Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

Galing kay ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 4

1.8K 45 5
Galing kay ilangel1

Can I remind people this is a joint story written by myself and doodle1403 in private message. Thank you to everyone who is reading this book and for your votes and comments.

They then went back to the car. As soon as the family set off Louis was asleep cuddling with his new lion and Niall wasn't far off either. "I give him 10 minutes before he's asleep." Liam said gesturing to Niall and Harry shrugged. "I'd say more 5." Harry said with a chuckle. Liam laughed. 'You leaving me in the land of nod aswell' Liam laughed. Louis was fast asleep. "Maybe." Harry mumbled and Liam took that as a yes.

"Go to sleep Haz I'll wake you when we get home." Harry nodded before closing his eyes himself. Liam looked at his sleeping family on the drive home. Halfway home and Louis started to stir. "You Alright lou?" Liam asked hearing shuffling from the back and looking in the Mirror seeing Louis waking up. "Need the toilet Papa." Louis whined and Liam sighed. "You think you can last half hour?" "How long that?" Louis questioned rubbing his eyes. "Three episodes of Paw Patrol." Liam said explaining it in a way Louis would understand.

"No papa." Louis whimpered "Alright lou I'll stop when I can." Liam said. "Be quick Papa." Louis whined. Liam sighed he had only been half hour ago. Liam saw that he saw a service station about ten minutes away. He sighed and drove to it. Another five minutes and Louis started sobbing as he had an accident

Liam knew straight away what had happened and tried to calm the boy down but it wasn't easy bearing in mind he was driving. Niall and Harry also woke up with the sound of Louis' cries. "What happened?" Harry asked. "Louis' had an accident I'm about to stop." Harry nodded and turned around to try and calm the distraught boy down. Louis was a sobbing mess. Niall even tried to calm his brother down. Louis thought he had finished.Liam reached the services 5 minutes later and quickly parked before Harry got out retrieving the still sobbing Louis and grabbed the spare clothes that they keep in the car for these kind of situations before carrying Louis into the building. "Ni do you need the toilet?" Harry asked "No." Niall said snuggling back under his blanket. Niall fell back to sleep. Liam being the worry wart he was felt nialls forehead with his hand.Harry took Louis to the toilet and took his wet trousers and underwear of before sitting him on the toilet. "I don't need to go anymore daddy." Louis sobbed. "Just sit their for a minute baby to make sure." Harry said wiping Louis' eyes from tears. Louis nodded and sniffled and like harry expected used the toilet. Once he was sure Louis was finished he started to get him dressed in dry underwear and trousers. Once Louis was dressed. Harry picked the boy up and then carried him out to the car having put his wet clothes in a carrier bag.

Harry came back to the car to find Niall back asleep. Louis car seat was all wet to now. "What we meant to do about Louis' car seat it's soaking." Harry said as he was about to put Louis in it. "Umm place a blanket over it. He can't just sit without one." Liam said and Harry nodded doing as Liam said before placing Louis in his car seat and then getting back into his seat.

Louis couldn't sleep on the way back so Harry put Peppa pig on the iPad. Niall slept the whole journey home. When they reached Home Harry got Louis out and took him to have a bath so he could be properly cleaned up while Liam carefully picked Niall up and carried him upstairs to get him changed deciding the boy could just shower or bath in the morning. Niall stirred slightly at being changed into his pyjamas. 'Shhh it's just papa putting your pyjamas on. Niall just slowly nodded before closing his eyes again. "Hang on Ni sweetie stay awake I need you to brush your teeth and use the toilet." Liam said and Niall whined before rubbing his eyes. "Good boy go and grab your toothbrush and then go into mine and daddy's bathroom as I think daddy's giving Louis a bath still." Niall nodded before slowly walking out the room stumbling slightly as he was so tired. Niall stumbled over his own feet as he was still half asleep luckily Liam followed the boy out.

