Boyfriend Scenarios: Hetalia

By silverthornes

1.7M 32.9K 57.9K

So what's it like to have a boyfriend? Especially if they are the personifications of countries? Let's find o... More

How You Meet
Meeting Again
Is Something Wrong?
How He Feels
Asking You Out
First Date & First Kiss
Is Someone Jealous?
Star Of The Month
He Finds Out About Your Job
He Meets Your Ex
He Meets Your Family
He Turns Into A Chibi
How He Kisses You
You Take A Shower/Bath Together
Waking Up With Him
He Tells You He's A Country
Someone Flirts With Him
You Get Sick
Valentine's Special~
Simple Things He Likes To Do With You
Simple Things He Likes To Do With You (Part 2)
Welcome Prussia
He Turns Into His Nyo Self
You Turn Into Your Nyo Self
You Turn Into A Chibi
2p Time (Part 1)
2p Time! (Part 2)
He Turns Into A Neko
Getting Caught Making Out
April Fools!
You Turn Into A Neko
He Gets Sick
When You Are In The Hospital
When He Finds Out About Shipping
You Wear His Clothes
When You Die
He Has A Nightmare
He (Attempts) To Cook For You
Super Special!
You Have A Nightmare
Beach Time!
Someone Flirts With You
Big News!
It's Reader-chan's Birthday
Who Are You?
Happy Birthday
He Cheated On You!
Everything's Okay
I'm Back~ & 50th Chapter Special~
He Gets Drunk
He Has A Hangover
Special Time!
He Visits You In School
He Catches You Changing/In The Shower
Ah~ October~ & Special Annoucement
He Turns Into A Werewolf
1 Demon, 2 Demon, Red Demon, Blue Demon (Part 2)
You Turn Into A Vampire
You Turn Into A Werewolf
The Most Horrifying Thing Ever
Prepping For The Holidays
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Happy New Year
Uh-Oh (Part 1)
Uh-Oh (Part 2)
You Turn Him On~
What Did You Do?
Day of Fun :)
You Get Jealous
He (Attempts) To Be Sexy
He Is Your Teacher
He Comforts You
He Zombie
AHH! A Mummy!!!
I Love Frankenstein
You Zombie
AHH! Another Mummy!
The Bride of Frankenstein
I'll Love You No Matter What
I'll Love You No Matter What (#2)
Is That A Burglar?
Winter Olympics Special!
He Discovers Your Greatest Fear
FIFA 2018 Special!
You Guys Go Camping
I Think There's A Ghost
The Backyard Naga
The Haunting...
Exotic Naga On The Lose
A Chibitalia Halloween Special
He Turns Into A Cat
You Turn Into A Cat
You Let Him Do Your Make-Up
He Goes To War
I Miss You...
Happy 100th Chapter!!!
Welcome Home!!!
Piratetalia, With Love~
You Discover His Greatest Fear
He Reads Your Internet History
You Read His Internet History
Body Swap
You Get Drunk
You Have A Hangover
Prank War! (Part 1)

1 Demon, 2 Demon, Red Demon, Blue Demon

12.7K 231 206
By silverthornes

A/N:  So guess who got sick with a cold? Me. But I still took the time to write these. And beside the name of each guy I'll have the type of demon plus a small description and a link to what you the reader look like (which is important to the story).  If you don't want to have to deal with typing in the urls, then please go to this website below, which is my Quotev account with the links to the pictures in the story (just click the blue words):

Also, I decided to do a sort of "Underworld Saga", where you all are, you guessed it, in hell. It's going to be multi-part (not sure how many) but at least 2 parts.

So this chapter will be told from the normal point of view with a sort of you guys all adjusting to being down in the underworld, and the next one will be told from his point of view of the whole situation. After that... I'm still thinking, but it'll probably be funny. Enjoy~

Also, I would like people to take the time to please appreciate the amount of work I put into this chapter, from finding the pictures, to researching each guy's individual cultural/historical mythological creatures/demons, and then taking the time to incorporate them into a story because, I will not beat around the bush, it was pretty time-consuming.


