Both of Us

By rini8813

64.6K 1.7K 312

sequel to amnesia More

Oh Brother
One Week
Two Weeks
Candy Cane
What to Do
They Go
Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot
In Another Life
Square One
Piece by Piece
Lawyer and a Virgin
Church and State
Sick and Tired
Hearts and Flowers
Gold, Like A Sunset
Game of Thrones
Soft Spot
The One With The Stripper
Rehersal Dinner
Bad Mood
Oh God, I Miss You Too
Calm Down
Let The Games Begin
Extremly Jealous
Against You
What If
Die a Happy Man
Makeup and Manicures
Best Friends
Big Shirts and Sweats
Together Again
Harvard Dad
Taken (part 2)
Yes or No
So Sick
Same Thought
Show Off
Pregnacy Brain
Better Parent
Back to Work


552 16 0
By rini8813

           Two days from now, Rafael and I get to go on our vacation. I am so excited.

            I'm ready to get the hell out of here and on to white sandy beaches.

             "So are you sure I can't do this?" George asked me for the hundredth time.

               "If you keep asking stupid questions, I'm going to kick you out of my office and I will not feel bad about it," I snapped.

               "Whoa sorry for asking." He muttered.

                "You are not a stupid person, so I truly don't understand why you keep asking these stupid questions. You know the answers do stop asking," I sipped my water.

                "Alright fine, yes I do know the answers," he sighed.

                "Then why do you keep asking these questions?" I didn't have time for this.

                   "Because I like spending time with you," his cheeks turned pink. So he's saying he likes spending time with me because he likes me... awesome. This is just what I need.

                    "You should not have said that, because now I'm going to have to ask you to leave my office." I sighed.

                   "Come on. We can be friends, even though I like you," he bit his lip.

                   "No, we can't. I have done this before, and the person who is crushing usually ends up crossing some sort of line. Besides I have a ton of work to do, before I leave, so please, get out." I got my case files together.

                     "Look I'm trying to respect your boyfriend, but if he's telling you we can't be friends-"

               I laughed bitterly.

                "Okay first off, no. He does not get to tell me who I cannot be friends with. Trust me it's an argument he loses. Second off I don't want you hanging out with me, because I don't like the way you're doing it. If you want to hang out with me, ask, don't dumb yourself down. But I really do have things to can you please leave?" I felt like I was coming off too bitchy, but I honestly couldn't care less.

                "Fine," he got up and left.

                I got to work, but all I wanted to do was go home.

Rafael's POV

               I am in my office, finishing up everything, before I go in vacation with Nicole. I am ready to be alone with her.

                We haven't really done anything since she freaked out that one night, and that's okay. I am just hoping that we can make everything okay again.

               I heard a knock on my door.

               "Come in!" I called out.

               "Hey Rafi," it wan Yelina. Oh great, just what I needed.

                "Hi," I cut her a glare.

                "I didn't come here to fight. I don't want to be mean, or insult your girlfriend. I actually heard she's a really nice person. Um, but I wanted to come by and apologize. I am sorry for acting the way I have. I have been rude and unkind to you and Nicole. I hope that one day we can move on and all be friends," she was lying through her teeth.

                 "Okay, that's nice. The problem is I don't believe it. Thanks for stoping by, have a nice night,"  I nodded.

Nicole's POV

            I got home a bit early and was so ready to take a bath, that was until I knew someone was in my home. My heart stopped beating for a moment.

              "Tia!" Jessie came out of no where. I jumped a little.

               "Hi sweet girl!" I picked her up.

                 "Hi Colie," Claire came into view.

                "Hey what are you guys doing here?" I hugged her.

                "We wanted to surprise you with dinner. I hope you don't mind," she kissed my cheek.

                "Of course not! I'm so glad you guys are here. Where's Grace?" I asked setting Jessie down.

"Tia," I heard a soft voice say. I peeked around the corner, and there Grace was waddling over to me.

"Oh my gosh she's walking?" I picked her up. Claire nodded, beaming.

"Yeah, she started the other day and hasn't stopped since," Claire kissed her head.

