Boyfriend Scenarios: Hetalia

silverthornes tarafından

1.7M 32.9K 57.9K

So what's it like to have a boyfriend? Especially if they are the personifications of countries? Let's find o... Daha Fazla

How You Meet
Meeting Again
Is Something Wrong?
How He Feels
Asking You Out
First Date & First Kiss
Is Someone Jealous?
Star Of The Month
He Finds Out About Your Job
He Meets Your Ex
He Meets Your Family
He Turns Into A Chibi
How He Kisses You
You Take A Shower/Bath Together
Waking Up With Him
He Tells You He's A Country
Someone Flirts With Him
You Get Sick
Valentine's Special~
Simple Things He Likes To Do With You
Simple Things He Likes To Do With You (Part 2)
Welcome Prussia
He Turns Into His Nyo Self
You Turn Into Your Nyo Self
You Turn Into A Chibi
2p Time (Part 1)
2p Time! (Part 2)
He Turns Into A Neko
Getting Caught Making Out
April Fools!
You Turn Into A Neko
He Gets Sick
When You Are In The Hospital
When He Finds Out About Shipping
You Wear His Clothes
When You Die
He Has A Nightmare
He (Attempts) To Cook For You
Super Special!
You Have A Nightmare
Beach Time!
Someone Flirts With You
Big News!
It's Reader-chan's Birthday
Who Are You?
Happy Birthday
He Cheated On You!
Everything's Okay
I'm Back~ & 50th Chapter Special~
He Gets Drunk
He Has A Hangover
Special Time!
He Visits You In School
He Catches You Changing/In The Shower
Ah~ October~ & Special Annoucement
He Turns Into A Werewolf
1 Demon, 2 Demon, Red Demon, Blue Demon
1 Demon, 2 Demon, Red Demon, Blue Demon (Part 2)
You Turn Into A Vampire
You Turn Into A Werewolf
The Most Horrifying Thing Ever
Prepping For The Holidays
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Happy New Year
Uh-Oh (Part 1)
Uh-Oh (Part 2)
You Turn Him On~
What Did You Do?
You Get Jealous
He (Attempts) To Be Sexy
He Is Your Teacher
He Comforts You
He Zombie
AHH! A Mummy!!!
I Love Frankenstein
You Zombie
AHH! Another Mummy!
The Bride of Frankenstein
I'll Love You No Matter What
I'll Love You No Matter What (#2)
Is That A Burglar?
Winter Olympics Special!
He Discovers Your Greatest Fear
FIFA 2018 Special!
You Guys Go Camping
I Think There's A Ghost
The Backyard Naga
The Haunting...
Exotic Naga On The Lose
A Chibitalia Halloween Special
He Turns Into A Cat
You Turn Into A Cat
You Let Him Do Your Make-Up
He Goes To War
I Miss You...
Happy 100th Chapter!!!
Welcome Home!!!
Piratetalia, With Love~
You Discover His Greatest Fear
He Reads Your Internet History
You Read His Internet History
Body Swap
You Get Drunk
You Have A Hangover
Prank War! (Part 1)

Day of Fun :)

12.4K 204 197
silverthornes tarafından

A/N:  So this is a scenario I thought would be pretyy fun(ny), and it's "You Guys Spend A Day At A Carnival/Fair".


Requested by YamaZokie


"Alfred, are you sure this was a good ride to go on?"  You asked, looking at Alfred as he clung to you while you walked through the haunted house.

"T-totally d-dudette,"  He stuttered out, trying to avoid looking at the really fake looking monsters.

"But Alfred, it's kinda obvious you aren't enjoying yourself."  You said, making Alfred stop clinging to you for a second.

"N-no way d-dudette, I-I'm a h-hero, and h-heroes can h-handle a-anything."  He said, and then moved closer to you, putting his arm around you.

"What are you doing?"

"J-just making s-sure y-you don't g-get s-scared."  He said, waving his hand frantically as he speed walked past a really fake looking severed head.  You rolled your eyes.

"Whatever helps you get through this, I guess."  You said.

And so you two walked through the long haunted house, Alfred jumping 8 out of 10 times he saw a new "scary" thing in the haunted house, the other 2 out of 10 times he was paralyzed with fear, clinging to you, and you had to drag him with you.  Finally, you could see the exit when-

"BOOOOO!"  A guy in a basic white sheet with holes on it yelled as he jumped out a corner.

Alfred screeched like a girl as he jumped and pretty much ran through the exit doors and off somewhere in the park, making you sigh as you jogged after him.

"Alfred!  It was just a guy in a white sheet!"  You yelled as he kept screaming.



You two were waiting at a concessions stand, trying to get some drinks when you heard someone yell.

"OI!  CATERPILLAR EYEBROWS!"  They yelled.  You and Arthur looked over to see some guy sitting in the dunk tank.  "BETCHA YOU'RE A WIMP!"  He yelled, making Arthur looked ticked off.

