Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

84K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 3

2.2K 53 10
By ilangel1

Thank you for everyone who commented on the last chapter glad you are enjoying. But one of my pet hates is when people tell you to update as soon as you have posted a chapter, and don't even appreciate your hard work. Sorry about my moaning there hope people enjoy the next chapter.

"Well there's lots of different animals from all around the world and it's somewhere that you and Niall have wanted to come for ages." "Zoo, Papa. It's the zoo." Louis said happily and Liam smiled back at him. "Is it?" Liam said "Yes papa come on let's go." Louis said trying to get out his seat.

"Hold on Lou." Liam chuckled just as Harry started to stir. "I'm guessing he's figured out where we are?" Harry grumbled as he opened his eyes. "Yep now come on you can wake Ni while I Get Louis." Liam said as he got out after seeing Louis desperately trying to undo his seatbelt.

Harry gently woke Niall. 'Niall come on you need to wake up now we have arrived at our surprise' Harry says to the boy. Niall slowly wakes up. Louis is outside the car bouncing around excitedly. "Where?" Niall mumbles rubbing his eyes looking around and sees his little brother outside being holding his little brothers hand so he doesn't run off and he can hear Louis chanting zoo over and over again. "Is Louis being loud enough that you can hear where we are or do you need me to tell you." Harry asked laughing as the whole of the carpark can probably hear Louis. It took niall a couple of minutes to realise where they were and he put his teddy down and got out the car. 'Thanks daddy' niall beamed.

Harry smiled as Niall got out the car and went round to Liam practically bouncing along with Louis. Harry quickly grabbed the bag before Liam locked the car and the family made their way to the entrance. "See Love he's fine, he just needed that extra hour of sleep." Harry said to Liam as they walked into the entrance and Louis and Niall were happily walking in front. "I guess but I'm still going to keep a close eye on him today." Liam said. "I'm sure you will." Harry replied. Liam paid for the family of four and grabbed a couple of maps.

Harry took the boys to the toilet while Liam looked at the programme to see what time feeding times were. When Harry came back the family went and sat down to sort out what they were doing much to Louis' annoyance. "Why we sitting down." He whined as he plopped himself down next to Liam. "Well we need to figure out what we are seeing and when as certain animals are fed and do shows at certain times for visitors to watch." Liam explained sitting Louis on his lap. "Okay But hurry up as I want to see the animals." Louis stated and Liam laughed ruffling the boys hair.

Liam and Harry set up a plan and Let Niall look and suggest things. Papa can we feed and watch the elephants have a bath" Niall asked. 'Of course Ni' Liam said. 'Look lions are going to be fed' Harry told Louis who was obsessed with lion king. Liam nodded and circled the elephant stuff before heading Louis squeal. "I'll take it I'm circling lions as well." Liam said with a chuckle. "When can we see lions?" Louis asked and Liam looked at his watch. "In an hour Baby" Liam said and Louis nodded.

"Right so let's set off then. The things we defiantly want to do are circled and then anything else we will see as we come to it." Liam said lifting Louis off his lap and back onto the floor before taking his hand and Harry nodded in agreement before taking Niall's and the family of 4 headed off. The family if your four came to the monkey's first. Louis was really intrigued by them as he always got called a cheeky monkey. "Do you like the monkeys?" Liam asked him as Louis stared intently at them. "Yeah" Louis replied as he watched them jump and run around. "Why do you call me a monkey, I don't look like them?" Louis asked intrigued. Because Lou you have the personality of a monkey, Meaning your cheeky and bouncy and energetic." Liam replied earning a grin from Louis.

"Come on let's go and catch up with daddy and Niall I think they went to see the penguins." Liam said and Louis nodded pulling on Liam's hand to get him moving. "Alight Lou I'm coming." Liam said laughing as he let Louis pull him towards where he thought the penguins were. However Louis managed to find the tigers who were just sleeping at that moment. "Papa there not doing anything" Louis moaned looking at the tigers. "That's because there sleeping so were come back later when there awake." Liam said earning a nod from Louis as Liam led the way to the penguins. Niall looked at the way the penguins walked and was talking to his daddy how it was funny. Louis jumped on his daddy's back as he saw them scaring his daddy making the boy laugh. They then see fish and various other animals. Louis pointed out a nemo fish.

They then headed to the Lion's. "What animal is this?" Louis asked not being able to see as there were loads of people as everyone wanted to watch the lions being fed. "It's the lions baby, there being fed." Liam said. "I can't see though Papa." Louis whined really wanting to see his favourite animal." Liam just smiled before lifting Louis onto his shoulders. "Better." Liam asked looking up at Louis who wrapped his arms around Liam's neck. "Much thank you Papa." Louis said watching the lions now he could see. Harry saw Liam lift Louis onto his shoulders and then looked at Niall who was trying to see the lions for himself but also couldn't see so Harry lifted the boy onto his own shoulders earning a surprised squeal from the boy. "Thanks Daddy." Niall said happily once he realised what Harry had done and he could now also see the lions. Louis laughed at the Lion's as they were fed. The zoo keepers got them to lie down and then threw the food for them.

Once the Lion's had been fed Harry and Liam put Niall and Louis down and walked to where the sheep, hens, pigs were. They bought two cups of food giving one each to Niall and Louis. Louis saw the sheep and smiled like Henry my sheep he was saying about his favourite teddy. Harry led Louis over to the sheep and showed Louis how to feed them. He laughed 'tickles' he said. Harry took photos of Louis feeding the sheep. "Alright lou Come here let's wash your hands." Louis nodded and took hold of Harry's hand who led him over to wash his hands.