"Aw I'm gong to cry, that's so cute," I gave Grace a few kisses before setting her down.

"So are we waiting for Rafael or are we just going to eat?" She asked.

"Probably eat, because I have no idea when he's going to be home. But let me just changed before we eat, okay?"

"Sounds good," she hugged me. I went upstairs and washed my face. I got changed when I heard someone enter the room.

"Claire?" I called out my voice shaking.

"No, it's me," Rafael came into the closet.

"Oh, hi Honey," I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Hola Bonita. ¿Como estás?" He smiled softly.

"Pretty good, I'm really happy Claire is here with the kids. How are you? How was your day?" I laid my head on his chest. I liked the after shave he uses. It smells nice.

"It was long. A lot of work to do since I'm leaving but it's all worth it."

"Well good. Get dressed and we'll wait for you to start dinner," I smiled.

"Okay," he pressed his lips to mine. I blushed a little.

I went down and helped get everything set up.

"You want a beer or something?" I asked Claire.

"Beer would be nice," she smiled. I got out three and popped them open.

"Alright let's eat," Rafael came down. We sat at the table with Jessie babbling about how much she enjoys being out of school.

"You know when she babbles like that, she reminds me of you," Rafael smirked at me.

"Shut up," I bumped his shoulder. He kissed my head softly.

"Never Cola," he smiled.

"Oh, so you started that nickname? I was wondering why Jessie kept calling her that," Claire laughed.

"Yeah he did," I blushed at the thought.


"Because when I first introduced myself to him, he thought I said Cola instead of Colie. So he started calling me that," I bit my lip.

"I like it, Cola," she smiled.

"See what you started?" I laughed at Raf. He pressed his lips to mine.

"Guys we are eating," Claire sighed.

"Shut up. You have done worse than me," I gave her a look.

"Tia, can I live with you?" Jessie asked.

"Well not right now, because Tio and I are going to be a away for a few days, but after that you can come stay with me for as long as you want," I smiled.

"Are you going to be gone for a long time again?" She asked. Is she talking about when I was taken?

"No. Just seven days."

              "Can I come with?" She pouted.

             "Not this time honey. I promise next time. We can do something like Christmas where mom and dad can come too," I pinched her cheek softly.

              "Okay," she nodded.

               We had a really nice dinner. I'm glad Claire cooked because I was tired and did not want to do it.

               "Alright, well we have summer camp and work tomorrow. So I will see you later. Enjoy your trip guys," Claire kissed my head.

"Thanks have goodnight," I kissed her cheek.

I walked them out and shut the door. I went to Rafael who was sitting on the couch, watching a baseball game. I sat next to him.

"Hi," I smiled.

"Hey," he cracked a smile.

"How are you?" I rested my legs across his thighs.

"Pretty good. That dinner was really good. I'm glad Claire came over. I am also glad we got to see Jessie. I miss her, and Grace is so cute walking around, babbling," he sighed. He was stroking my legs mindlessly.

"I know. I just love them so much," I laid down fully on the couch.

"I do too. Maybe we can have some one day," he patted my stomach. I sat up.

"Maybe, or maybe we adopt," I shrugged.

"Adoption... that would be nice. I wouldn't mind doing that actually."

"It would be nice." I smiled. He pulled me close and kissed me. I ended up straddling his lap.

"Tú eres muy sexy," he whispered in my ear. He kissed my neck. I moaned softly, as his hands squeezed my thighs. "Can I touch your breasts?"

"Yes, please. Please touch my breasts," I begged.

"Oh, someone wants me," he squeezed my breasts. I rubbed up against him, he moaned softly into my mouth.

"Oh yeah?" I giggled. He laughed too and squeezed my butt.

"You want me to-" he started but the door was knocked on.

"Who the fuck is that?" I groaned.

"I don't know but I'm going to pretend like I don't have a boner the whole time." He groaned.

I opened to find Marie standing at my door. If my heart wasn't pounding before, it is now.

"Hey Colie guess what!" She was grinning.

"Hi, come in. Tell me what's up," I let her in.

"Hi Rafael," she had a bag in her hands.

