Imperfection~ A Liam Payne Lo...

By Dreamsofforever

44.7K 1K 54

**PART ONE**Alyson had a normal life of a normal teenager. Then, someone had burned her family's house down... More

Imperfection~ A Liam Payne Love Story
Meet Alyson
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Meet Hannah and Ashley
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Meet Kenzie
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Meet Belle
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 44

349 10 3
By Dreamsofforever

Chapter 44


"I got... I got... Zayn." I said, barely above a whisper. Liam's eyes widened, and Zayn flushed a brilliant red. I tried to lighten the mood. "Hey, well..." I tried to think of something, but nothing came out. "Nevermind." I whispered, and I stared at the slip of paper. "I'm sorry, babycakes." I said, hugging Liam. "I can't pass up a challenge. Pwease?" I pouted, and he sighed. "Go ahead." Kenzie led Zayn and I up to the bathroom. "Rules. 7 minutes to do whatever. In the dark. Ok, that's it. Have fun." She winked, and I flushed. "Kenzie! None of that!" I shouted, and she shoved us into the dark bathroom.

"Go!" She shouted, and I saw Zayn's outline in the darkness. He was positioned in a way that clearly said he was uncomfortable. I reached out, and grabbed his shoulders. I repositioned him, and he looked more comfortable. "It's just me. No need to be uncomfortable." I laughed, and I could make out his white teeth in the darkness. "Your teeth are very white. I can see them practically glow in the darkness." I snickered, and he laughed. I walked up to him, leaned in, and I knew he was leaning in, also. I smirked and kissed his nose. I giggled, and he pouted. We both jumped when someone banged on the door. "Let's go! Or else, Liam just might attack you two." I heard the grinned, and I whispered into Zayn's ear.

"Let's pretend." I moaned, "Can we have a little bit more time?" She said, "Oh...kay," and she ran down the stairs. I pulled out the cards I had hidden in the bathroom, and I told Zayn to sit on the floor. "Begin Go-Fish!" I whispered, and he asked me if I had any fives. I shook my head. "Go Fish." Suddenly, Liam busted through the bathroom door, ripping it off it's hinges. "Oh, hey, sugar," I said, then added, "Do you have any threes?" He sighed, and handed over 3 threes. I looked up to Liam, and he was shaking his head. "What?" I asked innoccently, and he started laughing. "I can fix the door." I said, and Zayn muttered, "Is there anything you can't do?" I looked at him. "Yes. I can't do a handstand. Happy?" He held his arms up. "Yeah, yeah." I grinned, and said, "I'm going to grab my two favorite boys, and we are going downstairs. Because it's Kenzie's turn." I grinned evilly. The boys held out their wrists, and I turned into my bedroom, grabbing my stuffed turtle and my stuffed lion. I grinned.

"Yup. These are my two favorite boys." Liam pouted, and Zayn ripped them out of my hands, handing the turtle to Liam. He started laughing evilly, and ran away. "To the kitchen!" He screamed, and my eyes widened. "Nooo! That's where...*gulp* the knifes are!" I screamed after him, and Liam started singing, "na na nananaanananananaaannananananana BATMAN!" "LiLi, not helping!" I screamed over my shoulder, climbing over Niall. "Not Mr. Fluffly!" I screamed, dashing into the kitchen. I saw Zayn holding the lion. "This... is Mr.... Fluffly?" He asked between laughs. I nodded spaztically. "And the turtle is Liam." I snickered, and Liam walked into the kitchen. "I think I like Liam." He grinned, and I pointed at him. "Kenzie!" I hollered, and she rushed in. "What?" "Go to the bathroom. With my baby, Liam." I grinned, and said, "Aww, come on. You both knew it was going to happen." Liam nodded, and sighed. "Where are the cards?" I grinned. "Top left drawer. Left, Liam. Left." I said, holding up his left hand. I stopped him. "Wait, you broke the bathroom door. Go into my closet. There shouldn't be anything. Lemme check. I'm sure Harry messed something up." I led them into my closet, and Liam sat down with the cards. "K. Imma be back. Later." I said, flicking the light switch.

As I walked down the stairs, I couldn't help but think of all the bad things. He's probably making out with her RIGHT NOW. Why would he want you when he could have Kenzie? For all you know, he could be having a secret relationship with her. I sat on the couch, curled up, waiting, and waiting, holding Liam and Mr. Fluffy tight. I began petting Liam, and I pulled out a comb. I began brushing Mr. Fluffy's mane, and Zayn asked if he could help. I nodded, and handed him the comb. He styled Mr. Fluffy's mane, and I messed with Liam's plush shell. I could feel Zayn watching me. "Can I help you?" I asked, pulling on the fabric. "Don't worry about Liam and Kenzie. Liam can't be a player. He's way to nice. Seriously." I grinned, Belle stood up to get the real Liam and Kenzie. They walked down the stairs, hair tousled. I smiled, but it hurt. A lot. I hugged Liam, and he smelled, different. I looked up, and I kissed his cheek. "Hey, uh. My stomach's been hurting. I'm gonna lay down." I gave each person a hug, and headed for the stairs.

