Daughter of Beorn: The Hobbit...

By OrlaRae

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~ The sequel to "Daughter of Beorn" has been released! Check it out! It's called "The Skin-Changer Prophecy."... More

Friendliness in The Shire
The Nature of Dwarves
Makeshift Family
Unwanted Demonstration
Inner Pain
The End of the Beginning
Small Investigation
Reluctantly Revealed
Escaping Goblin-Town
Old Enemies
Author's Note & Sneak Peek
Facing the Truth
A Bittersweet Homecoming
Discovering Something More
An Undesired Surprise
Confronting Elves
The Whippings
A New Light
News & An Apology
Leaving the Woodland Realm
The Bargeman
Welcome to Laketown
Sudden Recognition
Tempting Death
My Promise
A Change of Plans
Fire & Fate
For All You Lovely Readers
An Apology
And a Bottle of Rum
Before you start to send death threats.
Fragmented Hope
The Plague
A Quick Note (Edited June 2017)
Foreign Affections
So, I graduated from high school last night.
Cruel Anticipation
Dangerous Spontaneity
Acknowledged Threats
Coming to Terms
War Upon Us
Shifting Eternity (Part 1)
Shifting Eternity (Part 2)
The Abandonment of Disbelief
(Epilogue Pt. 1) A Greater Chance
(Epilogue Pt. 3) Come Home, My Dove
(Epilogue Pt. 4) Durin, Party of Six
Our Final Parting: From Author to Reader
Well, Well, Well.

(Epilogue Pt. 2) To Be Mine

1.9K 80 51
By OrlaRae

(Yes, I'm aware of how long this update is, but it's worth it.)

Four hours before the wedding

"Ooh! Come along now, we must get you ready for your big day!" Ella giggled, quickly ushering me into the bed chambers that would act as the preparation room. She was the maid that had been assigned to me not long after moving into Erebor. Ella stood at a tiny 4'11, was 22 years old, and had a head of corkscrew brown curls and brown eyes. For a woman as petite as her, she possessed an incredible amount of energy and exuberance for life.

To be truthful, I was grateful for our vastly different contrast in personalities... although our conversation had consisted of nothing but the wedding since Fili and I's engagement was announced three and a half months ago. I couldn't blame her. "Ella, you do know that we have four hours before the wedding- right?" I chuckled.

She teasingly shrugged her shoulders before beaming happily. "Of course!" She chirped. "That's four hours to do your hair, jewelry, the dress, the shoes, perfume- not to mention help out with the other women! But I'll manage! Not to worry, Miss Kyja- I promise that your special day will go wonderfully!"

I shook my head and chuckled. "Thank you... and you can just call me Kyja." My expression then softened, and I looked into her eyes. "I don't want you to become anxious over everything that needs to be done. Besides- it's just a wedding ceremony- not a king's coronation. Also- how much sleep did you get last night?"

Ella's eyes sparkled as she dismissively waved her hand. "Not to worry! Miss- I mean, Kyja, I take pleasure in being as busy as a bee! And I got a whole three hours of sleep!"

Before she could continue, the door to the washroom flew open, and out walked a completely naked Dramona. I lifted an eyebrow. "Your dress looks absolutely stunning. Wherever did you get it?" I snickered as Ella quickly covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.

The dwarf placed her hands on her hips with no sign of embarrassment, a hint of a smirk on her face. "Oh shut it. I haven't even bloody tried it on yet! I can't figg'er out how ta weah the corset!"

I exchanged an amused glance with Ella, then proceeding to meet Dramona's gaze. "Don't get your pantaloons in a twist, Dramona. Just go out there stark naked when the time comes. I'm sure all of the guests would love it."

"I just heard the words 'stark naked', and I'm unable to discern what exactly the conversation could be about." Novalee said upon entering the room. She looked at all of us with a serious expression before a laugh managed to escape her lips. "Is the corset giving you trouble, dear?"

Dramona sighed in defeat and nodded. "Yes. It's the reason why I'm standin' ere wih'out any clothes on."

