they got back to the car and Niall climbed into his seat. "Tuesday and Thursday after school and then we play games normally on a Friday but sometimes it can be a Saturday." Niall explained and Harry nodded as he started to drive back home. "That's good your have to find out if we can come watch you at your games" Harry said. Niall beamed at this. They soon arrived home and Niall rushed to find his papa to tell him his exciting news.

Liam tried to think of something to make Louis eat. He decide to try a yoghurt. He picked a yoghurt up and went upstairs to try wake Louis up. "Lou lou wake up." Liam said while gently shaking Louis' shoulder. Louis whined and grumbled But did open his eyes. "Can you sit up, I've got a yoghurt for you." Liam said and that caused another whine from Louis. "I know baby, but you really need to eat." Liam said softly. "Plus you love yoghurt." Liam said. "What flavour?" Louis asked actually looking interested. "Strawberry, and it doesn't even have bits in it." Liam said while opening the yoghurt. Louis had a five small spoonfuls before pursing his lips. A lot had gone round his lips rather than in him.

"He's probably upstairs with lou Ni." Harry said and Niall nodded running up the stairs and Harry didn't have the heart to tell him off for it as he was just so excited. Harry followed and when he reached his room he saw Niall pretty much jumping on their bed telling Liam his exciting news. Harry the scoped Louis up who looked close to tears clearly not liking the jumping motion and the 4 year old quickly snuggled into his daddy. "Shall we go and wash your face." Harry said quietly and Louis nodded against his shoulder so the pair made their way to the bathroom.

"What's got you so excited ni" Liam said smiling. Niall was so bouncy and excited. "Got chosen to be in the school footie team, practice after school and play other schools" Niall said excitedly. "Wow that's amazing ni" Liam said. Niall smiled before flopping onto Liam and snuggling into his side. "That bouncing worn you out?" Liam chuckled playing with Niall's hair. "Hmm no just want a cuddle." Niall said and Liam nodded.

Harry washed Louis mouth and let the boy snuggle into him. Shall we go downstairs and watch cartoons. Louis nodded. "Daddy milkshake while watch cartoons" Louis asked. Harry nodded pleased he was asking for milkshakes wish it was the same for food. "Here Lou." Harry said walking into the living room and handing Louis his drink once he got the straw in place. "Thank you." Louis said taking the drink and beginning to drink it while his eyes were fixed on the tv. Louis finished his milkshake and snuggled into his daddy keeping his eye's fixed on Peppa pig.

"Papa can you help me with work that I missed last week at school" Niall suddenly piped up cuddling his papa. "Yeah Course Love have you been given catch up stuff?" Liam asked. "Yeah and some of its really hard, I did some with auntie Ruth last week as she had it emailed but the rest of it they've printed out for me." "come on let's go downstairs so we can use the kitchen table." Liam said picking Niall up and headed downstairs. On his way to the kitchen he grabbed Niall's school bag which was just discarded by the front door and then proceeded onto the kitchen sitting Niall down at the table. He then got Niall's homework folder out of his school bag and saw a range of worksheets for a range of subjects.

"Alright then love, what subject do you want to start with." Liam asked as he flicked through the sheets. Niall shrugged "Shall we start with maths, I know you find it hard but might best to get that started" Liam suggested. Niall sighed but nodded. Liam read over the maths worksheet and smiled happily seeing it was pretty straight forward. "Alright sweetie so it's all about number patterns. So all you need to do is follow on the sequence." Liam explained. He knew Niall would be able to do the first few as they were pretty simple it was the ones nearer the bottom that he thought Niall might struggle with as to be honest he was going to have to properly concentrate himself on them a the beginning ones he could work out straight away. Niall nodded and got on with the work. He did the first three.

"Papa are there any games to do with this on the computer like I did with daddy the other week." Niall asked. "Let me speak to daddy what he used for that again" Liam said. Niall nodded and carried on with the sheet but stopping when he reached the fifth one as he couldn't do it. Liam headed into the living room smiling seeing his husband and youngest both nearly asleep. "Hey you two, Haz what website did you use when you found those Maths games online?" Liam asked.

"I can't remember but go on my laptop and it'll be in my favourites as I saved it knowing it would be useful to use again." Liam nodded and headed off to get Harry's laptop before walking back into the kitchen and sitting down turning it on. "Was it this one?" Liam asked when he clicked on one of Harry's favourites which was saved as Maths and Niall nodded. "Yeah that's the one." Liam nodded and searched on the website looking for anything on number sequences and smiled when he found a game to do with it. "Here Love, But after you've played it you need to continue with the worksheet." Niall nodded. "Thanks Papa." Niall said before turning his focus to the laptop. Niall read the information before playing the game it really helped him. There were a couple of different games with sequences on it really helped Niall. Once Niall had it he went back and completed the hard ones. "Well done Ni, do you want to move onto a different subject or have a bit of a break?" Liam asked and Niall shrugged. "Don't mind." He said and Liam decided to carry on with the work if Niall was willing too. Liam made dinner while Niall got on with some history homework which he quite enjoyed as they were learning about the victorian time.