Why? Why? Why? Why do you all keep accepting Vlad's (aka Romania's) help when it doesn't help?

Oh yeah, because Author-chan said so and because every other country who knows magic doesn't want to have to lift a finger to change a situation that they are either involved in or have no connection to.

So anyway, the most recent "cure" did cure him of being a werewolf, but now, he's a demon from the fiery pits of hell, where you both are right now. Now what will you two do, especially since you are changing too?

America (Archdemon - An upper level demon in the infernal hierarchy)  (

"... Alfred, how did I get not only on your lap but in this outfit?" You asked, looking down at the outfit  you found yourself in. Sure it was cute looking and even had holes for the two pairs of wings and tail you grew, but still, you were curious.

"Magic dudette, and I wanted my future queen of hell to be by my side." He said, his blue eyes glowing with magic. You sighed and leaned back into his chest as you looked at the huge gaudy gothic style throne room.

"So you really are going to try and become king Alfie?" You asked, looking up at him. "Because you know that right now it's pretty likely that one of the others who probably came here to or even Vlad are busy trying to find a way to get us all back to normal and home."

"Yep, I know, but while I have the time I might as well be the hero and try to straighten things out while here." He said, his old sparkle coming back to his eyes. You sighed.

"Some things never change do they..." You mumbled under your breathe. You then looked up at Alfred and patted his chest.

"Good luck with that plan Alfred, you're gonna need it." You said, getting up to head off somewhere else. Alfred pouted and followed you.

"Aww come on [name]! Let me be a hero!" He said, sounding like a child. You sighed.

"Just don't get yourself killed or eaten or worse Alfred." You said.

England (Fallen Angel - An angel that has lapsed into sin or has been exiled from heaven)  (

"Found anything to help us all get out of this bloody situation love?" Arthur asked, sighing as he leaned against a pillar in a huge demonic library in Alfred's huge mansion.

"Not yet, but at least try to take advantage of the situation and check out some of these neat books." You said cheerfully. "I mean, come on Arthur, how often do you find yourself in the very bowels of hell in the mansion of a demon?" You asked. Arthur stared at you.

"Enough bloody times, now I want to leave before you start changing just like the others who got sucked in here." Arthur said, eyeing your form, trying to spot anything remotely demonic. You giggled a bit.

"Artie, I'm a witch, and one who is well versed in protection spells and all that stuff. Just trust me on this." You said, smiling over you shoulder. Arthur sighed and got up, coming over to you and hugging you from behind.

"I do love, I just don't trust myself or anything in this bloody place." Arthur said, his wings sagging from exhaustion. It was your turn to sigh as you led Arthur over to a couch and had him lie down, covering him with your cape.

"Have a little faith Arthur." You said.

"Love, last I checked I technically lost my faith." Arthur said, glancing at his black wings. You just ran your fingers through his hair.

"Then have faith in me." You said, before turning around and heading back to work looking through all the ancient tombs that were in this library of the mansion that all the guys had seized.

China (Bixie - a type of lion-like mythological Chinese creature, or chimera)  (

Laughter filled the large bedroom as you looked at Yao.

"I-I'm s-sorry but you - you look hilarious!" You said, laughing at Yao's ridiculous form.

Sure his head was still human and he only had one, but he had a dragon wing on one side, and a bird wing on the other. He had the body of a lion, but each leg looked different. And to top it off, he had three tails, a pair of horns, a pair of panda ears, and each part of his body had its own color pattern on it.

"You honestly look like someone took a bunch of plushies apart and made a Frankenstein monster from them!" You said, your laughter dying down as you clutched your side. Yao huffed and curled his huge body around you.

"You're lucky you look so cute as a demon, aru. Or else I would be very mad right now, aru." Yao said, looking at your tiny form. You puffed your cheeks out.

"But I don't like being all tiny like this! I'd rather be big like you!" You said. Yao chuckled and raised one of his paws up, patting you on the head with it.

"But you look like a cute little plushie right now, aru."

