Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

84K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chpater 16

994 24 1
By ilangel1

Harry woke up and seemed to be doing much better he only puked around 4 times that day and slept between it. Anne hoped it was just a 48 hour bug. Harry was enjoying watching tv. Harry decided he would try some soup he told his mum just half a a bowl. Anne was happy that Harry was asking for food himself and set off downstairs to make a small amount of soup for Harry.

Anne saw Liam walking to the bathroom and frowned as she headed to the kitchen. Liam changed Niall as carefully as he could but the boy still woke up and whimpered when he realised what had happened. "It's fine Ni, don't worry about it. Remember what I said yeah it's Better to get it all out." Liam reassured Niall as he saw him nearly in tears. Niall sniffled but nodded rubbing his eyes as Liam finished changing him. Liam quickly grabbed the stuff from downstairs and made his way upstairs to Niall's room seeing the boy patiently waiting for him. Liam placed the bucket beside them and the cup of water he had with a straw in it. Liam then got in and let niall cuddle him.

"When will this go away?" Niall asked as he snuggled into Liam. "Probably a couple of days I'm afraid Love." Liam said running a hand through Niall's hair. "Want it to go away now. Please make it go away Papa." Niall begged looking up at Liam with wide sad eyes. "Oh Love, if I could I would and you know that." Liam said honestly upset himself that he couldn't do anything more to help Niall. Niall whined as he cuddled into his papa. "You feeling sick ni" Liam asked. Liam reached for the bucket just in case.

Niall nodded and sat up holding onto the bucket once Liam had it in reaching distance. "Don't want to be sick again." Niall whimpered as he gagged and Liam resulted in rubbing his back. "Deep breaths, your be okay." Liam reassured him and Niall moaned but nodded and began to vomit again for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Liam rubbed the poor boys back wishing he could swap with the boy while niall was vomitting. Niall was exhausted by the time he had finished and liam got him to rinse his mouth out before taking the bucket to empty. When he came back he saw Niall curled into a ball looking extremely sorry for himself. "Come here." Liam said softly once he was back on Niall's bed and the boy wasted no time in climbing onto Liam's lap and cuddling as close as he could. Niall fell asleep instantly. Liams phone went off and it was robin to say he was on his way home. Liam smiled. Niall soon feel asleep and Liam decided to sleep while niall was sleeping.

Anne brought the soup to Harry. "Here Love, Just eat what you can." Anne said and Harry nodded sitting up and thanking Anne. Harry ate the soup carefully. Harry finished half the bowl.  Liam went to find Anne. "Anne I'm sorry to do this but stuck with ni asleep on me any chance you could spray downstairs so any hint of smell of vomit is gone before Louis has a melt down. Anne saw the text Liam had sent her and got up making sure Harry was fine and headed downstairs to do what Liam had said. Just as Anne had finished the front door opened and Louis came running in with Robin close behind.

"I don't understand how he's so energetic still I mean he's been to school all day and played in the playground for the last hour. "He's 4 Love, that's just how they are." Anne said as Robin sat down on the sofa. "Grandpa play." Louis asked and Robin sighed just wanting to sit. "How about we watch a film." Louis thought about it before nodding and climbing into robins lap. "I'll be upstairs if you need me." Anne said ruffling Louis' hair before going back to Harry. Anne went back to Harry who was drinking his diarrlyte and not sipping it. Want another drink haz" she asked. "Please." Anne was happy as Harry seemed to making great improvement she just wished the same could be said for Niall. Anne came down and made Harry a drink before taking it upstairs and smiled as she poked her head in to see Louis concentrating on building some think.

Louis soon got bored of the film and wanted to play. "Alright but not for long as you need a bath and then it will be bedtime." Robin said and Louis nodded happily before getting down on the floor and pushing his box of Lego into the middle of the room.