Harry had gone up to bath Louis as he was almost falling asleep. "Lou I need you to stay awake sweetie just while I give you your bath." Harry said and Louis sighed but nodded although Harry knew he wouldn't be awake for long even if he tried to stay awake so Harry quickly washed him before getting him out. Harry soon got Louis out the bath and dressed him and took the boy to bed in his own room after using the toilet and brushing his teeth.

Louis was too tired to realise what room he was being placed in and snuggled into the bed closing his eyes and he was asleep before Harry could even leave the room.

Harry walked downstairs and into the kitchen once he was finished with Louis and sat down next to Niall who was still doing his history homework. "Where's lou?" Liam asked seeing Harry sitting down. "I've put him to bed as he's exhausted." Harry said. "Haz my friends coming over to with his food phobia soon." Liam said. "Yeah I know but I didn't think she'd need to see Louis." "I'm not actually sure either." Liam said. "Well He couldn't stay awake any longer and if she does need to see him I'll just wake him up again." Harry said and Liam nodded as that sounded like a pretty good idea. Soon dinner was ready. Niall stopped his homework.

Gabby soon rang the doorbell and Liam opened it greeting his colleague. Gabby came in and Liam introduced her to Harry. Liam informed Gabby that Louis was sleeping. "That's ok why don't we have da discussion tonight and i will drop by to see Louis tomorrow afternoon" Gabby suggested. Liam nodded before catching sight of Niall who was watching cartoons. "Ni why don't you go and shower love." Liam suggested. "But I'm watching this." Niall whined. "Ni please, you can come down and watch it after. I know for a fact you've already seen this episode as I've watched it with you." Liam said and Niall sighed. "Fine But I'm coming back down after and watching tv." He said before walking off upstairs. "And don't wake Louis." Liam called up after him but Niall was already gone. Niall went up for a shower and got ready for bed.

Liam and Harry left the washing up and went in to the lounge and spoke to Gabby and told her about the situation. Gabby took notes down. "Alright well it sounds like your right and that he's developed a phobia of eating out of fears of throwing up but by giving him the drinks he will still be getting the nutrition that he needs however it's not a long term solution. I can't really do anything more though without seeing and talking to Louis myself and if he isn't awake then that will have to wait till tomorrow." Gabby said just as they heard someone come downstairs. Liam smiled when he saw Louis but knew he had obviously been woken up as he was rubbing his eyes and yawning. Louis climbed onto Liam's lap and snuggled into him before Liam spoke.

"I thought you were asleep monkey." Liam said and Louis nodded. "Was But Niall loud." Louis said just as Niall appeared running in with wet hair still. "I didn't mean to wake him I slipped in the bathroom and knocked the toothbrush holder down from the sink and it made a loud noise waking him." Niall explained quickly knowing he had been warned about waking Louis. Liam sighed but nodded knowing the Niall didn't mean to. Come on Lou I'll take you back to bed and read you a story" Harry said picked Louis up of Liam's lap. Louis laid his head on his daddy's shoulder as they went back upstairs. Liam did small chat with Gabby and asked if there was anything else they could try.

"Not really I mean just keep him on the drinks for now I mean as long as he's not refusing them then he's okay for now. But I'll come round tomorrow and talk to him myself. If I feel he made benefit talking to someone professionally then that may be an option but he's just a kid that's scared so my main advice would be to just keep talking to him and show him that nothings going to happen and don't force food on him." Gabby explained and Liam nodded before saying goodbye to the women and that they would see each other tomorrow.

Harry read Louis a story and the boy fell asleep while he read the book. Harry was glad that Louis didn't put a fight up about sleeping in his own room.

Liam then went to see Niall who was watching his programme but falling asleep. "Ni I think it's bedtime" Liam said quietly but like he thought Niall shook his head. "You said I could watch tv after my shower." "I know love but I can see your tired." Niall just shook his head and Liam decided to leave him be as he was sure Niall was about to fall asleep anyway and he would then just carry him up to bed. Liam carried Niall up to his bed when he was asleep. Liam then went to find Harry who was now in there bed. "you tired" Liam said. Harry nodded. Soon the whole household was asleep.