"No I don't, I look like I'm six, maybe seven when I'm much older." You said, burying you face in his soft fur. Yao chuckled again and held you close with one paw, rolling over so that you were now resting on his fluffy belly.

"But at least you didn't change as much as I did, aru." Yao said. You looked up.

"That's true." You said. You then tried to get up but Yao held you back down.

"Since you are the only cute thing here and I don't have any plushies, aru, you'll let me cuddle you as much as I want to, aru." Yao said. You looked at him and giggled.

"Sure, just let me take a nap on your tummy, the fur is so soft." You said. Yao happily agreed as he tried to cuddle you as best he could.

Russia (Zduhać - A man with extraordinary supernatural abilities)  (

Surprising (or perhaps not), Ivan's appearance didn't really change like it had for the others. No wings, no horns, no missing or extra body parts, nothing. All that seemed to happen was that he became more powerful.

"Sunflower," Ivan said, snapping you from your thoughts. You looked up from the window to Ivan. "You are doing better today, da?" He asked. You nodded.

"Yep, my back isn't hurting anymore from wings growing in, so I think they're done." You said. Ivan nodded and waved his hand, making you float in the air and over to his awaiting arms. He gently hugged you, as if afraid you'd break.

"I missed my sunflower so much." Ivan said, small sunflowers beginning to grow from his back. You hugged him back, wary of the sunflowers.

"I missed you too. So how was the meeting with the others to discuss a way to get out of here?" You asked. Ivan sighed, the sunflowers now wilting.

"We are still waiting for those who know magic to find cure and way to escape here." Ivan said, sounding sad. A small rain cloud appeared above his head, thunder sounding from it as it lit up with lightning.

"How about we go for a little walk to cheer you up?" You asked, eyeing the storm cloud. Ivan seemed to perk up as he snapped his fingers, immediately bringing you to one of the many gardens in the mansion.

Just as Ivan had set you down, the previous archdemon who owned the mansion before Ivan and the others took it, appeared with a spear. You yipped and hid in Ivan's coat as he just raised his pipe up and hit the demon over the head.

"I told you not to go near my sunflower da." Ivan said before tossing the demon way out into the distance. Ivan then sighed and snapped his fingers, bringing you two back to the bedroom.

"We stay here da." Ivan said, sitting on the bed with you on his lap. You didn't complain, instead just buried your face back into Ivan's chest.

France [A/N: This should be no surprise to anyone] (Incubus - A male demon that attempts to have sexual relations with people while they sleep)  (

You stood in a section of the large library, helping Arthur and some of the others with trying to find an escape/cure for the demonic tendencies since A) you seemed pretty smart, B) you really didn't change too much nor in a bad way after arriving in hell.

"Mon amour~" A silky voice said behind you. "Your shoulders look so tense. Why not let me 'elp you relax~" The voice now said in your ear. You sighed in annoyance as you felt a hand on your shoulder, actually massaging it while another hand you knew was heading south.

"Francis, you know the consequences of bothering me right now." You said, one of the wings on your neck batting Francis's hand aside. Francis huffed.

"Come on mon amour, you know you want to - PUT ZHAT ZHING AWAY!" Francis cried out, retreating to the other book shelf while eyeing your form. You rolled your eyes and turned to him.

"It's not exactly my fault that my spine turned into this Francis," You said, placing a hand on the "head" of you spine. "Now either help me find a way to turn my spine back to normal, or continue to deal with this." You said, moving the "head" forward towards Francis where it gave a huff of steam, showing that it was indeed turning into a head.

"But mon amour! I can not 'elp but want you!" Francis said, his own demonic wings sagging as he tried to pull a puppy-dog eyes maneuver on you. You sighed and coiled your spine around Francis, bringing him closer to you.

"I realize that Francis, but I really am not interested, and I doubt I will be interested until at the very least my spine no longer looks nor acts like a dragon-like snake." You said, anger clearly heard. Francis gave you a sad look and hugged you.

