My Highlander, My Love, Part...

By Soulmates2

427K 32.6K 1.7K

In a world where Druids, Fays, and Valkyries come together to save the human race from the Dark Forces who wa... More

A Love Letter
Alana: light of the world
The Gifted Child
New York
The Dream
What Dreams May Come
The Wine Festival
Silas's Heart
The Rules of engagement
Hearts on Fire
Secrets and Regrets
The Meeting
How Much I Love Thee
Hearts on Fire
Broken Hearts
A Night Full of Regrets
Why Two Days Later
Crazy Out of His Mind
Hawks Babe
Splendor on the grass
The Truth Revealed
The Holy Grail
Introducing the McCanes
The Beastly Warrior
I Love Thee
Double the Trouble
The Seventh Day
Hasty Decisions
Shattered Dreams
My Guardian Angel
Everything is Possible, Even the Impossible
Far, Far Away
The Black Smith
The Grooms Obsession
A Night to Remember
Turmoil at Balmoral Castle
Take Away My Pain
The Heart Knows
The Song of Love
My Heart of Hearts
Wedding blues
With Love, Comes Pain
Unleashed Passion
In the Name of Love
The Indian Ocean
Strangers in the Dark
Love and Torture
Secrets and Monsters
Welcome Back
Love and War
The stranger's eyes
Silver, Blue Grey Eyes
The Royal Symbol
To Love and Cherish
Touch Not My Heart
A Bag of Gold
Riches and Rags
Kings, Queens, Peasants and Dreams
Dream On
Parallel Worlds
The third and last day
A River of Tears
A Royal Arse
The Prince and I
Don't Cry For Me
When the Heart Bleeds
Lost For Words
I Want You
It's a White Man's World
Leathan's Obsession
How is it Possible?
The Ailing Queen
'To Be or Not To Be, That is the Question'
Not Just a Prince, But a Man in Love
Basillia the Princess of Spain
Winter Wonderland
Christmas Day
Merry Christmas
The Heart Knows
The Bastard Sons
Tis the Season to be Jolly
Message in a Bottle
The Witches Curse
The Love Letter
The Jar of Honey
Broken Hearts
Painful Regrets
Return to Sterlingshire
Hearts Desire
The Final Countdown
Fantasy World
New Year's Eve
The Gatherings
To Love Thee
The Magnetic Pull
Rivulet of Tears
Time Square
2016 the Beginning of the End
The Light of the World
Too Late
A Time to Pray
Pride and Prejudice
A Change of Heart
Men or Mice?
Tears and Fears
Shattered Innocence
When Love Conquer's All
My Wife
Friends and Enemeis
Days of Darkness
Bad Decisions
Regrets and More Regrets
When life throws you lemons
A World of Make Belief
Beautiful Edinburgh
The Portrait
Two Worlds Collide
In a Split of a Second
A Lifetime in the Waiting
Two friends and a wheelchair
Bella Wella Venezuella
Torture Not My Heart
Frank to the Rescue
The Symbol
The Caged Beast
Sterlingshire Under Fire
A Misfortune
The Heart Bleeds
The Negotiation
Questions and Answers
My Captor, My Love
Ways of the Heart
When all Go's Wrong
Broken Hearts
Bold Breathless Love
Rash Reckless Love
The Four Corners of the Earth
Gabriels Passion
The Blacksmith
Dark Day's Ahead
Sweet Surrendor
Secrets and Lies
La La Land
When Love Hurts
A Beam of Light
My Crazy Warrior
Farewell My Love
Gabriel's Choice
Its not what it seems
Gabriels Fall From Grace
The Betrayal
Gabriels Choice
The Professor
Lie's and more Lie's
Desperate Love
Gabriels Choice
When Love Conquors All
Torn to Pieces
A Woman Scorned
Pretty Little Secrets
The Scarlet Woman
The Meeting
Hopes and Regrets
Love and Hate
The Love of a Fay
The childrens laughter
Diamonds, Mistletoe and Garland
The Awakening
The Truth is Out
With Love Comes Pain
The Painful Truth
Say my name
When the Heart Bleeds
The True Spirit of Christmas
Sarah's Heart
Bella Wella Venezwuella and Five Headstrong Women
The Never Ending Love Story

Love me tender

850 92 13
By Soulmates2

The over powering presence of archangel Gabriel was not missed by anyone in the room. His light emanated the entire chambers. He stood to the right side of Alana and Evan stood to her left. Stephan leaned against the wall with his arms crossed staring at the two men who loved his daughter more than life.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh." Her cries we're getting louder and steadier. Only a fool would not know the time for the Holy babe to be born was almost here.

