Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

84K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 9

1.3K 28 10
By ilangel1

This chapter is about Liam and Harry's romantic weekend.  I have decided to give everyone another chapter today what with Christmas arriving.  A special shout out to slove9974 and starwarsfan20

Liam drove to the countryside to a lodge they stayed in for their one year anniversary and the exact place he asked Harry to marry him. Harry and Liam listened to music on their drive.

Liam and Harry arrived at the complex they were staying in and booked in and got the keys for their lodge. Liam and Harry walked into the lodge and put all the things down before deciding what to do. Harry smirked as he passionately kissed Liam. Liam and Harry were passionately kissing. Things soon became more intense between Liam and Harry. Harry and Liam made love with each other loving the feeling as they couldn't do it as much now because of the boys. They cuddled for awhile.

"Right the shower is all yours but be quick." Liam said to Harry coming back into the room from taking his own shower. "What Why? Where we going?" Harry asked confused as he got off the bed. "Surprise love, now come on hurry up." Liam said hurrying his husband up as he wanted to get going. "Please tell me there isn't loads of surprises this weekend you know how much I hate them." Harry whined like a three year old. "That I can't say love." Liam said. "That means yes then." Harry said as he walked off into the bathroom leaving a laughing Liam behind. Liam got dried and dressed and couldn't wait to see Harry's face.

"Right Okay I need some idea of where we're going as I need to know what to wear." Harry said and Liam smiled. "Wear something warm we're going to be outside." Harry nodded knowing he wouldn't get anything else out of Liam and got dressed in what he felt was suitable. Harry got dressed and the pair left the lodge. Once outside the lodge Liam blindfolded Harry who moaned. "Seriously, Liam." Harry whined. "Yes I want to Surprise you and I don't want anything ruining it." Liam said and Harry nodded letting Liam do as he pleased. Harry sighed and let Liam guide him to where they were going. "Liam where on earth are we going?" Harry asked knowing that he wasn't on the path anymore. "Your find out soon enough." Liam said continuing to guide Harry. Harry sighed he had no clue what they were doing.

"Alright Sit." Liam said as he lowered Harry towards the ground. "Liam why am I sitting down on the ground?" Harry questioned and Liam smiled before removing Harry's blindfold.

"Wow, how did you get all this stuff set up? You've been with me the whole time?" Harry gasped. "I may have had a bit of help. Do you like it I know it's November and everything but Are first ever date was a picnic and it is a nice day just cold." Liam said. Harry smiled and lent over kissing Liam stopping his rambling. "Does that answer your question?" Harry said and Liam smiled before sitting down next to Harry. Liam unpacked the lunch and the pair cuddled each other enjoying their alone time.

"What we doing the rest of the day?" Harry asked as he rested his head on Liam's shoulder. "We will go and get some dinner later on but for now let's just enjoy this and watch the sun go down Yeah." Liam explained "How long until that happens?" Harry questions. "About an hour." Liam said looking at his watch and Harry smiled. "I love you." Harry said. "Love you more." Liam replied. The pair passionately kissed each other only stopping when one couldn't breath and then kissing again a second later. Harry and Liam finally broke away from kissing and cuddled as they finally ate the picnic.

"You certainly went all out with the food not sure I'm going to want dinner after all this." Harry said eating a strawberry. "Well if we're not hungry we're skip dinner plans but I'm sure you will be I mean we don't have to go out till late if you don't want to I mean we don't have any kids so there's no rush." Liam said and Harry smiled.

'Li you booked anything for later yet" Harry asked. "No as I didnt know when we would be hungry because of this picnic plus where not exactly in a busy area and it's the middle of November so I don't think anywhere will be too busy." Liam said. 'Well leave dinner to me I'll sort something out" Harry said pecking Liam's lips. "You sure?" Liam asked and Harry nodded. "Yeah you sorted all this out let me do dinner." Harry replied. "Yeah Okay I'll look forward to it?" Liam said. They stayed cuddled up for a while before going to for a walk and exploring. While Liam went to the toilet, Harry went on his phone and found something for that evening.

Liam and Harry went for a romantic walk and held hands with each other admiring the scenery and sunset which was stunning. "I miss being able to do things like this. I mean don't get me wrong I love the boys and wouldn't change anything but I do miss just spending time together." Harry mumbled as they continued to walk. "Well if this weekend goes well with Niall staying at your mums maybe we could make it more of a tradition." Liam suggested and Harry nodded. "I would love that, maybe one weekend every 2 months." Harry replied "Yeah that would be nice but let's wait and see how this weekend turns out for the boys first. If it's going to upset Niall massively each time I'm not comfortable with doing it maybe wait till he's a bit older." Liam said. "That's fair." Harry said.