"Hi Marie. How are you?" He nodded. He does not like this. His entire mood has changed.

"I'm good, how are you?" God she could charm him, if he didn't hate her so much.

I completely understand why he doesn't like her. I do get it, but I just don't want things to be tense all the time.

"Good." He nodded.

"So anyway, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you guys for helping me. It means the world to me and I won my case, so this is just a thank you for that. I'll get out of your hair," she smiled.

"Well thank you. I'm happy to hear that it all worked out," I smiled hugging her.

"Bye guys," she walked out.

"Well that's nice of her," he came over.

"It was. She doesn't need to give us anything. We are friends. If we needed medication from her, she would give us a discount," I shrugged. He gave me a look. "What?"

"Are you getting medication from her?" He asked.

"What? No of course not. I don't need any why would you- oh." I thought about what I told him. I told him I was addicted to pain killers. "No I'm doing that. I told you I got better, I'm fine now."

"I have a question about that. You said your mom had a drug problem too, and so did you. But you helped her and she helped you. How did that work?" He asked.

"Well she had the problem when I was in middle school. She got better because I told my dad. After the accident with Dylan I would have days were everything hurt. I would have practice those days, but obviously I only got so many in one fill. I would take the ones she had left over. But anyway her problem ended when I was in middle school. Mine started in high school and ended in high school. Like mother like daughter I guess," I shrugged.

"That accident really screwed you up huh?" He rubbed my back.

"Why do you think I'm afraid of the dark," I chuckled.

"Really? I'm sorry, that's awful," he hugged me.

"It's also why when it rains my leg hurts and I don't wear heels. It hurts to walk on. "

He pressed his lips to mine. I smiled a little.

"Do you want to see what she got us?" I asked.

"Yes very badly actually."

"You're a sucker for gifts," I giggled.

"I am."

We opened it, and there was a bottle of wine, chocolate, and a gift card.

"Ooo, Homegoods gift card. I can get somethings for decorations for Christmas. I cannot wait. It's a long over due trip," I put it in my wallet.

"So I don't get a say in this? Is this how this is going to work?" He laughed.

"Nope. I make all the choices when it comes to the house. Which reminds me, we are putting in the new bath tub after the Fourth of July. It should take a few days, to a week tops. I have a really good deal on it, and it's beautiful. It will be more fun to take baths together in," I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"It will be huh. You know she got a really nice wine." He grabbed the bottle.

"Because she's trying to win you over. She wants to get in your pants next." I giggled.

"Ha ha you make me crack up," he glared at me.

"Come on, it was funny,"I poked his side softly.

"It was, but this is good wine. We should save it."

"Oh so you are a wine expert now?" I sat on the couch.

"Yes. I am. I mean I know so much more than you," he followed me.

"Oh yeah?" I giggled.

"Yeah," he kissed me.

"One more day, and then we leave."

"I can't wait."

Rafael's POV

I was at the station, wishing today is tomorrow. I want to be with Nicole and I want to be free of stress.

I mean now all I can think about is Nicole wearing a bikini which is a nice thought.

"The time line is way unclear, you need to clean it up," I sighed.

"We are working on it." Rollins sighed.

All of a sudden my eyes were covered.

"Surprise," Nicole whispered in my ear.

"Hi Honey. What are you doing here?" I smiled.

"Bring food for you guys. I thought why not," she sat next to me.

"Very kind of you. Thanks," Liv smiled.

"Yeah, I try to be kind in all aspects of a friendship." Nicole smiled too sweetly.

"I love this place. You're great," Amanda smiled.

"Thank you," I kissed her cheek.

We had a nice time at lunch and Nicole was so sweet to Olivia, that it hurt me. It made me want to yell at her for it.

"Alright, well have a good day guys, I'll see you all later," she kissed my cheek. "Tomorrow, me and you, and white sandy beaches," she whispered in my ear.

Nicole's POV

I couldn't sleep I was so excited. It's too early to be up and I'll be grumpy, but I don't care.

I can't sleep. I showered, and made sure everything was packed up.

I laid in bed, and played games on my phone. Rafael put an arm around me.

