Taken Over

By MCSMGamerGirl

22.9K 712 901

(This story takes place after Episode 8 and before Season 2 with some changes to the original story line) A... More

Before the Prologue
Getting Information
Cursed Knowledge
The Truth?
Unveiled Secrets
Bad Memories
Face Off
More Secrets?
Secret Meeting
Normal?/More Secrets!?/Hidden Feelings
Getting Help
Quick AN
Back Home?
Old Friends
Portal Hopping/Hostage
OC's Needed
Not an Update
New Allies/Experiment
The Temple
Implantment/Finding the Order
Not a Chapter Sorry
Sneaking In-Part 1
I need some help (NAC)
Sneaking In- Part 2
Sneaking In Part 3
Fighting Back Part 1
Fighting Back Part 2
Into the Unknown Part 1
I got Tagged
Tagged Again
Into the Unknown Part 2
The Final Showdown Part 1
The Final Showdown Part 2
The Final Showdown Part 3
Come back...
One Year Anniversary of Taken Over
The Aftermath


344 11 1
By MCSMGamerGirl

AN- It was close but Option A got the most votes in the last chapter 3-2 and thanks to all for getting this story up to 700 reads in what seems like no time! 😄


"You're going to have to get us out of here, sis." I told Jesse.

"Did you not just hear what Herobrine just said!? I could be turned against you and the others!"

"Yeah, but if we wait around here, Herobrine will get impatient and start to take out our friends one by one to make you angry himself, and he won't hesitate to do so."

"You're brother is quite right, I'm afraid. The Master takes great pleasure in making others suffer to get what he wants."

"Alright, alright I'll do it." Jesse exasperated, "Just say something to make me angry."

"You're obsession with reading is something only nerds do?" I said, uncertain.

"Really? That's the best you can do?"

"Hey, I've never gotten you angry on purpose before I'm doing my best over here."

"If that's your 'best' then were doomed and Herobrine will make our friends suffer!" I looked over at Jesse and saw that she was getting upset with the thought of the others being tortured like we were as kids, that gave me an idea.

"You're right, we won't stop them in time and the others will probably be granted a slow and painful death, only to be resurrected by our uncle to suffer again and again and again... Hey maybe he'll set their spawn points over a lava pit and just watch them die over and over and over again..." that was enough to completely throw Jesse off the mine cart tracks.

"NO!!" she screamed and she bashed her fists into the metal bars and totally shattered them to pieces.

"Quick free us while you're still angry!"

Jesse came to my cell first and punched the bars only one time before they broke into pieces and did the same with Eve's cage as well. Unfortunately, our other problem was that we were underground in the End and neither of us had a pickaxe on us.

"Do you think you could blast your way through the End stone?" I asked cautiously.

"I've still got some anger left.." Jesse replied darkly as she put both of her hands together and shot them forward as a blast of dark light shot from them. When the smoke cleared we had a huge hole that looked out into the End, and all the Endermen that were still there.

"Shoot! How are we going to get back them?" I asked.

"Climb on my back and I'll hide you with my wings." Eve suggested.

"Let's do it quickly before Herobrine figures out that we're gone." Jesse said, having calmed down.

Eve grew big enough for us to climb into her back and she folded back her wings to cover us as she started to run on all fours towards the pillars where the Ender Crystals used to be.

Time Skip

Just as we were about to make it to the portal back to the Overworld, a voice shouted,

"Dragon!!" and an arrow was shot at Eve's wing, causing her to fall onto her side as she still covered us with her wings.

"What was that?" Jesse whispered to Eve.

"Some humans are coming towards us with weapons. Shall I attack them?"

"Hold on.." I replied as Jesse and I peeked out from our hiding place.

"Those aren't just some humans! It's our friends!" Jesse leaped out from the cover and waved to our fast approaching friends.

Olivia's POV A few seconds earlier

We had reached the mountain top where we leashed and tied down our horses to go into the End, but when we got there we saw some Endermen milling around and a huge creature running towards us.

"Dragon!!" Lukas had shouted and fired an arrow at the Ender Dragon. I was readying an arrow when Jesse jumped out from under the dragon's wing and waved to us.

"It's Jesse!" I yelled happily as we all began to run to the twins.

"And J!" Axel shouted as J came out and joined his sister in waving at us. When we reached them we all group hugged the twins with Reuben oinking excitedly at our feet.

"Where did you two go!?" Petra asked as she punched us both.

"We got taken by Eve here, but only because she was forced to and tricked into thinking she could go home." Jesse explained to us while kneeling down next to her.

"Wait, Eve is the Ender Dragon?" I questioned.

"Yep and did you guys happen to bring any potions with you?" J asked from next to his sister.

"Petra brought some with her." I said while holding out my hand as she pulled out a Splash Potion of Healing and gave it to me. I walked over to Eve and leaned down over her shot wing.

"This may sting a little." I grasped the arrow shaft and pulled it out as Eve let out a piercing shriek. The twins did their best to hold Eve steady as I aimed and threw the potion at the spot where the arrow was lodged in.

"Thank you uh.."

"That's Olivia, over there is Axel and next to him are Petra and Lukas." J pointed out and introduced everyone to Eve.

"And this is Reuben." Jesse pulled Reuben up onto her lap and gave him a hug.

"Did the Ender Dragon just talk to us?" Lukas asked, a little freaked out.

"Eve can speak to us telepathically and she says she's going to help us stop Herobrine." J explained.

"But in one of Jesse's books, it said that the Ender Dragon can be forced to do Herobrine's will." Petra said, confused.

"I only follow the Master so far, and he double-crossed me by not not telling me that the End, my home, was flooded."

"Weeell" Axel started nervously.

"I know very well that you all flooded the End, but since Jesse and J freed me from the command block, I'm sparing you all and helping to get revenge on Herobrine."

"Well that's a relief that we won't have to be fighting a lunatic and his Dragon minion." Petra breathed.

"Wait, you said the twins freed you from the command block? How is that possible?" Lukas recalled.

"I'm guessing when the command block was destroyed, it not only released Herobrine, but Eve too." I reasoned.


"Speaking of which, we better get going before he realizes we're gone." J begged us.

"Too late.."

Abruptly, Herobrine appeared in front of us.

"Time for the take over..." He grinned and a black flame appeared in his open hand.

1172 words

Sorry I want able to post this chapter on Friday like I intended, but I had to go shopping all day with my mom and today was pretty much the same 😖 anyway, I hope you all like this chapter and continue to read, Bye!

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