"I'm sorry mon amour, but I really can not 'elp zhese instincts. But I will try, just let me 'old you like zhis at least." Francis said, sounding like his old self again. You sighed and hugged back.

"Alright, just be wary of my spine Francis, it seems to be developing its own intelligence." You said, turning back to the bookshelf as your spine formed a small circle around the two of you.

"Oh zhat is al - wait a minute. Did you say zhat it can now zhink on its own?" Francis asked nervously, eyeing the "head" of it.

"I did." You said. You heard Francis gulp and felt him hug you tighter.

'Maybe this will encourage him to help us find a cure at the very least,' You thought hopefully.

Canada (Deer Woman (or man in his case) - a shapeshifter in Native American mythology said to have a human upper body and the lower body of a white-tailed deer and lures men off paths and traps them till they wither away and die)  (

"Mmm, thanks for brushing my hair for me Mattie, it's so hard to reach over these huge horns." You said as Matthew and you sat in the biggest bedroom in the mansion.

"N-no problem [name]." Matthew said, his legs tucked underneath his body, his tail swishing happily.

"Man Mattie, you are so lucky that your transformation didn't get as big as mine." You said, looking over your form. How one person's lower half of their body can turn into so many dragons astounded you.

"I-I know, b-but I b-became a deer man, w-when according t-to legend they a-are only s-supposed to b-be women." Matthew said, moving the brush around your horns.

"Yeah, but you look so harmless and adorable, unlike me and these four over here." You said, pointing to your various scaly dragon heads. "Plus you can still walk around easily, I can't since these guys are so huge." You said, falling back into Matthew's chest. Matthew hugged you close.

"I-I know Maple, j-just bare with i-it." He said. He then reached into his satchel and brought out a small bottle. "H-here." He said, handing it to you.

"What do I do with it?" You asked, looking at the purple liquid inside.

"A-Arthur's wife s-said it should s-shrink the heads that d-drink it, and make y-your form s-smaller." He said. You beamed as you turned your upper body and kissed Matthew.

"Thanks Mattie!" You said, turning to the other dragon heads as Matthew tried to get his blush to die down. And sure enough, all the extra things shrank down, leaving you with what looked like four dragon-headed tails. You twirled around.

"Awesome! Now I can finally move around again!" You said, bounding over to Matthew and getting him to stand on his four legs. "Show me the place a bit Matthew!" You said. Matthew gave a shy nod.

"O-okay maple." He said in a soft tone, a blush on his face. He then began leading you around the mansion that you had been unable to explore.

Germany (Aufhocker - a shapeshifter in German folklore known for coming out at night, leaping onto its victim's back and then tearing the victim's throat out)  (

"Liebe, are jou sure jou are alright?" Ludwig asked, looking over your form  as he finished putting on the last of the bandages. You nodded.

"Yeah, though my wings feel sore," You said. Then noticing Ludwig's worried gaze you added, "But I'm sure Arthur or his wife the witch could help patch me up with something."

"..." Ludwig still didn't look too convinced as he grimaced at the sight of your torn up demon wings. You sighed and hugged his arm.

"It's going to be okay Ludwig, we'll turn back to normal and get home." You said, trying keep the optimism up. Ludwig sighed and looked away, placing a hand on his bandage covered mouth.

"Ludwig, how about we go bake something together?" You asked, trying to cheer him up. Ludwig nodded and lifted you up, carrying you down to the kitchen.

"Ludwig, will you please take the bandages off your mouth?" You asked as he set you down and took out ingredients for the cake he wanted to make. Ludwig shook his head.

"Nein, I don't vant jou to see how mein mouth looks right now." Ludwig said stubbornly. You sighed and hugged him as best you could.

"Ludwig, we're all changing in some way or other, and I doubt it could be worse than Francis's wife and her spine or Matthew's wife and... well all those dragon that sprouted up." You said. Ludwig was forced to agree with you there.

"Alright liebe, just promise me zhat jou vill not zhink I am a..."


"Ja, I do not zhink I could bare it if jou thought zhat." Ludwig said with a shudder. You smiled and hugged him tighter.

