Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

Da ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 6

1.6K 32 3
Da ilangel1

On Saturday Liam and Harry were celebrating their wedding anniversary meaning they were going out so Niall and Louis were spending the night at their grandparents which neither parent was sure how Niall would react. The boy was fine being away from his parents during the day but during the night he likes to know his parents are in the same house. They made sure everything was packed and in the car set. Harry made breakfast while Liam woke the boys up.

"Lou lou wake up." Liam said softly while playing with Louis' hair. Louis slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them tiredly looking at Liam. "Daddy up." Louis mumbled raising his arms and Liam nodded picking the boy up who rested his head on Liam's shoulder. "Come on lou lou, wake up your normally full of beans this time of the morning." Liam said as he rubbed Louis' back who groaned. Louis snuggled into his papa. Liam carried the boy to the bathroom and told him to go for a wee before telling him daddy has made breakfast.

Liam then goes to wake niall up. "Niall wake up love." Liam said and the boy groaned. "Why? It's Saturday." He whined opening his eyes to glare at Liam. The boy may only be 7 but he loved his sleep. "Well were going out so come on, daddy's made breakfast." Liam said not telling Niall exactly where they were going as the boy would then ask questions and he would rather him and Harry tell him together along with Louis.'Daddy is making a fry up Ni' Liam said and the boy was straight up. Liam chuckled watching the boy jump out of bed and headed downstairs so he went to follow bumping into Louis who was coming out the bathroom on his way down.

"Papa up please." Louis asked. "You in a lazy mood today?" Liam asked the small boy picking him up Louis resting his head back down on Liam's shoulder before nodding. "You want a fry up for breakfast." Liam said "Sausage." Louis asked and Liam nodded. "I'm sure you can have a sausage." Liam said kissing his forehead. Niall ran into the kitchen

'Is breakfast ready yet daddy' Niall asked. Liam carried Louis downstairs. "It will be in a minute Ni." Harry said laughing at the boy as he sat down at the kitchen table before catching sight of Liam and Louis. "Morning baby." Harry said. "Daddy, Papa said I can have a sausage." Louis said as Liam placed him in his seat. "I'm sure you can have a sausage, do you want anything else or just a sausage?" Harry asked. "2 sausages." Louis asked and Harry laughed. "We're see how you get on with the first one first Okay." Louis nodded and Harry finished cooking breakfast while Liam made drinks. Harry also put one hash brown on louis plate.

Harry gave Louis a full fry up including eggs, sausage, hash browns, bacon, beans and tomatoes. "What's this?" Louis asked pointing to the hash brown with his fork? "It's a hash brown love, try it you should like it as it's onion and potato in batter all things you like." Harry told the boy who nodded putting a bit in his mouth. "No daddy don't like it." Louis whined and Harry sighed getting up and picking up a tissue before Louis would spit it out wherever he could. Louis instantly spat it out into the tissue before moving the hash brown off of his plate and moving onto the sausage. "Nice Ni?" Liam asked Niall who was making short work of his breakfast. "Yeah." Niall said happily making Liam and Harry smile. At least one of their children wasn't a fussy eater. Soon everyone had finished breakfast.

Harry told the boys to get ready he went and helped Louis while Liam washed up. "What do you want to wear Ni?" Harry asked. "Don't mind." Louis responded wanting to get this done so he could go and play. "Alright then." Harry said grabbing Louis a pair of jeans and his favourite top along with some socks. "There all done now come downstairs as me and papa want to talk to you and Ni." Harry said and Louis nodded taking Harry's hand and the pair walked downstairs. Niall soon appeared in the lounge waiting to find out what they were doing that day.

"Right Okay, So today is mine and daddy's anniversary." Liam started and both boys nodded so he continued. "Well me and daddy are going out tonight and we're not going to be back home till late so you both are going to be staying at grandmas." Liam explained and where Louis looked happy Niall was anything but. "But your pick us up straight after you've finished." Niall mumbled. "No love your going to be staying overnight, but me and daddy will be back to pick you up tomorrow morning." Liam explained as Niall crawled onto his lap curling into him although he expected this it's the same every time he stays away from home. Liam cuddled niall. Grandma and grandpa will fuss over you and give you lots of cuddles. Liam had left out the part of them staying away for the night thought it was best.

