Our Story - Niall Horan

By outrobangchan

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"I Promise To Protect You From Any Danger We May Face Because I Love You" ... More

Our Story • n.h •
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 - Final

Chapter 14

341 10 5
By outrobangchan

Evie's POV:

"Oh my god!' I whisper, knowing exactly whom they where.

"Calm down, your shaking" I hear Niall whisper.

"You could have told me your friends were 5 Seconds Of Summer! They are like my favourite band!" I say, then putting my hands over my mouth, realising I had just shouted that.

"I'm glad you know who we are, and that your a fan!" I hear Luke say, walking up the stairs where he pulls me into a hug. I happily hug back, I mean this is Luke Hemmings the guy I had fancied for ages. He let go and I felt my cheeks flush.

"hold on why are you boys here anyway?" i ask, not meaning to be rude.

"We are One Direction's backing acts! you know because they tour" Michael replies.

"Harry, when do you guys tour?" i ask. Gosh theses boys keep so many secrets away from me.

"Next week" He casually replies.


"Why the 'oh' cupcake?" Louis asks.


'Awe, you have nicknames for each other" Ashton cues.

"No just Louis and Evie" Zayn shrugs.

"I stand corrected" Ashton says, putting his hands in the air.

"What am I doing while you guys are on tour? Because it's going to be pretty bo-"

"Your coming with us cupcake! Gemma thought it would be a good idea because she's going on holiday for a while and well she figured you wouldn't want to stay here with Des on your own" Louis happily says.

"So I'm going on tour with nine crazy boys" I say putting my hands on my hips.

"Correction: Nine incredible sexy boys" Louis says, imitating what I was doing "and you have to agree with that, otherwise-"

"Otherwise what. What are you going to do Lou?" I say, while Lou winks at Niall and Luke. Before I could say anything I was pushed onto the floor by Niall and Luke. Niall holding my arms above my head while Luke held my legs down.

"I'm going to give you a chance. Say your going on tour with nice incredible sexy boys, Cupcake"

"Never" I reply.

"What the hell are you doing! She's my sister get of her" Harry shouts.

"You finally care Hazza. Your taking the role of the older brother" Liam winks.

"Yeah well" Harry replies while getting Luke and Niall of me, and then offering his hand. I couldn't believe he was acting like this. To be honest is was kind of cute, I've always wanted a brother.

"Thanks" I reply.

"Ok. I'm hungry"

I turn to face Niall, while he shrugs. "Me too Nialler"

"C'mon little one" Niall says, while giving me a wink.

"Little one?"

"Yes, because your smaller than me"

"Only by a bit"

"Awe that's a cute nickname 'little one'" Michael now cues.

"Like I said c'mon little one, we can get a McDonald's" Niall says while pulling a face at Michael.

"How about me, Louis and Niall go and get some food, while Evie gets to know 5SOS?" Liam asks.

"Yeah" I reply "it will be cool to get to know you guys"

"Well that's set, c'mon Louis you can drive" Liam says while pointing and Louis and telling Niall to follow him.

Niall brushed past me, yet again a strange sensation hit me.

"You look like you have just seen a ghost" Calum points out trying to get my attention.

"What, no I'm fine"

"Ok, let's introduce our selfs to one another, I'm Calum Hood" Calum says, waving.

"I'm Ashton Irwin" He smiles while pulling a cheesy grin.

"I'm Michael Clifford"

"And I'm Luke Hemmings"

"Hi, I'm Evie Matthews, Harry's and Gemma's half sister" I say while walking down the stairs to their level. Gosh I feel so small. Being 5'4 may be normal, but not round theses guys.

"Sooooo, what you want to do?" Harry asks.

"HIDE AND SEEK!" Michael shouts "Or is that wired for a eighteen year old?"

"Yeah let's play it, I've not played it for years!" I say.

"You guys seriously want to play hide and seek?" Harry and Zayn both say in sinc.

"Yes and you two are on so count to a hundred and twenty... And no peeking" Michael says while grabbing my wrist and pulling me up the stairs, followed by Luke, Ashton and Calum, leaving Zayn and Harry to count.

Michael runs directly into Gemma's room "What do you two want?" She says looking up from her laptop.

"We are hiding from Zayn and Harry!" I say,

"Any good hiding places?" Michael asks.

"Yeah the wardrobe at the back of the room" Gemma says pointing to it and looking back at her laptop.

"Ta love" Michael says, while grabbing my wrist and running over to the wardrobe.

"We are never going to fit in that" I state, while he opens it up and looks at me.

"Your just going to have to sit on me"

"No way I'll squish you" I say, hands on hips.

"No you won't, unless you want me to sit on you then you'll be the one who gets squished, otherwise we are going to get found!" He says while sitting in the wardrobe and patting his lap for me to sit on it.

"Fine, but if I squish you" I say, sitting on his knees and sliding the doors shut.

"You not heavy at all" Michael whispers.


"Gemma have you seen any of 5SOS or Evie come in here?" I hear Zayn say.

"Nope" I hear Gemma say.

"We can't find, Evie, Michael and Luke. We found Calum and Ashton though" I hear Harry's deep voice say.

"Are you sure they are not in here?"

"They are not in here"

"Argh! Fine" Zayn and Harry both moan.

"Do you think they have gone? It's really hot and cramped in here" I whisper.

"They'll be back soon though, when they realise we are no where else, they'll search Gemma's room properly" Michael whispers back, his hot breath tickling my neck causing me to shiver.

"We make a good team Michael" I could feel him grinning behind my neck.

We sat in silence, which felt like for ever.

"Shhh, someone's coming I can hear footsteps"

"Gemma are you sure they are not in here?" I could hear a deep and husky voice say, obversely Harry.

"EVIE!!!" A high pitched voice screamed, probably Louis.

"Hold on I'll phone Evie" I could hear a thick Irish voice say.

My phones on loud and it's in the back pocket of my jeans before I could try and get it, it started ringing.

"She's in the cupboard!"

"Found you... And you" Zayn shouts, then realising Michael was underneath me. All the boys start crowding around.

"Well someone could at least help me?" I ask.

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