"Just ignore that heckler Arthur,"  You said.  Arthur nodded as you two continued to wait in line, still having to hear the guy heckling Arthur and calling him a wimp.  And surprise, surprise (note the sarcasm) Arthur finally lost his temper.

"Fine, I'll buy a bloody ball you annoying git!"  He yelled, stomping over and buying a ball from the person in charge.  The guy in the tank pretended to faint.

"Oh I'm so scared,"  He said sarcastically.  "The big bad nerd is coming for me."  Arthur was fuming.  He took aim and threw the ball, hitting his target; the heckler.  The guy groaned in pain.

"Hey, you're not supposed to hit me!"  He yelled, he himself fuming.  Arthur gave him a smirk.

"No, I hit the target I wanted, but if you insist,"  Arthur said, grabbing another ball and throwing it, this time hitting the target that caused the heckler to fall into the cold water.

"Nice shot."  You said, walking over with a water for Arthur.

"Thank you love."  Arthur said, taking a sip.


"Yao, don't you think it may be time to, well, stop?"  You asked, watching as Yao continued to try and pop the balloons with darts.

"Never, aru."  He said stubbornly.  "Not until I get that big panda plushie, aru."  He said, referring to the big panda plushie prize that had been sitting on the wall.

"Better luck next time,"  The worker said, knowing full well that Yao was going to keep going till he either won or ran out of money.  Just as Yao pulled out more money, you stepped in.

"How about I try?"  You asked.  Yao nodded.

"Sure, aru.  But if you can't get it, then I'll go back to trying, aru."  He said, the worker quietly snickering to himself.  You payed and got the 3 darts.

"Get all 3 and be a winner."  The worker said in an upbeat voice.  You nodded and carefully aimed.


The first one hit a balloon, popping it.  You picked up the next one and took aim.


There goes a second one, and now, you held the final dart.  With careful aim, you blocked out all the noise of the carnival and waited before letting it go.


You and Yao both jumped in victory as the worker grumbled but got the prize down and gave it to you, who gave it to Yao.

"Aiya!  Thank you, thank you, thank you, aru!"  He squealed, hugging you and the plushie tight.


You two were walking around the carnival, enjoying a little cotton candy when you saw the ferris wheel.

"Ivan, look,"  You said, pointing to the lit up wheel.  "Can we go on it, please?"  You asked.  Ivan gave you closed-eye smile.

"Da, that sounds fun."  He said.  You smiled and grabbed Ivan's hand and walked with him over to the ferris wheel, where your smile fell.

"Oh...  Ivan,"  You said, getting his attention.  "I don't think we can ride it today..."  You said softly, looking at the large line of people, guessing that you two would have to wait about an hour, maybe even two-

"We go now sunflower."  Ivan said, walking forward, his hand still gripping yours as he walked over to the front of the line.

"Hey, you can't go on, you have to wait in line like everyone else."  A worker said, along with other people in line.  Ivan just smiled as his scary aura came out.

"Kolkolkol...  We go now, da?"  He said, as the man shivered, as did much of the people in line.  "Da, we go now."  Ivan said, already bringing you over to a seat as the worker shut the door.

"Wow, it's so pretty up here,"  You said, looking out at all the lights.  Ivan nods as he wraps his arm around you.

"Da, it is very pretty sunflower."  He said cheerfully with his usual smile.  You smiled back and nuzzled into him, getting ready to get up as the ride came back down and the worker came over to open the door.

"We go another round, da?"  Ivan asked innocently as the guy shook and closed the door again, letting you two go again.


"Where are you dragging me?"  You asked bluntly as you were literally being dragged by Francis through crowds of people.

"Somewhere fun and classic mon amour~"  He said in a flirty way, making you sigh but stay silent till you noticed where you two were going; the Tunnel of Love.

'That was predictable,'  You thought to yourself as the two of you got on a small boat.  Francis put his arm around you as you two went through.

"Ah~  Isn't zhis romantic?"  He asked, wiggling his eyebrows at you.  You looked around boredly.

"I suppose so,"  You said simply.  Francis beamed and hugged you closer.

"Mon amour,"  He said, making you turn to him, your eyes locking as he leaned forward, his lips right about to-


"Sorry folks,"  A voice came on a speaker as the lights went out and the boat stopped.  "We're experiencing some technical difficulties so please remain calm and keep your hands and feet inside the boats."

"It broke I guess."  You said, not really bothered by the dark, though you could feel despair dripping off of Francis over a failed moment to get a kiss.

"It may be broken, but my 'eart certainly is not~"  Francis said in a romantic way, unbuckling himself from the seat and bringing himself closer to you.  "If it was, zhen I would not want to kiss zhose ravishing lips of yours mon amour~"  He said, you could feel him lean forward till-

Screech!  Splash.

