Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

84K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 14

1K 21 4
By ilangel1

When Robin walked into the living room he smiled seeing Niall snuggled up to Liam asleep. "Do you want me to make a start on dinner Li as you look like you have your hands full." Robin said and Liam nodded thankfully. "Yeah that would be great, Louis will be whining in a bit about how hungry he is." Robin nodded and set off into the kitchen trying to find something that he could cook for dinner that maybe Niall would want to eat as well but he doubted Harry would want anything. Robin found some breaded chicken to put on with some chips. He also got peas ready to put on soon.

"Grandpa what's for dinner?" Louis asked as Robin came back into the living room. "Chicken, chips and peas." Robin said. "I don't like peas." Louis whined and Liam sighed. "Louis your eating the peas or you won't get any dessert." Liam said knowing the boy was trying to get out of eating them. "But there yucky." Louis whined But liam shrugged. "No dessert then, and I think there's ice cream in the freezer but I guess I'll have to eat it myself." Liam said Louis looked up at his daddy horrified before pouting and getting up going over to Robin to try and persuade him not to cook peas. "Lou listen to papa you need to eat they make you all big and strong" Robin said.

"How long till dinner Robin" Liam asked. Louis scrunched his nose up and sat down on the floor knowing he wasn't going to get his way and started to play with his cars again but Liam could tell he was sulking. Liam be about half hour." Robin replied and Liam nodded rubbing Niall's back as the boy started to stir again. "You ok ni" Liam said as the boy woke. "Hmm I think so." Niall mumbled sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Can I watch some cartoons." Niall asked. "Yeah but we're having dinner soon and I want you to try and some." Niall nodded and then Liam passed him the controller and letting him put on what he wanted.

Louis tried not to show he was sulking but he was. Louis looked up at the tv when niall picked something. Liam smiled at the pair and hoped niall was ok. "Ni play with me" Louis asked. "No Lou I want to watch tv." Niall said and Louis looked up pouting. "Please." He said looking at Niall and Niall shook his head cuddling further into Liam. "Lou he doesn't want to play and he doesn't have to." Liam said and Louis sighed but nodded and carried on playing by himself.

Liam could see Louis was upset but Liam knew that niall wasn't up for playing. Niall snuggled into his papa watching t.v. "Ni darling papa needs the toilet you going to be ok with our me for two minutes" Liam explained. Niall nodded and then moved.

When Liam came back Louis looked up. "Papa play?" Louis asked as Liam looked over at Niall seeing him cuddling with Robin. "Alright baby." Liam said seeing Niall pretty content for the meantime. Niall was watching tv. So Liam played with Louis he didn't know how long it was when he heard Niall whimper. Liam looked up at the whimper and caught Niall eye. "You Okay?" Niall just shook his head and made grabby hands at Liam who got up and walked over to him.

"Where you going Papa?" Louis asked as he saw Liam get up. "Ni wants me Baby." "But he has Grandpa." Louis stated upset that Liam was leaving him again. "I know honey but Niall isn't very well and when you're not well all you want is either me or daddy don't you." Liam said hoping Louis would understand. Louis nodded sadly. Liam went over to niall. "Do you need a change ni" Liam asked. Niall just shrugged. "Niall talk to me or just nod does your tummy hurt" Liam asked. Niall nodded and Liam sighed as he was hoping that Niall was getting better.

"I'll play with you Lou, and then dinner will be done soon." Robin said getting down onto the floor and picking up a car before pushing it around. Louis smiled as he played with his grandad.

Harry jolted awake. As soon as Harry woke Anne grabbed the bucket for Harry not knowing if it was needed but it was better safe than sorry. Harry vomitted into the bucket. He was then dry heaving over it. "Your Alright Haz, this can't possibly go on for much longer." Anne said as Harry finished that round. "I want it to stop now I'm so done with this. I mean Louis won't even come anywhere near me and I want to see him." Harry said and Anne sighed. "I know love and as soon as you stop vomiting you know he'll come straight up here and cuddle." Anne promised and Harry nodded. Anne got Harry to gargle water and take sips of diarrlyte. Harry snuggled up to his mum. "Go back to sleep Haz." Anne whispered as she played with his curls and Harry nodded before shutting his eyes. Harry soon fell asleep.