"Mum do you think I could go and see lou, I mean I'm not being sick anymore and I haven't seen him for days." Harry asked and Anne sighed. "You sure you don't feel sick?" Anne asked. "Positive and if I do all of a sudden I'll leave the room." Harry said and Anne nodded causing Harry to smile. "He's in the living room playing with his Lego But I mean it Harry, if you feel sick you need to leave you know what lous like." "He's my son Mum I don't want to upset him." Harry said as he carefully got up. "Just Go careful okay." Harry nodded before slowly making his way downstairs. Anne walked close to Harry as he was slightly wobbily on his feet.

Louis was to engrossed in building to notice his daddy cone down. "What you building there Lou baby" Harry said. Louis looked round hearing his daddy's voice and jumped to his feet running over to him. "Daddy." Louis squealed when he reached Harry and wrapped his arms around Harry's legs. "Why don't you let daddy sit down lou and then cuddle with him." Louis nodded and Anne helped Harry sit on the sofa and Louis quickly climbed up snuggling into his side. "Daddy feel better?" Louis asked looking up at Harry once he was settled. "Yeah lou I don't feel sick anymore. I'm just really tired." Louis nodded happy with that answer and Anne handed the remote for the tv over to Harry before sitting down next to Robin. Louis snuggled into his daddy.

Robin went over to Anne and said was it a good idea as Harry could still be infectious. "It will be fine, Louis needs a bath in a bit anyway just let them be for now." Anne said but Robin looked unsure knowing it would be a nightmare if Louis caught this bug. Robin nodded unsure. It was about fifteen minutes later and robin told it was bath time for Louis. Harry had fallen asleep on the sofa. "But cuddle with daddy." Louis said. "You can cuddle again after your bath Okay." Louis sighed but nodded so Robin lifted him off the sofa careful not to wake Harry and walked upstairs with Louis to get him in the bath.

Anne smiled at Harry and went and fetched the thememeter to double check it while Louis was bring bathed. Anne quietly snuck into Niall's room and cooed when she saw both Niall and Liam fast asleep with Niall being curled into Liam's side who had an arm wrapped tightly around the boy. She quietly picked the thermometer up from Niall's bedside table and exited the room again quietly closing the door behind her so there was less chance of them waking. She then walked back downstairs and carefully took Harry's temperature hoping not to wake him. Anne managed not to wake him. She sighed as she looked at the themometer it was a low grade fever of 38.1. She knew Louis would be upset but he shouldn't be cuddling Harry.

Louis was having fun in the bath. "Shall we get you out now lou." Robin asked after he finished washing Louis' hair and the boy nodded. "Cuddle with daddy again." Louis asked and Robin sighed. "Why don't you go and get dressed in your pyjamas and then come down I'm going to go and talk to grandma." Robin said once he was dry. Louis nodded and headed to his room while Robin went downstairs. "Anne I don't think Louis should be cuddling with harry." Robin said. "No me neither Harry's still got a temperature it's asking for disaster if Louis cuddles with him." Anne said just as Louis came downstairs and before he could reach his daddy Robin picked him up. "No down, cuddle daddy." Louis whined trying to get down but Robin held onto him tighter. "No,no,no daddy want daddy." Louis cried as Robin began to head upstairs while Louis was sobbing. Liam woke up to the noise and quietly and carefully untangled himself from Niall and headed into the hallway seeing Louis being carried up the stairs sobbing.

"What's going on?" Liam asked taking Louis into his arms who clung tightly onto him. "He wanted to cuddle with Harry but we're worried he's still contagious." Robin explained and Liam nodded rubbing Louis' back. "I've got him Robin can you keep an eye on Niall, he's currently asleep so he should be okay but you never know." Robin nodded heading into Niall's room while Liam carried Louis into his room sitting on Louis' bed while the 4 year old cried into his chest and mumbled out daddy continuously.

"I know you want daddy lou, but you don't want to get sick yourself do you?" Liam said and Louis just shrugged. All he wanted right now was his daddy and he didn't care if he got sick because of it. "Louis trust me we are doing it for your own good. Papa read you a story and then you can go bed. Louis sniffled and snuggled further into Liam's side just wanting comfort from his parents as he hasn't really seen either of them in days. Really he wanted his daddy but he would settle with his papa.