Harry and Liam enjoyed the scenery and had an amazing time watching sunset before heading back to the lodge and cuddling on the sofa for a bit. "So have you decided what we're doing for dinner?" Liam asked after cuddling for around an hour. "There is no way I'm telling you anything after all your secrecy this morning." Harry said while laughing resulting in a huff from Liam. Harry passionately kissed Liam. Liam deepened the kiss to Harry and led him to the bedroom.

Harry and Liam were cuddling in bed when Harry's phone started to ring causing Liam to groan. "Just ignore it." Liam said cuddling further into Harry just as Liam's phone started to ring instead. "Liam someone is obviously trying to get hold of us and it might be my mum about the boys." Liam sighed but agreed and uncurled himself from Harry letting him get up. "It is my mum." Harry said as he rang his mum back putting it on loud speaker and Liam sighed knowing it must be to do with the boys. Hi mum us everything ok' Harry asked.  Louis got a bit upset as he went on the big slide and got very scared when he was with Katie and wants to speak to you and Liam. 'Ok pass the phone over' Harry said. Harry was relieved when he heard it was just Louis but knew Niall was abound to appear on the phone at some point. Both Harry and Liam had calm Louis down as he had got scared on the big slide. They both told him he was a bit boy. Niall soon came over and also got upset. Harry was pleased that his mum came up with an amzing idea to have a sleepover with Katie and Adam. Niall seemed pleased with the idea with a bit more coaxing Louis came round to the idea and soon.

Harry and Liam said bye to niall and Louis, before hanging up and going back to cuddling each other worried about the kids. But they need to learn they can't be their all the time.  "Do you think there be okay tonight?" Harry asked and Liam nodded. "There be fine, your mum has everything under control and I'm sure there going to consume so much sugar there still be hyper when we collect them tomorrow." Liam reassured his husband who sighed but nodded snuggling more into Liam.

Liam and Harry enjoyed each other's company. Harry passionately kissed Liam. Liam deepened the kiss and pushed Harry on the bed. Soon things intensified between them and the pair made love. Harry and Liam lay in each other's arm's once they finished making love just calming down from what happened. "Do you want to shower first or me?" Liam asked from his place curled into Harry. "Don't mind love but I'm exhausted." Harry said. "Well you can't sleep yet." Liam chuckled uncurling himself from Harry's side. Harry groaned at the loss of Liam's touch. 'Cuddle" Harry moaned. 'I swear your as bad as the kids sometimes' Liam laughed. But none the less Liam did curl back into Harry as he himself didn't really want to get up either. Harry smiled as Liam got back into bed. The pair cuddled together for awhile. Harry passionately kissed Liam. "Harry I love you loads but we really need to get up." Liam said and Harry groaned. "Why?" harry grumbled "Because I'm starving hungry." Liam said "How can you be starving we ate enough food during that picnic to keep us going." "Yeah will these kinds of activities make me hungry." Liam moaned and Harry sighed.

"Alright." Harry huffed sitting up. Liam went and got in the shower. Harry had a thought and decided to join his husband in the shower. Liam squealed as Harry joined him. Harry smirked and kissed his husband. "Harry were never going to get anywhere with you in here as well." Liam whined but didn't really complain about the matter. Harry smirked and kissed his husband. Liam intensified the kiss. Harry and Liam washed each other in the shower before passionately kissing each other. Harry started teasing Liam by doing a bit of foreplay. Liam and Harry made love in the shower, they then cuddled before getting out and cuddling each other while they were both in a towel. "Right come on Li, we need to actually get dressed or were never going to get out for dinner." Harry said giving Liam one last kiss and starting to get dressed. Harry and Liam got dressed when they were nearly ready Harry booked a cab to the restaurant.

Liam and Harry had now arrived the restaurant it was dimly lit and Harry pulled Liam's chair out for him to sit. "Thanks." Liam said and Harry smiled before sitting down in the seat opposite. Harry and Liam looked at the menu a waitress bought a bottle of wine over. Harry and Liam orders their food. A band came out and started playing some music. Liam and Harry enjoyed the band as they ate dinner.