When Anne saw Harry asleep she decided to go downstairs and find out what was happening about that night as she still had no idea whether she was staying here for the night or going home with Louis. Anne came downstairs and could smell food. She then walked in to the lounge and smiled at her husband playing with Louis. She then frowned as she looked at Niall. Anne sat on the sofa. "I would have thought Ni would be feeling better by now" she said. "I was but tummy hurt now" Niall whispered. Anne looked at Liam who shrugged and cuddled the boy further into his side. "Do you want a tummy rub" Anne asked hoping niall hadn't caught what Harry had. Niall nodded and Anne started the boys stomach thinking that it was possible for the boy to have caught what Harry had as Liam had said that Niall slept with them last night but Anne was hoping for the best and really hoping that wasn't the case. As not only would Niall hate it but harry would also hate it as he would heavily blame himself for getting Niall sick. Niall fell asleep snuggled to his grandma.

Robin got up and headed for the kitchen so he could get dinner plated up and Louis followed closely behind. "Grandpa can you please not put peas on my plate." Louis asked looking up at Robin. "Nope Sorry Lou, But you're going to be eating these peas whether you like it or not or no dessert." Louis sighed but nodded and let Robin get the food out of the oven. Louis sighed thinking he could get round his grandad.

"Niall sweetie can you cuddle grandma so papa can get something to eat unless you want something to." Anne suggested. "Don't want anything to eat, tummy hurts too much." Niall mumbled and crawled off Liam's lap and into Anne's who wrapped her arms around her grandson letting Liam get up and head into the kitchen. "Papa, dinner done." Louis shouted just as Liam appeared. "Shh Lou, Daddy is asleep and Niall is very close to being Asleep." Liam said.

"Being quiet is boring though?" Louis stated and Liam chuckled. "Sorry baby but sometimes it's necessary." Liam said as he sat down at the table with Louis sitting down next to him in what is normally Niall's seat. Louis sighed he had energy and wasn't used to having to be quite. He was about to protest but looked at his papas face.

Louis pouted when he saw the amount of peas on his plate and pushed them around with his fork. "Louis stop playing with them and eat them." Liam said as Robin sat down at the table as well. "But there's so many of them." Louis complained as he started eating the pieces of chicken that Robin had cut up already for him Louis dipped his chicken into ketchup and took a bite. Liam then gave him a spoonful of peas. "Noooo." Louis whined pushing Liam's hand away. "Louis I'll make a deal with you, if you don't make a fuss you only need to eat 2 spoonfuls." Liam said knowing he could be here a while otherwise and 2 spoonfuls was better than nothing plus there was only probably 3 spoonfuls worth on the plate anyway. Louis sighed but opened his mouth and let Liam feed him but not without showing his hatred for the green vegetables with facial expressions. Liam passed Louis his cup to have a sip of his drink. "All gone." Louis said after eating the second spoonful and pushed the plate away with the remaining peas. "See that wasn't to hard Now was it." Liam said but Louis nodded. "It was really hard Papa as I really don't like them." Louis said as he got up from his chair and headed back into the living room to continue playing with his cars. Liam smiled when he walked in after helping Robin load everything into the dishwasher. "You Okay to stay with him quickly I just want to go and check on Haz." Liam said.. "Yeah Course, I've got this one." She said gesturing to Niall and Liam smiled before heading upstairs.

Harry woke up alone. Liam walked upstairs and saw his husband awake. 'How you feeling" Liam asked Harry. "Better actually, I don't feel anywhere near as sick." Harry replied causing Liam to smile. "That's great news hopefully your past the worse of this bug then." Liam said and Harry nodded. "Yeah Hopefully." Harry replied. "Do you fancy trying some soup or crackers" Liam asked him. "Yeah can I have some crackers please." Harry said and Liam nodded. "I'll be back." Liam said before walking out the room and ruffling Louis' hair on the way down the stairs as Robin was carrying him up for a bath.

Niall stirred on Anne's lap. "You Okay Ni?" Anne asked feeling the boy moving around quite a bit. Niall whimpered and buried himself further into Anne so she took that as a no.