Niall stirred as robin laid on the bed. "It's Alright Ni it's just Grandpa." Robin said quietly hoping the boy would go back to sleep. Niall groaned. "Do you feel sick or need to go other way. "Both." Niall whimpered and Robin quickly picked the boy up and the bucket before carrying him to the bathroom and sitting him on the toilet before placing the bucket in his lap. Niall violently expelled both ways. Robin comforted the poorly boy. Robin cleaned niall when he was done out a fresh nappy on and carried the boy back to bed. "Where Papa?" Niall asked once he was back in bed. "He's going to spend the night with lou downstairs on the sofa and I'm going to spend it with you sound good?" Robin asked and Niall just shrugged before snuggling into robins side so Robin took it as a Yes and wrapped an arm around the boy. Niall fell back to sleep.

"Li do you want to take Harry back to bed and sleep with Lou down here me and robin have Harry and ni." Anne suggested. "Can papa carry daddy back to bed and then I sleep with you tonight" Liam said. Louis nodded and asked Liam to bring a story back down with him. Liam nodded and carefully picked Harry up carrying him upstairs with Anne following close behind. Anne fell asleep shortly after going up to the bedroom as Harry was still asleep.

Louis lay on the sofa waiting for his papa to get back. Liam lay Harry in bed and tucked him in. Liam then left his and Harry's room and walked across the hall into Louis' room to pick out a book. He could hear Niall in the bathroom but he knew Robin was taking care of him and if he showed his face Niall would just want him. When Liam reached the living room he led down on the sofa letting Louis Cuddle into him and he started reading the story he had chosen. Louis soon fell asleep cuddled up to Liam. Liam shut his eye's as soon as Louis was asleep. Everyone was asleep and stayed that way for awhile but no one knew for how long it would stay that way.

Niall messed his nappy in his sleep but no one realised. It wasn't until around 3am when Niall woke up and he instantly felt the uncomfortableness in his nappy. Whimpering he shook Robin who woke up pretty quickly and sat up when he saw Niall with tears running down his cheeks. "What's wrong?" Niall just continued to cry and climbed onto robins lap and Robin then realised what had happened. "Let's go to the bathroom." Robin said as he picked the boy up and headed towards the bathroom. Just as robin picked the boy up Niall violently threw up everywhere on himself, robin and the bed. Robin sat down and grabbed the bucket. "Just breathe Ni." Robin said as he rubbed the boys back as he the boy continued to throw up into the bucket. Robin just sat there and encouraged the boy gently and when he was done cuddled with the boy a little to make sure he defiantly was done and then picked him and carried him to the bathroom along with the bucket. Robin decided to give the boy a bath in the morning so just lay a towel down and took the dirty nappy of. He thoroughly washed nialls bottom before placing a fresh nappy on. He washed the bucket out.

"Right let's go back to bed Yeah, it's still pretty early." Robin said and Niall nodded laying his head down on robins shoulder. Robin sighed as he noticed the vomit sheets. He placed niall on a chair and changed the sheets quivkly he also got fresh pyjamas out for niall. "Alright Ni, I'm just going to change your pyjamas and then we can cuddle and go back to sleep." Robin told Niall who was curled into the chair and struggling to stay awake. Niall nodded and let Robin get him changed before they got back into the Now clean bed and like Robin promised let Niall cuddle until he fell asleep. Robin was asleep after making sure niall was asleep.

Harry stirred in his sleep and groaned. Anne woke up with the noise as she was an extremely light sleeper and frowned when she saw harry. "What's wrong love, I thought you were feeling better." Anne asked. Harry didn't reply. "You feeling sick" Anne asked. "Not massively, But I don't feel right." Harry mumbled rolling over and burying his face into his pillow. "Do you want a drink or anything?" Harry shook his head and Anne decided not to say anything hoping Harry would fall back asleep so just resulted to rubbing his back. She tried to sing to the boy hoping he fell back to sleep. Anne decided to check Harry's temperature. Harry whined when he felt the thermometer in his ear but didn't prevent Anne from carrying on. Anne sighed when she saw the number which was 38.2 and she knew Harry must have been still feeling pretty bad and probably worse than he was letting on. Harry I'm going to give medicine and no complaints." Anne said. Harry sighed but nodded and sat up slightly while Anne went off to find some medicine for Harry to take. Harry took two tablets. "Go back to sleep Love." Anne said hearing the sounds of someone running outside and into the bathroom and she had a pretty good idea about who it was. Harry nodded and cuddled back under his duvet and Anne got up heading towards the bathroom.