Harry bathed Louis who played with his bath toys. Louis was chatting about his favourite bits at the zoo in the bath. "So you had a good day then." Harry asked "The best." Louis clapped and Harry smiled just as Niall walked in. "You Okay Ni?" The boy nodded before picking up his toothbrush and heading for Liam and Harry's room. Niall was exhausted. He was tired before the day even started. Niall thoughly enjoyed it but just wanted to sleep. "Do you want to come downstairs for a bit and cuddle or go straight to bed?" Liam asked the boy as he finished in the bathroom. "Bed please." Niall mumbled and Liam nodded guiding the boy back to his room. Niall went to bed and fell straight to sleep. Liam turned his night light on before kissing his forehead.

Harry soon got Louis out the bath and dried the boy. "Daddy story please." Louis said once Harry had him dressed and in bed after he had done his teeth and used the toilet "Alright baby, move up a bit." Harry said picking up a random book and then sitting next to Louis and reading the boy the story. Louis fell asleep in the middle of the story. Harry tucked Louis in making sure he had his comfort blanket and cuddly sheep along with his new lion before kissing his forehead, turning on his nightlight and left the room. When he went downstairs he was half expecting to see Niall cuddling with Liam But was surprised to see Liam cleaning Louis' car seat instead.

"I thought you'd be down here with Ni?" "No he fell straight asleep." Liam stated and Harry nodded. "He has been tired all day so I'm not surprised he's gone straight to sleep." Harry said before going over to the fridge to find something to eat. 'Can you grab me something' Liam called through as he finished cleaning the car seat. "Yeah." Harry called back as he continued searching through the fridge for something suitable to eat. Liam went back out to the car to place the car seat back in the after making sure it was completely clean. Liam sighed not knowing if anything else needed cleaning but it was to dark to tell. Liam went back inside to join Harry and eat.

Liam and Harry chatted as they ate before heading into the lounge and putting a film on both cuddling with each other. They cuddled and enjoyed the film as they snuggled into each other. It was nearing 11 when the parents decided it was time for bed and they slowly walked up the stairs. "I'm going to check on Niall." Liam said still not convinced that there wasn't something wrong with the blonde. "Honestly Li you Worry way to much. I'm sure he's fine." Harry said but Liam was already off heading for Niall's room. Niall was fast asleep and Liam kissed his forehead before heading to bed. "Was he fine." Harry said in a knowing voice and Liam just nodded. "Flat out." Liam said. "See So There's nothing to worry about." Harry said and Liam nodded knowing his husband was right. The two men fit into bed and cuddled and fell asleep. All was quiet in the house for the time being with each family member asleep but would it stay that way throughout the night?

It was around four am in the morning when Niall woke he just wanted a cuddle so got up and went to his dad's room and poked his papa. Liam sat up and rubbed his eye's expecting it to be Louis but got a shock when it was Niall. 'You feeling ok' Liam asked the boy. 'Yes cuddle' Niall said. Liam didn't question it any further as it was still way to early to be awake and for him to function so he let Niall climb into the bed and the boy instantly curled into Liam's side falling asleep pretty quickly and Liam wasn't far behind him. The house remained quite even Louis sleeping in till 8 which makes a change.

When Louis did wake up he carefully got out of bed before going to the toilet and then went into his parents room looking for cuddles and saw his daddy already awake scrolling though his phone although his papa and brother were still asleep. "Morning monkey, I was wondering when you were going to wake up." Harry said looking up when he heard the door being pushed open and opened his arms allowing Louis to come and cuddle which he did without hesitation. "Yesterday must have really tired you out your never asleep past 7." Harry said playing with Louis' hair who nodded in agreement snuggling further into Harry.They cuddled for all of five minutes before Louis moaned about being hungry. "Come on then. I can't ever have a long cuddle with you Can I?" Harry said and Louis shook his head. "Food is important Daddy." Louis stated and Harry nodded. "That it is love, now come on let's go and get some breakfast while papa and Niall sleep for a bit longer." Louis nodded and ran out the door with Harry following close behind. Harry made Louis rice crispies for breakfast and wondered what time Niall came into the bedroom. "Daddy Why was Ni in your bed when I came in?" Louis asked also noting that it was weird that his older brother was in his daddies bed. He went in their bed a lot in the night but not his big brother. "I don't know love I was asleep when he came in so we're have to wait for papa to wake up to find out." Harry said and Louis nodded happily eating his cereal.Harry then switched cartoons on for Louis enjoying the quite time. "Daddy cuddle please." Louis called from the living room and Harry soon entered the living room from where he was in the kitchen. "I'm sure I can provide you with a cuddle." Harry said picking the boy up and placing him on his lap.