             "How long have you been up?" He chuckled.

              "I don't know. I'm too excited, so I've been up a while. I'm sorry. I probably woke you up."

            "I have an hour more to sleep. I don't think you will but I need it," he held me closer.

              "Go to sleep Babe," I kissed his head. He ended up falling asleep on my chest. I stroked his hair, putting my phone down.

               I love him so much. God I remember when I said I hated him. He is the love of my life. I didn't even feel this way with Dylan, or Marie. I don't think Rafael would believe me if I told him.

              I wish I could be with him all the time. I could snuggle him all day. He's good at snuggling. It still baffles me that he's never loved anyone the way he loves me.

               I am so afraid that one day he will stop loving me and love someone else. I'm afraid that he will love someone older and more mature than me.

              I shut my eyes. He held me tighter. I softly scratched his back. I rested my hand against his back.

If we actually broke up, I don't think I could handle it. It is dramatic, and whatever but I don't care. He had stuck by me through so much crap, it's ridiculous.

I love him more than he'll ever know.

Rafael's POV

Nicole has been asleep on my shoulder almost the entire plane ride. Which was nice because she was getting cranky.

I adjusted and she wrapped her arms around my arm.

I love her more than she'll ever realize. I am so afraid she will leave me for a younger guy. I think that one day she will wake up and hate the fact that she was married to an older guys like me.

The plane landed. I woke Nicole up.

"I regret not sleeping more," she groaned.

"We can sleep when we get to the resort." I picked out our suitcases.

"God please. I'll be better tomorrow. Just wake me up so we can eat." She groaned.

               I laughed and we made our way to the cabs. We got in and she snuggled up to me. I squeezed her hand.

               "Can you carry me, and the suitcases to our room?" She kissed my cheek.

                "No, I would drop something and I'm afraid it will be you," I chuckled.

Nicole's POV

              I was slightly irritated when Rafael woke me up from my nap. But he did it by kissing me awake, so I don't know how mad I can actually be.

               We had a very nice dinner, and went back to our room after. He got a bottle of wine and joined me in bed. I rested my head against his chest.

              "Thanks for planning this trip. I love it. I can't wait to see more of it with you," I smiled up at him.

              He grabbed my face and pressed our lips together.

              "Good I'm glad. I've got something really fun planned for us tomorrow," he stroked my cheek.

              "Is there anyway to get you to tell me what it is before we go?" I asked.

"I plea the fifth," he smirked.

"Oh do you?" I got on top of him. He nodded. "Well we are just going to have to do something about it," I kissed his neck. I took off my shirt, and pulled off his pants.


I woke up the next morning, wrapped up in the covers. Rafael snuggled closer to me.

"You hog all the covers," he whispered softly into my ear.

"Only because you took them first." I laughed. He pulled me close, connecting our lips.

"That has yet to be proven Counsellor," he chuckled.

"Oh I can prove it," I continued kissing him.

"Would you like me to make love to you now, or would you like to go eat breakfast before it closes?" He had his hands on my waist.

"Breakfast. We all know how hangry you get," I got up.

"You were tired and hangry yesterday so you don't get to talk." He got up. I did not know he was still naked under the covers.

"First off. I need sleep. I still need sleep, and I have not slept well since high school. Second off, you're really hot, and I hate that," I got dressed. He laughed loudly.

"You hate that I'm hot?" He had a playful smirk on his face.

"Yes, because I don't like when other people want what's mine, I thought this would make sense after Oliva and everything," I brushed my hair.

"Now it makes sense," he got dressed.

"I love you," I squeezed his hand.

                 "I love you too," he pressed his lips to my temple.

Rafael's POV

             I think Nicole needed this more than I did. She needed something to take her mind off things.

            She needed to remember that there are good things. Yes, we went to Hawaii but she was still stuck in a bad place when we did. She is so much better than she was.

            I understand that it takes time and there will be moments, when she gets a little set back, but that's okay. But I thought before, I had lost her. She didn't seem hopeful and neither was I.

            I hope she likes the surprise I have planned.

Nicole's POV

             Rafael and I got in a cab to go to the place that's supposed to be my surprise.