Everyone else in the house was sleeping. Niall woke again When Niall woke He quickly realised he was about to be sick but Robin had his arm wrapped tightly around Niall. "Grandpa wake up." Niall cried urgently not wanting to throw up all over his bedding again. Robin didn't move so niall urgently poked the man's face nor knowing what else to do. Robin didn't open his eyes but his arm recoiled as he rolled over and Niall jumped out of bed running for the bathroom as he didn't know exactly where the bucket was and didn't want to waste time finding it. "Aw Ni." Anne said as she pushed the bathroom door open and saw Niall throwing up into the toilet. "Make it stop." Niall cried and Anne sighed sitting down beside Niall and rubbing his back. "Where's Grandpa?" Anne asked. "Couldn't wake him." Niall mumbled and Anne nodded, Niall gagged as he brought the next round of vomit. Robin walked in at this moment having woken when niall ran to the bathroom. "Awww I'm sorry ni sweetie" robin said as he came into the bathroom. Robin knelt down on the other side of Niall and told Anne that he had it now and that she should get back to Harry. Anne nodded in agreement and left the room heading back to Harry while Robin rubbed Niall's back. "That's it love your feel better once it's out." Robin soothed. "People have been telling me that all day but it doesn't make sense as I still feel just as bad." Niall whined once he was done before crawling into robins lap who flushed the toilet.

Harry couldn't sleep he hated he couldn't comfort his son. Anne went back to Harry and Liam's room to find her son still awake. "Harry I thought you went back to sleep?" Anne said. "I can't I'm not tired and it's pretty difficult as well when you can hear your son throwing up but you know you can't go and help." Harry said quietly but Anne heard and brought Harry into a hug. "Hazzie don't worry that's what me and your dad." Anne said. Harry nodded as he snuggled into his mum. Harry groaned as he snuggled his mum."You Okay?" Anne asked and Harry shrugged snuggling further into his mum. "Harry you need to tell me if anything's wrong." Anne said. "I'm fine." Harry mumbled but Anne knew he was lying. Harry tell me what's wrong now I know you are lying baby" Anne said as she ruffled Harry's hair. "It just hurts, and I don't want to be sick anymore I want to spend time with the kids." Harry whimpered and Anne sighed. "When you went to see louis earlier did you really feel better then?" Anne asked. "Not really But I was desperate to see him. Plus it's not like I feel physically sick anymore it's just painful." Harry tried to justify. "I really hope you aren't still contagious as I don't think we're ready to deal with a sick Louis." Anne said. "You can never be ready to deal with a sick Louis. Anyway he'll be fine it was for like 20 minutes." Harry said and Anne just hoped he was right. Anne hoped Harry was right as she eventually got Harry to sleep.

Robin checked to make sure that niall didn't need the bathroom before walking him back to bed ensuring the boy knew where the bucket was. "I want Papa" Niall mumbled into robins chest as he was cuddling. "I know Ni but he's sleeping with Lou. I'm sure he'll cuddle with you again in the morning but lou needs his attention as well. Plus am I not good enough." Robin says. "You're not the same. But I guess lou needs papa as well." Robin nodded knowing what Niall was getting at as of Course Niall wanted his parents but at least he was excepting the fact that Louis also needed Liam. Robin laid the boy on him and cuddled him. Sorry for not waking up before." Robin said. "It's fine, Grandma was there." Niall mumbled and Robin nodded playing with Niall's hair. "I'm meant to be looking after you though Ni." Robin replied. "Your Tired though so let's sleep." Niall mumbled again half asleep and Robin nodded. Niall and robin were asleep again. The rest of the early morning wasn't good. Niall was still very ill and was vomitting and had bad diarrhoea.

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