Novalee offered a kind smile and awkwardly patted the dwarf's shoulder, in the way that a caring grandmother does. "No worries. I'll help you- because we certainly can't have any naked members of the wedding party!" I smirked, knowing full well that even someone as boisterous as Dramona couldn't withhold an argument with my grandmother. As they disappeared into the washroom, I turned back to face the mirror in front of me. I am going to be a bride, I thought. I could still hardly believe it. Nonetheless, today was the day. As Ella began to pull out various 'tools of preparation', I couldn't help but wonder how Fili and the other men were doing.

~ Fili's POV ~

"Another drink!" Gloin exclaimed, holding up a pint of mead that he had snatched from somewhere. All of the dwarves in the Company were gathered in one room, a good portion of them talking excitedly amongst one another. A wedding was a joyous occasion, after all- however, I was having a concoction of various emotions.

Nervousness, that somehow, someway, something about the wedding would go wrong.

Joy, that this day had finally come. Some dwarves never married because of the dedication to their craft. I had chosen to make my craft being a loyal partner to Kyja.

Doubt, that I would be unable to protect and provide for her and our future family.

Excitement, to look upon and hold the stunning woman I would have the honor of calling my wife.

Lastly, reassurance, that amidst the evident difficulties that marriage would bring- we would both put our complete effort into ensuring the sanctity of our relationship. Separation was not an option. I had made the commitment to love, serve, and protect Kyja, as she had done for me. In less than a few hours, this commitment would become official. The sound of chuckling snapped me out of the trance I'd been in.

"Well Fili, I oughtta say to ya a job well done!" Bofur laughed, his eyes sparkling mischeviously. "You got yourself a wife before the rest of us!" I chuckled when the rest of the dwarves burst out into laughter.

"Now you need some advice before you're hitched off, lad!" Oin winked.

Bombur lowered the wedge of cheese he'd been munching on and gave me a smile. "Say goodbye to quiet nights from now on! The women folk seem to never stop talking at night, so pretend you're asleep if she ever starts ta yap!"

"If she ever asks about her weight or clothes," Nori murmured, "don't say anythin' at all. Don't do nothin' either. Dangerous business, it is."

"Aye!" Gloin said as he nudged his brother Oin. "And Fili, don't take any moment with her for granted, ye hear?"

I exchanged an amused glance with Thorin before nodding in response. "I hear. And I don't plan to." I was simply eager to be alone with her. Not just for the reason that most would assume- although I desperately desired to hold her in my arms again, but... the adventures and overall journey leading up to this day hadn't provided much quality time to talk. When the conversation between the dwarves sparked up again, I turned to face my uncle. "Any parting words, Uncle?"

Thorin paused for a moment, then resting a hand on my shoulder. "None, except an apology on my part. Kyja's a good woman, and my selfishness got in the way of seeing that." He released a breath. "I approve of your union. And I'm pleased for you both."

At his response, my expression softened and I bowed my head in thanks. "Thank you, Uncle... your words are reassuring. And I think it would serve your best interest to apologize to Kyja in person."

The older dwarf nodded with a small smile on his face. "I will." He then motioned towards the royal tunic and armor laying on the free bed and gave me a knowing look. I understood his meaning. Best get ready now before my friends grew to be too much of a distraction.

~ Kyja's POV ~

30 Minutes until the wedding

It was almost time.

The dress was on.

My hair was nearly finished.

Novalee's old necklace was around my neck.

"I'm almost finished!" Ella smiled as she made some last-minute adjustments to my hair. "I just have a few more strands to attach...." She had already worked on Dramona and Novalee, and had turned me away from the mirror as soon as the preparation began because she wanted my appearance to be a surprise.

Novalee's smile couldn't have been wider as she looked at me. "I can scarcely believe this is happening." She whispered with tears in her eyes.

Nodding in agreement, Dramona gave me a wink. "I gotta admit Kyja... you look stunning. If Fili doesn't pass out when he sees ya, I'll knock 'im out myself!"