"So do you like this place?" Harry asked and Liam nodded. "Yeah it's really nice, plus the foods great." Liam said happily carrying on eating. 'Do you recognise it at all changed name and style" Harry said. Liam looked round and couldn't work it out. "I really don't know what your on about Haz, but I have a feeling that your going to tell me that this place has some relevance to us." Liam said feeling really bad that he couldn't work it out at all. "Oh yeah I remember now that's the night that you ended up pregnant with Louis." Liam said. "Yep perfect way to end a perfect night as we ended up with are little monkey." Harry said before leaning over and kissing Liam. "It's crazy to think that was 5 years ago and Louis is nearly 5 it's gone so quickly." Liam said. "Yeah but it's not like he's a teen yet I mean he's only just started reception so he isn't going anywhere for a while. Plus there's Niall so our lives aren't calming down anytime soon." Harry reassured him. Liam and Harry started reminiscing about that night and what they did after dinner. "It has changed but this is where we went for Valentine's day that time" Harry said.

Liam and Harry soon ordered dessert. The band played the song the boys had as their first dance at their wedding. 'Haz may I have this dance" Liam said. Harry just smiled and stood taking Liam's hand and letting him guide him. Liam put his arms Round Harry and they danced to the song. The pair danced throughout the whole song and when they returned their dessert came which the pair happily ate. Liam and Harry then listened to the band after their dessert both enjoying a couple more drinks. Liam and Harry danced to a few more songs.

"Do you want to go back Haz?" Liam asked after they finished dancing to the 4th song. "One more." Harry said and Liam nodded unable to say no to Harry. Harry and Liam had another dance and were about to leave. However Harry and Liam were persuaded to stay a little bit longer. Harry and Liam had got talking to another couple and had a few more drinks. Before Harry or Liam knew it it was the early hours of the morning and both of them were feeling the effects of the alcohol. Harry was slightly worse off than Liam.

Liam ordered them a cab back to the lodge. "Right come on Haz, you're going to have to help me out a bit here." Liam said as he tried to get Harry out to the cab that was waiting. Harry nodded although tripped as soon as he stood and Liam decided to just hold onto him the rest of the way out as he could do with the support himself. Liam had to help Harry get changed and then got the boy into bed. He was drunk as well but Harry seemed worse than him. Liam sighed.

Liam then got changed himself before lying down next to Harry who snuggled into his side. Liam smiled and nuzzled his face into his husbands curls. Liam made sure Harry was asleep and ok before he fell asleep. Liam woke up pretty early the next morning out of instinct and winced when he felt the headache. If he had a headache he dreaded to think how harry would be feeling that morning when he woke up. Liam got up and heard Harry whine but he rolled over and fell back asleep while Liam went into the bathroom to find the pain meds that he had packed. He took 2 swallowing them down with a glass of water before walking back to bed trying to go back to sleep. Liam instantly fell back to sleep. Liam thought Harry was asleep but of course he couldn't get back to sleep with a banging headache and a nauseous feeling. Harry rolled over and snuggled into Liam hoping to find some form of comfort so he could fall back asleep but it was just impossible. It wasn't long after that Harry tugged at Liam urgently.

"Si" was all Harry managed to get out "Woah Okay, come on let's get to the bathroom." Liam mumbled not wanting Harry to make any more mess than he already had as this wasn't their own house. Harry Didn't move, Liam looked round the room for a bin. Harry had his arms wrapped around his tummy he could feel it churn and bubble. Liam caught sight of one in the corner and darted over to it grabbing the bin and getting it in Harry's lap before he could throw up again and make more of a mess. Liam got there just in time to catch the next round. Liam knew it was most likely a hangover but he automatically felt for a fever. "I feel awful." Harry whined after he finished vomiting. "That's we get for going out and drinking." Liam said with a quiet chuckle. "You don't feel great either?" harry said. "Got a headache." Liam said and Harry nodded leaning into Liam. Liam asked Harry if wanted some painkillers before he emptied the bucket out. "Haz is it just a hangover" Liam asked.

"I don't know Li, I haven't had a hangover in years and I can't remember what one feels like." Harry whined. Liam laughed but felt sorry for his husband as he gave him painkillers and brought the clean bin and placed it beside Harry. Liam got back into bed and cuddled Harry. "This is not how today is meant to go." Harry moaned snuggling more into Liam's side. "Well I'm not complaining I don't want to go anywhere till this headache eases.""At least that's all you're suffering with." Harry mumbled and Liam smiled sadly at him.  Liam comforted Harry back to sleep before sleeping himself.