"Folks, thank you for waiting,"  A voice said, a light coming on to reveal the boat now moving, just without Francis, who now found himself in the water, having been thrown off the boat when the boat started up again.

"Need a hand?"  You asked.  Francis nodded, allowing you to help your wet husband back into the boat, where you knew any mood for romance was gone.


"What ride to go on?"  You wondered out loud as you and Matthew walked around the fair, looking at all the rides.

"Maple, h-how about t-the m-merry-go-round?"  Matthew asked, pointing shyly over to the ride.  You smiled and nodded, grabbing his hand.

"Yeah, that sounds fun!"  You said.  You two quickly went up and got on a pair of horses beside each other.  Before you knew it, the ride started, going round in a circle as the horses bobbed up and down.

"I'm going to win this race!"  You joked.  Matthew giggled and pretended to bounce a bit on his horse.

"Oh n-no you w-won't."  Matthew said playfully.  You laughed as you two continued to 'race'.

"You're going to eat my dust Mattie!"  You said, grabbing your horse's rein.

"Nope, m-mine's way f-faster."  Matthew said.  You both laughed and before you knew it, the ride was over and Matthew came over to you.

"M-may I h-help you d-down my lady?"  He asked, teasing you lightly.  You jokingly swooned.

"Oh I would so love you to."  You said, taking his hand and allowing him to let you down where you shook his hand.  "Good race, sorry you lost."  You said.

"No, no, I s-should be s-sorry that you l-lost."  He said back, both of you giggling.

"Aww,"  You heard someone say.  "What a cute couple."  They said, walking off as you two blushed but smiled.


You two were walking around the carnival when you spotted the strongman game, looking at all the prizes.  The worker saw you staring and motioned you over.

"Do you want to try young lady?"  They asked politely.  You nodded and handed the worker some money, right before they handed you the hammer.

"Now just hit this part as hard as you can to make the weight go up and hit the bell."  They said.  You nodded and raised the heavy hammer as high as you could before bringing it down.  Sadly, you only got the weight to go about halfway up, making you lose.

"Aww, better luck next time,"  The worker said, making you feel better till you heard someone hooting.

"A twig like that ain't gonna win nothing next time!"  Some guy yelled, making you look to see a bunch of guys who were laughing at you.  You looked down, feeling bad about yourself as Ludwig got mad.

"Here, liebling, let me try."  He said, giving the worker some money before grabbing the hammer, the guys still snickering slightly.  Ludwig brought down the hammer as you watched the weight go up, hit the bell, and actually dented the bell.

"Winner!"  The worker said as the hecklers' jaws dropped.  The worker then brought out a huge [favorite plushie], giving it to Ludwig who gave it to you.

"Here jou go liebling."  He said.  You smiled up at him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, making him blush lightly.

"Thanks Ludwig."

"Anytime liebling,"  He said, walking you off while shooting the hecklers a chilling glare.  "Anytime."


"Ve~  Bella, let's-a go on that-a one next!"  Feliciano said, pulling you over to the spinning tea cup ride.  You shrugged.

"Sure, why not?"  You said.  So you both quickly got in line and then got on.

"Let's-a go as-a fast as we-a can!"  Feliciano said.  You nodded, both of you putting your hands on the spinning wheel.

"Ready?"  You asked.  Feliciano nodded right as the ride began, and thus you two began spinning and spinning and spinning.

"Ve~  We're-a going so-a fast!"  Feliciano yelled.  You nodded.

"I know, maybe we should-"  You were cut off by the ride stopping abruptly, making you and Feliciano bump into each other.  "Ouch."  You said, Feliciano echoing the same sentiment.  You two then tried to get off but your legs were like jelly.

"Whoa, Feli, I-I'm too d-dizzy."  You stuttered out as you tottered over to a bench.

"I-a am too-a."  Feliciano said, heading over to you.  Once you both sit, you close your eyes.

"Maybe going really fast was a bad idea."  You said.  Feliciano nodded.

"Si,"  He said as you two tried to regain your bearings and balance.


"Goddamn-a it, how-a long are we going to-a have to-a stand in this-a f***ing line?"  Lovino asked, anger radiating off him.

"Lovi, I told you 2 hours ago that we could've gotten something else instead of pizza but you shot down my idea of fried dough that-"

"That-a stuff is-a fattening and-a never leaves your-a body.  Besides, that-a bastardo American invented it-a."  He said, having a point that fried dough is bad for you but...

"But by now we could've eaten it since the line there is super short and we only have fried dough maybe once or twice a year."  You pointed out.  Lovino was about to argue but then realized it was your turn to order.