Liam went with Niall over to the rabbit's. Do you want to hold one Ni?" Liam asked but Niall looked a bit hesitant. "Will it bite me?" niall asked "The worst it will do is nip your finger." Look reassured as Niall sat down. "Okay, Can I Hold that one?" Niall asked seeing quite a small rabbit in the corner. Liam nodded and one of the workers picked the rabbit up handing it to Niall placing it on his lap. The rabbit curled in nialls lap as he stroked it. Liam took some photo's. "I think he likes you Ni." Liam said watching Niall and the rabbit. "He's soft and cuddly." Niall said continuing to stroke it. The worker put the rabbit back and niall got to feed the rabbit's before washing his hands they then saw the chickens, hens, pigs. After this area they saw the zebra and giraffe.

Harry then looked at the time and told Liam he was going over to the car to get the picnic he would need then by where there is a sea lion show. Liam nodded and took louis' hand who was trying to follow his daddy. "Where daddy going? Stay with daddy." Louis moaned "But Lou if you stay with daddy then your miss the sea lion show?" Liam said. "Why are there lions in the sea?" Louis asked looking extremely confused. "There not real lions Lou they look more like seals now come on before we miss it." Niall said and Liam chuckled before lifting Louis onto his hip who still looked pretty confused over what sea lion was going to look like. 'But daddy miss show to' Louis said sadly. No he isn't he is meeting us there. Niall took his papa hand as they walked to where the sea lion show was to get his seats.

Harry grabbed the picnic bags out the boot of the car before locking the car and walking back to where the show was. Harry smiled when he reached his family seeing Niall and Louis both fascinated with what they were seeing. "Daddy look." Louis said when he saw Harry. "I know so you like them Lou?" Harry said. "Yes there called sea lions but there not actually lions." Louis stated before reaching for harry who gave Liam the bags before lifting Louis up and placing him on his lap. Louis snuggled into his daddy.

Niall saw the bag. 'Is that lunch papa.' Niall said. 'Yup it Is, let me sort out which sandwich is yours' Liam said. Niall nodded waiting for Liam to find his sandwich before taking it and turning his attention back to the sea lions. "Papa What's in my sandwich" "Just cheese lou." Liam said handing it to Harry as Liam knew the boy wouldn't be able to get into the sandwich with the cling film around it. "Thanks Daddy." Louis said when Harry gave him the unwrapped sandwich. Louis ate his sandwich. Niall had an egg sandwich . Liam then passed Harry his sandwich. "Thanks." Harry said as he took his sandwich and wrapped his arms around Louis so the boy wouldn't fall of his lap as he was starting to bounce in excitement again. They finished their sandwiches and were given a piece of fruit afterwards. After the sea lion show the boys got to pet the sea lions.

"Daddy when do we get to see the elephants?" Niall questioned and Harry smiled at the boy. "We're going there next." Harry said ruffling the boys hair before taking his hand and followed Liam and Louis to the elephants. Liam was carrying Louis now as he complained his legs were a bit tired. Niall happily skipped to the elephants wanting to feed them. "Ni don't go to far ahead." Harry shouted and Niall nodded before coming back to Harry. "Good boy." Harry said as Niall carried on his skipping but next to Harry this time. They soon arrived at the elephants and the boys asked to be put on the shoulders. "If you're on are shoulders though how are you going to feed them?" Liam questioned and both boys smiled before the family of 4 made their way over to the section where they can feed the elephants. Both boys laughed as it tickled as the elephant took the veg from their hands. Liam and Harry both fed the elephants to. Soon they washed their hands and got to see how elephants were bathed and had a talk about elephants. By the time it reached 5pm both boys were exhausted and were each being carried by Liam or Harry.

"Alright you can choose 1 more animal each to see quickly and then we're going to head home." Harry said. "Shop?" Louis mumbled resting his head on Liam's shoulder remembering at some point during the day Liam mentioning something about a shop. "Yeah Lou we can go in the shop on the way out." Louis nodded and then said he wanted to see the tigers again as they were sleeping earlier and Niall wanted to see the penguins again so they headed that way and much to Louis' delight the tigers were now awake. Louis got excited as he saw the tigers. They then headed to the penguins before going to the shop.

Niall was now walking whereas Louis was exhausted. "What do you want Lou?" Liam asked quietly as they reached the shop and Louis rubbed his eyes looking around. He soon pointed towards the stuffed toys so Liam headed that way along with Niall and Harry. "You sure you want another cuddly toy you have loads at home." Louis just nodded and pointed to a lion stuffed toy so Liam picked it up and gave it to the boy who cuddled it to his chest. Niall had also picked up an elephant stuffed toy not that either parent was surprised as they were without doubt his favourite animal he saw today.

"Let's go pay for these then." Liam said quietly rubbing Louis' back as the boy was starting to fall asleep. "No." Louis whined when he felt Liam start to grab the lion toy "Lou the lady needs to scan it so we can buy it and then you can have it back." Liam said carefully knowing Louis was prone to tantrums when he was tired and he wanted to avoid one of those at all costs. Luckily for Liam Louis allowed the lion to be scanned before he made grabby hands to have it back which Liam happily allowed. Once both toys had been brought the family headed back out to the car. Harry suggested taking the boys for a toilet stop before the journey back. Liam took a sleepy Louis to the toilet. Niall went and so did Harry.

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