In the morning Louis came in around half 6 in the morning moaning he was hungry for a milkshake. Harry got up as he was working that day. "Do you want to try some food?" Harry asked but Louis shook his head. "No, just want a milkshake." Louis said and Harry sighed but got the boy his drink. Niall soon woke up and came downstairs wanting breakfast himself and Harry happily gave him a bowl of cereal. Harry then got Louis sitting watching cartoons and took Liam a coffee and telling Niall to get dressed for school. Harry washed up and took Liam his coffee before getting ready for work. Liam was awake by this point and happily sat up drinking his coffee just as Louis appeared climbing onto the bed and looking for cuddles.

"Hey monkey." Liam said. "Papa." Louis mumbled snuggling into Liam's side. Liam smiled and wrapped an arm around the boy pulling him in closer while Liam carried on drinking his coffee. Soon Harry and Niall were both ready and they both said bye to both Liam and Louis and got in the car. Harry dropped Niall of at school before driving to work.

Liam and Louis pretty much spent the morning just lying around in front of the TV with Louis falling asleep every now and again. When Harry got home from work he smiled seeing Louis snuggled into Liam's side sound asleep and Liam watching the TV. Harry made lunch for him and Liam and got a milkshake for Louis.

Gabby soon knocked on the door. Harry went and answered the door smiling when he saw gabby. "Good timing were about to wake him up." Harry said leading the way back into the living room where Liam was already in the process of waking the boy up. Harry showed gabby through to the lounge where Louis was rubbing his eye's. "Hey Lou, this is one of papa's friends can you say hello." Louis looked up at his daddy and slowly waved at the women vaguely recognising her. "Hi Louis do you think we can have a chat?" Gabby asked and Louis shrugged. "I guess." The boy answered while continuing to rub his eye. Gabby talked to Louis but he was reluctant to give answers and was very shy.

"Lou gabby is here to talk to you, you know daddy is a nurse well if you don't eat you will have a special tube up your nose" Liam explained getting pictures on his phone. Louis' eyes widened and before long Louis started to sniffle and it wasn't long till he started to cry. "Oh baby I didn't mean to upset you were just all worried that your not eating and Gabby just wants to talk to you so we know what's best to do." "Don't want one of them." Louis cried and Liam sighed rubbing the boys back as he cried into his chest."No one wants one of those but food gives you energy and you need energy to play and go to school" gabby explains. Louis sniffled "but food makes me sick no like being sick" "It only made you sick sweetie because you still had the bug and we made you eat to quickly. Before you had the bug food didn't make you sick did it." Liam asked and Louis shook his head but the boy was still slightly crying cuddling into Liam and rubbing his eyes. Liam knew he was tired and that was half the reason for the tears.

"What's your favourite food, after you had a sleep why dont you help your dad's cook" gabby suggested. "I like sausages." Louis mumbled and Gabby smiled. "Alright well why don't you go to sleep and then when you wake maybe you can help your daddy and papa make sausage and mash." Gabby asked and Louis shrugged before closing his eyes. "Do you think he'll eat it?" Liam asked gabby and gabby shrugged.

"It's hard to say but maybe make it a proper dinner all 4 of you sat together. Make it fun involve the kids while making it and hopefully then he'll want to eat it." Gabby said and Liam nodded. "Call me and let me know how it goes." Gabby said and Liam and Harry both nodded before Harry showed gabby out as he was heading out anyway to pick Niall up from school.

Niall was having fun with his friends at break at school Niall happily played football completely loving the sport and was still extremely excited about being picked to play for the school team.

Harry drove to the school and picked Niall up from school. Niall was bubbily when he came out of school. His maths teacher was impressed with the boys work and liked he was more enthusiastic. They soon arrived home, Louis was still asleep when they got home. Harry opened the front door and let Niall in who went running into the kitchen to probably get a snack. "Niall don't eat to much we're doing a family dinner tonight to try and get lou to eat and it's not going to be helpful if your full up from snacking." Harry called after him and the boy called back an Okay. Harry then walked into the living room. "Do you want to wake him and get dinner started or let him sleep a bit longer." Harry asked Liam gesturing to Louis.

"Give him another half hour and then I'll wake him if he's not already awake." Liam replied and Harry nodded before heading into the kitchen to make sure Niall hadn't helped himself to the whole snack cupboard. Niall had two biscuits and got his homework out.

"Dad can you put your laptop on again for me to do some work" Niall asked. Harry smiled and put the laptop on. "Thanks." Niall said happily. "Do you want a drink?" Harry asked and Niall nodded. "Please." Niall said and Harry nodded getting Niall some juice before leaving it on the side. "It's on the side okay sweetie don't have it on the table when using the laptop as I don't want it to spill." Niall nodded and got up taking a couple of sips before sitting back down. Niall did his homework, getting up every so often to have a drink.

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