"Never." You said. Ludwig gave a ghost of a smile as he undid the bandages and showed you his mouth. You stared.

"Ludwig... you're mouth looks exactly the same, well except for the teeth, but still, pretty much the same." You said, rather unfazed. Ludwig gave a sigh of relief as he hugged you back.

"Danke liebe." He said.

"No problem."

Italy (Faun - half human–half goat that would help or hinder humans at whim in Roman mythology)  (

"Bella!" Feliciano yelled as he ran into the huge treasure vault that you had been in.

"What's wrong Feli?" You asked as you sat on a golden chair. Feliciano just cowered under one of your wings.

"There's a big-a scary looking doggie that-a was chasing me-a after licking me-a!" Feliciano said, sobbing a bit. You sighed and hugged Feliciano close with your wings as the dog in question appeared.

"Hmm, if I'm not mistaken, isn't that supposed to be Cerberus, the hellhound?" You asked outloud. Feliciano seemed to panic more as Cerberus came over and began sniffing around you.

"No-a Fauns are-a here! Just-a pretty bellas!" Feliciano said, hiding his lower half in a stack of gold and his upper half under your wing. One of Cerberus' heads dove down into the gold pile and picked Feliciano up by his leg.

"WAH! HELP-A ME!" Feliciano cried. You sighed and stood up, whistling for Cerberus' attention.

"Cerberus! Sit!" You yelled, glaring at the three-headed dog. Immediately Cerberus did. "Now spit him out!" You yelled, pointing to right in front of you. The heads looked at each other.

"That's an order Cerberus, not a request. Now do it before I punish you." You hissed as evilly as you could. That must've done the trick because Cerberus immediately dropped Feliciano in front of you. Feliciano then scrambled behind you.

"Grazie bella." He said, hugging you from behind. Cerberus growled at Feliciano as you sighed in annoyance. You took up a long rod from one pile of gold and pointed at Cerberus.

"If I give you this nice stick will you please return to your home?" You asked. Cerberus' heads looked at each other before they nodded.

"Alright then, take it and go." You said. They happily took the rod and left, leaving you and Feliciano alone again.

"Grazie mille bella. I-a thought I was-a a goner there-a." Feliciano said. You just turned and hugged Feliciano.

"It was nothing Feli, now how about we go find Ludwig?" You asked. Feliciano immediately perked up and led you to the kitchen where you two found Ludwig with his wife baking.

Romano (Strix - a bird of ill omen that was said to have golden pupil-less eyes, red wings, and a long golden beak used to drain the blood of humans & eat their flesh)  (

"Lovi, stop sulking." You said, pounding on the door to the bedroom where Lovino had barricaded himself in. "So you're turning into some mythical Roman flesh-eating bird, that doesn't mean it's the end of the world."

"Yes it-a does ragazza." Lovino said in a muffled voice. You sighed.

"I get that you're upset Lovino, but sulking about it is not going to help. Look, even though I've been changing, you don't see me sulking do you?" You said, motioning to yourself.

"Hmf. But at-a least you-a can eat normally and-a look pretty damn-a normal!" Lovino yelled. You sighed again.

"So you got a long beak, you can still eat pasta with little problem." You argued back. Lovino opened the door, holding his head to the side since his beak was already a good foot and a half long.

"But-a I can't-a eat tomatoes or-a pizza [name]." He said with a huff, heading back to the bed and laying on his side. You sat beside him, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly.

"Yeah, you can't do it easily, but hey, at least you still have sane... people/creatures around you." You said, trying to keep optimistic. Lovino rolled his eyes.

"Just-a leave me to-a mia misery ragazza." Lovino said in a depressed voice. You laid down beside him, resting your head on his feathery arm and hugged Lovino.

"No, I'm staying with you whether you like it or not." You said, tail curling around his arm. You heard Lovino mumble something but you shrugged it off, continuing your silent comforting.

Japan (Ōkami - A powerful wolf spirit that either takes your life or protects it)  (

"[name]-chan, are you feering any better?" Kiku asked, worry written on his face as he stared at you. You were currently lying in bed, sweating from a fever. You slowly shook your head as your propped yourself up.