Anne comforted the boy and tried to get him to sleep. "Can't Sleep Grandma Want Papa." Niall mumbled just as Liam walked in. "Papa's here Baby, come here." Liam said taking Niall into his arms. "Can you get some crackers for Harry he's awake and feeling better so I want him to eat something." Anne nodded and headed into the kitchen while Liam sat down with Niall in his lap. "Now what's the matter." Liam asked the boy. "Tummy hurts." Niall said looking up at Liam sadly. "Do you feel sick ni or just tummy hurting" Liam asked.

Louis was happily playing with his cars and being with different people with different cars.

Harry looked up at the voice and smiled seeing his husband. " Lou come on its bath time" robin said coming in from cleaning up. Robin carried niall into the bathroom and ran the boy a bath. "Ducks please Grandpa." Louis asked once he was sat in the bath. Robin nodded and handed the boy his ducks before sitting down on the toilet seat to wait for Louis to finish playing with his toys. Soon robin knew it was time to wash Louis. "Right Lou lets get you washed so your all clean." Robin said going over to the boy. Robin washed Louis and then got him out wrapping him in a towel and got him dressed. "Shall we go and watch some cartoons?" Robin asked Louis who quickly nodded and held his arms up. So Robin scooped him up and placed him over his shoulder causing Louis to giggle the whole way down the stairs. Louis snuggled into his grandpa on the other sofa.

Anne took Harry up some crackers. "Mum, I thought Liam was bringing these up." Harry said. "Niall wanted him." Anne said and Harry nodded as he started to nibble one of the corners on the cracker. "How is Ni?" harry asked. "We're not sure he picked up a lot earlier on this afternoon but in the past hour or less he's gone downhill again." Anne explained. "What do you mean?" harry replied. "I'm not sure Liam's trying to figure it out now." Anne informed him. "I hope he's not caught this." Harry mumbled sadly. "Even if he has you can't help it. Germs spread plus at least it's not Louis as we all know how bad he takes sickness." Anne said. "Hmm it's awful I mean he's bad when other people are being sick when it's himself and he can't get away he doesn't know what to do with himself it's heart breaking to watch." Harry said remembering numerous occasions where Louis' been sick and worked himself up so much ended up throwing up even more. "Yea but don't stress yourself out, it won't help you get better" Anne said as she passed Harry the diarrlyte. Harry nodded knowing Anne was right and took a few sips of the diarrlyte before passing it back. "Can you have a few more sips?" anne said. "Don't want to push it." Harry said and Anne nodded. Harry lay back down. Once Harry had fallen back asleep she went back downstairs as if harry was feeling better he would probably sleep for quite a large amount of time so Anne didn't really see the need of staying in there.

Liam kept an eye on niall who had fallen asleep. "If you are ok down here I'm going to take this one to bed" Liam said. "Yeah that's fine Li he needs to be in bed." Robin said and Liam smiled at him thankfully before lifting Niall into his arms and carried him upstairs smiling at Anne as she came down the stairs heading into the living room. Liam put the boy in bed who whined at the loss of touch. "Ni I'm just going to grab a pair of tracksuit bottoms" Liam said knowing he would be uncomfortable sleeping in jeans. Niall whimpered but let Liam go who quickly ran off to his room trying to be as quiet as possible so he didn't disturb a sleeping harry before heading back to Niall's room where the boy was waiting for him.

Liam quickly changed before getting into bed and niall cuddled him. "You Okay?" Niall just shrugged snuggling further into Liam. "Go to sleep baby, Your Hopefully feel better in the morning." Liam said and Niall nodded before closing his eyes. Niall fell asleep. Liam decided to shut his eye's while niall slept as he wasn't sure he would sleep through the night.

Anne went downstairs and spent some time with her husband and grandson. Louis almost had his eye's shut but was fighting it. "How about we get some blankets and pillows and put a film on." Robin suggested seeing Louis nearly asleep. The boy nodded snuggling further into Anne as Robin went upstairs to get some things so they could camp out in the living room. Anne decided to check on harry. She said night to robin and Louis who was practically asleep. The family thought this would be a one of, but didn't know in a months time, this would be a daily thing. Everyone in the house soon fell asleep and the whole house was quiet although it was unclear how long that would be after the day the family had had.