Niall started to stir and without realising kicked his leg which resulted in waking Liam as well. Liam groaned but didn't mind as he looked at the time. 'Hey Ni how you feeling' Liam asked the boy. Niall just groaned and rubbed his eyes before curling into Liam's side. "Shall we go and get some breakfast" Liam asked guessing that Louis had already eaten as Harry wasn't in bed and there was no way the little boy was still asleep and Louis has to eat straight away on a morning or he'll just whine.

Liam was slightly concerned when he got no answer but laughed as the boy had curled back up and shut his eye's. "Come on Ni, wake up you've slept enough your never sleep tonight if you sleep any longer." Liam said rubbing the boys back to wake him up. Niall made to movement to open his eyes so Liam just picked the boy up as even if Niall wasn't responding to his breakfast request he was hungry and Niall was clearly in a clingy mood so he would have to come as well. "Where we going?" Niall asked as he clung onto Liam resting his head on his shoulder. "Breakfast." Liam said and Niall nodded. Harry made Niall and Liam's breakfast seeing as the tired boy wouldn't let go of Liam. Niall just asked for jam on toast., Liam also having the same with his coffee.

Louis was engrossed in his programme. "Where's Lou this morning?" Liam asked yet to see the energetic boy. "Watching cartoons." Harry said and Liam nodded. When Louis got engrossed into his programmes he wouldn't move till he wanted or needed something."What's wrong with you this morning Ni? I saw you were in our bed when I got up." Niall just shrugged and wrapped an arm around the boy as he was on his lap. "I think he's just cuddly today." Liam said earning a nod from Niall. Can daddy have a cuddle Harry asked as Niall isn't always this cuddly and he missed it. Niall nodded and Liam passed Niall over to Harry before having his coffee and toast. Niall toast was placed in front of him. I think we should have a movie day' Liam suggested. "Yeah I agree." Harry said handing Niall one of the pieces of toast. "Daddy, don't want it." Niall whined looking at the toast. "You asked for it sweetie though." Harry said and Niall just shrugged. "Just eat one piece yeah instead of two." Harry proposed and Niall whined but nodded taking the piece in Harry's hand. Niall tiredly nibbled at the toast who out his head on Harry's shoulder.Harry put it down to tiredness nothing else. Luckily Liam had gone to say morning to Louis. "Papa." Louis said happily seeing Liam enter the room before jumping off the sofa and into Liam's arms. "Hey Lou this is nice welcome." Liam said surprised Louis had actually stopped watching his cartoons. Liam then picked him up and the pair went back and sat on the sofa.

Louis snuggled in to his papa. Soon Niall and Harry joined the pair and they put a movie on when Louis episode finished. The family watched films for the rest of the morning but just after lunch Louis got bored of sitting around.

"Daddy, Papa I'm bored." Louis whined plopping down in front of the Tv so no one could see it and they would have to pay attention to him. 'Lou I'm watching that' niall moaned. 'It's boring" Louis whimpered. 'Shall we go play' Liam suggested picking him and going to the play room. "Papa can we go to the park?" Louis asked pushing a train around his train track. "No I'm sorry baby but it's raining." Louis sighed and continued pushing his train around. Liam knew the boy was bored but there wasn't really anything he could do. Liam and Harry tried to get him outside the house at least once a day even if it was just in the garden but with the weather and it quickly approaching winter it wasn't so easy. Niall snuggled with Harry and continued watching the film. Harry chose another film for Niall after that one finished.

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