Evan eyes turned stone cold when he lifted them to the archangel who was even taller than the Fay. Jealousy twisted in his guts knowing that Gabriel had touched his wife and planted his seed inside her. The Fays eyes dropped to Gabriels hand, he was holding Alana's hand for comfort. Reaching over, Evan grabbed Alana's other hand in his. He'd be damned if he was going to be bested by an archangel!

Gabriel did not miss the contempt the Fay had towards him, nor did his eyes miss the way the Fay grabbed Alana's other hand and held it tightly. The archangel was able to hear the Fays thoughts, and knew that he was suffering deeply in his heart, but he himself was feeling the same way. He loved Alana and was struggling to remain pure, but it was very hard for him, because he loved her so much that it tore him to pieces inside knowing that he could never be with her.


"This is it, my son is due to arrive any second, prepare for his birth!" Gabriels deep thunderous voice had everyone running around getting things for delivery.

The Fay stiffened and tightened his hold on his wife. For even though the babe was the seed of his enemy, he still loved the child because it was a part of Alana too.

"Alana." Evan whispered hoarsely, needing desperately for his wife to look at him, so he could feel even an ounce of love from her, she had ignored his existence before now and he hungered for her attention, even if it was only for a second of her time.

Alana instead chose to look up at Gabriel, her first love, "Gabriel." Her lovers name fell from her lips and the Fay almost choked back a sob, not willing to show anyone how much her actions killed his heart to pieces.

"I'm here, I'm not going anywhere my love." Gabriel knew that everyone was listening, but he didn't care, he loved Alana with everything inside of him and he wanted her to know it.

Alana smiled weakly up at him, before another pain ripped across her abdomen and she let out a wild cry.

The archangel pulled his hand away and placed both hands near her opening. "Push as hard as you can Alana!"

Alana pushed with all her might until tears rolled down her face and she felt the babe glide out of her. The atmosphere in the room grew tense with anticipation, as everyone watched the archangel receive his babe, as it slipped out of the birth canal and fell right into Gabriels hands.

Alana's cries of happiness that the babe was finally born had everyone at peace that it was finally over. Evan stood to the side as Dora and the rest of the enchantresses did their job to clean up the mess.

The Fay could not help but watch the display of love between Alana and the archangel as they welcomed their child to this world. Had he a knife and stuck it in his heart it would have hurt less.

The Holy babe had a golden halo around it that glowed brighter than the golden sun, as he cried for his mothers breast. Dora immediately grabbed the infant out of Gabriela arms and threw it on Alana's chest. "Feed the babe, he seems to be starving!"

Laughter filled the chambers, they all loved Dora even with her stern ways, she was all business as she ordered everyone about for the benefit of the mother and blessed child.

The tiny babe suckled it's mother's nipple hungrily, and Alana could not help but allow all the rivulets of tears to stream down her face. This by far was the happiest day of her life.

"My heart, Ariel is beautiful." Gabriel said.

"Aye, he is." Alana replied.

Evan looked up at Gabriel, "tis time for you to leave now!" His voice dripped hatred, "I can take over from here!"

"Nay!" Alana was quick to interrupt, "Please Gabriel don't go just yet."

"I can only stay for a few more minutes before I leave you."

Alana turned to Evan, "I will need a few minutes alone with Gabriel, please leave the chambers."

Nothing prepared the Fay for this moment, he wanted to throw his spear into the heart of the archangel, he wanted him dead, but his ego didn't allow for him to reveal his thoughts.

Without saying a word, the Fay turned stiffly around and walked out of the chambers, he was followed by everyone else out into the hallway.

Stephan closed the wooden door and turned to face the Fay. "You are a strong warrior to be able to witness what you have today and still remain by your wife's side. I have nothing but respect for you."

"Took everything inside me to hold it together, because she is my wife and I love her." The Fay admitted hoarsely, "but having said this I do want you to know that I will not allow the archangel near my wife ever again!"

"Of course Evan, we don't blame you, you have every right to be feeling this way." Amira, Alana's mother said softly.