Robin had fallen asleep with Louis cuddled up on him. Louis rolled over and ended up rolling off the couch causing the boy to let out a yelp when he hit the floor and woke up. Robin woke up to the sound of Louis' yelp and opened an eye to see the boy on the floor. "Lou You Okay?" Robin asked rubbing his eyes. "Hmm." Louis mumbled climbing back onto the couch and cuddling back into Robin. Robin knew that Louis was way to tired to realise Properly what had happened and he wouldn't be surprised if Louis woke up with a pretty decent sized bruise the next morning. But for now he simply wrapped an arm around the Louis tightly hoping to stop the boy from rolling off again. Louis went back to sleep instantly.

Liam didn't know what time it was when niall whimpered in his sleep. Liam being a pretty light sleeper woke up at the whimper and sighed really hoping that Niall would be feeling better but bearing in mind he was whimpering in his sleep Liam wasn't to positive. Liam tried to comfort the boy but ended up deciding to wake him. "Ni, Love wake up." Whispered to the boy as he gently shook his shoulder. Niall slowly woke up and instantly curled in tightly to Liam's side. "What's the matter Baby?" Liam asked softly and the boy just whined. "Come on Baby tell papa what's wrong." Liam said and Liam felt Niall lift his face out of his side and Niall then looked up at him with tears in his eyes. "Aw Love, please tell me what's wrong." Niall just whimpered and pointed at his tummy. "Does it just hurt or feel sick to" Liam asked "Both." Niall whined and Liam sighed as to be honest that was the last thing he wanted.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom incase or can papa get up to get the other bucket just incase" Liam said cursing himself not to do it last night. "bucket" Niall whimpered and Liam nodded getting up carefully so he didnt jolt Niall around and quickly went off to get another bucket. Liam went downstairs quickly to grab the other bucket. On his way back upstairs Liam caught sight of Robin and Louis and smiled before dashing off up the stairs to get the bucket to Niall in case anything did happen. Liam sighed as he walked into his son looking down at his vomit lap. "Shhh you can't help it ni you still feeling sick." "Are you done or do you feel there's more to come." Liam asked and Niall just shrugged.

"Okay were give it a few minutes then before I move you." Liam said sitting down carefully and placing the bucket In close distance incase it was needed again. It wasn't long till a gag was heard from niall. Liam tried to get the bucket there in time. "Papa." Niall cried as Liam rubbed his back as he threw up over and over again. "I know love, it's not nice." Liam said and once Niall was sure he was done he climbed onto Liam's lap and buried his head in his chest. Liam comforted the boy. "Can you sit here while I changed your sheets. Niall just nodded and let Liam get up who quickly set off to get new bedding leaving Niall who desperately wanted comfort. By the time Liam came back Niall was quietly crying and Liam made quick work of changing Niall's bedding before letting him cuddle back on his lap. "Shh it's okay baby. Tell me if you feel like your going to be sick again." Liam said and Niall nodded sniffling quietly and snuggling further into Liam. Liam had also got a glass of water for Niall but just let the boy snuggle into him and get him to sleep.

When Niall had fallen asleep he had fallen asleep in an extremely uncomfortable position for Liam as Niall had his elbow digging into his side but Liam really didn't want to move him so just let him be. Liam sighed as he got back to sleep.

Harry slept for awhile before waking up. Harry wasn't really sure why he was awake as he didn't actually feel sick so he put it down to the fact that he wasn't tired anymore and sighed not really knowing what to do with himself. Harry went on his phone for a bit. Harry sighed as he started feeling nauseous he decided to wake his mum up. Anne woke up instantly after hearing Harry's voice and sighed when Harry pointed to the bucket and she quickly grabbed it Harry leant over the bucket. Anne rubbed his back. Harry vomited into it and groaned. "Go back to sleep Haz?" Anne said once Harry had finished with the dioralyte. "Can't Not Tired." Harry mumbled and Anne nodded. "How about we watch some tv then." Anne suggested and Harry nodded picking up the remote. Harry soon heard vomiting from the other room and tried to get up. "No Haz stay lying down it's not going to do any good going In there. The smell and sight will just make you sick again." Anne said knowing Harry wanted to go to Niall. "But that's my son." Harry said. "I know love but just let Liam deal with it Yeah. If you go in there you will just set each other off." Anne explained and Harry sighed but nodded knowing Anne was right. Harry then leant into his mum. Anne managed to get Harry back to sleep.

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