Harry didn't know how long he had been asleep when he jolted awake and groaned and reached for the bin. "Liam." Harry whimpered as he sat up over the bin. Liam groaned but opened his eyes sitting up when he saw the state harry was in. "Get it out Love." Liam said softly as he rubbed Harry's back. "I hate this." Harry groaned "No one likes being sick love." Liam said with a quiet chuckle as Harry finished vomiting. "How's your head?" Harry asked once he composed himself. "A lot better actually that extra sleep was needed. I mean it's still there but nowhere near the same ferocity as before." Liam said. "Lucky you." Harry mumbled before he threw up again. "Awww poor you get it up baby" Liam said rubbing his back.Harry threw up once more after that before he was done and laid back down. Liam emptied the bucket and placed it back and smiled as Harry was asleep again. Liam carefully got back on the bed but decided not to fall back asleep instead grabbing his phone and flicking through social media. Liam kept a close eye on harry as Harry slept. Liam massaged Harry's hair as he slept. Harry stirred awake. Liam noticed and grabbed the bin before propping Harry up.

"When is this going to stop." Harry whined inbetween bouts. "Hopefully soon we need to get home and get the boys later." Liam said knowing they couldn't possibly leave Niall another night. If it was just Louis it would be a possibility as Louis wouldn't be too bothered but Niall would just have a major breakdown and Liam wasn't putting the boy through that. Harry nodded as he lurched forward. That's it better in than out. You think you are done." Liam asked passing Harry water to wash his mouth out and then sip. Liam then passed Harry some more painkillers. "Hopefully that will be the last of it. I'm never drinking again." Liam laughed at that. "You don't need to stop drinking maybe just pace yourself next time. We both had a lot to drink last night I'm not really surprised your like this." Liam said and Harry nodded. "I'm jealous of you. You got away with just a headache but drank pretty much the same amount as me." Harry moaned. "Alcohol has never affected me that badly I need to drink a lot to just get a headache so that shows alone how much we drank last night." Liam said and Harry nodded cuddling back into Liam. Harry fell asleep. Liam carefully got out from underneath Harry and text Anne before backing their belongings so they could leave when Harry was up for it.

Liam sat on his phone while Harry slept. Liam stroked Harry's hair as he slept. Harry stirred slightly. " How you feeling haz" Liam asked. "A bit better I guess but not a lot." Harry replied. "Do you feel sick as we really need to start making a move. I've messaged your mum and told her we would pick the boys up in a couple of hours and have packed all. Our stuff apart from a change of clothes for you and your toothbrush and toothpaste." Liam explained and Harry nodded. "I'm alright at the moment maybe those last set of meds helped but help me up slowly." Liam nodded and helped harry up watching as he headed into the bathroom. Liam could see he still didn't feel great and he probably wanted to go back to sleep but they really did need to get moving. He could sleep in the car anyway as Liam planning on driving home anyway. Liam found a few empty carrier bags and any carrier bags with anything in he tipped the stuff out of them and put them in the car in case Harry needed them. Harry had a quick shower to freshen up.

"Alright you ready to go?" Liam asked and Harry nodded. "You Alright to drive?" Harry asked. "Yeah headaches pretty much gone so I'll be fine plus I really want to see the kids." Liam said and Harry nodded in agreement and followed Liam out to the car. "There's some bags on the floor if you need them but try and sleep, were be at your mums before you know it." Liam said getting into the drivers seat once Harry was situated.

Harry just nodded and curled into himself falling asleep in minutes.  Liam heard a moan from Harry in his sleep and saw there was a safe place to stop. "Haz baby you ok" Liam said as he grabbed one of the carrier bags. Harry groaned as he vomitted. His headache had come back with full force.  Harry shook his head and grabbed onto the bag Liam was holding out to him and instantly threw up and started to panic. "Alright Harry calm down." Liam said as he unclipped his seat belt and lent over to rub Harry's back.  

"We only have around another hour to go in the car until we get to your mums so maybe try going back to sleep." Liam suggested once Harry was finished. "I'll try but it probably won't happen." Harry mumbled curling in on himself. "Just try." Liam said as he started driving again and Harry closed his eyes hoping he would fall back asleep. Harry nodded but Liam couldn't stop again as there was nowhere for him to stop so all he could do was talk softly to Harry and try and get him through it. The movement of the car caused Harry to feel nauseous again. He grabbed another bag just in case. "Awww still feeling bad haz" Liam asked.Harry was on and of puking. Harry groaned as he puked. Hoping it was just carsickness mixed with his hangover.

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