I'm sure grandma and grandpa have lots planned for you two' Harry said knowing the Anne had planned so much for them. Niall just nodded sadly not really wanting to go but decided not to argue about it.

"You excited Lou?" Harry asked. "Yes love grandma and grandpa." Louis said as he crawled over to Harry sitting in his lap. "And they love you lots too. Although not as much as me and papa." Harry said and Louis giggled as Harry started to kiss him all over his face. It was about half hour later when the two dad's checked both children had there teddys. Louis had there comfort blanket and any toys they wanted to take with but only three each.

Niall was crying and faked to his dad's his tummy hurt. Liam knelt down in front of Niall and got him to look at him. "Niall your going to be fine yeah. I need you to be brave as if Louis sees you upset or scared then he'll react the same way as he looks up to you as your his big brother." Liam explained deciding to play the big brother card with Niall. Niall sniffled but nodded and rubbed his eyes. "You don't want to make lou upset do you?" Niall shook his head and Liam smiled at him wiping his tears away. "Come here." Liam said opening his arms for a hug which Niall happily excepted hugging his papa back. They got in the car and drove round to Anne and robins house. Niall as fine as he went and cuddled his grandparents and as they went in even when they took the bags in.

But as soon as Harry and Liam were about to say bye Niall brought tears on complaining about a tummy ache and feeling sick. The brother card didn't work here. Anne understood and picked Niall up and took him into another room and soothed the boy. Harry and Liam came and kissed him bye and gave him his elephant teddy. 'feel icky papa' Niall whimpered. Liam knew Niall was saying that to make them stay. "You're be fine baby, you are going to have a great time." Liam reassured the boy who just shook his head and begged Liam to stay. Anne whispered a go to the 2 men who both nodded knowing that Niall wasn't going to calm down until they had left. They both walked out the room after kissing Niall one more time and went downstairs seeing Louis happily watching tv. "Bye baby." Liam said and Louis just waved to focused on his tv programme. Harry and Liam got into the car both of them heartbroken about niall.

Anne cuddled niall and put the tv on in the bedroom to see if that cheered the boy up. Niall cuddle closely to Anne and had his stuffed elephant pulled tightly to his chest. "What's the matter Ni, you never normally get this upset?" Anne asked the boy as a few tears were normal for Niall but not this many.

Downstairs Louis was getting lonely so went to see if he could find where everyone had gone. He walked into the kitchen and saw the back door open so went to grab his shoes putting them on before heading outside finding his grandpa planting flowers. "Hey Louis, you want to help?" Robin asked. "What you doing?" He asked sitting down. "I'm putting the flowers into the ground see." He said placing one in the ground. "Can I try?" louid asked. "I don't see why not but I think I'll help you out." Louis had fun trying to plant the flowers but made a mess. He laughed as he did it.

Niall cried himself to sleep. Anne decided to check on louis before coming back up to Niall. Anne smiled watching Louis but decided it was best to not leave Niall for long as she really didn't want the boy waking and finding himself on his own. So on her way back she grabbed her book and sat down on the chair next to the bed and started to read while she waited for Niall to wake up.

"Lou do you want to help me water them?" Louis quickly nodded and ran over to his grandpa who was filling a watering can up. "Right so I need you to hold it and then we're pour together Yeah?" Louis nodded and did as he was told before he watched his grandpa apply slug pellets. "What are they?" Louis asked. "What are what?" robin replied. "The blue sprinkles." Louis asked. "Oh these are called slug pellets and they stop the slugs and snails from eating my plants." He explained deciding not to mention that it actually kills them as he didn't want the boy getting upset. Louis nodded satisfied with that and watered the plant getting himself and robin soaked.

"You make enough mess for 10 kids lou." Robin said with a chuckle and Louis just shrugged starting to jump in the puddles that he had made. "Woah Louis don't jump your ruin your shoes." Robin said but it was too late and the shoes were already soaked. "Oops." Louis mumbled before looking up at robin. "Come on lets take these off and place them in a sunny spot and there be dry in no time." Robin said sitting Louis down so he could take his shoes off before placing them in the sun. It was a nice sunny winters day in November but it wasn't that hot so robin didn't know if the shoes would dry but it was worth a shot.