Liam's POV

Kenzie led Zayn and Aly to the bathroom, and those 7 minutes were the worst of my life. I know what Aly means by the voice now. It was visiting me also. Why would Alyson Bilde want you? I mean, seriously. Have you seen yourself lately? Kenzie had gotten up to get them, and she rushed down the stairs. "Uh, Liam. They requested more time." My eyes widened, and I felt rage race through my veins. I walked up the stairs, and kicked down the bathroom door, revealing Zayn and Alyson playing a card game. "Oh, hey, sugar, do you have any threes?" I heard Aly say, and Zayn sighed, handing her some cards. I shook my head, and then started laughing when she asked, "What? I can fix the door." Zayn muttered, "Is there anything you can't do?" and she countered with, "Yes, I can't do a handstand. Happy?" He held up in arms in surrender, and Aly said, "I'm going to grab my two favorite boys, and we are going downstiars. Because it's Kenzie's turn." She grinned, and dashed out of the room.

"Yup. These are my two favorite boys." I pouted and watched Zayn take them away. He shoved the turtle at me, and ran away to the kitchen, Aly on his heels. "No! That's where the knifes are!" She screamed, and I decided to be annoying, and did a Batman bit. "LiLi, not helping!" She screaming, climbing over Niall. "Sorry, mate. She's... eager to save - " I was cut off by Aly, who screamed, "Not Mr. Fluffly!" "Mr. Fluffly." I finished, and everyone started laughing. I like this turtle. "Turtle is Liam." I heard her, and I snickered. "I think I like Liam." I said, and she called Kenzie in, then sent us away to the her closet because I broke the door. "K. Imma be back. Later." She flicked the light switch and walked away.

"Uh, hi, Kenzie. Go Fi-" I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. My eyes widened, and I really didn't know what to do. I just sat there, numb, and she pulled away. "Ok. Time to play." She grinned, and delt out the cards. I played with her numbly, constantly running my hands through my hair, making it look more tousled. Belle knocked on the door, and she opened the door. I sat down my cards, and followed Belle down the stairs. Aly smiled at me, but it just... didn't look right. She hugged me, then kissed my cheek. "Hey, uh. My stomach's been hurting. I'm gonna lay down." She gave each person a hug, and left. Zayn's eyes were wide, and I saw him looking at my hair. I looked in a mirror. "Oh my god. I have Harry hair." I groaned, and rushed up the stairs, looking for Alyson.

"Aly? Alyson?" I called, looking in her room. She fixed the bathroom door, and I heard her sobbing behind it. "Y-yes?" She stuttered out, and I felt horrible. "Aly, what's wrong?" I asked, and she let me into the bathroom. She said down in the corner where the bathtub and the wall met, a towel on the floor. "Aly, what's the matter?" I asked again, and she shook her head. "N-n-nothing. Why?" She whimpered, clutching turtle Liam. "Well, you're crying. That generally means you aren't ok." She quickly wiped her face. "I- I'm not crying. It's just, allergies." She said, pointing at the closed window. I sighed. "Aly, nothing happened. Well, Kenzie kissed me. That's it." I felt my heart break as she looked up with red eyes. "That's it?" She asked, and I nodded. "I didn't know how to tell you that, so I kept doing this." I said, runnning my hand through my hair. She nodded. "I, uh, I kissed Zayn. So, I guess we're even." I nodded, and she sighed. "I'm sorry." She whispered, crawling into my lap. I carried her bridal style to her bedroom, and she wiggled out of my arms. "But, LiLi," She whined, "I feel fine, now. Can we go back downstairs?" I nodded, and before I could pick her up, she gave me another love tap, and rushed down the stairs.

She gasped, and ran back up the stairs. "On the other hand, I'm good up here." I grinned, and walked down the stairs to where Niall and Belle were. "No PDA in the lobby!" I shouted, and they jumped away from each other. I laughed, "Aly, they've stopped. You can come down now." She crept quietly to where I was, and peeked around me. I remembered when she dumped her ice cream all over my shirt, and we went swimming.

She hid behind Zayn, whispering something, and I was scared. I mean, I wanted to be her prince, but Zayn might already have that covered. I sighed, and she began screaming various things. I watched her talk to Nialler, and he just about had tears rolling down both of their faces. I felt really bad, and she began talking to Zayn, teaching him to swim. I watched her wet hair hang in strands around her face as she helped Zayn, ensuring him, motivating him. I grinned, and her eyes looked around. I was hidden, hiding from her icy gaze. It was weird. It was like, cold, but warm and inviting at the same time.

I sighed, and kissed her softly. "I love you." I whispered, then Hazza waltzed through the door.


If you look closely at a tree

you'll notice it's knots and dead branches,

just like our bodies.

What we learn is that

beauty and imperfection

go together


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