              "Can you give me a hint?" I whined.

            "It's something you like," he smirked.

"You're an ass," I chuckled. He pressed his lips to the top of my head.

"You love me in spite of that. You know it. Besides I'm never much of an ass to you. We are going too have fun, I promise," he bit his lip.

We got there and that's when I found out. We are going to pet sharks and sting rays.

"Are we seriously doing this?" I squeaked.

"Yes," he smirked.

"Oh my god you're the best," I hugged him tightly.

"I was hoping you would like it," he laughed.

Rafael's POV

I am very relieved that she liked the surprise. I know she has always wanted to pet sharks, for some ungodly reason, but it makes her happy.

"Oh my gosh, Rafael she loves me. We should adopt her and take her home." Nicole was grinning from ear to ear.

"Nicole, she's a shark." I rolled my eyes.

"But she loves me," she mumbled softly. In these moments, when she acts like this, she is too young. It also breaks my heart because I don't think, she thinks people don't love her because of her dad.

"And I love you." I pulled her close for a kiss. She looked stunning in her bikini. I hated the way the men talked about her. Thank god she can't speak Spanish or else she would feel awkward.

"I just love her. I've already picked a name. It's Veronica," she smiled.

"You're funny," I smiled.

Nicole's POV

Rafael and I leave in two days. I have a nice tan and so does he.

Today it has been raining all day. We can't be too mad about it, because it is rain season. This is the only day it has rained.

"So what do you say we watch a movie and just chill out?" I flopped on the bed.

"I love that," he joined me on the bed. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek.

"Me too," I smiled. He chuckled kissing my neck.

"So answer this question," he whispered softly.

"Hmm?" I shut my eyes.

"Was Dylan your only boyfriend before me?" He asked.

"No, he was the only one that I felt something towards. Freshman year of high school, I had a boyfriend who was a senior. We went to prom together. We went out for like four months, before he started pushing for sex. I was fourteen, I wasn't ready for that and we broke up. I went to prom that year with him. Then there was Dylan and he never pushed me for sex. He died. I went to prom that year with one of my friends. I knew a lot of guys because of boys lacrosse. He wanted to go out with me but I said no. I just wasn't ready. Then junior year I had a boyfriend for like a month, we started dating after prom. I broke it off. I was too in love Marie. Then Marie happened, and I didn't get over her for like two years. After her though, I had a boyfriend for like six months. I thought we were going to have sex but we didn't. He was super smart, like it was scary. He didn't want that. I wasn't going to push him. But any way we broke up because he supposedly got a B in a class because of me. Anyway then there was this one guy who I dated after who was good. Until two weeks in he kept pushing for sex so we broke up. Then it was you," I chuckled.

"Wow okay," he nodded.

"Any lovers I need to know of?" I smirked.

"Yeah this girl Nicole. I think she's kind of obsessed with me. She wants to be my wife."

"What crime," I giggled. He smiled kissing me.

             "So you went to prom with a date all four years of high school? Now I can see why you got your nickname," he chuckled.

             "I didn't have a date to senior prom."

              "Oh why not?" He rubbed my leg.

              "Because no one asked me. I mean I wasn't offended but also I didn't care. I was fine with it. What shocked me more was Marie didn't have a date. This is going to sound stupid, but in a way it gave me hope. I thought it might be a sign or something. God I was so stupid," I chuckled.

               "Hey that's not stupid. I mean you just wanted to be with the person you loved. You were looking for hope," he spoke softly.

               "I know you don't like her, and I know you don't like the fact that I slept with her, but she's actually a really nice person. I like being friends with her. If she tries anything-"

               "I know you'll stop being friends with her. It's okay. I trust you."

               "Thanks. Now continue kissing me. I like when you do that," I pulled him close.

Rafael's POV

We have been the happiest we've ever been. I mean we are good and I hate that we have to leave today. Hopefully, we can continue it.

Nicole's POV

We are home and all I want to do is go back.

"Let's quit our jobs and go live there," I pitched the idea to Raf.

"What ever you want Amour," he kissed my head.

I could not be more in love with him.

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