I smiled in thanks to the both of them, happiness making itself known in my expression. I couldn't remember ever being this excited for something before. "We'll see what happens." I looked up when Ella announced that she was done, soon motioning for me to stand and walk back over to the mirror. My heart pounded in my chest in time with my steps before I examined my reflection.

The woman staring back at me was shocking in the best form of the word.

White lace adorned the upper half of my body, dipping down in the center of my chest to still make a conservative neckline. The sleeves were made of a semi-transparent white material with tasteful lace flowers/leaves embellishing the top and bottom of them. From the waist down, the dress lost its form-fitting nature and the fabric hung elegantly and straight, like a waterfall of white.

My black hair- after having to be thoroughly washed and braided the night before- had been released into a series of waves. Ella had managed to take portions of it, braid them, and pin them together at the back of my head. The remainder of my hair had been combed and neatly arranged to fall past my shoulders. Novalee's opal pendant was the completing addition to the dress and hair. The small gem shimmered in the sunlight entering in the balcony, yet I could have sworn it was my heart that was shining the brightest.

I was now standing before the woman I had grown into. The woman that I used to be was long gone.

Today was the day I would celebrate that I had discarded the bitter, anxious shell of my former existence.

Today was the day I would leave my chrysalis, and greet the world with a new outlook. A new form.

Today marked the day where I embraced my newfound purity, beauty, and peace.

"I... don't know what to say." I quickly inhaled and turned to face the three women that had partially contributed to my transformation. "Thank you- thank you all so much." The minutes that followed consisted of teary-eyed hugs and verbal praises. We soon had to leave for the ceremony once someone noticed the time.

The Wedding Ceremony

Dramona, Novalee, and I were standing before a large set of doors set in the heart of the mountain. We had decided to use one of the large dining halls as a room for the ceremony. Everything was covered in stone, gold, silver, and every other gem and mineral thinkable. Past those two doors were a group of guests and my husband-to-be. Dramona must've spotted my initial sense of nervousness, because she gently nudged me and grinned. "Hey- if you can whip the arses of a couple hundred orcs and live- you can walk in there and get married. Now let's go!"

The doors swung wide, and from my position at the back, I could somewhat see into the room. Ornate stone benches had been arranged into two sections, and there were nine rows in each section. Dwarves, Laketown citizens, and friends of old made up the audience. I saw my father sitting next to Gandalf and Radagast near the front row. As Novalee walked down the aisle, soon followed by Dramona, I could feel my throat tighten. Was this normal? Why on earth was I feeling nervous? For the love of the Valar, I had no issue slitting the throats of my enemies, but having to enter the room to my wedding?

Nevertheless, I didn't exactly have a choice when the priest at the center of the room said a few words, making all of the guests stand up and turn to face me. The last time I was in an enclosed space with this many people looking at me, they were trying to kill me. I exhaled, coaxed the corners of my lips to turn up into a smile, and walked forward.

I was greeted with numerous smiles and nods of approval, a good portion of which originating from people I did not know. Must be friends of the dwarves, I thought. Beorn's normally hardened expression seemed to melt when I made eye contact with him... and for the first time that I could recall, I saw him smile. Radagast was grinning widely and chatting to himself and Sebastian, while Gandalf merely chuckled.

My heart beat even faster when I finally took notice of Fili's gaze- or more specifically, the way he was looking at me. It was an expression of fond admiration at the very least, and I was unable to stop my cheeks from glowing pink. When I finally reached the platform where Fili stood, we grasped one another's hands and took a moment to examine how we looked. He was dressed in his finest armor, hair having been combed and neatly pulled back. His beard hadn't been trimmed, but portions of it were intricately braided. I withheld a chuckle when I took in the fact we were at equal height- his portion of the platform was elevated.

The dwarf smiled warmly at me and squeezed my hands. "Something amusing you?" He murmured, eyes bright.

I grinned and shook my head. "Of course not... I'm simply curious as to how you grew a foot overnight." The both of us had to refrain from laughing then and there as the priest asked for everyone to be seated, and then the wedding began.