"Grandpa what if they don't dry?" Louis asked looking at his shoes drying in the sun from his place on robins hip. "Then we're bring them in and put them on the radiator. Actually aren't you cold, why haven't you got your coat on?" Robin asked only now seeing the 4 year old didn't have it on. "Don't like it, so don't wear it." Louis replied and Robin sighed remembering that Harry told him that Louis won't wear an coat out of choice and he came outside by himself. "Well I think it's time to go in and we can snuggle under a blanket and watch a movie." Louis nodded as that sounded quite nice as the boy was starting to get quite cold. Robin went in and decided they needed to get dry and changed first before watching tv.

"Right come on lou lets go and get you dry and changed." Robin said carrying the boy upstairs deciding to sort him out first before himself. "Okay." Louis said and Robin picked up Louis' bag on the way before carrying him into the bathroom. "Can you get your clothes off or do you want help." Robin asked. "Me do it." Louis said as he started to take his clothes off. 20 minutes later Louis was all dry and changed so Robin sent him downstairs to watch tv while he got changed himself. When Robin came back downstairs he saw Louis curled in a ball watching TV so he went and sat next to him resulting in Louis climbing onto his lap. Louis reached out for his grandad as he walked in. "Come here then." Robin said picking the boy up who snuggled straight into him. "Shall we watch a film?" robin asked. Louis nodded and got himself comfy while Robin found a film on Netflix for the boy to watch. Louis was fixed on the tv as they watched tangled.

Niall started to stir. Anne noticed and rubbed the boys back. Niall however continued to stir and it wasn't long before Niall opened his eyes. "Hey Ni, You Okay now?" Anne said. Niall looked around the room before his eyes set back on Anne. Niall nodded 'cuddle grandma' Niall asked. Anne was surprised but cuddled Niall without any questions. Niall and Anne cuddled together for a while in the end Anne turning on the TV and putting a film on as she felt Niall wasn't going anywhere for a while. Niall snuggled into his grandma as they watched the film. "I enjoy your cuddles Ni you normally dont cuddle me this much." Anne said running her hand through Niall's hair. "Daddy and papa say that too." Niall said quietly holding on tighter to his elephant and curling in more to Anne. Anne smiled at this. 'Shall we go find out what Louis and grandad are doing and may be go out this afternoon.' Anne said. Niall nodded but didn't make a move to get up so Anne picked him up and carried him downstairs finding her husband and youngest grandson on the sofa watching tangled. "Ah look who's joined us, You Alright Niall?" Robin asked seeing the boy and Anne appear in the living room. Niall nodded and Anne smiled at Louis.

"I was thinking we could go out. Keep this one distracted." She said and Robin nodded. "Good idea where we going?" Robin asked. 'Shall we go to the park boys' Anne suggested.

Louis jumped up at the word park. 'Sounds good' Niall said. 'Do you want to see if Gemma and Joe are free with Katie and Adam' Robin suggested. Katie and Adam are Gemma and Joe's children. Katie is the eldest at 10 and Adam is 6 years old just a little bit younger than Niall.

"I'll ring Gemma you get the boys ready." Anne said as she placed Niall down to her husband who nodded and got up leading Niall and Louis into the hallway. "Grandad are my shoes dry?" Louis asked. "I wouldn't of thought so Lou, but you have spare shoes here that you will have to wear." Robin told the boy "But I don't like those shoes." Louis stropped. "Sorry, but It's these shoes or you're not going." Robin said showing Louis the shoes he had in his hand. Louis huffed but nodded as he wanted to go to the park even if that meant he had to wear the shoes he didn't want to. Robin then made sure they both had warm jumpers on before giving them there costs.