"Ngh... not really..." You said. You struggled to move. "I f-feel like I-I'm melting..." You said, before beginning to cough. Kiku gave you a sad nod and gave you a cup of cool water, helping you to drink some.

"It is as I feared; you are probabry turning into something simirar to a Yuki-onna." Kiku said, taking a cool cloth and dabbing it on your forehead.

"What's that?" You asked, trying to take your mind off the insane heat you felt. Kiku sighed.

"It is a yokai that is known as an ice-woman. And in this heat here in herr, I think an ice-woman wourd probabry either get very weak or very sick." Kiku explained, worry beginning to show through in his voice. You gave him a weak smile.

"Don't worry Kiku... i-if worse c-comes to worse... then j-just stick me in t-the freezer in the k-kitchen..." You said, trying to lighten the mood, but you soon started to cough. Kiku moved forward and had you lay down again, his ears on high alert.

"Prease don't stress yourserf [name]-chan." He said, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. You closed your eyes and gave a small nod.

"Mmm." You hummed, feeling exhaustion hit you, helping you begin to fall asleep as Kiku kept silent watch over you.

Spain (Aatxe - a cave-dwelling spirit who adopts the form of a young red bull or of a man that attacks criminals & other bad people while protecting people by making them stay home when danger is near)  (

"Say 'ah' chica." Antonio said, holding a churros up to you.

"Ah," You said, opening your mouth, letting Antonio feed you. You sighed with happiness. "Mmm, still really delicious, but does not make up for you breaking one of my horns." You said, pointing up at your broken horn.

"Lo siento chica, but I didn't realize that those twin swords you found with that cursed armor would be too heavy for me." Antonio apologized, giving you a look that reminded you of a kicked puppy. You sighed.

"I told you it was cursed, meaning that I, the person who touched it first, could be the only one to use it, did I not?" You said in a scolding tone. Antonio looked down.

"Si, you did."

"And did I not tell you not, and I repeat not to play with it?"

"Si, you did."

"And now what do you have to say for yourself?" You said, arms crossed.

"Lo siento chica and I promise that I won't play with your swords or any part of your cursed armor again." Antonio said. You nodded.

"Okay, you are forgiven now-" Immediately Antonio launched himself at you, nuzzling his face into your neck as best he could, being careful of his own horns.

"Gracias, gracias, gracias chica! Te amo! [I love you]" Antonio said cheerfully again. You gave a small giggle, happy to have Antonio acting like he normally did.

Prussia (Puck - a mischievous nature spirit and/or demon)  (

You were out walking in one of the gardens when you felt a weight land on your head. You looked up and were met with the grinning face of Gilbert.

"Kesse, Birdie, jou look awezome now." Gilbert said, floating above you. You raised an eyebrow as Gilbert floated in front of you, making a mirror appear out of nowhere. You looked inside and saw a crown on your head.

"Gilbert, where did you get this?" You asked. Gilbert grinned and made the mirror disappear.

"Same awezome place I got these~" He said, making a large mirror appear before you, showing you now in a dark dress that thankfully had an open back for your wings.

"Gilbert... it's so pretty..." You said, a blush forming on your face. You jumped when you felt arms wrap around your waist, pulling you against Gilbert's chest as he rested his chin on your shoulder.

"Ja, zhe awezome me awezomely thought so too." Gilbert said, giving you a kiss on the cheek before disappearing.

You looked to your left, only to feel a kiss being pressed onto your right cheek. You whipped around and were met with another kiss, this time on the lips. When you broke apart, Gilbert held you close.

"Kesse, zhe awezome me loves zhese awezome powers!" He said with his usual smile. You were still blushing and buried your face in his chest, your wings trying to close in around your body. Gilbert glanced down at you.

"But not as much as zhe awezome me loves mein awezome Birdie~" Gilbert said, nuzzling his face into your hair. Your blush only grew ten shades darker in response to the sweet sentiment.

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