To be perfectly honest, I  was unable to pay attention to the little formalities of the wedding were being discussed. I allowed myself to daydream as the priest went on about the aspects of marriage, our stories, how we met, and more. When the time for vows came around, Fili spoke first, repeating after the priest.

"As your husband, I readily commit to the union that we have partaken in. Your heart I promise to hold, guarding it from damage and treasuring its affection. I vow to protect you from all harm and humbly serve you as a husband should. I will never cease in loving you or pursuing you as my beloved wife. With these thoughts in mind, I, Fili Durin, offer myself to you, Kyja." I gently slid the golden wedding band we had been given onto his left index finger, looking up and smiling at him afterwards. It was then my turn.

"As your wife, I readily commit to the union that we have partaken in. Your heart I promise to hold, guarding it from damage and treasuring its affection. I vow to protect you from all harm and humbly serve you as a wife should. I will never cease in loving you or letting your pursue me as my beloved husband. With these thoughts in mind, I, Kyja, offer myself to you, Fili Durin." My breath hitched when the dwarf gently lifted my hand, slipping the wedding band onto the appropriate finger.

I was completely unaware of the smiles and cheers from the guests as the priest finished up his speech. The only words that registered were: "By the authority vested in the kingdom of Erebor, I pronounce that Fili and Kyja Durin are now married as husband and wife. Fili, you may kiss your bride." All of my other senses, all other circumstances, became mere background noise as we embraced one another. It was such a wonderful feeling to be with the man that I loved in complete and utter freedom! As he kissed me, his arms wrapped around my waist, I wrapped my own arms around his neck and returned the kiss without hesitation.

Once we separated I leaned my forehead against Fili's while grinning ear to ear. A single tear had rolled down the side of the dwarf's face as he drew me closer. "You are beautiful...." He murmured, shaking his head in disbelief. "By Durin, I love you. I love you, Kyja- I love you, I love you..."

I didn't make an effort to stop the own tears welling up in my eyes in response to his words. Instead, I softly wiped the tear off his cheek with my thumb. "And I love you, Fili!" Our bubble of affection was soon interrupted by the loud and jovial cheering of our guests. I could see everyone- Novalee delicately wiping her tears away, Dramona clapping as loudly as humanly possible, the dwarves all shouting at the top of their lungs, Radagast waving at me happily, Gandalf laughing to himself, Beorn smiling as a proud father, and the other guests cheering.

"Oy! Three cheers for the lovebirds!" Kili exclaimed, earning laughs from Fili and I as well as the wedding guests. Sure enough, all those with weapons clanked them together as they all stomped in unison, shouting: "Hurrah! Hurrah! HURRAH!" With that being our cue, Fili and I looked at each other with nothing but unbridled passion and admiration before heading back down the aisle to the reception hall.

Again... I could not remember ever being this happy.

My heart was light, and I felt as if I was walking on air.

The night was a grand celebration of our marriage, complete with a large banquet, as well as singing, and dancing. I don't believe I left Fili's side for the entire evening. The amount of love present in the room was incredible. It was not just the love that Fili and I shared for one another- it was the love and acceptance from old friends, new acquaintances, and family members that made the reception special.

Years ago, I would have never anticipated myself being in this position. Alive. Married. Happy. This was an occurrence where I was grateful that life tended to give a few surprises. I was not to be dictated by the fear of the past- only the hope  of what was to come would motivate me now. Little did I know, there was one last surprise in store for Fili and I... a surprise that neither of us could have predicted.


Okay, we're going to fangirl at the same time. Ready? Three, two, one-


Now. There are still 2 parts left to the epilogue. I can't wait for your reactions to the next chapter. Let's just say I have a little something planned... *rubs hands mischeviously* It's nothing bad, so don't worry! And it's not the stereotypical surprise, either. AKA the one you all are thinking of.

Here are the pictures of Kyja's dress and her hair.

Love you guys!

~ Orla

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