Louis if you don't put your coat on you will not go to the park and will stay here with grandma.' Robin said sternly. "But I don't like it." Louis stated and Robin sighed. "Louis I'm going to count to 3 and if your not putting it on by the time I get to 3 then you're not going and that's final." Louis just glared at him and Robin started to count. "1..., 2...." Louis then slowly made a move over towards Robin. "I would move a bit faster if I was You Louis I'm about to say 3." Robin warned and Louis huffed but put reached out for his coat and put it on. "Right we ready to go Gemma said they will meet us at the park in 20 minutes." Anne said. "Grandma why do I have to wear a coat?" Louis asked looking up at Anne. "Because it's cold outside and you don't want to get sick or anything do you?" Louis instantly shook his head as if there's one thing the 4 year old hates more than anything it's being sick. Niall walked along side his grandparents whereas either robin or Anne held onto Louis hand.

"We there yet?" Louis whined fed up walking. "Lou you know how far the park is from." Robin said but the boy shrugged. "Up please Grandad." The boy asked raising his arms. "You don't want to walk like a big boy?" Robin said. "No get tired and then won't be able to play." Louis justified and Robin laughed picking the boy up. "Better?" Robin asked. "Yes now lets go." Louis said happily and Robin started walking a bit faster to catch up with Anne and Niall as they had gone on ahead. Louis laughed as they ran along and he held on tight. They soon arrived at the park. As they could see the park in the distance Louis wanted to get down but robin didn't let him knowing the four year old would run of.

"No Lou, now stay still I don't want to drop you." Robin said and Louis did settle down knowing if he kept wiggling it would just take longer to get to the park as Robin had stopped walking. They soon arrived inside the park. 'Down grandpa' Louis said. 'Ok but no running of' Robin said as he let the boy down. Louis nodded and pulled on robins hand pulling him towards the swings. "Alright Lou I'm coming calm down." Robin said laughing letting Louis pull him to the swings. Niall was on the climbing frame. Louis was enjoying the swings he got his grandpa to push him on the swings. Before showing his grandpa he could do it himself.

"Well done lou, your certainly growing up now aren't you." Robin said "Yes I'm nearly 5." Louis said happily and Robin chuckled. "That you are." Robin said as he felt someone tap tug on his top. Turning around he smiled seeing Adam. "Hey Adam. You want to go on a swing as well." Adam nodded happily and got on the swing next to Louis and Robin pushed him to get him started and then watched as Adam continued by himself. He then turned around seeing Katie playing with Niall and Gemma and joe talking to Anne. Gemma waved over to her dad. Anne snapped some photo's of the family.

Soon Anne said they should go to the park cafe for lunch. Everyone agreed and they all set off for the park cafe Louis back on robins hip as he was complaining about being tired and his legs hurting. They soon arrived at the cafe and found a table and looked at the menu. "Right What does everyone want?" Anne asked and everyone said what they wanted except Louis as he couldn't really read yet. "Grandad?" Louis asked."Yeah lou?" Robin said "Do they have a cheese sandwich?" Louis asked and Robin looked down the kids menu section seeing that they did have cheese but it had ham in as well and Louis wasn't a fan of ham. "They Do but theirs ham in But you can pick it out." Robin said and Louis nodded. "As long as I don't have to eat it as I don't like ham." Louis said with a shake of his head making Robin laugh. "Your one fussy eater Louis." Robin laughed.

I'm sure we can ask for just a cheese sandwich" Anne said overhearing the conversation. 'Grandma can I have this' niall asked his grandma. "Do you like tuna Ni? Last time you came over to us and I did pasta you refused to eat it cause you didn't like the tuna." Anne said. "I had it in school and I liked it." Niall said and Anne nodded. "Alright I'll get you the tuna melt then." Niall smiled and thanked her before Anne got up to order everyone's food. Anne and Gemma went up and ordered for everyone. Anne ordered something that Niall would like I'd he decided he didn't like tuna.

Everyone was back at the table chatting as they all waited for their food. When the food came Niall decided that he didn't like the tuna as Anne had predicted and gave him a ham a cheese panini instead which Niall was happy with. Louis was also happy that his sandwich just had cheese and he didn't have to pick the ham out. Gemma's kids were nowhere near as fussy and were just happy with whatever there mum gave them. They all soon finished their lunch and the adults had to tell the children to sit for a while to let their lunch settle before playing again.

As you can see I'm writting about niall and Louis time before I write about Liam and Harry's weekend away.

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