"One pizza with-a [favorite topping] on it-a."  Lovino ordered.  The person nodded and 15 minutes later gave you two a pizza in a box.  You both hurried and found a seat and opened the box, staring at the supposed 'pizza' before you;

It was drowning in cheese and sauce and looked really greasy, making it also look soggy too.

"Let's give it a chance..."  You said soflty, not wanting to judge a book by its cover.  So you both lifted a slice to your mouth and took a bite...

"This is..."

"Disgusting."  Lovino finished, spitting the piece in his mouth out as you took a napkin and did the same.  "I-a want mia money back."  Lovino said, taking the pizza back to the cashier.

"I-a want a refund.  This-a is crap."  He said.  The cashier brought the manager.

"I'm sorry sir but we do not do refunds."  He said, making Lovino pissed off.

"Fine-a but I'm-a not keeping this-a crap!"  Lovino yelled before throwing the pizza and pizza box at the manager.  Needless to say you were quick to drag Lovino away from that place and over to the other side of the park.


"Kiku, are you sure you want to do this ride with me?"  You asked, looking over at Kiku who was fidgeting a bit.

"H-hai,"  He said, nervously putting his hands on the steering wheel of the bumper car.  You sighed, realizing that he was probably going to go through with doing the bumper car ride with you.

And before you knew it, the ride started, everyone bumping into everyone.  You tore your eyes away from what was in front of you to take a look at Kiku who was in obvious shock, being bumped in every direction.

"Kiku, you okay?!"  You yelled, but he didn't seem to hear you as he frantically began turning the wheel, trying to move in every direction possible, trying to obviously escape.  Though that failed as well since in every direction he went there were cars that he would bump into, which in turn would bump him back.

~Time Skip to 10 Minutes Later~

"Kiku, are you okay?"  You asked softly as you two walked off the ride.  Kiku was a trembling mess.

"H-h-hai, n-no, h-hai, n-no,"  He stuttered softly, very shaken up.

"Kiku, how about we sit down for a few moments?"  You asked.  Kiku nodded as you led him to a bench, giving him some water to drink as you knew your day together at the fair was probably now over.


You had to admit; today had been a good day.  You and Antonio went to a fair, ate a lot of fun treats, road a lot of rides, and played games, winning some and losing some.  And now, as the sun was setting, you were ready to go home, and yet-

"Chica, I don't wanna go yet,"  Antonio whined as he held onto a lamp post.  You continued to pull his body towards the car, away from the fair.

"Toni, we've been here all day, and I'm tired, I want to go home."  You said.  Antonio shook his head.

"But I wanna stay and have more fun!"  He said, puffing his cheeks.  You sighed and decided to use plan B.

"Toni, there's a turtle trapped in our car."  You said, making Antonio leap into action, sprinting over to the car with you following him.  He began searching everywhere.

"Where is it chica?"  He asked.  You shrugged.

"Somewhere in the back of the car, maybe near the back seat."  You said, getting into the driver's seat.  Antonio was quick to hop in and shut the door behind him, trying to find the turtle.  You on the other hand, locked the car doors and started the car, getting Antonio's attention.

"Chica, where are we going?"

"Home Toni, the turtles are over there."  You said, giving Antonio a minute to figure out what happened.

"But I wanted to stay at the fair longer!"  He whined, sounding like a 7 year old.  You sighed.

"We've been there all day, and now it is time to go home Toni.  No 'if's and/or 'but's."  You said.  Though Antonio continued to whine through the night.


"Come on Birdie,"  Gilbert whined, tugging you wrist.  "Jou have to go vith zhe awezome me on zhis awezome roller coaster."  He said, pointing to a big roller coaster.

"Gilbert, I really don't want to."  You said, not feeling very comfortable and actually rather scared to go on the ride, and yet Gilbert still managed to get you in line with him.

"But Birdie, it's an awezomely fun ride."

"That looks very scary to me."

"Come on, I'll buy jou some awezome ice cream afterwards."  He bargained.

"No, I really don't-"

"It's our awezome turn!"  Gilbert yelled, cutting you off as he dragged you over to your seat where you were strapped in.

"Gilbert I really-"  You were cut off by the ride starting, along with your screams as the wind blew your hair all over the place, the cart you were in turning this way and that way, going up one hill only to do down it as it twisted around, mirroring how your stomach felt.

And before you knew it, the ride was over, Gilbert helping you off the cart and out of the way as other people go into the cart.

"Kesse, see?  Vasn't it awezome?"  Gilbert asked.  You took a deep breath.

"It... it wasn't as bad as I thought it was."  You said.  Gilbert chuckled and grabbed your hand.

"Good, now jou are ready to ride an even awezomer roller coaster!"  He said, pointing with his free hand to an even bigger, scarier roller coaster as you paled.

'Dear god no,'  You thought to yourself as Gilbert dragged you towards it.

"Zhis is going to be awezomely fun!"  He said.

Okumaya devam et

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