"Aye, were it me, I would have ripped his throat." Stephan admitted, "but tis not his fault, this is written in the books of life, Gabriel had no choice."

"Everyone has choices!" Evan said coldly, "and he took advantage of his choices, even now, he takes advantage of the situation."


"I love you Alana, I will always love you." Gabriel voice sounded tortured and broken.

"I know." Alana said simply, her eyes misty with tears.

The archangel leaned over her, "take care of my son and always remember that I am only a hairs breath away should you need me."

"I know."

"Be good to Evan, he's madly in love with you and he is a good man, Alana." The archangel said.

"He hurt me."

"Aye, everyone makes mistakes, including me." Gabriel admitted.

"And me."

"He will love Ariel as his own, and Ariel will know him as his father. Forgive him his sins and love him with all your heart that is all I ask of you." His voice sounded tortured.

"I love him Gabriel, he is my husband."

Those words pierced through Gabriels heart and he almost cried out loud with pain. "I know."

The archangel placed his son on Alana's other breast and watched the little babe latch on to his mothers nipple. "I must go now." His eyes were hazed with regrets and love.

"Kiss me Gabriel one last time."

Leaning close to his love, Gabriel kissed her passionately. Neither of them noticed the door open as the Fay walked in the chambers and stared at them with grief stricken eyes.


Pain surged through his entire body and shook it to the core, as he suffered what no man should feel. A hoarse cry escaped his lips as he stood in the middle of the room ready to die a thousand deaths.

He had hope for the future, he wanted to dedicate his life to making Alana and her son happy. He wanted to give her the world on a silver platter, but she didn't want him too.

She was in love with Gabriel and the Fay did not know how to handle that. All his hopes and dreams disappeared. He stood paralyzed by fear, suddenly a dark pool of darkness engulfed him and he started chanting the death words.


Gabriel heard the Fays thoughts and immediately pulled away from Alana. Evan was already slipping away and was a second away from releasing his last breath. Placing both hands on Evans shoulders, the archangel yelled out loud in a firm and unwavering voice.

"Lord Almighty, breath life back into Evan and release him of his pain, let your will be done on this day Father."

Horror gripped Alana as she waited to see if Gabriel could save Evan. It was at that moment in time that she realized that yes she loved Gabriel, he was her first love as a young woman, but it was Evan that she loved as a grown woman loves her soulmate. It was him, it had always been him.

The Holy light spread across the room, it was majestic to watch sparkle life back into the Fay. Alana watched as Evan opened his golden eyes that were full of life and turn them on her.

The archangel stepped back and his huge golden wings opened up, he was getting ready to depart.

Many feelings engulfed the Fays mind and heart, he realized that although he loved his wife, she didn't love him back and nothing he could say or do would change that. He decided right there and then to walk away and let her have the man she was in love with. He would mend his heart and mayhap move to the America's, anywhere was better than here.

This realization that he didn't want Alana anymore came as a surprise even to him. Why would he want to spend the rest of his life with a woman that didn't love him, he thought, he was a Fay warrior, powerful and handsome and could have any women he pleased, be her Fay or human.

You can't have her, a small voice in his heart mocked him, she doesn't want you!

His mind was made up, he would walk away from her with his head held up high, before she turned against him and kicked him out of her life, for it was evident that she wanted the archangel not him, he thought sadly.

"Don't leave on my account, truly there is no reason to. You can have her, she's all yours." The Fay told the archangel coldly, and walked to the door.

"Evan wait, please, don't leave me , I love you!"

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." His voice was calm and collective with an edge of emptiness in in it.

He swung the door open and walked out with his head held up high, and to think he almost died for her, the Fay thought with dismay, him the mighty warrior, the almighty powerful Fay was about to lose his life for a woman!

The Macalisters watched as the Fay walked down the stairs and through the Great Hall. He raised his hand and waved goodbye to them and they all looked at each other with astonishment.

"What the hell?" Silas, surprised by the Fays departure threw his father a questioning glance.

"Don't look at me, I don't know what happened!" Edward said. And everyone turned to stare at Stephan.

"He loves her, but is overwhelmed at the moment." Stephan answer did not satisfy the Macalisters, 


Evan stepped out into the sunshine, his mouth curved into a smile. He exhaled a sigh of relief that he freed himself from more grief and walked away feeling great.

Thank you for your votes and comments.
Hope you all had a great Christmas, mine was blessed and I feel very grateful.

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